A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 518:

"Yes, yes, that's it, my sister did a good job." Cook was teaching two people to embroider, which is actually very simple to Cook, but the two bunny girls made Cook feel very slow when they learned. In Cook’s opinion, just put the pattern directly on the clothes, and then fill in the colors according to the pattern, and then directly use different colored threads and different labeled threads to embroider according to the colors on the pattern. .

Lines with different labels are different magic lines. Because they are simplified, there are very few magic lines, but after a piece of clothing has come down, at least a thousand threads of different lengths are needed.

Of course, this can only be regarded as a semi-finished product, because the magic pattern circuit still needs a magic pattern master to fuse, but this only needs a little magic pattern talent.

"Yes, just like this, put a few thread ends into the instrument, and then press the instrument." As for the fusion, what Cook did is very simple. Cook got it from the method of sintering the fiber inspiration.

Just put the thread end of the part that needs to be welded in a chopstick-thick instrument. There is a handle on the back of the instrument, and there is a button on the handle. Press the button directly and it will automatically weld.

After the fusion is done, shake the clothes and the threads will be stretched, which is as simple as nailing clothes.

Of course, there are two connectors, three connectors, five connectors, and ten connectors. There are dozens of such instruments. Each instrument has a label. This label is the label of the thread. Put the thread end into the appropriate label, the instrument will automatically fuse, which is very convenient.

In three full days, the Bunny Sisters finally made great progress. Whether it is embroidery or fusion, they can be completed independently without Cook's correction.

"Boom boom, boom boom." There was a violent knock on the door.

"You go on." Cook frowned, who is so rude.

"President Cook?" Patriarch Bunny looked anxious, and immediately said after seeing Cook opened the door.

"What are you doing?" Cook said angrily.

"President Cook, Speaker Cook, what about the two sisters?" The Bunny Chief did not answer Cook's question, but asked instead.

Cook glanced suspiciously at the patriarch of Bunny, and replied, "What's wrong upstairs?"

"Chairman Cook, look, you are so strong now, those two sisters are definitely not rivals, no, I have chosen a few mature (females) for you, so that you can have fun." The rabbit patriarch waved his hand. Several bunny women appeared behind him, but it was obvious that these women were god-level bunny women.

"Bang." When Cook heard this, he looked at the bunny guards who probed his brain in the distance, and the giggling dragon guards. Cook kicked the bunny chief out.

"Get out, you old guy." Cook cursed.

The patriarch of the Bunny was not in a serious condition, he quickly got up, and said with a smile on his face: "Chairman Cook, you are happy, and you are happy."

"You, let them go quickly, you think of me as someone, come in with me." The anger in Cook's heart, Nima and you guys thought I was playing with two women, **** these days.

After arriving upstairs, the Chief Bunnyman saw the busyness of the Bunnyman sisters, and then looked at the appearance of the two sisters. The Chief Bunnyman was surprised. Why is this Nima different from what they said? Is it Speaker Cook? No way.

"Look over there, see over there, I'm teaching two people to make clothes." Cook saw the patriarch of the Bunny looking under him, and almost kicked it out again, Nima, how did this old clapper become the patriarch? of.

"Make clothes, oh oh, Speaker Cook, you have a passion. Such beautiful clothes must be made for you." The bunny chief flattered.

"This was originally my clothes." Cook said irritably.

"Yes, you humans, you just have... sentimentality, yes, we orcs are more direct, and we'll go up when we need to." The patriarch of the Bunny shook his head, looking very understanding.

Cook can't laugh or cry. Why haven't you noticed the character of the patriarch of the Bunny before? Cook yelled angrily: "Go quickly, don't disturb them."

"Outside the door..." the patriarch of the Bunny asked hesitantly.

"Get out!" Cook heard this and was so angry that Nima brought a group of women to me. Is my reputation so bad?

The patriarch of the Bunnyman hurriedly left. As he walked, the patriarch of the Bunnyman wondered: "Aren't those guys right? Doesn't this man like all kinds of tunes, especially the powerful men?"

"Patriarch?" After the bunny clan leader went out, a bunny guard leaned in quickly.

"It's gone, it's all gone, it's okay." The Bunny chief waved his hand and said.

"What about us?" Several bunny women looked at the bunny patriarch and asked eagerly.

"Let's go too, Speaker Cook is doing business." Patriarch Bunny waved and said.

"What about what you promised?" These god-level bunny women asked immediately after hearing this.

"Isn't it just a shop floor? Give it to you, hurry up." The patriarch of the Bunnyman is vomiting blood in his heart. The number of God-level Bunnyman women is very small, plus what kind of place it is, if there is a quarrel, I am afraid I will not be better. The fruit was eaten, so he gritted his teeth and agreed.

