A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 528:

As a royal family of orcs, Heimo has received systematic education and training. He has seen this kind of fireworks during training. This is the magical fireworks of human society, flying from the Medusa snake man camp. What on earth is magic.

Hei Mo was very anxious. Although Hei Mo was capable and mindful, Hei Mo was born at the wrong time and was not a direct line of the family. Although Hei Mo had worked hard, but after the hard work, Hei Mo found that he was desperate. Some people can get what they earn by opening their mouths.

So Heimo racked his brains to become a follower of Shana, and to become a follower of Shana Heimo has two thoughts. One is to wait for Shana to become stronger and become a holy priest. Then he has his own status. It will definitely change accordingly.

There is also to become Shana’s husband. This is what Heimo wants most. So as soon as the news of the election was announced, Heimo was very excited. Heimo had already attracted some Medusa snake people, so Heimo was the biggest Hei Mo’s competitors are the fellows of the other two royal families who have the same thoughts, so Heimo will lie in ambush on the only way back to the camp. Heimo has already made up his mind to kill. For his own future, no one can stop him. Yourself.

"Hurry up." Heimo has an ominous premonition, because magic fireworks are not something ordinary people use, and orcs generally use horns, and only humans use magic fireworks, so Heimo kept urging several of his guards. .

"Stop, who are you guys." But when Hei Mo approached the camp, he was actually blocked by a group of goblins, yes, yes, it was the goblins, and the leader seemed to be a halfling.

"What's wrong with this world." Hei Mo had this question in his mind, because these goblins and the leading halflings were actually fully armed and equipped with the most expensive metal equipment.

Hobbit was very excited. You know that since Hobbit has great power, he has long wanted to fight with people, but it is very unpleasant that the first battle ended with Hobbit being stripped, ha Bi has become the laughing stock of everyone, so Hobbit will be ashamed.

So when Hei Mo was found in the camp, there was a watchtower in the camp. The goblin used a dwarf telescope, so when Hei Mo was discovered, it was still more than 20 kilometers away.

After all, there are only a few roads in the swamp. Of course, snake people are not afraid of swamps, but there are weeds in the swamps, and snakes will not stupidly crawl through the weeds.

So when Habi heard the news, he immediately took people and waited outside the camp eagerly, and Bagru and others were watching inside the camp.

"Who are you?" Hei Mo looked at the ogres in the camp, and these weird goblins and halflings, Hei Mo asked suspiciously.

"Ha, I always ask who you are, you guy dare not answer, watch and fight." Hobby was very angry when Hei Mo asked, because Hobby's identity is just a cook, which means it sounds nice The one who ordered it was the guy who said it was uglier, so Hobbi rushed up with a kitchen knife.

"Kacha." With a sound, Hei Mo didn't expect Hobbi to fight as soon as he said. When Hobbi rushed up, Hei Mo hurriedly used the weapon in his hand and a bone sword in one gear, but after a click, the bone The sword was cut directly by Hobby.

"Drink." Hei Mo was cut off by Hobby as soon as he saw the Bone Sword. He yelled in a hurry and jumped over Hobby's head.

"What about people? What about people." Hobby rushed to find that the person was missing.

"Bang." In the next moment, Hobby was kicked out by Hei Mo behind him.

"Ah..." Hobby was mad, because his weapon flew to the side and was picked up by Hei Mo.

"Shoot me to death, shoot him to death, the **** guy actually stepped over the head of Uncle Hobby." Hobby shouted angrily.

But the usually obedient goblins remained motionless, and Heimo yelled at those goblins: "Roar."

"Ah..." I saw those well-equipped goblins throwing down their weapons, rushing back to the camp with their heads hugged, and Hobby looked at the equipment dropped on the ground in disbelief.

"Haha, haha." Black Mohaha laughed.

"Baglu, a roasted bull, you beat this guy to me." Hobby screamed for a while.

"Huh." Hei Mo stroked the big sword in his hand and snorted coldly, because Hei Mo discovered that it was a big white iron sword. The white iron is a harder metal than fine iron, and the weapons created are very lethal. With this great sword, Heimo was not afraid of anyone at all.

"Hobby, this is what you said, a roasted bull, if it doesn't taste good, hum." Bagru walked out of the camp slowly when he heard what Hobby said, and said with an urn voice, one head spoke to Hobby. One head looked at Heimo.

"Two-headed ogres." Hei Mo was even more surprised. The 3.5-meter double-headed ogres did put a heavy pressure on Hei Mo, but Hei Mo had also killed ogres, so he was not very worried. Fear, Hei Mo was a little worried about what happened in the camp.

"Small, do you put down your weapon and let the old man beat you up, or do you want to resist." Baglu didn't wear armor, because Baglu is obsessed with gentleman demeanor. Has anyone ever seen gentlemen wear heavy armor? So an ogre in a black tuxedo appeared.

Hei Mo was in surprise. Hearing Bagglu's words, he immediately grabbed the weapon in his hand and asked, "What is going on here."

"It seems that you are going to resist it. Alas, it’s itchy if you don’t do it for a few days, but you can’t do it today. My suit is worth more than 30,000 gold coins. Master Rochelster personally cut it out for me. Do you know Master Rochelster." Baglu sometimes has brain problems.

