A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 571:

"Hurry up, rush up for me, you pigs." The white bear saw a beam of light fall, and countless hurried snakes were hit by the beam of light. Nothing was left, but the beam of light was not a devastating blow. , Just those hydras who want to turn their heads back are eliminated without exception.

Occasionally, a powerful Hydra snake was named by the beam of light as soon as its head appeared. The Sanggan Lake seemed to be constantly struck by meteors, but the booming explosions and disappeared Hydras made people know that this beauty is fatal. of.

"This..." When the orcs finally came out, they saw two soldiers of the sacred and beasts running across the mountain. The colorful clothes were so easy to recognize, and then the beams of light fell. When the orcs came out, they could only Seeing the beam of light falling from a distance, most of the soldiers of the mythical beasts were only the soldiers of Tiger City. There was nothing to do. Twenty thousand soldiers from Tiger City were sent over, but two disappeared.

With a sound of "Puff!", a bear city soldier went down with a mace, and a multi-headed snake more than ten meters long was broken in two, and a large amount of blood spurted out. As for the part that was hit, it was already a piece. Minced meat.

"Kacha, Kacha, bah, is it really unpalatable." The bear-like animal picked up a half of the Hydra's body, took a few bites, and then spit it out, and continued to rush in cursing.

The area of ​​Sanggan Lake is very large. Cook took a look at it, but the area of ​​the lake is about 300,000 kilometers in diameter, and the surrounding area is more than 800,000 kilometers.

Cook controls the city in the sky and constantly names the powerful Hydras, but Cook did not kill them all. What Cook has to do is to make these Hydras never dare to return here in the future. Thinking of this lake, there is only fear, to let these hydras live in the shadows.



"Hissing." The hydras made a hissing sound, and tens of thousands of hydras were constantly shuttled through the jungle. They did not dare to stay at all, let alone emerge, because the beams of light that Na fell from time to time let these hydras know , As long as it appears, it will be hit by the beam of light.

Not to mention that there are tens of thousands of screaming beasts in the back. Many of these beasts have now turned back to their prototypes. Giant bears of more than ten meters high are everywhere, and there are 20 meters and 30 meters in the jungle. Long's vibration, this is the sound made by countless sacred beasts when they are running. As for the clothes, these sacred beasts are directly tied to their heads, and it looks very strange.

If the giant bear is still moving, then the tiger that is more than ten meters long is the killer of the jungle. No one knows when a big tiger will pounce on it from behind, and then start to bite with the snake, and these big tigers don’t want to Face, usually three or five attacked together, occasionally encountered a powerful Hydra, even seven or eight attacked together, some feint attacks, some sneak attacks, anyway, a powerful Hydra will not survive under the siege of a big tiger. Two minutes.

"Little ones, crystal nuclei, crystal nuclei, snake gall, snake gall, this is a good thing, don't lose it." The white bear only remembered this time and roared loudly.

"Hey, Boss Bai, we know that this is the key thing for us to drink spicy food. This hunting, we can go away for several years." Da Xiong replied loudly.

"That's good, there will still be opportunities like this in the future, brothers, let's kill, kill, and kill these **** guys in one go." The white bear tore a small hydra with a paw, and then took out the snake gall, Jing The nuclei are also taken out, although the quality is not very high, but it is no problem to change a few kebabs.

"Lao Bai, Lao Bai, when you encounter a fat snake, remember to stay. This snake meat is very delicious for barbecue." A voice shouted loudly from behind.

"Haha, no problem." Bai Xiong saw that he was a halfling and immediately replied with a laugh.

These sacred beasts all knew the craftsmanship of halflings, so a very funny scene appeared. Some sacred beasts saw the plump hydra, and kept the fattest section, hung them on their bodies, and continued to kill.

In fact, for these tens of thousands of mythical beasts, it is very difficult to chase and kill Hydras in this way. After all, there are at least tens of millions of Hydras, but there are only a few Hydras, and most of the tough guys are directly caught by them. The Sky City rolls the name, and even the tough guys who are left are not stupid. They know that big things are not good, and run faster than anyone else.

Snake City, one of the big cities of sacred beasts, there are not only snakes and sacred beasts, but also lizards and other sacred beasts. Everyone knows that as long as reptiles have enough food, they can multiply quickly. Don’t want bears or tigers. No matter how much food the two races have, they can’t reproduce fast.

Moreover, snakes are cold-blooded creatures. The reason why snakes are not accepted by other beasts is because they are so hungry that they even have to eat their own people. This one does not refer to the entire snake race, but its own descendants. All to eat, let alone other creatures.

