A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 580:

The same is a metal door, and the same is the hall. Inside the hall are various wooden boxes. Cook and the others carefully checked it. There are food reserves, dried meat and the like, but they are decayed and have no effect. .

Cook took a look at the crystal ball in his hand. It had not yet reached the inner core area. When the food storage area was opened, Cook and the others saw a huge space.

This space is one thousand meters high and presents a semicircle. There are hundreds of layers on each floor. There are metal doors made by Cook and others on every floor. There are hundreds of them.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The orc seniors saw the same metal door a few tens of meters away. The tiger clan leader ran over first, and then pointed at the metal door with three kicks.

"Haha, idiot." But after the tripod, there was nothing unusual about the metal door, and the swan patriarch laughed immediately.

"This is the ancient mystery, it's the warehouse of the ancient gods, you idiot don't know what you think, you just want to kick this door open?" The swan man said with contempt.

Cook took a closer look. It is estimated that this secret realm is a huge warehouse, and the kilometer-high space that I see now is not a complete space. Cook estimates that the ground I see now is a lift or something. thing.

At this point, Cook has roughly estimated the structure inside. It is a circular underground warehouse with a lift in the middle and surrounded by storage items. As for why there are people living in the outermost area, the warehouse Ke guessed that it was the place where the slaves lived. Because a large amount of slaves needed to carry supplies here, after opening a warehouse, the slaves would be driven to the innermost, so that the slaves would not cause any trouble.

Some people have to ask why they are slaves, because the doors of those houses are also very strong. If they are not slaves, there is no need to be so secure.

Of course, this is a logical analysis. What it is now is not a very important thing at all. The tiger patriarch looked at Cook in embarrassment, but Cook didn’t even look at him. He turned over and went down to this floor, at a distance of ten meters. Not too high, Cook jumped off easily.

"Bang." Cook kicked the door open and looked at it. He found that there was a lot of food stored in it, but it was also decayed. There were also metal cans and weaponry, but there were things like daggers.

"This is the dagger used by our cat assassins." The cat chief said.

Cook nodded, and the halo effect on the dagger was a halo of popularity, which obviously accelerated the user, and there was also a negative effect on the dagger, power extraction.

"Tsk tusk." All the orcs looked at the tens of thousands of daggers and sighed. The equipment inside was all some kind of leather equipment, which was obviously also for cat people.

Continuing down, every layer of Cook must be opened to take a look. When it comes to the bottom, there are some siege equipment, which are obviously also things during the war of the ancient gods. Most of these siege tools are made of black spirit wood. There are only a few simple attributes, but according to Cook's estimation, these siege tools with attributes are probably the best in that era.

Cook looked down on the forty-second floor, and when it was on the forty-second floor, he looked at it to the end, but Cook took a closer look, and there should be something under it.

"There are traces of destruction, but it looks like it is not an orc's handwriting." In fact, the entire space does not have a trace of an orc style, it is completely another style, because Cook also knows that this huge underground space, it is estimated that the orcs cannot be established. of.

As for the things stored above, it is obviously stored by the first generation of God of War, and it is not known who it is against.

"Boom." Cook stamped his feet vigorously, without any abnormal feeling.

Cook picked up the Star Breaker and didn't hit the thing that looked like a lift. He opened a door beside him, entered the storage room, and then directly hit the floor of the storage room.

"Boom." Sure enough, a big hole appeared. The entire floor is full of metal with a thickness of one meter, and some energy circuits can be seen in the metal. Obviously, if this place is not destroyed by Cook, it can't be destroyed by any amount of force. .

"This... is there something underneath?" The orc seniors saw the space below, surprised.

Cook was not in a hurry, because Cook felt the faint energy fluctuations below, and the surrounding orc high-level officials saw that Cook did not move, and they also increased their vigilance.

When Cook and his party were here, on the snow-capped mountains, there was a group of orcs walking hard in the ice and snow.

"Damn it, how long will it take to get there?" Senior Elder Doug asked in a low voice against the freezing icy wind.

