A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 575:

It has to be said that King Emerald Snake’s move to release the domain is very suitable. King Emerald Snake did not expect this realm to treat Cook like this. What King Emerald Snake will do is just a moment’s time. In an instant, King Green Snake was sure to let the bird die in front of him.

King Emerald Snake fiercely rushed towards Cook, and opened his mouth to find Cook bite down, but King Emerald's strategy is very good, but, in the face of absolute strength, this is nothing.


King Emerald Snake just felt a purple light in front of him, and there was a crackling sound. The beasts of Snake City on the ground were stunned by the beautiful sight in front of them. In a green space, there were countless purple lights shining. Beautiful, so illusory.

"Boom!" Cook's body got the thunderbolt bloodline in the thunderstorm nebula. Although the deformed lightning bird can change Cook's bloodline, the assimilation of Cooke in the thunderstorm nebula is deep into every cell, so the deformed lightning After the bird, Cook really discovered that he has the ability to lightning. The lightning bird means that lightning is as fast as lightning. It does not mean that the lightning bird is a thunder attribute. In other words, Cook's transformation wizard has mutated.

"Promoted." The lightning bird released countless purple thunder and lightning just now, which surprised Cook, because it was not Cook's control and release, but the natural reaction of the body, and then Cook felt that he was a transformation wizard promoted.

It is also a three-level transforming wizard. Cook adds attributes after this transformation. It is called fusion on the side of the wizard, but fusing a new ability is not a trivial matter. This requires great luck and the chance of successful fusion It is very small, about one tens of thousands, which means that there may be only a few of the entire transformation wizard that can do it.

The increase in attributes means that the bloodline is strong. What the transformation wizard needs is a strong bloodline. Only a strong bloodline can make the transformation wizard the profession advance, allowing Cook to directly reach the level of the third-level transformation wizard.

"Roar roar!" After the venomous area of ​​King Emerald Snake was bombarded by purple lightning, it was fragmented. King Emerald Snake was paralyzed by purple thunder and lightning for a full second. King Emerald Snake roared and his whole body was Like a huge whip, he whipped at Cook, very fast.

"Rumble." The King Emerald Snake made a full blow, and he didn't know that Cook's body swayed directly, and the King Emerald Snake's attack failed.

King Jade Snake watched Cook disappear. One meter, only one meter away, the tail directly hit Cook, but the strange thing is that the opponent's 100-meter-sized body disappeared abruptly, no, accurate It is said to be moving, like a huge force pushing the opponent away.

"Roar!" Then King Emerald Snake screamed in horror. In the air, King Emerald Snake was not a wind creature. Just a moment ago, his tail was swung with all his strength. After falling into the air, the whole body was thrown out because of King Emerald's body. There was no place to take advantage, the King Emerald Snake cried out in horror.


"This..." Cook was speechless, and the king of the emerald snake hit himself directly on the ground, making a loud noise.

"Roar, roar." The king of the green snake stood upright in embarrassment, more than a thousand meters high, but this height is not a threat to Cook who is tens of thousands of meters high.

"Are you Bird City going to have trouble with our Snake City?" The King Snake roared again and again.

What Cook didn’t know was that the Snake City and the Bird City itself had great contradictions. In the history of the Bird City and the Snake City, there had been several major conflicts. Under normal circumstances, the beasts of the Snake City are not those of the Bird City opponent.

After all, one is high in the sky, but the beast of Bird City still has to land. Although the place where Bird City is located is very dangerous, it is not a problem for the beast of Snake City.

After several conflicts, both the Bird City and the Snake City lost a lot. In the end, under the adjustment of the Phoenix clan, no major conflict broke out between them.

"Go away, I won't be allowed to cross the Blue Stone Valley in the future, otherwise I will make you look good." Cook shouted.

"When did the Blue Stone Valley belong to your Bird City? In order to occupy the territory, your Bird City actually dared to slaughter the Hydra tribe of our Snake City. Our Hydra tribe will start a war against your Bird City." An eleven-headed man. The Hydra cried loudly.

Cook didn't care about the bird city or the bird city, and he said coldly: "Anyway, you are not allowed to enter the Blue Stone Valley. Otherwise, I will destroy your snake city."

"Haha, haha, ruined our Snake City, Birdman, if I have the ability, if I lose, no one of our Snake City can cross the Blue Stone Valley in the future. If you dare not, then I will summon the beasts and go to the Blue Stone Valley. "The Emerald Snake King Yang Tian shouted.

"Huh, what do you say?" Cook's deformed Lightning Bird looked at King Emerald Snake and asked in a cold voice.

When King Emerald Snake heard Cook's question, he looked up to the sky and laughed: "Who would dare not listen to the promise of King Emerald Snake, I swallowed him."

