A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 610:

The person in charge of the exchange hadn't spoken yet, and a tiger beast next to him said two words disdainfully, and the beast that took the crystal scroll saw that the guy who said he was an idiot was higher than himself, so he didn't dare to say anything.

"Trouble, I'll exchange a thousand high-grade **** crystals." This **** beast is very smart, so he signs a blood contract. There is no way. The more complicated is more complicated, but the victory is safe.

"Hey, let's go." This sacred beast was holding a sacred crystal scroll and looked at the side with contempt and was still in a daze with a pile of sacred crystal scrolls.

"Hillboy." A beast behind also said with contempt.

"Also come a thousand." This sacred beast also comes with a thousand sacred crystal scrolls.

The people behind looked at the first exchanger as if they were looking at a fool. In the end, the person who took the **** crystal scroll saved the **** crystal scroll again and left with a thousand **** crystal scrolls.

"Oh, oh, isn't this the flower boss? Come on, please sit down, please sit down." A sacred animal looked at the shops, and finally came to the shop with the big red bull's head. There are a few dwarfs in this shop. Seeing this beast, he immediately greeted him affectionately.

"Haha, in the Shenyi market, I heard that you are coming here, how about it, are you ready, I have a thousand high-grade Shenjing scrolls." The flower boss laughed, but he was actually an old acquaintance.

"Ready, but the price here is a bit more expensive than the trading market, you always know that these things are sent up." A dwarf said.

"Don't tell me the money, how much is in my card, ten thousand top-grade Shenjing cards, I have ten such cards, here is for you, look at it, there are two others." The flower boss directly took a picture of Shenjing Scroll, said.

"Well, thirty fragrant roasted whole cows, and more honey." The dwarf boss looked at the Shenjing scroll and said nothing. After all, this thing needs to be exchanged for loans, and then shouted loudly.

"Alright." The kitchen behind was ready immediately.

Thirty top-grade **** crystals and a roasted tender cow, the tender cow is half a big calf, and up to two lower-grade **** crystals. This is the top level. If it is average, hum, one **** crystal is not worth it, ordinary honey one The jar is only a low-grade Shenjing, and it is a 30-jin jar.

In addition to the transmission cost, the entire cost does not exceed five high-grade crystals, which means that this single transaction will earn at least more than six hundred high-grade crystals. What is this, huge profits, huge profits.

Hearing this number, the boss asked in surprise: "Corvo, your number is still the same?"

"Boss Flower, you are an acquaintance, so let's make less money." The dwarf boss said very honestly. There is no transmission fee in the Shenyi market, and the whole cost is less than one high-grade Shenjing, which makes a full profit of more than 20 times, but Taxes are high in that place.

"Okay, I made this friend of you, and when I get into trouble in the future, I'll say it's a friend of my little Dongshan Flower boss, and I'm the captain of the patrol team on this street." Flower boss heard this, feeling this dwarf The boss has an appetite for himself and said immediately.

"Thank you, Boss."

"Also, get the wine ready, I'll go get the Shenjing scroll." The flower boss then stood up and said.

"Well, we have prepared it for you." The dwarf boss is very clear about the beast.

Of these 150,000 shops, at least half are shops selling food, the remaining third sell various ingredients, one third sell luxury goods, and the remaining third are other shops.

After the beasts got the **** crystal card, they took the **** crystal scroll one after another, and found that the **** crystal scroll was still easy to use. Everyone was relieved. The first day passed, and the shop owners gathered before the exchange point closed. The **** crystal rolls that arrived were stored in the exchange point and exchanged for a **** crystal card. Of course, they also used this thing in transactions with each other. There was no way, the high-grade **** crystal was almost cleaned up by the dragons.

The Shenjing Scroll was circulated in this way, which surprised some people. Originally, some people expected the more than 900 billion Shenjing to directly push Cook down, but they didn't expect the Shenjing Scroll to circulate.

The first thing I can’t believe about this scene is the Temple of Wealth. The Temple of Wealth has been in control of wealth for many years, and has been researched for many years. However, a piece of animal skin is hundreds of high-grade crystals, and it is still a big palm. Stuff, how is this possible?

The senior officials of the Temple of Wealth scratched their heads and couldn't understand why this happened, so seeing that Cook had succeeded, the Temple of Wealth decided to issue the Divine Crystal Roll.

The other is the angel family. The angel family is ready. Once Cook is under pressure this time, the angels will take the initiative to help Cook. Of course, the angel family must have a plan, but the **** gods are actually circulating. .

