A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 555:

"Grandfather, we got an item about natural reincarnation, and would like to ask you to identify it. ○" The Grand Elder said in a low voice.

"Come in, the door is unlocked." The voice inside seemed a little interested this time.

"Yes." The elder looked at Sonada, and then took Sonada in.

After entering, this is just like an ordinary small wooden yard. There are some wooden flower pots in the yard, but there is no plant in it. The yard is not big and it is full of fallen leaves. There is a wooden house in the yard. It is the kind of wooden house commonly used by elves.

"Grandfather." Standing at the door, the Grand Elder shouted respectfully.

"Come in." A voice sounded inside.

Sonada followed the great elder into the wooden house inside. As soon as he entered the wooden house, Sonada felt a panic.

"I said you are getting less and less prosperous. The talents of the people in this area are too bad. Show me things." Sonada heard about himself, so he looked up, and in an instant Sonada hurried. Bowed his head.

"Boy, did you scare you, quack," the grand elder's grandfather said.

"I was scared myself, let alone you." Grand Elder's grandfather took the scroll and said while opening it.

The Grand Elder said, "Grandfather, use it like this."

Quiet, absolutely quiet, the whole cabin was extremely quiet, but Sonada felt like it was dead still.

"I don't understand." The grand elder's grandfather threw these two words out.

"But I do feel the power of nature." Grand Elder's grandfather said.

The elder said in a low voice: "The two green dragons have understood this law of reincarnation and promoted the entire green dragon clan to the upper dragon clan."

"Hehe, everyone understands the law differently. When you look at this painting, what are you paying attention to?" the Grand Elder's grandfather asked.

The elder was dumb, and then replied: "Big tree."

"How about you?" the Grand Elder's grandfather asked Sonada.

"It's a snail in my mind." Sonada had to answer.

"These grasses are in my mind. The laws of nature are like this big tree. They are beyond our reach, but the grass still survives tenaciously." The grand elder's grandfather replied with a smile.

Then the grandfather of the great elder took out a painting, this is the painting of the city of life, a big tree is surrounded by countless small trees, this big tree is the city of life.

"What do you see?" the elder grandfather asked.

"The tenacious vitality, and the strong nature." The great elder replied.

"What I saw was the weak and the strong." Sonada had to replied bitterly after watching for a while.

"Haha, yes, you can see this artistic conception, it’s already pretty good, what I see is the essence of life, if you see it, there are many lives surrounding this big tree, and the surroundings, there is no People care, all living creatures have a characteristic, they are attached to the strong," the grandfather of the elder said.

After the grand elder’s grandfather finished speaking, he said, “This painting does contain the law of reincarnation, but the painter added snails, thunderstorms, and squirrels to this painting. It seems to be a natural phenomenon, but, these You don’t know exactly what the laws are contained in things. Without the secret of painting people, the chance of comprehending the laws of reincarnation is too low, too low.”

"It's no wonder that the Green Dragon clan was pointed out by Cook alone, and two people realized it." The elder woke up.

"Let's go, unless the painter personally pointed it out, otherwise, don't rush to enlighten it." Grand Elder's grandfather waved and said.

The Grand Elder left, and after leaving a long way, Sonada asked: "Father, just now..."

"That is the realm of life and death. Now the whole person is being attacked by the death aura. Grandfather depends on the tree of life's powerful anger to support him. If he leaves the tree of life, he will fall. You may not know that grandfather was a powerhouse at the main **** level. "The Great Elder whispered.

"Father, what can we do?" Sonada had an urge to do something.

"Let's go with the flow." The Grand Elder replied calmly.

The Grand Elder handed the scroll to Sonada and said: "Keep it well, and try to let Cook give me the secret. This is a family thing, don't let others know."

"Yes." Sonada was very excited, but there was something unnatural. At this moment, Sonada felt that his father was a selfish person.

The elder left, Sonada also returned to the family, walked into the secret room, Sonada couldn't help opening the scroll, but then Sonada exclaimed.

"Blank, the whole scroll is blank." Sonada used the light technique to illuminate, but it didn't work.

At the same time, a painting appeared in front of the grand elder's grandfather. This half of the body looked like a corroding creature. He quacked and smiled: "I didn't expect that there are people who have the realm of life and death, and they have a deeper understanding than I."

"Are you vampire finally leaving?" There was a voice in the room, and a big mouth appeared on the floor.

"Haha, vampire, I just absorbed some of your vitality. Nature is the weak and strong." The grandfather of the elder said with a laugh.

"But what do you elves say is the guardian of nature, it's actually just a group of parasites of nature, vampires." The mouth said on the ground, very calm.

