A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 577:

"This is not clear, only the swan people know about the war mystery." The lion head replied.

Cook looked at the swan patriarch, and the swan patriarch said with a wry smile: "I don't know, these are only known by the elder."

The lion and other high-level orcs obviously didn't believe this, but there was nothing to do if they didn't believe it. The patriarch of the bunny asked: "President Cook, do you have any ideas in this regard?"

"There must be a way, but I don't have time for such a large area. If you know the approximate area, it is easier." Cook said the truth. After all, the area around Sanggan Lake is really too big, quite The size of human territory.

The high-level orcs still believed in Cook's words. The high-level orcs were very dissatisfied with the location of the swan people who kept the secret realm, and the swan people were also dissatisfied, because Sanggan Lake was originally the territory of the swan people.

"Do you Swan people know where the Mystery of War is located?" Patriarch Bimen asked directly. Some of the orcs in the land of the Mystic Realm were also called the Mystic War of War.

The swan man said with a wry smile; "I really don't know."

The tiger patriarch said, "If you don't know, it's about the same for all of us, and we should go back."

"Yes, everyone is busy." The other orc leaders also said the same. For Sanggan Lake, these orc patriarchs actually didn't catch a cold, because everyone divided the turf, and the divided turf became a fragmentary turf, and it did not match the current territory. Connection and management are also very troublesome.

"Well, everyone is gone." Cook saw that most of the orcs wanted to disperse, and he said.

The Doug patriarch quit, and grabbed the Swan patriarch and shouted: "If you bird-man don't tell where the war mystery is, don't blame our Dougs for being rude to you Swans."

"Why do you Doug people want to be rude to us Swan people?" The Swan people patriarch struggled hard, but did not struggle away.

"It was good when I said it, now, people are gone, it must be your swan people's conspiracy, you want to monopolize the benefits of the mysterious realm, everyone don't go, I will tell you what is in the mysterious realm." Now I am also in a hurry, knowing that there are not a few people left in the elders, and the others have entered the secret realm with the swan people.

When the eagle patriarch heard this and wanted to stop it, it was too late. The swan patriarch heard the Doug patriarch say this, and shouted: "You guys don't abide by the contract."

"Abide by the **** contract. Everyone listens to me. There is a full set of equipment from the God of War era in the War Mystery Realm." The Doug Patriarch slobbered.


"Is this true?" the surrounding orc patriarch asked.

"It's true, and it's not the God of War we are talking about, but the God of War in the ancient gods. You don't know yet. How did the ancient **** of war die? He was beaten to death by people. Why was this ancient **** of war be beaten to death. It was fatal because the swan people hid the entire set of equipment of the ancient gods at that time, hiding them in the ancient mystery realm, and it is said that there is the inheritance of the ancient gods and war gods." The patriarch Doug said loudly.

The swan patriarch shouted: "How is it possible, we swan people were slaves at the time, how dare we not listen to the words of the ancient gods."

The patriarch of the Dougs looked at him suspiciously when they saw the high-ranking orcs around him, and said loudly, "How can it be impossible, but we, the Dougs, are responsible for transmitting information, and there are eagles, patriarchs of the eagles, don't you think? "

"This..." The Eagle Clan chief hesitated.

Just after hesitating for a while, the surrounding orc high-level leaders understood that Nima was actually true, and the Tigerman grabbed the Eagleman patriarch: "Say, is it true?"

"That's it, you scumbags, have been hiding for so long?" The lion man also grabbed the eagle patriarch.

The swan man was even grabbed by the elephant by his neck: "You swan man wants to swallow it alone, **** bastard."

"No, no, I only recently learned about it." The eagle patriarch was caught by the two patriarchs and did not dare to resist. Everyone is of the same level, but the eagle has the advantage of being able to fly for a long time, and the eagle also has wings. of.

"I only found out recently, I rely on it, slap." The elephant slapped the head of the Swan Clan.

"I don't know, these are all secrets kept by the elders." The head of the Swan people explained.

"Shit, you patriarch doesn’t know. I think you swan people have a conspiracy this time. You swan people must know the way to enter the mysterious realm of war. You don’t know, at the beginning, you swan people knew the way to enter and leave the mysterious realm of war. And after the death of the ancient gods, we Daoge did not find the secret key, it must have been hidden by your swan people." Daoge shouted loudly.

