A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 616:

Cook thought for a moment and said, "In this way, I will take a few pharmacists to your dwarf clan. I haven't seen it personally. I can't say anything."

"Okay, okay, we welcome you to Speaker Cook in Fireforge." When the dwarf elder heard this, he knew there was a door. If there is no way, Cook will refuse it directly. Now Cooke will go to the dwarf clan in person. Taking a trip, on the other hand, this is not a kind of attention.

"Well, you don’t have to do any rituals, and the environment shouldn’t be changed. I’ll just take the pharmacist to your side." Cook said. Cook actually didn’t want to go to the dwarves with a big fanfare, because if it was an external Factors, Cook still has a way, but if it’s his own genetic defect or something like that, Cook will have nothing to do for a while. Of course, there must be a way for the water of life, but the price of the water of life is affordable by ordinary dwarves. , And how many such people are there, and there is so much water of life in the God Realm?

When the dwarf elder heard this, he immediately agreed: "Good, good."

Of course, what the dwarf elder thought was different from that of Cook. The dwarf elder thought that Cook did it for the sake of face. The dwarf elder thought that Cook was afraid of doing this badly and would make himself faceless, so he kept a low profile. Some.

Does Cook have any thoughts in this regard? Cook doesn’t know it in his mind, but when he reaches the point of Cook, sometimes he will make certain decisions unconsciously. In fact, there are some. After all, the influence of the Pharmacy Association It is still in the stage of purchasing raw materials, and it is not something that everyone needs.

The dwarven elder has just returned to the fort. There are many cities in the dwarf. Why are there such as Hammer Fort, Ironforge, Stove Fort, etc., because the dwarf’s building does not actually carry the word fort. Yes, it is the translation of human text with the word fort, because the dwarf's building is like a human bunker, most of which is only a small part exposed in the mountain.

In the language of the dwarves, the fortress actually means the big furnace. In the language of the dwarves, the ironforge means the big iron furnace. The hammer fort is the meaning of forge hammer, which is only the name after human translation.

The portal of the fortress is on the top of a mountain, surrounded by high cliffs, but one side is a cliff, the other sides are cliffs, there is a gate on the cliff, this is the entrance of the fortress, the entrance of the fortress There are more than a dozen huge crossbows, which are more than ten meters long, and there are thick metal crossbow arrows next to them. This is the defense method of the dwarves. Once an enemy invades from the portal, the giant crossbow will fire huge crossbow arrows. Put the enemy under crossfire, because the person who just teleported out has no defense. Looking at the inscription on the giant crossbow, it is obviously also magic equipment. The dwarves actually have a unique system for forging magic equipment. .

Cook didn’t know much about it, but the pharmacists who followed Cook were very surprised. The magic giant crossbow is a weapon of war. In general, you can’t see it. Of course, it’s less than two thousand. The distance of meters is the most lethal stage of the giant crossbow, not to mention the dozens of dwarf guards stationed at the gate.

"What a big gate." The orc pharmacist who followed Cook was amazed by the twenty-meter-high gate.

"That is." A dwarf pharmacist replied triumphantly.

"The gate under the fortress is full of wizard Mi Gao." Another fox apothecary said.

"Okay." Cook said. The fox apothecary said this, obviously unkindly. What do you say about a dwarf not exceeding one and a half meters, and a fifty-meter-high gate?

The dwarf elder came to greet him personally. He heard Cook speak and said with a smile: "It’s not that we dwarves want to build it, but this fortress was also a super mine in the past. It has been mined since the age of the ancient gods. We dwarves and giants are all miners. These gates are reserved for giants to enter and exit, and it seems that this gate is huge, but it is just a matter of mine opening."

"Oh." Fifteen pharmacists replied in unison.

Cook took the map of the fortress and said to the elder dwarf: "Elder, I want to divide the residence of the fortress into five parts, each with five apothecaries, and the elder sent some dwarf guards to go together."

"Okay." The dwarf elder did not ask why.

Cook turned his head and said, "Just follow what I told you. The data must be detailed. The area is the best completed, and I have a reward."

"Yes." When the fifteen pharmacists heard Cook's words, their eyes lit up in unison.

The elder waved his hand and set the task down. The three apothecaries and two dwarven guards moved towards the dwarf’s residential area. The fortress dwarf’s residential area is on the upper level, and the fortress is also divided into many layers. The height of the first floor is at least twenty to thirty meters high, and the residential area of ​​the furnace is full of hundreds of thousands of dwarves living in it. It is conceivable that it is difficult to count such a huge population.

