A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 573:

Cook looked at the black spots that were constantly flying in the sky. This black spot may not be clear to others. But Cook and others can see very clearly. It is a fist-sized bird that resembles a crow. This bird is right. He stared at the bottom with red eyes and shouted loudly.

"Cuckoo." The sound of this bird is very crisp, and it keeps circling.

Cook has a talent for animal language and animal language. When Cook understands the meaning of the call, he breathed a sigh of relief. Because this bird actually summons the race to come for food. And the goal is to keep coming out of the desert Corpse worm.

But Cook couldn't say that it was not. But only a few minutes later, Cook regretted it. Because the crowd summoned by this crow-sized bird was extremely large. It was overwhelmingly black, like a black cloud.

Cook and the others saw the black, cloud-like birds swoop down from the sky, and then plunged into the sand full of corpses like a sharp sword. Fortunately, Cook and the others were far away.

"Tsk tut." Cook watched the last crow-like bird disappear. But nothing was left of the broken bodies of sandworms on the sand. There was no strange trace left in the entire desert. Cook praised nature No matter what the harsh conditions, there is life stubbornly alive. It looks like a vast desert. I didn’t expect life to be so vigorous.

The five golden dragons looked at Cook. Their faces were very weird. The six of them ran so fast in the desert. Cook looked at the five giants of the Dragon Council. He couldn’t help asking: "What do you rely on to tell the direction? of."

"Sun." The golden dragon just answered two words.

Cook was very depressed. Because the five giants of the Dragon Council didn't seem to want to say anything to him. They just rushed along. Cook didn't ask too much.

A group of people was walking fast in the desert. But Cook keenly discovered that even the five giants of the Dragon Council. His expression became more and more alert. Cook actually knew the answer.

The huge dragon is in this desert. It is almost useless. Because the sand will isolate the mental power. Then it can also isolate the dragon. That is the spiritual oppression. And no one knows under the seemingly calm desert. Will it be? What kind of monsters are there? This is already discounting the dragon's combat power.

In other places, the dragon only needs to put its own spiritual coercion, that is, when the dragon is released. Any beast has to retreat. Not to mention the five-headed legendary dragon. But this will not work in the Moracan Desert.

"Puff." Just when Cook was thinking about it, there was a pop in the sand in the distance. Cook immediately woke up.

"Ding." Just when Cook hadn't reacted, after a crisp sound, Cook felt that he was rushed out by a huge force.

"Puff." Cook fell directly onto the desert tens of meters away. Cook looked at the bone spurs that were more than ten centimeters long in front of him. He secretly called a fluke.

"Boom." And the earth dragon also shot. I saw the earth dragon Dillon patted his hands vigorously. A pair of huge khaki palms suddenly patted the place where the bone spurs were shot.

Cook shook his head. Use this trick in the desert. The power is only a fraction of the original power. Because the sand is the least transfer of power. As expected, Cook did not expect this time. No gain.

"Your boy's equipment is not small. It can actually block such an attack." The golden dragon looked at the bone spurs in Cook's hand. Then looked at the dusty equipment on Cook's body. His eyes were bright. .

"Hey. Just a set of magic pattern equipment." Cook did not hide it. This is just a set of magic pattern equipment. But these words made the golden dragon roll his eyes.

Because magic pattern equipment is the jargon inside the alchemist gate. According to people outside, magic pattern equipment is a holy weapon. It is a higher-level item than magic equipment. Even the five giants of the dragon council present. There is no set of magic Pattern equipment.

Because on the mainland. A set of equipment. Even the most basic ones include gloves, wrist guards, breastplate, leg armor, leg guards, boots, helmets, and weapons. This is the most basic. And some have knee pads, elbow pads. . Wait. So the most basic set is 7 pieces. Among them, breastplate and helmet are the most rare. Because the equipment in these two places not only consumes a lot of materials, but also protects important parts. So the quality is in all aspects It is better than other parts.

"Ahem. That's okay. Let's move on." Even the golden dragon was shocked by Cook's saliva.

"We don't find a place to rest." Cook asked suspiciously.

Cook really can't stand it anymore. There are long yellow sands everywhere. The eyes are all the same yellow. There is also the glare of the sun. There are still hours of continuous running. Cook feels a little tired.

"Let's go again. I forgot to tell you. In this Moracan Desert, the physical strength is very exhausted. And it is not easy to recover." Kalong said on the side.

"Well. Are we going to drive in the dark?" Cook nodded.

An environment like the desert consumes a lot of physical strength. After all, the desert is not very stressful. Every step requires effort. And sometimes the feet are sunk in the desert. There is less water in the air. The amount of water ingested is more. It evaporates from the pores. There are also more. The metabolism is faster. The more tired people are.

Cook still understands this. What Cook hopes is not to rush on the road in the dark, so that even his body will not be able to bear it.

"Of course not. In the Moracan Desert. Even we dare not act easily at night. Because here we can't recover the magic power of Western Europe. The reason why we have to walk is to maintain our physical strength and magic power. .The other thing is to avoid getting lost,” Karon explained later.

