A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 551:

The location of the reception is on the Sky City where Cook built his own residence. It was privately become the main city by other people. Why, because this is the largest, the defense is the most tight, and the construction is definitely the best. Although the population is not that large.

"Welcome, welcome." Cook's mouth is numb with laughter, there are too many Nima, dragons, angels, humans, dwarves, dwarfs, orcs, many people of each race, as well as tigers and bears. People who know or don't know each other, during this period of time, all want to get an invitation letter for the reception, but this time the invitation letter is very strict, and the identity and level are not enough.

Of course, the security measures at the reception are also very high-end. The high-end here does not refer to the dragon guard. On this main city, there is no dragon guard, not even the brave knights.

They are some dwarves, humans, orcs, and dwarves, but these dwarves are well-equipped and are equipped with legendary magic power. It is said that as long as they are hit, it is light to be unconscious for a day. In addition, hundreds of meters above the main city, There are several gleaming things floating, and those present don't think they are just decorations.

From the portal to the reception venue, there is still some distance. Both sides of the road are blocked, and there are eye-catching warnings that the front is dangerous and no traffic is allowed. Although these people saw halflings walking in these areas, others People simply don't want to touch the mold.

A group of angels came over. One of them looked at a dwarf who hurriedly passed by, and kicked towards the dwarf with one kick. The dwarf didn't pay attention and rushed into the forbidden area.

"Boom." With a dull sound, the dwarf fell directly to the ground, and then there was no response.

When the other angels saw this scene, they were puzzled, but within two seconds, two dwarves appeared, and then this dwarf waved his hand and a magical image appeared.

"Sir, please." The angels saw that the situation just happened was restored, and a dwarf said to the angel who had just kicked.

"I refuse." The angel said coldly, and the angel was very dissatisfied with Cook, so it was only natural to make trouble.

"I'll say it again, please." The talking dwarf was much louder.

"This..." the angel-led man stood up.

"Please don't hinder our law enforcement, or we will invite you to go together." The dwarf showed no face at all.

"You..." The leading angel showed murderous eyes.

"Number One, attack." The dwarf tilted his head and said before the angel's words were finished.

"Puff." Without warning, the angel who had kicked the dwarf just now lay straight on the ground and let out a puff.

"I don't want to get out of the way and hinder our law enforcement. We can take any action." The dwarf who spoke just now saw the other angels wanting to do it, and said coldly.

The leading angel felt his hairs stand up, silently, and was actually put there. Seeing his companion wanted to do something, he immediately shouted, "Stop it."

"Sir, I think..." The leading angel began to speak kindly to the dwarf.

"This angel attacking others innocently will be included in the blacklist of the City of Freedom, and will be expelled from the territory of the Council of Gods. You will not be allowed to step into the territory of the Council of Gods in the future. Otherwise, you will be at your own risk." The dwarf sneered. Said.

The two dwarves left one by one, and the people watching the excitement also had their hairs on their feet. There was no sound, no trace, no sign at all. What kind of attack was this?

This scene was quickly spread, and someone sneered and said: "Cook's house, really thought there was no means? It deserves it."

"That is, if there is not enough means, wouldn't it be memorable if Cook leaves, but what is this attack method?" Someone asked without understanding.

"I don't know, but it can make a **** king-level angel become like that without knowing it. This attack method is weird." No one can say what kind of method Cook used.

In fact, Cook's method is from a few light **** above his head. This is actually an energy transmitter that converts energy into a wave that humans can't perceive, and then instantly paralyzes the energy in the target's body.

If the energy in the body is paralyzed, then the soul will definitely fall into a coma, and the whole body will be extremely stiff immediately. This is the method of the wizard, and it is also the simplest method used by the wizard. This is like the electric stick used by the human police. It is dizzy, but it is used to electrify insects, and the electricity will die once. This is because Cook has reduced the power. If all the power is released, the bunch of angels just now will be finished.

Of course, it consumes a lot of energy, and for different levels, the attack intensity is different. This is all automated. These people step on the Freedom City and are in the control center of the entire Sky City. The energy fluctuates in intensity and amplitude. , As long as one comes up, after the detection, the data will be recorded, and then based on the detection results to specify the optimal attack plan, that is, attack intensity, attack type, because this kind of attack also has categories, but this time the attack angel No other attributes are used, if some dark attributes are used, then the angel will be hit hard.