Heimo heard Bagru’s words and thought it was Bagru at the wizard himself, and immediately shouted: "Damn bastard."

"Just ask again, you are going to resist it to the end." Bagrul asked impatiently.

"Bring me into the camp and kill." Hei Mo was worried about Shana, so he roared and rushed towards Bagru with a few guards. In Heimo's view, Bagru was nothing but a nerve. The ogre of the problem.

"Fighting." Bagru watched as several Leopards were about to rush into the camp, which made Baghru, who was the leader of the guard, angry, and immediately shouted.

"Zzizi." But just as Bagru moved, there was a sound of tearing the cloth.

"I'm going to kill you." Bagru quickly discovered that his tuxedo had all cracked under his armpit when he waved his hand, Bagru immediately became angry.

"Kill...get away." Hei Mo yelled coldly, but before he finished speaking, Hei Mo immediately yelled when he saw what was in Bagru's hand.

"Puff puff puff." When Hei Mo rolled to one side and stood up, he saw only a few headless corpses. The blood-spraying headless corpses continued to rush more than ten meters away, and then fell to the ground. .

And Bagru’s hand is a five-meter-long single-edged sword that is as wide as a door. This is the ghost-slashing sword originally used by Cook and was given to Bagru.

"Damn it, the clothes that accompany me are made by hand." Bagrul roared.

Hei Mo was yelled at Baghru, and immediately shivered. He looked at his two-handed sword that was only two meters away, and then at the weapon in Baghru's hand. Hei Mo turned around and ran. Hei Mo had only one thought: "Run , Run, find reinforcements."

"Bang," but Heimo suddenly noticed something tripped under his feet, and he fell to the ground.

Before Hei Mo could react, he heard Hobby's angry voice: "Damn robber, actually grabbing an old weapon, bang."

It turned out that Hobby saw Hei Mo want to run. This is also the Hei Mo's bad luck. He actually ignored the Hobby. Normally, the power of a halfling is not enough to deal with a Leopard, but the power of Hobby is almost black. Mo's several times, so Hubi swept Hei Mo to the ground with a single kick, and then rushed up with punches and kicks.

"Hobby, don't beat him to death, this guy still owes me money for my clothes." Baglu saw that Hei Mo was beaten by Hobby and out of breath, and immediately stopped him.

"Bang, it's cheap you are young, don't let the old see you in the future, **** it, bastard, bang." Hobby kicked Heimo when he heard the situation, then picked up his weapon, and cursed as he walked at the end. Not reconciled, he kicked Hei Mo again. He was knocked to the ground by Hobby long ago, and was kicked to the ground by Hobby again, because Hobby was wearing plate boots.

Hei Mo knew that his rib was broken, and the pain in his whole body almost caused Hei Mo to faint again. At this time Bagru picked Hei Mo up: "Hey, let's talk about it, click."

"Ah..." Hei Mo's arm was directly broken by Bagru, because Bagru had been in line for three months before customizing this tuxedo. How could he know that it was scrapped after less than an hour after it appeared. Tens of thousands of gold coins have been lost.

"Wow." Hei Mo woke up with cold water.

Baglu looked at Hei Mo, gritted his teeth and almost killed Hei Mo, but Baglu couldn’t do that because once He killed Hei Mo, then his clothing money would be lost in vain, but Bagru was angry. The thing on Hei Mo's body is less than a thousand gold coins.

"Talk about it." Bagru asked lazily. Bagru put his idea on Cook's head. As long as he asks for some valuable information, then the money cook of a piece of clothing will give it if he is happy. Have you reimbursed yourself?

"Who are you guys?" Hei Moqiang asked loudly, enduring the pain.

"Well, you can experiment with torture to see if you are a qualified knight~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Bagru pointed to an ogre knight standing aside and said.

"Yes, Commander." The ogre immediately took out a box, and then took things from it one by one.

Hei Mo looked at the strange tool in the box, and there was also a tin box with maroon ants. Although Hei Mo didn't know what it was for, he intuitively told Hei Mo that this thing was definitely not for viewing.

"Idiot, this guy is already badly injured. Pulling his nails wants human life, and nailing bamboo sticks depends on the target. This guy's hands are so rough, it doesn't have much effect." Bagru looked at the ogre The knight picked up the pliers and was about to pull Heimo's nails, and immediately yelled.

Finally Baglu stood up and said loudly to several of his subordinates: "Master said that the most perfect thing for torture is to let the target take the initiative to confess everything, and when torture, you must let the target understand the methods of torture. It’s up to me to break the goal’s inner defense."

"Do you know what this is?" After Bagru roared a few ogre knights, he picked up dozens of tiny maroon ants and asked Heimo.

Heimo shook his head and looked at Bagru without understanding. Bagru said with a smile: "Hey, I don't know or blame you. This is a kind of acid rot, which lives near the volcano. I like to eat some metal particles brought out by volcanoes. Of course, ants have a favorite thing. Do you know what it is?"

Heimo shook his head suspiciously again, and Bagru picked up a bottle in his other hand and said, "It's honey. There are many animals like honey, and insects love it."

Baglu opened the bottle and slowly said, "I will apply these honey on your nose later. Of course, the application will be very thin. Then I will put these ants on your nose."

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