"Those people have problems with their brains. Can such things be circulated?" After the angel royal family changed people, things happened in the family one after another. There was either a problem here or there, and there were many deliberately looking for it. It's troublesome, but the newly appointed leader is angry, because these people are not fools, and naturally know who is doing the ghost, so the new party uses the power to find the other party's trouble.

So the whole family of angels kept troublesome, but the external things that should be dealt with also needed to be dealt with.

"I think the next time we distribute resources, we will distribute this." There was an idea from the angel royal family. Didn't you mean to trouble us? Well, we will distribute this stuff to you now.

"Hey, that is, those **** guys keep asking us trouble, hum." When this idea came out, there was no shortage of support.

"What if they don't want it?" someone asked worriedly.

"Don't just pull it down. The only thing we have to do now is to imitate it, and imitate the exact same divine crystal roll. Then we will go to the Council of Gods to use it, hehe." There is an angel royal family who thought of a better way.

"Okay, the material department will study immediately." So the angel royal family began to imitate the Shenjing scroll, but these angels couldn't think of it. This thing cost a huge price, did numerous experiments, and failed.

It can be said that the material and craftsmanship of this animal skin is already very valuable in the eyes of others.

As for the imitation problem, Cook is not afraid of it. He can imitate the **** crystal roll. In Cook's view, it is a talent, let alone other, at least the magic line is extremely talented.

Cook would like to collect such talents himself.

After the events of the King’s City, Cook thought it would be easier, but the two sky cities allowed more people to see the way to earn money, the beast bear city, the angels, the orcs, and La Milan, especially La Milan, angels, beasts, bear city, and orcs, Cook can see or not.

But for La Milan, this woman doesn’t care at all, unless Cook enters the laboratory, even if Cook is with other women, this Ramlan will break in directly. Cook wants to beat him up, and La Milan again It's a big belly.

Fortunately, the number of orders for artifacts dropped sharply, and there was no alternative, the high-grade **** crystals were gathered by the dragon clan.

However, it is said that the duel field of the Crystal City is full. Why, the high-level dragons originally wanted to occupy more than 50 billion high-grade crystals, but the other dragons quit, because the tiger city is divided according to the head, and the level is lower. Score less for higher scores, and score more for higher scores.

So, originally, the high-level dragons were all confused as dogs. Now that the ordinary dragons have a trouble, get, hold a competition, and distribute the crystals in order, how many to as many crystals, the higher the ranking, the higher the ranking. The low is allocated less.

In the duel arena, the dragon’s duel was originally assigned to the gods, but the dragons discovered that some people actually bought tickets to watch the duel, so the dragon who got into the eyes of the money began to earn money again, although each talent has a top grade Shenjing can be watched in a dueling arena for one day, but there are tens of thousands of people watching a match, two games a day on average. The winners of each match will equally share the Shenjing tickets, of course, deducting the use of the duel arena.

So the winning dragon is tens of thousands of high-grade crystals a day, which stimulates the dragon even more. The dragon that loses challenges other dragons~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Anyway, it loses and gets beaten up, but wins. Well, it’s not going to make a fortune, so the originally ranked tournaments have become more complicated, but now it seems that they have not been ranked in a few years.

When Cook heard this, he just paid attention. Cook is now devoted to the College of Pharmacy. The hundreds of talented students in the College of Pharmacy can already refine Tier 1 potions independently. Cook designated grade.

The classification is mainly based on the level, quantity, and difficulty of the pharmacy materials. The Mageweave Association is thriving, and the Pharmacy Association is still at a loss, so Cook is in the School of Pharmacy.

The great sage of the fox family, Morai, has taken up his post. The chief director of the God of War Temple, Wu Mei is the saint, and Cook is the guardian of the God of War Temple. This guardian was created by Cook. Cook is not an orc. If he is the God of War, it will cause The dissatisfaction below, as for the position of God of War, is still vacant there.

Cook did not participate in the planning of the Temple of the God of War. Instead, Morley solicited the opinions of many followers of the God of War. The final result was that Cooke's drawings were decomposed, and then the Mageweave Association was assigned a task.

The roads on the territory of the God of War Temple, as well as the planned sewers, are all under construction. These are the followers of the God of War. Cook only provides the necessary living supplies. These believers do more than they do for the gods. Well, this is faith.

As for Cook’s territory in Sanggan Lake, he has begun to build roads, build canals, and reclaim wasteland. On Sanggan Lake, millions of orcs work on Cook’s territory. Of course, Cook directly outsources them. Out.

"Cook, the Shen Jing scroll is gone." Dili found Cook in the Pharmacy College and said.

"No, there are no more than 20 billion Shenjing scrolls?" Cook couldn't believe it. This is tens of billions of Shenjing scrolls.

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