Cook also got the report, but Cook will not interfere. All Cooke needs to do is to formulate the laws and regulations of the Free City. What to do is the people below.

In this case, the Liberty City Security Department also came forward to announce the punishment results. The dwarf was only sent out of the Free City, and there were no other punishments. However, after the angel was added to the blacklist of the Liberty City, many places could not went.

Giant dragons, Tiger City, Bear City, and the Council of Gods on the side of the beasts, let alone trading, of course, the loss to the angels is not great, after all, the exchanges between angels and the Council of Gods were not very close.

"The bird and the miscellaneous, actually bullied us dwarf." After the dwarf who attended the reception learned of the situation, he was very angry and cursed loudly in front of the angel.

"Dwarf, you speak carefully." An angel exploded immediately.

"Be careful, Nima, oh, I forgot. You bird people don't have parents at all, so you have no education. In this case, we dwarfs will forgive you. Who will let you have no parents?" The dwarves are notoriously acrid. Harsh, cursing words, really no one has a dwarf cursing hard.

"You dwarfs, do you want to be beaten?" the leading angel also asked angrily.

"Beat Nima, you have the ability to come to our dwarf territory. I don’t know your mother who beat me. Believe it or not?” The dwarf patriarch is very emboldened. The Angel Territory and the dwarf territory are too far apart, and once the angels and The dwarf clashes, what is that, that is the conflict with the Council of the Gods, and now everyone sees the strength of the Council of the Gods, who dares to push and beat them.

"You... Speaker Cook, I protest." The leading angel turned his head and said to Cook.

"Sorry, if you want to protest that you need to submit to the Council of the Gods, I, the speaker, have the right to dispose of it." Cook said lightly. Of course, Cook knew why the angel conflicted with the dwarf, and he obviously wanted to test the city of freedom. Defense.

"Speaker Cook, are you trying to embarrass our angel?" The leading angel looked at Cook and said threateningly.

"I am embarrassed, hehe, you think too much." Cook said with a smile.

"In this case, I ask the dwarf to apologize." When the leading angel heard Cook say this, he breathed a sigh of relief and said.

Cook shook his head and said: "You have misunderstood. I mean, you are not worth embarrassing. If you have any thoughts or actions, just come."

"Well said, these despicable birdmen obviously want to test the defenses of Freedom City." Someone spoke the truth out loud.

"That's, shameless, mean, shameless." Once the truth was told, others shouted.

"You..." The leading angel was annoyed.

"Come on, send these angels away. Angels will not be welcome in Liberty City in the future." Cook is also temperamental, and Liberty City is Cook's home. Cook's most important people are here. Angels just did that. Gives Cook face, and is still aggressive, Cook also has a temper~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The leading angel glanced at Cook and said, "Let's go."

In this way, the angels left before the reception.

"What do those guys want to do?" a big head next to Cook asked.

"Eat your food." Cook said angrily.

"Wait again, the mouth I eat is sour." The big mouth in front of the big head said, harp.

Cook glanced at the phoenix angrily. This is a foodie. Of course, all pet owners know that the more pets are in their juvenile period, the less they can eat. As long as they have a good amount when they are young, they are generally large pets. You don’t know how to eat fat. Don’t think that you grow up when you are young. If you eat more, you will have a big stomach.

But Phoenix was not afraid to hold on, and Cook was anxious to hold on.

Jin Guangyan was walking swaying, there was no way. Today Cook allowed these guys to let go of eating and drinking.

"Hey, son, son." Jin Guangyan's father dragged Jin Guangyan.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Jin Guangyan asked when he raised his head and burped.

"Slap." Jin Guangyan's mother slapped Jin Guangyan's head with a slap.

"Your grandma's bear, who beat Lao Tzu, who beat Lao Tzu, stand for Lao Tzu... stand up." Jin Guangyan was beaten, and immediately became angry and roared loudly.

"Hahahahaha." The people around who saw this scene burst into laughter.

"Come here, little calf." Jin Guangyan's mother looked so ugly and ugly, and she was ready to teach her a lesson.

"I dare to hit your uncle and me, eat uncle." Jin Guangyan didn't know where he took out a dark stick, and smashed it at his mother. Obviously, the servant was already drunk, the older one was already. Can't recognize people.

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