A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 559:

When the Eagles and Dougs heard this, they looked at the Swan Man in astonishment, and then the elder Eagle sneered: "Don't lie to me."

"The status of our swan people at that time was one of the few people who came into contact with the secret realm, and the secret realm was left by the ancient gods. We swan people know more things than others, including the **** of war." The elder replied with a smile.

The Doug cursed inwardly: "Shameless, this is obviously something the slave jealous of the master."

However, the Doug said, "In fact, we don’t need to enter the Fei Leng Cui. If the God of War returns, for us, we can only win, and even if the God of War has any movement, we are not in the front. Yes, there are those guys."

The swan man shook his head and said: "This is the truth, but the temperament of the first generation of God of War, if we don't do anything, it will be us people who will suffer by then."

"The elder swan person is right, we can't be prepared, but I really hope that the first generation of God of War will come out." The elder eagle nodded and said.

The patriarch Doug asked: "Then we go to the secret realm?"

"That place is too dangerous, you have to prepare for it," the Eagle Clan chief said.

"There are also multi-headed snakes, these guys are very difficult to entangle." The Swan people thought that of course the multi-headed snakes would invade Sanggan Lake, and felt very uncomfortable.

The eagle patriarch said: "Then everyone will prepare to go to the secret realm as soon as possible."

"In fact, when we hit the artifacts of the three races and faced the Hydra, it is not without a chance, and we don't have to face the Hydra. What we need is to sneak in." The Elder Swan said.

When the Eagles and Dougs heard this, they all agreed. After the two races discussed with the Swans, they left. When the two races left, the Swans patriarch said: "Elder, let's use this this time. Two races, these two races will definitely be very detrimental to us Swan people in the future."

"Hehe, what they don't know, the secret realm is not so easy to enter. Except for us swan people, the others are in or out. People of these two races will not come back." The swan elder said with a smile. .

"Great Elder, let's... this time..." the Swan Clan chief asked.

The elder pondered for a moment and said: "Bring Sophia, the secret must be a pure virgin to enter freely, and it belongs to our swan family. When you stay behind, the other elders will also go together. After all, you can't let those two Race suspicious."

"Yes." The swan patriarch replied respectfully.

After leaving the territory of the swan people, the elders of the doug and the eagle and the patriarch gathered together, and the patriarch of the doug said, "I think the swan has something to do with us?"

"The swan people in the secret realm can indeed enter and can come out. This is the record of our eagle people." The eagle patriarch said.

The elder Eagleman then said: "Regardless of whether the swan people have a conspiracy or not, we will pull all the swan people to act together at that time, and then we will be caught in the middle of the swan people, and if anything happens, we will do it."

"This is a way, but we haven't been in the secret realm, let alone what's going on inside, just in case..." Senior Elder Doug said worriedly.

Elder Eagleman interrupted and said: "Don't say so much, we Eagleman must get the Watch of the God of War."

"Hehe, we Doug just need the whip of the God of War." The elder Doug was taken aback, and then he smiled.

"True." The patriarch of Doug saw the two elders walking to the other side and gave two words in his heart.

The two great elders stepped aside, and the Doug Elder said with a smile: "Actually, I already knew what your eagle people wanted to do when you entered the secret realm."

"You Dougs have such an idea, don't we know? But then again, the God of War will put those things in the secret realm?" The Eagle Man Grand Elder said angrily.

"Don't take a look, who knows, but since the God of War was arrested by the angels, then those things must be in the secret realm." Elder Doug shook his head and replied helplessly.

"What will the swan man do then?" the elder Eagle Man asked.

"I don't care, I have to decide on the whip of the **** of war. As for the swan people, let's take a look at that time, but our two teams must be united. After all, we don't know what's going on in the secret realm." Elder Geren said.

"Well, the two of us will make a blood oath, and this time in the secret realm, we can't do anything to each other." The Great Elder Eagle Man looked at the Great Elder Doug and said.

"That is." The Doug and the Eagle reached an agreement privately and made a blood oath.

These races were in intrigue and each had their own ideas. The angels also got news, so the high-ranking angels gathered again.