Therefore, Snake City is a settlement of many cold-blooded beasts. The scale of Snake City is much larger than Tiger City and Bear City, but other beasts do not like Snake City. Repel.

The Hydra tribe can be regarded as a medium-sized tribe in the Snake City. The Hydra is mainly a small number of top powerhouses. Although there is one more head and the combat power is doubled, the difficulty of cultivation is more than doubled. Of course, the same level. The fighting power of Hydra is very tough.

And the Hydra tribe has another weakness, that is, the more powerful the Hydra, the greater the difference between the two heads. The Hydra can grow up to twelve heads. A twelve-headed Hydra is strong. , But, hardly move when fighting, because the twelve heads are not unified.

Some people have to ask, why is this? The low-level hydra, one head is the master. As the cultivation becomes stronger, the other heads gradually mature. When making judgments, it will affect the thinking of the main head, the low-level hydra One head is the master, the others are equivalent to puppets. As the level increases and the strength increases, the other heads will also have their own thoughts. This is calculated in a few tenths of a second in the battle. At some point, there may be conflicts of thoughts. It can lead to disastrous consequences, so once a battle occurs, especially when there are more hostile targets, the Hydra is basically immobile, just like a fort.

"Seven heads, this guy is good at strength." Above the Sky City, Cook saw a big guy over a thousand meters high. All seven heads of this big guy were staring at the Sky City, but the Sky City was flying. There are tens of kilometers in height.

"Haha, the city lord left us a big guy, everyone pay attention, don't break this guy, this is all meat." Bai Xiong saw this big guy from a distance, and immediately shouted.

"Yes." The surrounding bear-like beasts all replied loudly. The higher the level, the higher the level of the beast's charge, the more it rushes in front. Unlike human warfare, the scum that rushes ahead is all scum.

The white bear took the lead, but the white bear encountered hundreds of five-headed hydras. These hydras were powerful and basically reached the strength of the upper gods. The fighting power of a hydra was at least equivalent to the fighting power of three bears of the same level.

But there are thousands of bears, and with a roar, more bears gather here.

"Haha, those big stupid bears were stopped, little ones, let's move forward quickly." Huahu also saw seven-headed snakes, and saw countless bear-like beasts gathering there, roaring with laughter. Tao. ’

Although the tiger beasts are one step behind the bears, the agility of the tiger beasts is higher than that of the bears. Of course, in short distances, bears and tigers are comparable. Don’t look at the round bodies of bears, but bears The explosive power is far greater than that of the tiger animal.

"Damn big cat." When the white bear heard the news, he roared and waved a golden stick in his hand. As long as the snake hit by the golden stick, it will die without exception, because this stick is an artifact. It is also an artifact of ice properties. Although it looks golden, it is of ice properties. These bear-like beasts also like shiny things. Cook made this stick with evil taste. It looks like a stick from a distance. In fact, this stuff is enough. It is 15 meters long and two meters thick, but the white bear's body is 20 meters high~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so it looks like a stick.

The five-headed hyrax continuously releases energy attacks, and the entire area is like being hit by an energy storm, but the bear-like animal is not beaten, and the bear-like animal has a thick energy shield on its body. Unfortunately, they launched an attack on the hydras, and even the bear-like beasts smashed at these hydras no matter what they caught.

The battle between the divine beasts is courage and strength. Countless bear-like divine beasts killed five heads del Hydra in one charge. It can be predicted that this is the last strength of a tribe of hypersnakes.

"White bear, what do you mean!" The seven-headed Hydras saw this scene and roared at the white bear.

When Bai Xiong heard this, he jumped up and cursed: "What are you, Bai Xiong is also your name. Take it to death."

The white bear's body soared again, reaching a height of seven or eight hundred meters. The stick in his hand was no longer usable, but the black nails on the white bear's claws were several tens of meters long.

"White bear, you will be retaliated." The seven-headed Hydras ejected countless energy attacks, trying to prevent the white bear from attacking, but don’t forget that besides the white bear, there are other beasts of the same level as the white bear. There are as many as five or six. These five or six bear-like beasts disregarded the rules between the beasts and directly attacked, but only one face, and two of the seven-headed hyraxes had two **** heads, which seemed to have been lost. Improved combat effectiveness.

"Haha, revenge, you are fat enough for me to eat for several months." The white bear laughed, and moved back after shaking his body. It turned out that this man had deliberately attracted the attention of the seven-headed Hydra.

"Despicable, shameless, you actually attacked." The seven-headed Hydra was seriously injured as soon as they met each other, and roared again and again.

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