A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 557:

The silver fox said with a sneer: "The first generation of shaman belongs to our fox clan, and you swan people only rely on your body to gain power."

"You are slander, we..." The swan head was so angry that he shouted at the silver fox.

Cook said: "Okay, don't mention the past. I don't think it will work for Wu Mei to be the dean, but it is definitely possible to be a mentor."

"No, Speaker Cook, don't listen to the bird people. They are just as poor as the undead. Let them be the deans. How long will this academy be established." The tiger clan chief also said.

Cook said irritably, "Co-authored you to let me be the dean and let me pay for it."

"That is, that is, Speaker Cook, you are so generous, and establishing an academy is not a matter of minutes." Xiangren said flatly, but this is the first time this Xiangren complimented others, and it was a bit unnatural. .

"Support is affirmative, but you orcs can't ignore it either." Cook shook his head and said.

"That's for sure, Speaker Cook, how about you first be the position of God of War and stabilize the Temple of God of War?" An orc suggested.

Cook sighed and said, "Actually, there is one thing that I have held in my heart for a long time. Now that I say it, you see what you want to do."

Then Cook whispered something for a while. After speaking, these orc patriarchs were shocked. The bunny patriarch asked: "Chairman Cook, are you sure you are the **** of war?"

"It can't be wrong, the things recorded by the soul of the star beast can't be wrong." Cook nodded seriously.

It turns out that when Cook killed the star beasts enslaved by the Angel family in the Canyon of the Gods of War, Cook used the wizard book to collect the soul of the star beast and converted it into soul power to reserve, but the contents recorded in the soul of the star beast were also separated by the wizard book. Although it is not very complete, Cook knew that the first generation of God of War was imprisoned in the Angel Prison.

The orc patriarchs looked at each other, and after a while, the silver fox gritted their teeth and said, "The temper of the first generation of God of War is not very good."

"Ahem, the key is that if the first generation of God of War returns, the lives of our patriarchs..." The tauren patriarch also said.

Cook nodded and said, "I understand what you mean."

"Speaker Cook, are you going to the angel's prison?" the orcs asked in surprise.

"Hehe, there are some interesting things in it, I will check it out when I have time." Cook said with a smile.

The tortoiseshell man hesitated and said, "That is the first generation of God of War, in case..."

Cook said with a smile, "Haha, how much strength is there after so many years in detention."

"This is also true, but the angels deceived people too much, but what's the point of these birdmen catching the first generation of war gods?" Some orcs asked suspiciously.

Cook can see from the eyes of these orc patriarchs that these people do not want the first generation of God of War to return. When the time comes, the huge prestige will make the power of the God of War Temple reach the peak, and the patriarchs will only be reduced to coolies. This is Chi Guoguo's interests, although the first generation of God of War made a lot of sacrifices for the orcs, but in the face of interests, it was of no use.

Especially the first generation of God of War is very strong. Of course, a strong leader will have two situations. Success and failure will be called strong, and failure will be called stubborn. Obviously the first generation of God of War succeeded.

Cook shook his head and said, "I don't know."

The orc patriarchs didn’t have the mind to discuss the Temple of God of War. The things that Cook revealed this time were too serious. When Cook saw this situation, he only said: "You are also thinking about other things. Go back, but this Don’t leak the news."

"I know." The orc patriarchs nodded one after another.

As soon as the orcs left, the patriarch of Silver Fox and Bunny immediately asked to see Cook again. After they met, before Cook could speak, Silver Fox complained: "President Cook, why are you so ignorant? This kind of news How can you say it in front of so many people? This news must be leaked out."

"Hehe, let it leak." Cook said with a smile.

The Bunny Chief looked at Cook's expression in astonishment and asked, "Chairman Cook, you did it on purpose."

"Hey, of course, I need to see what happens to the angels first, and then I can act. Besides, I don’t know the location of the prison. If these angels don’t move, how can I know where the prison is." Cook smiled. Said.

"Insidious." When Silver Fox heard Cook say this, he was careless. Cook didn't say where the prison is just now.

Cook shook his head and said: "This is a trick. If it is good, I guess you will never see the first generation of God of War again."

"Then what if those angels want to release the first generation of God of War?" The Bunny Chief asked.