When the other orcs around heard this, they immediately screamed, and the patriarch Doug began to explain.

It turns out that this war mystery realm is actually an ancient mystery realm, that is, an existence such as the treasure house of the ancient gods. At that time, only the closest servants of the ancient gods could enter and exit, but the ancient god’s key was needed. It is equivalent to something like a permission token.

During the war of the ancient gods, the swan people stood on the side of other races and didn't know how to put the equipment of the ancient **** into the ancient mystery realm. The ancient **** was beaten to death without equipment. At that time, these people also tried to enter the ancient mysterious realm, but no one could enter, the key to enter and exit was not found, and the battle situation was tense, so they were put aside, and then countless years passed, other races wiped out all the ancient gods, this The ancient mystery was forgotten.

Until the first generation of God of War did not know how to obtain the method to enter the ancient mysterious realm, and finally became the treasure house of the first generation of God of War, so it was called the war of mysterious realm. As for what the first generation of God of War and other races said. , I don’t know, and finally this place belongs to the first generation of God of War.

It didn’t take long before the first generation of God of War disappeared, which allowed the ancient mystery to be closed again. When the first generation of God of War was there, the swan man was the priest of the first generation of God of War, and was actually the maid of the God of War. Swan people are looked down upon in private.

"Patriarch of the Swan people, you still speak." Cook said directly to the chief of the Swan people.

The swan patriarch said with a wry smile: "Speaker Cook, I really don't know."

"Don't talk nonsense, the elders of your clan are gone, I don't believe I won't give you anything. If there is no charge, it will prove that what you swan people said is false, because you can come back with full confidence." Said angrily.

"Bang, you scumbag, you dare to lie to us." Hearing Cook say this, the Doug patriarch smashed the swan man’s nose with his fist. Cook’s logic is very convincing. If you said that you didn't order, it would prove that you swan-man elders will come back with full confidence. Then the very dangerous things that you said to the Dougs and the hawks are false.

"Really, I really..." the Swan Man said loudly with his nose red and swollen.

"Haha, are you? Then why do you swan people say that it is so dangerous? Do you want to pit some people?" Cook said with a smile.

The eagle patriarch looked gloomy and said: "Swan patriarch, what you'd better say is true, otherwise, we eagles will face your swan people, but we are not afraid."

"I...I just know a place." The swan man said helplessly when he heard this.

"Boom, bang, you fucking, don't know, don't know." The Doug patriarch yelled angrily, and the Swan patriarch was beaten twice again.

The Doug's physical strength is much stronger than that of the Swans. The head of the Swans was beaten and his face blossomed. After the head of the Swans said a place name, Cook and the orcs hurried over.

The place where Zhan Mystery Realm is located is half a mountainside~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Actually this place is the remains of the palace of the ancient gods. Cook looked at this place and said, "This is a really good place."

It is indeed a good place, with Sanggan Lake in the front, high snow-capped mountains in the back, and cliffs on both sides. Only the front is a gentle slope. At the end of the gentle slope, there is a huge semi-circular concave terrain.

The semi-circular terrain is about several thousand meters in diameter, but now it is covered by various plants. Under the covered plants are huge stones. On the stones, you can also see incomplete patterns. The top of the snow mountain behind you Also sunken in.

"This snow-capped mountain was said to be straight before, but during the war of the ancient gods, the entire mountain was dented into it," the patriarch Doug said.

Cook nodded. The part of the snow-capped mountain recessed was hundreds of kilometers long. From a distance, this mountain range was like being smashed by something. Now it is covered by thick snow, and it’s hard to see it. what's the situation.

"No humans have been here before." The Eagleman patriarch flew into the sky, and then returned.

Everyone looked at Cook, and Cook was puzzled and asked, "What do I do?"

"Chairman Cook, didn't you just say..." Patriarch Bunny replied in embarrassment.

"Such a big place... forget it, I'll try it." Cook was speechless.

Cook found a strange device in the natural ring. In fact, it was made by Cook using the magic eye in front of outsiders to cover the variant of the magic eye. It looked like a telescope, but was only worn on his head.

The surrounding orcs didn’t know, they saw Cook took out a strange thing and put it on. At the same time, there was a magic crystal ball in his hand. Get up, this is not a pretense, this is an energy induction model, a wizard model.

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