A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 547:

After Jim and Todd left, their mouths broke open. Todd said, "Jim, I didn't expect it to succeed. What made your ancient potion?"

"I know it there, but I have been a **** of gamblers. These ancient and other taboo medicines are purchased through channels." Jim said with a smile.

"It's expensive," Todd asked.

"Hey, compared to our future, this little crystal is nothing." Jim chuckled.

Todd said, "Okay, go, let's have a drink too."

"But I'm worried about one thing." Jim was not as happy as Todd, and said.

Todd asked suspiciously: "Why?"

"You said that if the other women in Speaker Cook knew, we did this..." Jim whispered. In fact, no one can hear it.

"Impossible, let's not say, will Speaker Cook betray us?" Todd shook his head and said.

Jim opened his mouth and said, "Cook is good at everything, but he is a bit emotional."

"I don't like to listen to you. If Speaker Cook doesn't care about feelings, what will happen to the two of us?" Todd shook his head and said.

"That's true." Jim thought that as a subordinate, of course there should be an emotional boss, not a boss who pays attention to time and interests. It is a disaster to encounter that kind of boss.

Todd said with a smile: "I want Speaker Cook to betray us, but that's impossible. Okay, don't worry, just do it, but if you find out, Speaker Cook treats this ancient medicine. Very interested, let’s also pay attention to collecting it."

"Why do we collect, let those guys collect is not very good, these guys have a lot of good things in the family." Jim shook his head and said.

Todd nodded and said, "Yeah, why am I so stupid, go, I'll buy you a drink."

Todd and Brother Jim went off, and Cook took the potion bottle Jim took out into the laboratory.

Due to the limited remaining potions that can be proposed, Cook’s analysis has not been completed. The analysis is mainly in two aspects. On the one hand, it measures energy fluctuations. In the wizarding world, there is a very interesting conclusion, that is, different substances. They all emit different fluctuations, and the fluctuation range of energy items is greater. As an energy wizard, you can infer what kind of material it is from the energy fluctuations.

Another analysis method is the composition of the raw materials, but this requires a lot of samples. After all, changes will occur during the refining process of the medicine, but this change is traceable. This is like any complex compound that can be traced back. Some people can’t go back in retrospect, it’s just that they didn’t find the right method. Of course, there is still a name, Shanzhai.

"Is it a secretion of a certain organism?" Cook studied and analyzed for a long time, and came to such a conclusion, which surprised Cook a bit. What kind of biological secretion is this?

Cook didn't find the corresponding thing, so he put it aside, and then showed the map of the entire God Realm. This was obtained by Jin Guangyan, which can be said to be a complete God Realm map.

But what surprised Cook is that the map of the Council of Gods is only one percent of the entire God Realm. There is a deep abyss between the continent where the Council of Gods is located and several other continents. In fact, It is a very deep canyon, and there is still water in some places in this abyss.

According to the records on the map, some of these abysses are hundreds of thousands of kilometers wide, millions of kilometers wide, and the depth is unpredictable. Moreover, some places of such a huge planet are always on the dark side, even Jinguangyan dare not casually. Enter, but there are also areas that are exposed to high temperatures throughout the year, where the creatures are good at camouflage and are very powerful.

There is also a continent full of ancient creatures, but Cook's attention is on a lake in the orc territory. On this map, it is only a sesame-sized place. You must know that this is a map that is tens of meters wide.

"Sanggan Lake, just this place." Cook nodded the place of Sanggan Lake with his finger, and he had a plan in his heart.

As soon as Cook's body flashed, he entered the natural ring. What made Cook feel a little embarrassed was that there were many freshwater murlocs in a lake inside the natural ring.

"Cook, you are here." A murloc greeted Cook.

"Well, where's the chief hydropower?" Cook asked when seeing that it was Shui Yuan.

"Oh, over there." Mizumoto looked at Cook with a smile.

Cook was uncomfortable when he was seen by Mizumoto. When Cook was in the Forbidden Space, he was indeed aroused by the ancient potions used by Jim, but Cook's self-control is still very high, but no matter how high your self-control, you can't stand it. A tall, white, and beautiful girl with a small chest, but a pair of elves with long legs and no fabric at all.

