A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 514:

Soon, each member of the Council signed their opinions on their respective bills and submitted them. The members in charge of this bill counted and said: "The 842121 bill, all members passed unanimously. Next, I ask Speaker Cook to sign the action order. ."

"According to the House of Representatives bill, bill No. 842121 is passed, and I have no objection." Cook also stood up, looking formulaic, and then Cook signed.

"Next, please let the congressman responsible for this proposal be responsible for the implementation of this proposal, and randomly select five people to supervise this matter. Please select the supervisors below." Cook said afterwards.

This is the new rule of the Council of Gods, that is, whoever accepts the bill on duty must continue to follow until the matter is perfectly resolved. This is called the accountability system. In fact, as long as all members pass, what responsibilities are there? Ours.

"Well, with my order, you can mobilize the brave knights, and the dragon guard will also cooperate with you. Pay attention to publicity when executing. Of course, for stubborn diehards, you don't have to be polite." Cook said.

"Yes." The congressman in charge of implementing the bill was excited.

"Okay, the meeting is over." When Cook saw that the matter was over, he stood up and ended the meeting, then patted his **** and left.

The legislator who was in charge of implementing the motion saw that other people were leaving, and immediately said: "Everyone, I need your support. This time I will arrest more than 130 family members. I would like to ask the members of each family to follow me. Act together to avoid some misunderstandings."

"No problem." These congressmen were anxious, how embarrassed Nima was when Lao Tzu was kicked out, and now Lao Tzu Hu Hansan is back.

So we generally discussed the arrest process. In fact, there is nothing to discuss. It is only based on the strength of the power to choose who will be attacked first.

While the Council of Gods posted announcements, on the other hand, hundreds of members of the Brave Knights and thousands of dragon guards dispatched from the Council of Gods, which had already alarmed the people around the Mountain of Gods.

The announcement contains a lot of content, some evidence, and the introduction of various criminals. Of course, the emphasis is on exaggerating the harm of these people. Finally, it is emphasized that it violates the rules of the Council of Gods.

"Tsk tusk, I knew that those **** are going to suffer after all." A dwarf sighed.

"That's, these greedy guys, and what's even more hateful is the families of the orcs, and there are actually the fox clan selling fox girls. Tsk tsk." A human also sighed.

"Don't you humans like these tunes?". The dwarf asked angrily.

"That's something abnormal...no, it's something very few people like. I still like human women." The human had just said half of it, and suddenly remembered that it seemed that a certain speaker's woman was more than an orc, and immediately changed his words.

"Haha, Speaker Cook, there is no use of force." The dwarf also reacted and said with a laugh.

The human nodded and said, "These slave merchants are from big families, and they are colluding with each other. It’s not that no one thought of governing before, but at that time you could only govern your own territory. Now it’s fine. The resolution passed, these guys. Unfortunately."

"That's right, the tavern that Gouyue actually wants to take two-thirds away. In other words, most of my previous consumption went into the pockets of these profiteers. As it deserves, these taverns should be hung up." Another human Said angrily.

"You kid is so embarrassed to say this, you are not afraid of the Council of Gods?" someone asked.

"What are you afraid of, I didn't force it." The human said.

Others sighed in their hearts: "This is a good method for the Speaker to kill with a knife, and he did a very beautiful job."

In the territory of the **** of harvest, a large number of people burst out of the portal, and the guards immediately gathered: "Who are you?"

"Get out of the way and perform official duties." The councillor representative of the Harvest God shouted loudly.

"Uh..." The guards all know this congressman. You must know that this congressman is the object of everyone's discussion.

"Follow the order of the Council of the Gods, get out of the way, and fight against it." The members of the Brave Knights appeared, dozens of members of the Brave Knights.

"Quack, there are people who dare to stop our dragon guard from performing the task." The dragon guard came out afterwards.

"Get out, get out, please." Seeing the battle, the guard in charge of the portal immediately shouted to the opponent.

"Go." Seeing the guards walk away easily, the congressman in charge of this action waved his hand, and the group rushed to the **** of harvest somewhere in mighty.

In less than two minutes, there was a huge roar inside the City of Harvest, and a business man shouted: "The Brave Knights of the Council of Gods are performing their mission here, and irrelevant people get out of the way."

"Why, why do you want to catch me?" a voice screamed.

"Grab it, and related people, etc., take them away." A voice rang.

"Wait, what's going on, why come to our harvest city to arrest people?" Someone stood up and blocked.