"It should be here soon." The elder of the Swan Man constantly scanned the surroundings, but all around was a world of ice and snow. The elder of the Swan Man knew that there was an exit for entry and exit and a map, but the ice and snow would change, and After so many years, the thickness of ice and snow has increased a lot. Even if it is a reference object, it is estimated that the probability of finding it is not very high. There is no such thing as precise coordinates in this world. Even if there is, the swan person cannot measure it.

"This place is very unfavorable to us. During this period of time, seven of our people have somehow disappeared. If we can't find a place today, we will decide to quit." The Great Elder Eagle said with a ugly face.

"That's right, but why are we Dougs and Hawkmen who are missing, not your Swans?" The Doug Elder looked at the Swans and asked.

When the Elder Swan Man heard this, he said angrily: "Who makes your reaction so slow?"

"You..." Elder Doug glared at Elder Swan.

The entire team now has more than 30 people, of which the Swans are the most, occupying more than half, the Dougs and the Eagles occupy a small half, and more than 30 people are present in this ice and snow, showing a search for hundreds of meters. area.

"Great Elder, here." Although searching for a length of 100 meters, the orcs are all in groups, because there are also unknown creatures on this snow mountain.

It's not that these orcs want to go to the snowy mountains, but Cook guessed that these orcs have to go to the snowy mountains, and the swan people know that there is also an entrance on the snowy mountains, to be precise, it is something like a vent.

These orcs originally wanted to sneak in, but Cai had just walked to the outermost and outermost area of ​​Sanggan Lake when he was spotted by the serpents. Fortunately, these serpents were of low level and were chopped down by the orcs.

The orcs of the three races are strong, and the lowest level is the middle god. The orcs of the three races also know that if they want to forcefully break through, the consequences will be very serious. After all, there is a magical beast city behind the Hydra.

Even if it didn't, the quantity and quality of this Hydra was that the three orc races came together, none of them were opponents, so this group of people decided to walk on the snow-capped mountains.

In this way, the detour would take a long detour and the time was delayed. Therefore, the Doug Patriarch did not receive the news from the Great Elder at the agreed time, and it fell out with the Swans.

After entering the snow-capped mountains, the entire team was missing one after another inexplicably. This was a torment for the entire team. After all, everyone was together and the distance was only ten meters away. This Nima disappeared in a few minutes. Sometimes it disappears while talking, how can this not be frightening?

When the swan-man grand elder heard someone calling himself, he rushed over. A huge ice gap, several meters wide, is not surprising. What is shocking is that there is a dozen meters below this ice gap. The corpse of the orc, and the corpse of the Doug.

"Damn it, there's something down here." The Doug Patriarch gritted his teeth while looking at the mutilated body of his tribe and the condensed blood.

"Everyone gather together." Elder Eagle Man also knew the seriousness of the situation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ exclaimed loudly.

The surrounding orcs gathered together one after another, and as a result, when the number was counted, three people were missing, this time three swan people were missing.

"Damn it, go, let's go down." Elder Doug looked at the white space around him. With the ice wind, the distance he could see was only a few tens of meters.

"Go down." The elder Eagleman thought for a while, and said, if you can't go down, you can't do it. It's still on the ground, maybe when you will be attacked.

The Doug took a hammer and slid into the icy crevice. The use of hammers is very popular in the God Realm. This is due to the abnormality of Cook. Of course, the Doug’s hammer is also an artifact, or Ku Restrained.

"Hey, looking for death." As soon as Elder Doug slid into the ice gap, he heard Elder Doug roar.

The elder Eagleman flew down quickly, and the elder Eagleman only saw it when he fell. This is a world under ice and snow, with a tens of meters high ice and snow passage. The elder Doug is fighting a blue centipede. This centipede is nothing but a centipede. The lower **** level, the elder Daoge is a powerful person at the emperor level, and the blue centipede was smashed into two by the elder Daoge in such a short time when the eagle elder fell.

"Come here, and this is the nest of an ice centipede." The elder eagle was about to look at the dead Doug at his feet, when he heard the elder Doug shout loudly.

"Damn it, so much." When Elder Eagleman came to Elder Doug, he was also surprised. In front of Elder Doug, there was a deep cave. Is this cave very wide, only ten. It is a few meters wide, but it is very deep. In this deep ice gap, there are countless blue centipedes, crawling towards him.

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