"Then we're leaving." When several bunny women heard this, they twisted their hips and left.

"What is it for me, sentiment, love, it seems that I have to ask a human person to ask, if I want to say, just go straight to it, and it will be over after sleeping, these rich people, just panic." The patriarch shook his head, thinking in his heart.

In another four days, the two pieces of clothing were finally completed under Cook's guidance. Cook used a special solvent to wash off the color of the filling, and then Cook began to experiment.

"Hey, not bad, not bad." Cook experimented, and the cleaning effect was pretty good.

"These are two pieces of clothes. Just do what I said. If it succeeds, I will reward you with five thousand high-grade **** crystals each." Cook took out two pieces of clothes again and said.

"Is it true, Master?" The two bunny girls heard the five thousand high-grade **** crystals, which is an astronomical figure for the two middle-level sanctuary.

"Haha, I still have fake words, you can continue to do it, and I will come again in a few days." Cook this is the final experiment, if the bunny girl can complete it independently, then Cook's sewing association can be opened.

Ahem, as for the clothes that can be sold and cannot be sold, hehe, the lining of the artifact equipment, if Cook builds it, no one will buy it. According to the wages of these two bunny girls, there is less than one high-grade crystal, materials The money is probably a few high-grade crystals, so the price of the whole piece of clothing is no more than 30 high-grade crystals. This is in the clothes, which is already a luxury.

Of course, it also depends on the material. If it is a general material, it will only be a few epidermal crystals. If the clothes are made of the hair of a god-level creature, the price is definitely high, and of course the defense is also high.

Cook walked out happily, and then spent a day in the pharmacy school, wandering around, the pharmacy apprentice who was pointed by Cook was so excited and inexplicable, but Cook was seen by the guards when he came out, so Cook’s reputation ...Hehe, what the dean of the academy fought against the bunny girl for a week, the bunny girl is missing, what Speaker Cook likes twins, likes girls, doesn't like (mature) girls, etc. news came out all at once. There are even more versions in the tavern, no way, celebrities are like this, of course, the more news spreads, the more abnormal and outrageous.

"Oh, why are our busy people back?" Dilly asked sourly after seeing Cook.

"It seems that family law is going to take care of him. It's only a few days..." Cook got along with the two bunny girls during this period. Did these two bunny girls seduce Cook, which made Cook angry. It's incredible. Hearing Dilly's words, he rushed up and hugged Dilly into the bedroom.

"You..." Dilly's voice was only halfway in the maid's ears, and the others disappeared. You don't need to look to know that the door is closed.

In the afternoon, Cook and Dilly showed up. Of course, how the lunch was resolved. The maids didn’t know. Dilly looked at the clothes and asked, “Did you do this these days?”

"Otherwise, what do you think ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are just two bunny girls?" Cook rolled his eyes and had to say that Dilly is a god-level, and both endurance and resilience are leveraged.

"This automatic cleaning system is really useful?" Dilly asked suspiciously.

"I dare not say the effect of the outerwear, but you say the underwear is useless?" Cook asked angrily.

"Then the price?" Dilly thought of the underwear, which was indeed the case.

"It depends on the price of the fabric, but the processing price is not expensive, just a few high-grade crystals." Cook said with a shrug.

"It's not expensive yet, high-grade crystals, Cook, you think everyone is like you, there are so many high-grade crystals, you really need to use high-grade crystals for pricing, it is estimated that very few people buy them, and now the entire God Realm is But the top grade Shenjing." Dilly said irritably.

"Oh, then just set up a few grades. For the low-level ones, use low-level magic metal, which is very cheap." Cook said, in his view, you can eat a handful of noodles for ten dollars. To be full, spend one hundred thousand in a five-star hotel, that is, to be full. This is a problem of grade, and the same is true for processing.

"So there are other functions?" Dilly asked with interest.

"Of course, add fragrance. For example, if you wear a piece of clothing, the fragrance will always be emitted, and there is a constant temperature function, so you don't need to change clothes, as long as there is a crystal nucleus in the pocket. Various high and low temperatures are fine. "Cook nodded and said.

"I think it can also increase the healing function. Some injured can be worn for a long time, which is good for the body." Dili suggested.

"This is a great idea. High-end ones can also have a soul soothing effect. It is very effective for healing soul trauma. With such clothes, you don't need to be kept in one place for countless years." Cook heard Dilly's words, brains. There flashed a word, medical equipment, Nima is a good thing for money.

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