A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 587:

Cook's face was calm, and he took out a scroll and said, "I can accept your request. However, this time to recover Sanggan Lake, Tiger City and Bear City each dispatched 20,000 sacred beasts and worked for a month. Every sacred beast needs to pay fifty high-grade sacred crystals every day, that is to say, one million high-grade sacred crystals need to be paid every day, 30 million high-grade sacred crystals need to be paid in 30 days. , Not to mention the high-level god-level beasts in it, there are also the **** king, the god-emperor level beasts, more than three thousand beasts have been injured, and the treatment cost for this part is 3 million high-level **** crystals, and the sky city I won’t talk about the cost of dispatch, but the energy consumed has reached 500 million high-grade **** crystals. You have to give it to you. Besides, even if I give this portal, how about it?"

"You, you are robbery." The swan elder shouted loudly.

"That's whatever, or should I let the sacred beasts of Bear City and Tiger City go directly to your Swan people to charge you?" Cook shrugged indifferently.

"..." The elders of the Swan people dare not agree at all.

"Hey, it's useless for our Lion Clan to want this Sanggan Lake territory, but we have dispatched tens of thousands of god-level powerhouses. Our price is not high. Everyone pays ten high-grade **** crystals every day, who Let us all be orcs. In one month, if we pay our Lions three million high-grade crystals, we Lions will return the territory of Sanggan Lake to you. Of course, you Swans can also write IOUs, but the interest is based on the Goddess of Wealth Temple. Hundred-year deposit interest counts." The Lion Man elder said with a smile.

"Three million, why don't you grab it." The elder of the Swan People shouted loudly.

"We Tiger City, it's useless to want this remote place in Sanggan Lake, but our Tiger Clan dispatched so many people, somehow we paid two million high-grade Divine Crystals. We Tiger Clan don’t owe a debt, you Swan Clan is The women look better, and the rest are poor ghosts." The Tiger Clan's elder said straightforward enough.

"We tortoiseshell people are free of help, but you swan people immediately withdrew from the territory that occupied our tortoiseshell people." The tortoiseshell people looked like I was generous, but everyone knows that only five hundred tortoiseshell people are out. People, and all the orcs didn’t do anything. By the way, the Lions and Tigers, as long as Cook speaks, these races don’t need territories at all, because everyone doesn’t contribute, but you Swans are too shameless. There wasn't a single word of kind words, and he looked justified and confident. Everyone didn't wait to see him. In addition, Cook wanted to be paid, and other orcs dared not to be paid. This is not against Cook, isn't it?

"Okay, okay, I'll talk about territorial matters later. Elder Swan, you can write IOUs at the price I just mentioned. We don't need interest. But when Tiger City and Bear City ask you for crystals, I can't Intervened." Cook saw everyone still wrangling, so he said.

"President Cook, in view of the swan-men's bad conspiracy, all of us orcs unanimously demand not to distribute the trophies to the swan-men." The eagle elder took out a scroll and sent it to Cook.

"As an outsider, I respect your opinions, then please ask the Swan Man out." Cook nodded and said.

"You, you will be retributed, and the God of War will not forgive you." The elder swan man was thrown out directly, but the elder swan man cursed vigorously.

The great elder of the fox clan curled his lips when he heard this, and muttered in his heart: "Cook is already ready to let Wumei manage the Temple of the God of War. You are still the return of the God of War. He dares to come back. It is strange that Cook does not kill him."

Cook’s powerful orcs have a deeper understanding this time. In the eyes of the orcs, the extremely powerful hyrax, actually resisted without resisting it. A city in the sky swayed past and disappeared. As for the two beast cities The soldiers, this is purely to pick up the leaks, and the same can be done with the orcs.

Of course, the other orcs were still very worried. Cook looked at the following people and said: "This time I distribute the spoils. I won't ask for your opinion anymore. Asking for your opinions is still a quarrel. Everyone looks at the loot list. Didn’t find the problem?"

"What's the problem?" All the orc executives were puzzled.

"You look at the size of 20,000 pieces of chain armor equipment, don't you understand?" Cook pointed to a loot and said.

"This size is our Bimeng?" Big Elder Bimeng asked.

"Accurately, there are also the 20,000 totem weapons that are matched, which are also your Bimon. In other words, in this trophy, you can use 20,000 sets of equipment. Look at this dagger. Can you use it? And this totem pole, both hands are bigger than this. In other words, your orcs are equipped with separate weapons from each race. These 100,000 sets of dagger leather armor are the size of a cat. Can you still use tauren?" Cook pointed out.

"Oh!" The orc executives immediately understood, and began to look for what suits them.