"What kind of character was the first-generation God of War? Once released, the Angels still want to live a stable life?" Cook asked with a smile.

"But our life is not easy." Silver Fox said irritably.

Cook waved his hand and said: "Don't worry about this. The first generation of God of War is here, and he knows how to judge the situation and will not be reckless. Besides, I am not."

The lion patriarch, the tiger patriarch, the tauren patriarch, and more than a dozen orc patriarchs also asked to see Cook. Silver Fox said the matter again, and the elephant patriarch said worriedly; "The first God of War is a tyrant. , If we come back, our life will be difficult."

"What are you afraid of? Speaker Cook is here." An orc patriarch said.

"Chairman Cook, or you now hold a position in the Temple of the God of War, if the first generation of God of War returns, you have to stretch out your hand, and there is an excuse not to." Silver Fox said.

"In this way, I will be a high priest, how about it?" Cook heard this as well. If the clan does not follow the routine and causes the return of the first generation of war gods, then the name is very important.

"Well, let's go back immediately, and the appointment book will be delivered to Speaker Cook's hands as soon as possible." The orc patriarchs heard this and immediately agreed, so that even if the God of War returns, then Cook is in the Temple of War God, What action does the God of War want, and the first one is to pass Cook's level. As for Cook's strength, cough.

"Well, about the War Song Academy, you should also discuss it to see where it is suitable to build it." Cook said afterwards.

Faced with the good news, many orc patriarchs had no energy, and they hurriedly left. The news that Cook had leaked was so important that everyone felt a little scared.

When the first generation of God of War was there, it was the peak age of the Temple of God of War. In that era, the patriarchs of the orc races were servants driven by the God of War. The prestige of the first generation of God of War continued for many years. Finally, It took countless years for various races to finally share power with the God of War Temple until Cook arrived, which directly defeated the Temple of War God and basically returned the rights of each race. At this time, each race received such news. How does it feel to Cook? But it is very clear.

On the same day, the great elders of various orc races came to Cook again and discussed for several hours, and then when these great elders left, they were still worried, because this time, several orc race elders did not appear, then The meaning is obvious, these races still have feelings for the first generation of God of War.

After Cook sent away the orcs, Dilly came to Cook's side and said, "Cook, the Sky City has been set up."

"Well, closely monitor the movements of the angels." Cook said calmly.

Dilly looked at Cook and asked, "Cook, why are you talking about this?"

"I am the speaker of the Council of the Gods. The Council of the Gods now seems to have a strong cohesion, but in fact it is just a combination of interests. If you want the Council of the Gods to be united, you must find a power slightly stronger than the Council of the Gods. However, the dragons are now cooperating a lot with us~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is not suitable. There is no conflict of interest between the sacred beasts and us. The only qualified ones are the Phoenix family and the angel family. The Phoenix family, I would rather choose the angel family." Cook said with a shrug.

When Dilly heard Cook’s words, she asked in a mixed mood: "Cook, your decision will kill many people."

"Dilly, death is just the beginning. Early death is also death, late death is also death. If death is valuable, I don't mind dying first." Cook really looked at life and death lightly.

"Cook, don't say that, you still have us." Dilly said angrily when he heard Cook say that.

"Haha, don't worry, even if the entire God Realm is destroyed, I can't die." Cook said with a smile.

"You..." When Dilly heard Cook's laugh, she knew that Cook had just said that she would die early.

"Then what would you do if the Angels' prison were discovered?" Dilly asked.

Cook smiled and asked: "How do you know that I don't know the location of the Angel Clan prison? It's just that I don't know the inside of the prison very well. When I release this news, I want to make the prison move. Once there is movement in the prison, cough It doesn’t matter to me what happens."

Dilly heard Cook's words and asked in surprise: "Cook, you don't want to make things bigger, do you?"

"If you don't make matters worse, how could the angels turn their faces." Cook shrugged helplessly.

Seeing Dilly's worry, Cook said: "I am just looking for an opponent for the Council of Gods, not an enemy. The chance of war is very small, and once I think my goal has been achieved, those angels are not willing to give up. , I don’t mind being ruthless."

"Are you going to kill the angel?" Dilly asked with wide eyes.

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