"Grand Elder, hello, this guy has violated the regulations of the Council of Gods on trafficking in human beings, and sells orcs. Now we are implementing the resolution of the Council of Gods. See if this is the brave knight, this is the dragon guard There are a total of two hundred people. If you have any objections, please ask the elder to submit a petition to the Council of the Gods. Now please let the elder leave. Otherwise, these brave knights will not recognize who you are." When the elder arrived, he immediately explained with a smile.

"You...." The great elder saw the brave knights fully armed and the whole set of artifacts. If he were to stop him, he might be beaten up and guarded by the dragon. The great elder was outraged, but he didn't dare. stop.

"In addition, this is banned by our Council of Gods. If anyone opens it, he will take the person away at his own risk." The councillor of the Harvest God represents the place where a certain family lives, and said with a sneer.

Dozens of god-level powerhouses in the entire family were taken away, and the remaining tens of thousands were guarded on the spot, and an ordinary guard could execute them. No one dared to rescue them.

In just three days, the entire internal families of the major powers of the Council of Gods were confiscated, followed by censorship. Don’t look at the Council of the Gods before, but these departments were all established. As for how to censor, then Each has its own brilliant tricks. Anyway, in one sentence, the consequences of not acknowledging are very serious. Don’t think that you are a god-level powerhouse, it is great. According to the interrogator, the god-level powerhouse is good, and you will not die. You can drop it anyway.

Another week passed. Numerous evidences, including confessions, account books, money transactions, and other witnesses made the whole case gradually clear, and the Council of Gods also rarely announced the actions of these slave merchants. And the cruel methods to deal with disobedient slaves, as well as the use of various methods to persecute the desired target. It can be described as bad. Some slave merchants even don't let go of their own family members, as long as other slave merchants give money. Get it in the same way, of course, the ending for these people is to disappear.

"Damn, damn, I said how my granddaughter disappeared for no reason, it turned out to be this scum, scum." A family elder was furious after seeing an announcement.

"Hey." Many people in power originally wanted to come to excuse these people, but after a crime was revealed, these people only sighed.

"According to the relevant regulations of the Council of Gods, the persecution of the eight thousand nine hundred god-level powerhouses involved in the case violated the regulations designated by the Council of the Gods-level powerhouses not to oppress civilians, and violated the prohibition of trafficking in human beings, which is a serious crime. Thirty-six god-level powerhouses of the empire implemented the broken godhead, and the next 3,652 people implemented the godhead ban. The ban time was 1,500 years. The rest will be confiscated for illegal gains and be in the dark abyss For five hundred years of hard labor, for the 6.5 million people in the family involved, 5.03 million of them did not participate, they will be released on the spot, and the rest of the participants will be killed on the spot.” The council quickly formulated Related resolutions.

There are regulations in the God Realm. God-level powerhouses shall not oppress civilians, but that is only a regulation, but the implementation of today's regulations makes everyone present believe that it is necessary to relearn the rules of the Council of Gods.

The Broken Godhead actually fell ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is the first time in countless years for the Council of Gods. Of course, this kind of thing can often be seen at the beginning of the establishment of the Council of Gods.

The ban on the godhead actually also declares death, because after the ban on the godhead, the body cannot absorb the energy of the godhead, and the body will gradually age. The ban on the godhead seals the soul, and the whole person has almost become an idiot. For 1,500 years, that is 500 years. Years may not be able to survive. As for the hard labor in the dark abyss, this dark abyss is famous for being able to enter but not exit. Even if it is immortal after five hundred years, if it comes out, the whole person will be abandoned.

"This time our Council of Gods rescued a total of 1.3 million people who were trafficked. Among them were orcs, humans, elves, dwarves, and dwarves. Next, we will deal with those who buy slaves in accordance with crimes. Accountability, as well as any clues about human trafficking, our Council of Gods offers a reward. Once verified, 40% of the fine will be rewarded to the whistleblower, and protection will be given. As for the number of fines, it is 100 of the amount of slaves purchased. Up to five hundred times, since these people are so rich, then we will use money to solve it. Of course, we are offering a high-grade Shenjing." In the face of the many people below, the MP who implemented this resolution said loudly again

"Wow!" Many people below exclaimed, because the reward was quite a lot, and many more were pale.

"Our council of the gods will carry out a long-term and severe crackdown on human trafficking. In addition, all the members have just voted. Once human trafficking is discovered, not only will the parties be held accountable, but also the family, the organization, and our gods. The parliament will also impose sanctions. There are various sanctions, including economic sanctions and administrative sanctions. For details, please refer to the announcement." The members who implemented the bill left at the end, and everyone rushed forward, because the assembly of the gods was obviously sitting together Ah, this Nima is too domineering.

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