A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 543:

More caravans chose to go deeper. Of course, the price of commodities will fluctuate as the road increases. This is calculated in proportion, and human merchants who are used to trading with orcs do not like trading with human merchants.

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Orc trading is very easy, as much as you say, the difference is the same. Human merchants are all caress about, so now the roads are very busy, food, daily necessities, and thousands of carts go to the mainland every day.

As for safety, there is nothing to say. Not only are the tribes of orcs defending public order, it is mainly aimed at other orcs. For example, if you are a tiger racetrack, you do business in the lion territory. The lion can not worry about it. The tribes have their own security personnel. This is the outermost. The patrols of the Council of Gods are on the top. These patrols deal with small disputes. The members of the brave knights are at the top. There are also giant dragon guards, these are high-end combat power, usually to deal with group conflicts.

So the orcs unknowingly cannot do without the food and goods on the human side. Everyone is full. Who wants to be hungry?

As for humans, they have also tasted the sweetness of trading with orcs. As long as ordinary human families are industrious enough, and the lords they meet have some openings, it is not impossible to buy a leather dress. The price of this leather dress was very high before. High.

Humans, dwarves, and dwarfs have also tasted the sweetness of the major forces, because commodities are subject to taxation. The more commodities that are exported, the more taxes will be generated.

The Blackwater Marsh business district formed by Cook has gradually formed. The next step Cook will develop the Blackwater Marsh. After thinking about it, Cook said: "Next I plan to open the Blackwater Marsh from the dwarf side to the Blackwater Marsh side. One route."

"What do we need to do?" The dwarf knew the engineer's task had arrived.

"Measure the depth of the Blackwater Marsh and find the safest route. In addition, you must build a deep water port on your side." Cook said.

Hearing Cook's words, the high-level dwarf clan's eyes brightened, knowing that the Blackwater Marsh is very large, and it takes a lot of time to measure it again. Time is what it is, time is the top grade **** crystal.

"Okay, but the dwarf at the port wants to cooperate with Speaker Cook. We are out of the land, but we only occupy a lot of 30, but you must know that this is the dwarf's site, and Cook mainly has the right to speak in the port. There are more than 70 people. No, of course it can only be solved in the traditional way.

Someone wants to ask, can the ore fuel of the gods be smelted? What I want to say here is that the metal of the God Realm is indeed rare in the lower planes, but when the entire planet of the God Realm is formed, the density has reached a point of equilibrium, so the fuel of the lower planes cannot be smelted. Ore, but the fuel of the gods can smelt ores.

And the elves have always positioned themselves with elegance, gentleman, etiquette, and art. For the dwarves who drill in the market, the dwarfs who are often covered in black and oily, there are humans who are full of foul language, and the orcs who speak stinky. I think I am superior and look down on these races.

Now, after Cook and the elves defended these races, they generally referred to the elves as shameless races, hypocritical races, and were looked down upon by these races.

The reason why these races do this is to look down on these elves in their hearts. The elves guard nature and hate humans cutting down the forest. But when the elves make their own artworks, how can they not see them? How can they not see them when they kill the beasts. What?

It’s just that these races didn’t have deep contacts with the elves in the past, and there were no big interest entanglements. The elves didn’t bother to interact with these races. They opened shops and sold art in the territories of these races and made a lot of regulations. Buying something is like a grandson, and the people who can buy elven art are powerful people or family members of each race, so the reputation of the elves is not so good in these races.

After arguing this with Cook, the price of elven artworks has plummeted. In fact, more often than not, elven artworks are the objects of human comparison. But as Cooke said, those who can’t compare with others, art Those with low quality, even smashed the elven artwork in person, plausibly said that we look down on something made by a hypocritical race.

In this way, more people have participated. After all, the price of elven art is too high, which makes many families with inadequate backgrounds unbearable. Now it's good, you can compare it, I can't compare it.

This part of the family has the largest number of families. Since then, the big families have not been able to get through. The only thing to do is to oppose the small families. Isn't this against Cook, so I gritted my teeth, not very rare, and smashed it.

This smashed the price of the elven artwork to the bottom. Whoever still has elven artwork in the house is hypocritical. The walls of many people’s homes are blank, and the living room of the host is also blank. Empty, there is no way, the rare ones are smashed, and the rare ones are still stored.

"President Cook." Elder Elder said.

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