In a secret conference room in the City of Light, an angel royal roared: "What are you doing? Don't disturb me, don't disturb me. Now, it's only a few days."

"Yes, just miss your effort."

"What is the noise, sit down." Many people from the angel royal family who participated in the meeting were dissatisfied, but the old guy presiding over the meeting gave a cold drink and no one spoke.

"Everyone is here, there is a news to tell everyone that the prison has been known to people outside, and there is also the imprisonment of the God of War." The old guy presiding over the meeting said.

"Know it, you know, you don't have to deal with it, what should we do?" An angel royal said dissatisfied.

"That's it, can we still do things, whoever is responsible will decide, that's it, I still..." The other angel royal family stood up after speaking, as if he was leaving.

The old guy presiding over the meeting said coldly, "Sit down."

"Why?" As soon as the hometown meeting said, the one who just stood up to leave immediately retorted.

"You have to go. From now on, there can be no more resource allocation. Now you decide." The old guy who presided over the meeting said lightly.

"Whose decision is this?" Another angel royal stood up and asked.

"It's the decision of our old guys." The old guy who presided over the meeting stood up and said.

Another angel royal family also stood up: "In this case, don't call us if there are things in the future, but if you don't give resources, it's okay. I will take away the angel who has my blood, so everyone can get together. "

"This is reasonable. Since we don't give resources, then everyone should do their own things." Another angel royal also stood up and said very dissatisfied.

"You can go, but no one can take away one other angel, otherwise don't blame us old guys for being rude." The old guy presiding over the meeting said blankly.

"Tsk, okay, okay, you old guys don’t look at your own abilities. The Sky City was ruined in your hands. We didn’t say anything. We actually want to cut off our resources. Let me put it aside. Here, no matter who it is, I want to cut off my resources. I'm sorry, I will go to Cook immediately, believe it or not, old man!" Another angel royal also stood up and praised.

The first angel royal to stand up said: "Let's go, I want to see who dares to cut off my resources."

This time, the number of people dropped by about one-third, and the faces of several old guys were ashen.

"Fifth, take a look, take a look, this is what you wanted to do back then, now it's fine." The old guy who presided over the meeting roared again and again.

"This is what you agree with. Now it's up to me. What are the things? Do whatever you like, don't find me if you have anything in the future, I can't afford it." The old guy called the fifth heard this. The words are too hairy, stand up and leave a word.

"You..." The old guy was furious.

There are not many angel royal families, but they control the resources of the entire angel family. However, the angel royal family has a long lifespan, and the angels are managed by others, so most of these angel royal families have not cared about the angel family for a long time. Something happened ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Not enough resources are still allocated.

If you talk about the image, these angelic royal families are a bit like the Eight Banners brothers of the Qing Dynasty. They were supported. At the beginning, these angelic royal families were also responsible for some affairs.

But with the advent of the era of peace and the strength of the angel family, these people slowly realized that there was nothing to do, and they did other things they liked. Some of them were obsessed with rights and put forward them. The resources were still allocated as usual. , But you don’t have to worry about things.

In this way, there are only a few people in the angel royal family in the past who are in charge of the affairs of the angel family. The others are pure enjoyment, that is, they dare not do anything, but they should take money or take money, and whether to eat or drink with public funds.

This led to the situation today. The person presiding over the meeting was very annoyed, and faintly regretted saying that no resources were given. Without saying this, there would be nothing, but otherwise, there would be no way to threaten these people.

The first meeting of the Angel Royal Family was so unhappy, only to talk about the first generation of God of War, only to transfer the prison, because compared to the first generation of God of War, the disputes within the Angel Royal family were the deadliest.

Because each angel in the angels has a different bloodline of the angel royal family, those with the same bloodline form a family of their own. That is to say, the angel family is also composed of more than one hundred large and small families. Once split, the entire angel family will collapse. possible.

Of course, Cook didn’t know that the angels were such a strange thing. Of course, no matter what race there were internal conflicts, but the angel royal family has reached the point where it is today, it is unimaginable for outsiders. The angel family has not moved temporarily, and Cook can't move Yes, then the only Cook has to wait.

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