"That's good." Cook's deformed lightning bird replied with two words, and then fell on the ground, and the surrounding snakes and beasts fled away.

"Get out of the way." There was a roar around the Emerald Snake Dynasty, and the surrounding snakes and beasts kept evading.

King Jade Snake looked at Cook and said, "Are you ready?"

"Come on." Cook did not look like a human being. Cook was afraid of trouble. After all, the other party thought he was a divine beast. That would be an internal struggle. If he reverted back to a human look, it would be a racial contradiction. in trouble.

"Hehe." The king of the green snake chuckled, and dark green smoke was continuously emerging from his body. The billowing smoke swept towards Cook. Where the smoke passed, the vegetation was corroded into black gray.

"Zerzzizi." The ground was even more sizzling.

"Oh oh oh oh oh." Without warning, countless purple thunder and lightning appeared on King Emerald Snake's body. Purple thunder and lightning continued to ravage King Emerald Snake's body, and King Emerald's screams rang out again.

"Huh!" Cook's deformed lightning bird flapped its wings, and the dark green mist seemed to be pushed directly away by a huge hand.

"Boom, bang, bang." Cook turned into a lightning bird with a jump and a flap of wings, and it landed on the body of the tumbling Emerald Snake King. Many snake-like beasts were frightened when they saw the next movement. When he turned around and ran away, Cook took the two wings as two big boards, and slapped the king of the king snake on the head.

Just three or five times, the king of the emerald snake vomited blood in his mouth. The claws of the 100-meter-sized lightning bird firmly pressed the king of the emerald snake on the ground. It was like a sparrow pushing a ten-meter-long one. The big snake pressed to the ground.

Click and click.

Cook didn't say anything, he just pumped it. Although the lightning bird is not big, it is a star beast after all. Even the lowest star beast is stronger than the main **** of this world, not to mention that Cook's physical strength is very abnormal.

"Boom, boom, boom." King Emerald Snake was very frustrated, his tail wanted to draw Cook, but it was almost impossible for the King Emerald Snake to dominate his tail by lightning, and the venom of King Emerald had no effect on Cook. , The scales on King Emerald Snake's head were drawn and began to fall.

Cook loosened one foot a little, and then asked: "Dare to go to the Blue Stone Valley?"

"Let go of me, let me go." King Green Snake was humiliated by Cook's meal and shouted.

With a sound of "Zi!", Cook grabbed his other foot hard and heard a scream. The skin on King Emerald Snake's head was torn off by Cook.

"I serve, I serve, I serve, and I won't go to the Blue Stone Valley in the future." The King Snake felt a sharp pain on his scalp, and then saw Cook dropped it on the ground; Pi, immediately shouted.

"If Snake City dares to enter the Blue Stone Valley in the future, I'll skin you and cramp." Cook shouted coldly.

"Yes, yes, yes." Seeing Cook's paw gestures on his eyeballs, King Emerald Snake quickly replied in horror~www.wuxiaspot.com~ King Emerald Snake now knows this small bird ratio He wasn't even a star, so he pressed himself to the ground with a small paw. He couldn't move, and his whole body was very poisonous. This guy showed no signs of being polluted by the poison.

Very poisonous, this is King Emerald Snake's greatest support, as long as the opponent is not afraid of this, King Emerald Snake is not an opponent at all.

"Get out of here." Cook flew over a kilometer in the sky and shouted coldly to King Jade Snake.

"Yes, yes, yes." King Emerald quickly replied, his huge body twisted quickly and disappeared into the jungle.

The other snake-like beasts around had long since scattered and fled. Even an idiot knew that his king was defeated, and Cook also rushed back.

The reason why Cook did not take any more aggressive measures against the King Serpent was because once the King Serpent was seriously injured by Cook, he might lose the King’s throne. Then other snake creatures would take the lead, and perhaps they would have to find it back. The scene, but if it has always been the king of the green snake, it is estimated that the possibility of coming to look for abuse is very small.

Someone wants to say, isn’t there a Sky City? The Sky City is powerful, but this thing requires energy. On the God Realm side, the Sky City’s energy storage progress is very slow, mainly due to the energy purity and strength, and the difference between the Star Realm and the Star Realm is not even a star.

In addition, Cook is now massacring the Hydra tribe. Even if someone gives the Snake City a head start, Cook still has the reason. This is not the site of the Snake City at all. It is also beaten, but outside the Blue Stone Valley, it is snake creatures. tie.

Once you annoy the Snake City and know that Cook belongs to the Council of the Gods, then the Council of the Gods will not think about peace. Cook hasn't the ability to defend the entire Council of the Gods with the Sky City, but there are so many of the sky. City, even this energy consumption can drag the Council of the Gods into the abyss.

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