"Speaker Cook, in fact, you can ask us directly for such questions. We have these data from the sheriffs in all parts of the dwarf clan." The dwarf elder said after hearing Cook finished.

"Hehe, I'm just training these students. If they are smart, they will come back soon. Of course, this is obviously not enough. If I get the data, I will conduct spot checks to see if there are any errors." Cook said with a smile.

When the dwarf elder heard this, he gave Cook a thumbs up: "As expected of Speaker Cook, the way of education is different."

"Let's go, take me to see the child in question." Cook said to the dwarf elder.

"Let's go." Sure enough, the dwarf elder knows it, but if it can be known by the elder, the identity is definitely not ordinary.

The dwarf elder took Cook into the residential area. There are no other races in the residential area. They are all dwarves. The uppermost layer of the fortress is the high-grade trading area, and then the residential area, the residential area and the other floors below the residential area , Other races are not allowed to enter. This is the world of dwarves. At the upper level, you can see orcs, humans, even elves, angels, barbarians, and giants, but in some dwellings, there are only dwarves. Anyone from another race who came in would be caught by the guards.

So what everyone knows about the situation under the fortress is not very clear, why is it not very clear, because most of them are listening to drunk dwarves talking.

As for some people, aren’t there mines under this fortress? Are there no other races of miners?

That’s true. So after seeing the human being Cook in the dwarf’s residential area today, it aroused the dwarf’s curiosity. Of course, if the dwarf next to Cook was the great elder everyone had seen, maybe Cook would have to Was stopped by someone.

"Momm, what's that?" Some dwarf kid might not have seen a human, so he boldly pointed to Cook and asked his mother.

"That's a human," the dwarf mother replied.

"Wow!!!" The dwarf kid ran into the house crying all of a sudden.

"Am I scary?" Cook saw this scene and asked the dwarf elder.

The dwarf elder said embarrassingly: "No, these little guys are disobedient, and the adults will say they are sold to humans."

"Haha." When Cook heard this, he understood that humans had a bad reputation before. Obviously this dwarf kid thought that his adults would sell themselves.

When the dwarven elder waved his hand, the dwarf guard ran forward, obviously to avoid such embarrassment. How can Cooke be the speaker of the council of the gods and a big customer of the dwarf clan. I don’t mind once or twice, but More often than not, if Cook is unhappy, wouldn't it be more troublesome to make trouble when giving money later.

"This family, this family has five consecutive deaths." The dwarf elder took Cook to a dwarf's residence, which was actually in a cave. The door of the cave was made of wood, and it was in a street. , Can also be said to be a channel.

Cook took a look and didn't say anything. The door was opened, and the two dwarves ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ looked a little worried.

"Great Elder." The two dwarves respectfully shouted when they saw the Great Elder.

"This is the person I'm looking for, come and have a look." The dwarf elder didn't say anything, just said directly.

"Please come in, please come in." When the two dwarves heard this, they looked at Cook's eyes differently, as if they saw hope.

The dwarf elder and Cook entered the house. The rest of the guards were outside. The inside of the house was only more than two meters high. Cook felt a little depressed inside. The floor was thick wooden boards and the walls were polished. It is very smooth, a living room measuring 30 square meters. Behind the living room is a staircase. It looks like it can go up or down. Cook saw a vague window on the street, which is obviously the second floor.

"Is there something wrong with the child, hug it out and have a look." Cook saw the appearance of the two dwarves and said directly.

"Look at what I am doing, listen to him." The dwarf elder yelled angrily when seeing the two looking at him.

The dwarf woman hurriedly climbed up the second floor and hugged a child down. The child was extremely thin and pale, and his vitality was already very weak. Seeing this, the dwarf elder asked angrily: "It wasn't like that a few days ago. What?"

"It has been two days without food." The male dwarf said as he said tears were about to fall.

"Give it to me, I'll take a closer look." Cook said when he saw the child wrapped up.

The dwarf was wrapped with a piece of animal skin, which was very soft. Cook touched the animal skin and opened it directly. Inside the animal skin was a child. A green light flashed by, and Cook released one for the child. Therapy, wood system.

"Don't talk." When the two dwarves saw Cook pick up the child directly, they wanted to say something, but they were stopped by the dwarf elder.

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