Of course Cook can break off the arms and long legs that the elf is wrapped around him, but Cook didn't do that, because Cook is also a man.

It's just that the elf's body could bear Cook's metamorphosis, so Cook pulled out the splashes and leaves of the freshwater mermaid.

Of course, the water splash, the water leaf itself is the woman prepared by the freshwater mermaid family for Cook, but Cook has not moved before. Now that the freshwater mermaid is moved, Cook has to put the freshwater mermaid on the agenda, so Cook stared at it. Go to Sanggan Lake occupied by Hydra.

"Patriarch Water, we have returned to the realm of God, I have found a suitable place for you..." When Cook saw the chief of water, he hurriedly announced the good news.

"Cook, really returned to the realm of God, Mother Earth is here, we can finally return to the legendary birthplace." The patriarch said excitedly.

Cook was instantly stunned. Obviously this freshwater mermaid family still has an ancestral land in the God Realm. Cook asked, "So where is the birthplace?"

"We are not very clear, but there is a record, you wait for me to show it to you." The water power is very in awe of Cook, and can shuttle space back to the gods, which is no longer what ordinary people can do.

Hydraulic took out a scroll, which seemed very ordinary, and the patriarch said: "This is what the ancestors left, but we don't know the words on it. It is said that it was written in a very old language, but the meaning is passed down. It seems to be able to see huge snow-capped mountains, huge forests, clear lakes, and always warm climate."

"Oh, oh." Cook opened it and looked at it, but he didn't recognize it. The text on it is very old, so old that Cook didn't recognize it. What text do you mean by adding horizontal and vertical to this circle?

"Cook, we actually have an idea." Chief Water Power said with some tweaking.

Cook closed the scroll: "I'll go out and find someone to see this thing, what do you think?"

"Can we not leave here? You see, our population is increasing now, and I think I'm getting younger and younger." The chief hydraulic looked at Cook and said.

Cook scratched his head. It is very good in this natural ring space, but there is no sun, moon and stars, and the entire sky is unchanging. There is no rain, snow, thunder, and blue sky. So Mickey and others have been here for a long time. Very unaccustomed.

"This place is a small space, in case something goes wrong in the future, and don't you find it uncomfortable to live here?" Cook asked.

Chief Hydro looked at Cook: "No, we think it's good, the temperature is right, there is a lot of food, and the number of babies making noise is increasing. As for the small space, this space is already very stable."

When Cook heard this, he said, "Let's do this first. Don't you worry that your population is too large for this space to bear?"

"Haha, Cook, your understanding of the space system still exists on the surface. In fact, as long as you don’t increase the population from the outside, then this space will never be unbearable, because the people born here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ actually It is a part of this space in itself. It is only a transformation of a form. If we leave this space on a large scale and cause space loss, then this space may collapse, but the chances are very small." The Chief Hydropower laughed.

When Cook heard the words of the chief hydropower, he thought that some scientists on the earth said that the population is too large and the earth cannot bear it. In fact, whether it is one billion people or tens of billions, the substances that make up people are all related to the earth. It may be from outer space.

What’s unbearable here is that the population is too large and there is not enough food, which will cause a series of disasters, but this has no impact on the earth at all. You must know that when the dinosaurs were extinct, the environment on the earth After a major reshuffle, overpopulation has led to climate disasters. For the earth, the amount of water, the amount of soil, and the amount of metal will not change at all. As for the garbage in outer space, For the entire planet, there is no impact at all. The earth still has to revolve around the sun, not to leave the sun. Of course, the sun will eventually go out. It may be a disaster for the earth at that time, but whether humans can inherit it. At that time, it's not necessarily true.

"As for the amount of food, we can grow it ourselves. Cook, don't you see that we have planted a lot of plants in the water. These plants grow very fast, and they are enough for millions of people to eat and drink." Pointed to the water.

The house of the chief hydraulic was suspended on the water like an eggshell, about half a meter deep, like a small boat in the water.

"Okay, you persuaded me." Cook has nothing to refute. The yield of food in it is naturally high. Of course, freshwater mermaids eat food like aquatic plants, and of course there are also water chestnuts. fruit.

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