Cook let out a cold sweat. Cook is a wood element. So I can't perceive the wood element here. I don't know that magic power can't be restored here. Cook asked Dillon next to him: "Earth element is not good either. "

"No. Any system won't work. If you don't believe it, you can feel it. The elements here are extremely violent. They are simply not bearable." Dillon shook his head and replied.

The catching element should be compared to fishing. Normal meditation catching the element. The element will not resist at all. The so-called elemental rage is like the fish you catch when you are fishing and tossing in the big net. This must be Let you spend a constant number of times. Or tens of times the power to capture. If the energy is consumed. But the mental power consumed is not worthwhile at all. Because mental power is not only the root of meditation. It also supports magic. Basically, that's why there is a saying that magic power cannot be restored.

And generally speaking, some of the elements captured during meditation will disappear. On average, only about seven or eight tenths can become their own magic power. But after the elemental madness, maybe only one-tenth can become their own magic power. So it is spent An element that is difficult to capture with mental power that is many times or even dozens of times more than usual, and only one-tenth of the magic power. This is simply useless.

But Cook was prepared for this. Because even the wood elements in the desert are scarce and pitiful. So Cook doesn't care. But Cook still asked: "Then the magic crystal. The magic core."

"Hehe. This is useful. But after you take out your magic core, the pure elemental power inside will be directly drawn away by an invisible force. So the amount of a magic crystal that can be absorbed is only one third of the outside. "Theron replied while looking at Cook with a smile.

"Nima." Cook thoroughly understood why the Moracan Desert is one of the most dangerous areas on the continent. Because of such a weird environment, people have to retreat. That's all for one person. It's not bad that the combat power can only play 30% here.

It's no wonder that these dragons are walking. The golden dragon looked at Cook's expression. He further said: "And you kid, don't underestimate this. There are some monsters here that our dragons have to retreat."

Just when the golden dragon was talking, Cook suddenly felt a cool breeze blowing in his face. Cook did not say: "This wind is blowing so refreshingly."

"Hurry up. This is about to start a sandstorm." The Golden Dragon and the others looked at each other. Then Theron screamed.

"Sandstorm." Cook couldn't help being surprised. Because Connie's father once said. Sometimes sandstorms in the Moracan Desert will drive out all the beasts in the Moragan Desert. Thus, beasts are formed again and again. tide.

As the wind continues to increase, Cook feels a bit cold now. As the wind increases, the sand in the desert is constantly being blown up. Cook has to wear glasses to prevent the sand from flying. Into the eyes.

But in half an hour, Cook saw a sandstorm. There was a loud rumbling noise on the far horizon. There was also a black cloud-like sandstorm pressed by the black. When he was still tens of kilometers away Cook and his team can see the sandstorm connecting the sky from a distance. The entire sky is covered by rolling yellow sand.

And Cook can hardly walk now. But fortunately, Theron is pulling Cook. Cook is almost dragged forward by Theron. And the visibility is getting lower and lower. Less than ten minutes. The visibility is only there. Several meters away.

"Okay. Kid. Caught." Suddenly the voice of the golden dragon came. Then Cook was directly pressed on the ground by a pair of big hands.

"Huh." At this time, Cook discovered that the ground was actually a hard rock. Cook's hand buckled the rock tightly. The five giants of the Dragon Council were also next to Cook.

Now the visibility is less than one meter. Cook looked at Theron on his left. On the right Cook found strangely that it was a hairy head. His eyes were dead closed.

"Boom boom boom boom." A huge storm sounded in Cook's ears. The huge wind made Cook feel as if he was about to be blown away.

There were also rolling sand particles. Cook felt that he was submerged by a sand dune. Then he was blown away by the wind. Then he was submerged again. The huge pressure almost made Cook unable to breathe. Come out. The bones are squeaked by the huge pressure. Fortunately, Cook's body is very strong. But even so, Cook feels very uncomfortable. I don't know how long it has passed. Anyway, Cook is numb. I just know that I keep my head down tightly. Then I keep my head down as much as possible to prevent sand from getting into my nose.

Finally, the sound of the wind was much quieter. Cook slowly raised his head. The sandstorm had passed. The sky became clear again. And Cook discovered that the surrounding environment had changed. What he grasped was just a number It's just a hundred meters wide rock. Now on this rock, there are actually densely packed monsters.

The sound of Cook immediately alarmed the other creatures on the rock. It was just a moment that these creatures crawling on the rock jumped up and fled. They just left a string of footprints.

"Boom." But Cook reacted fast enough. A humanoid monster beside Cook was slapped on the head by Cook. The guy who wanted to jump up and escape was slapped on the ground by Cook. . Make an intimate contact with the rock. There is a loud bang.

"What kind of beast is this." Cook turned the monster that he had stunned over and took a look. He found that it was an ape-like guy. He was covered in hair. But he still had crude leather armor.

"Warcraft. Cook. This is an orc." Karon looked at Cook with a weird look, and then replied.

"Orcs." Cook was surprised. Unexpectedly, there were orcs in the Moragan Desert.

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