A Unique Hunter

Chapter 198: Relocation "2nd more"

"Damn human beings, don't want to take a gold coin from me, even one!" Phyllis Deman roared, eyes widening.

Cook blinked his eyes, and then asked curiously: "Why is this? Don't you mean you don't plan to terminate the contract?"

"You, you, don't think about the idea of ​​touching my treasure, human being, I tell you, even if I owe you debts forever, you don't want to take away my treasure, don't think I don't know, even if it is me Give you all my treasures, and it's still zero. That debt is a bottomless pit, bottomless pit!" Phyllis Deman jumped up on the snowy ground and said loudly.

"Humans, don't you just work for you? I did it! But my treasure, you should never think about it." Phyllis Deman triumphantly replied, in the eyes of Phyllis Deman, even The treasure is given to Cook, and still can’t change the debt, so why not pay it back, anyway, there will be ways to evade, and participate in the battle, and you will have loot, if you stupidly give the treasure to this guy, then interest It didn't take long for him to rise again, so that he would be an idiot. The more he thought about it, Phyllis Deman thought his method was more effective.

"It's up to you!" Cook was extremely disappointed. Why didn't this **** dragon take out the treasure? You know that is the treasure of the dragon.

"Haha! I work for you, but I have to eat! My appetite is very good recently. Let's talk about the monsters first." Phyllis Diman said excitedly, showing his huge teeth.

"Yes, you have to deduct money for meals, we have the contract... Damn it!" Cook patted his forehead. Obviously, this big guy is a shame.

"Deduct money, you deduct! Deduction! Whatever you deduct, but how come I don’t know if I have money with you, just do it with you! Haha, see who is great!" Phyllis Deman saw Cook He also blinked his eyes and said loudly, the more he talked about it, the more excited Phyllis Deman was.

"Humph!" Cook snorted coldly, and decided to squeeze the dragon's labor force severely in the future, otherwise he would lose a lot, and he would feel at a loss when he encountered such a Lapi Dragon.

"Hello little guys, we will be one in the future, hello! Don't point at me with a weapon, I am allergic to this stuff." Phyllis Deman greeted the patriarch of the Frost Titans.

"Mr. Cook, you gave us a huge surprise!" The Chief Titan returned the magic giant crossbow to Cook, saying very humorously.

Then Cook walked into the cave where the Titans lived and signed a follower magic contract with the Frost Titans. Of course, the terms were negotiated between the two parties, and Phyllis Deman became a frost dragon over one meter high. Following Cook back and forth, opening his eyes to learn everything about Cook, in the eyes of Phyllis Deman, Cook is the most despicable, sinister and cunning guy, but Cook is also the smartest. Phyllis Deman decided to learn from this hateful guy, and then went to find other dragons by himself, and then...! Phyllis Deman's saliva flowed down thinking of this.

"Building a fortress, no problem!" After Cook had said that he was going to build a fortress, Titan Patriarch Tatadona agreed. Now Tatadona feels extremely relaxed and no longer needs food for the entire tribe. If you are worried, the people don’t have to endure starvation in winter.

"Then you stay here first. I only need Xinta and Ruta to go with me. First prepare your residence and all the daily necessities, and then you can migrate to the Golden Pass as soon as possible." Cook thought for a while. Said that in the future, there will be these big guys stationed at the Golden Pass, Cook 100 rest assured, even if it is an army of tens of thousands of orcs, don't even want to pass there at the Golden Pass. As for the other road, it is in the hands of the Mage Guild. As for the rest of the trails, Cook sneered at them, walking those trails is completely looking for death.

"Okay! Actually we can move away together, we don't have much." Tatadona still wanted to move away together, but Tatadona was actually afraid that Cook would just leave like this, and then didn't come back.

"Alright!" Cook heard this suggestion, and he was right to think about it. The weather is fickle. If a snowstorm blocks the road, he won't be able to descend the mountain before the year of the monkey, and there is free labor. Cook doesn't want to miss it in vain.

Cook nodded, and the rest of the Titans acted immediately. The flour was all made into food and then taken away endlessly. The bag of flour contained everything, magic cores, magic crystals, and some rare ores. There are also magic herbs. Cook saw a seven-eight-meter-tall Titan stuffed the magic herbs into the flour bag, then dropped the flour bag, and continued! Cook’s mouth is twitching, no way, Cook’s space ring is already full of warcraft fur, warcraft bones, and some magic materials. The teeth, eyes and other parts of the mammoth colossus are frozen all year round. The place is very well preserved. It can be said that Cook's space equipment contains the most valuable things. Of course, these things belong to the Titans in name, and Cook is only temporarily keeping them.

At the Golden Pass, Manli waved a lot of gold coins and began to buy food, and then asked about some surrounding places. In the end, Manli did not find a good place. As the temperature gradually dropped, the Golden Pass finally ushered in the first frost. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing the frost, the merchants here began to pack, and some adventurers also began to go down the mountain. The place where Manli lives is to be precise on the mountainside of a mountain, but from here Down, the road is relatively gentle, at least large horse-drawn carriages can pass, while going up to the Golden Pass is relatively steep.

A large number of merchants saw that the frost had come, and sold their goods to Manli, as well as local residents such as barbarians, orcs, and the hotel where Manli lived was also closed.

"Boss, why are you all leaving?" Manli asked suspiciously as she watched the boss start closing the hotel.

"Hehe, as long as the frost rises, then there will be no merchants here, and we have to go home for the New Year, and the merchants returning from the Orc Empire will pass through the Bright Empire, but the taxes there are heavier , And the place where we live is easy to be blocked by blizzards in winter, so we have to evacuate here, girl, I advise you to go, there will be no people here in winter, even a large number of monsters will be in the cave It's hidden inside." After the boss finished speaking, he paid his buddy, and then took some valuables away in a carriage. The hotel was left with some tables, chairs and benches. The boss didn't even lock the door.

"It seems we can only wait for Cook here." Manly said with her hand spreading across the vacant settlement.

"Protest! I protest, I am not one of those low-level pack beasts!" Phyllis Deman flew in the air with large bags full of bags, protesting loudly.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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