"Our Lion's, this is our Lion's."

"This belongs to our tiger people."

Cook almost rolled his eyes. The different races of the orcs are not as big as the blacks of humans. The whites and yellows are not wrong. The size of the orcs is very different. For the bunny and the cat, the cat’s legs It should be longer, taller, and thinner. Bunnymen are shorter and have longer legs, but not as long as catmen. Bunnymen’s arms are shorter, and their body is shorter. Cat people are thicker.

The same goes for Lions and Tigers. Lions have a thicker waist and thick legs. Tigers’ waists are not as thick as Lions, not to mention being as big as humans.

"Everyone understands." Cook asked after waiting for a while.

"Understood, understood." The orc senior level understands this, Nima is still noisy, noisy, and the totem weapon used by Bimon is seven or eight meters long, you cat man, go and try one.

The daggers, daggers, and tigers used by the cat people can't be used, because the grip is only that big and it is for the cat people.

The bunny man uses a short knife, not a dagger. This short knife has a thinner grip because the cat man’s fingers are longer.

Soon everyone reached a consensus, but the Bunnyman Patriarch asked: "Speaker Cook, what about these 30,000 sets of Swanman equipment?"

"First the War God Temple takes charge. The bad swan people are also bad at the top. I believe that the people below are not bad. In addition, if ordinary swan people are willing to return to Sanggan Lake, I can give them a piece of territory, free of charge. Those who think I should return them, I Cook does not welcome." Cook said.

"Our Tigers are useless. This is another enclave..." The Tigers are about to say to give freely.

Cook interrupted and said, "You can give it free of charge. Don't regret it then."

"Regret?" The Tiger Elder was puzzled.

The fox elder said angrily: "This is Cook's territory, Cook's territory."

"Oh..." the words repeated by the great elder of the fox made the surrounding orcs understand that, in Cook's territory, this Nima will not prosper in the future. That's a problem, so the tiger clan shut up and said nothing to give freely.

The tortoiseshell man also said: "In this case, we will not give it to the tortoiseshell man, even if the swan people exchange it for the territory they currently occupy."

"Yes." The Munk also said.

Cook nodded. On the one hand, Cook was telling the truth. How could it not be possible to establish his own territory? On the other hand, how could he say that if it was given for free, Cook would be embarrassed to occupy someone else's territory?

Now, what Cook says is that your swan is holding the money. I am afraid that no one is willing to give up the territory. The only way is something, rant, rant, anyway, I occupy the place.

"Then these remaining things..." Cook looked at the remaining things.

"We don't want them, those things are useless." Before the orc seniors waited for Cook to finish, they shouted.

"This is a good thing, don't you want it?" Cook asked.

The patriarch of the Bunny smiled; "These things are given to Speaker Cook. It is your hard work. We are small in size and dare not take it."

"Then the corolla of the fox?" Cook looked at the fox again.

"We Fox Clan take it back and use it by ourselves!" Yin Fox replied irritably.

Cook thought about it, too. The foxes themselves are useless. Others have some opinions when they get them~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The foxes must have opinions. Cook is not afraid, and said, "Yes, that's it, but after the secret land I recovered, it is the place of the God of War Temple. In addition, I am planning to rebuild the God of War Temple here in Sanggan Lake. In the future, I will merge the Temple of War God in each of your territories to avoid conflicts."

"Okay." When the orc seniors heard this news, there was a reason for not agreeing. You must know that the Temple of the God of War is like a nail in each race.

In addition, the Temple of the God of War occupies the core place of each city. As soon as Nima merges, obediently, the site is not coming out.

"I'm going to set aside a part of my territory and give it to the Temple of the God of War. As for re-establishing the Temple of the God of War, I have a plan here. You can take a look." Cook is here, ready to handle the matter together.

After taking a look at the high-level orcs, they were completely relieved, and they all agreed: "No problem, our tiger clan is the first to support. As long as they are believers who are willing to come here, our tiger clan's territory here can set them free. live."

"Chairman Cook, there is an angel coming here." At this moment, the magic pattern master in charge of the portal ran over and reported loudly.

"Angel, what are they going to do?" Cook asked the angel not to have a cold.

"It seems to be about the God of War." The Magewen Master replied in a low voice.

"Let them come here tomorrow, everyone, first collect your trophies. The angel seems to know what's going on here and is already on the side of the mountain of gods." Cook said.

"President Cook, President Cook, we tortoiseshell people don't have a place to store 20,000 sets of equipment, please think of a way." The tortoiseshell patriarch heard this and said eagerly.

"So are we." The elder of the Butterfly People's Congress also agreed.

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