"Well said, who is not, including you are also a parasite on this land, do you think this kid who paints has a natural heart?" the grand elder's grandfather said.

"Perhaps, but without seeds, this person can't reach reincarnation." The mouth also said.

"Hey, well, if you want me to leave, just attract this person. I can't leave now. I deprive this guy of the natural seeds, quack. My life and death domain can reach a cycle and it will be perfect." His grandfather laughed.

"You are not afraid to beat this kid, this kid is said to be extremely powerful." The big mouth on the ground said.

"Hey, how many years have I lived, how many years this kid is only, how many secret techniques can I perform, how many secret techniques can this kid perform?" the grand elder's grandfather asked confidently.

"All right." Big Mouth said three words, and then the ground returned to its original state. From this day on, the city of life slowly changed.

Of course, Cook doesn't know that anyone is thinking about himself. Even if he knows, Cook is not afraid. Cook is very complicated because he is very complicated, so he usually really restrains him.

And what is the wizard in Cook’s hands? That is a big killer. Just take the two hundred second-level fire wizard spells stored in the fire wizard book, which is enough to let anyone in the gods go directly to the death. reported.

Cook is busy with various things, the establishment of three sky cities, the delivery of orders for artifacts, and the Pharmacy Association, the Mageweave Association, and the newly added sewing association.

The order from the Sewing Association comes from the families of high-level members of the various forces. These family members are facing the exquisite clothes, and they have the automatic washing function and automatic color change function. They like it very much. Now the order has been arranged two years later. It's not that there are many orders, but that there are too few people who will meet. Now only two Bunnymen and Mickey will meet some, and the others don't even count two knives.

Of course, Cook also occasionally goes to the astral world. When he goes to the astral world, his main purpose is to check the information of various wizard pills. The wizard world has conducted more thorough research on pills.

The pharmacy in the wizarding world has a complete pharmacology, as well as a medicine raw material composition science, and so on.

It's not like the medicine of the gods, it's still at the point of taking medicine according to prescriptions. This is the gap, and the wizard's pharmacist can accurately grasp the various reactions of the raw materials of the medicine, so as to perfectly reach the required medicine. Of course, this way The pharmacist is also in the star realm.

The vast majority of pharmacists are also capable of grasping medicine according to prescriptions, but this is enough. Just like doctors, most of them are grasping medicine according to prescriptions. Very few innovations can be made. Of course, they are published in certain publications for their titles. Except for those who blow a lot.

Official pharmacists were born one after another, and pharmacies began to be sold in the Association of Pharmacists. Pharmacists sold pharmacies very low-key. If it weren't for the people who sold medicinal herbs, they might not be known to others.

"Strong potion, this looks to increase strength, this potion is cheap enough, only two low-grade standard **** crystals." After seeing the price of the potion, someone said.

"You are qualified~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Look at the top grade." Someone said irritably.

"Damn, why don't you grab it, the top grade actually requires five hundred lower grade **** crystals." This person said immediately after seeing it.

According to the exchange theory of the God Realm, the exchange ratio between high-grade crystals, low-grade crystals, and medium-grade crystals is 10,000 to one, but high-grade crystals are hard currency, and basically no one wants to exchange it. This is like gold and paper money. Similarly, only a few people are willing to exchange gold for banknotes, except of course some commemorative gold coins blown on a certain satellite TV.

Just because gold is a hard currency, you can use it anytime. For paper money, you can try it with the paper money of the Republic of China. It’s not waste paper, but you can use the gold that your ancestors left you from the Ming Dynasty. can be used.

So the exchange is only a rule, but not many people really have a reason to exchange it, because the things that can be purchased by the lower-grade Shenjing, the upper-grade Shenjing can definitely be bought, and the things bought by the upper-grade Shenjing, the lower-grade Shenjing may not be able to buy it, that is This truth.

"That's it, look at the perfect quality." Someone said disdainfully.

"No, I actually need ten high-grade **** crystals. This Nima is simply a robbery." Someone called out immediately.

"Sad pen, I want as much as the perfect quality." At this time, a person wearing a pharmacist membership badge said irritably, and then to the service staff of the Pharmacy Association.

"Sorry, sir, there is a limit of one per person for perfect quality." The service staff's words shocked the people around, and Nima still doesn't sell it.

"Well, let's have one." The man said helplessly.

"Thank you for your patronage." The transaction was quickly completed, with a pill in a beautiful crystal bottle.

"You see, Shabi, this is something that Speaker Cook personally refined." The person who bought the pill pointed to the signature on the bottle and said.

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