A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 619:

"This time I teach you a new method of treatment, surgery. Before the operation, the main idea is to disinfect. First enter here and open the disinfection facility." The disinfection here is very simple. Cook modified the Lei Magnetic Ray, Lei Magnetic The rays directly kill all kinds of bacteria on the human body.

"Then change clothes, wash hands, disinfect, wear gloves, and everyone enters the operating room. They have to do this." A group of people followed Cooke, followed Cooke, two hundred and fifty pharmacists, and some apprentices, Fortunately, Cook's operating room is for teaching purposes, so it is very large.

The operating room must be kept clean and cleaned once before the patient is brought in.

"Qisi, Hannah, you will be my assistants, listen to my instructions, Qisi, inject 1 unit of 1% paralysis potion." Cook said.

"Yes." Hannah quickly opened Cook's surgical toolbox, and then began to prepare.

"Qisi, take off the patient's clothes and place them on the operating table, and then Hannah will inject the paralytic medicine." Cook continued to order.

After a complete set of procedures, the dwarf child stopped speaking two minutes later, and Cook continued: "Hannah observes the patient's various data and reports immediately if there is any situation."

"Yes." Hannah is a bunny girl and Qisi is a dwarf girl.

"The condition of this patient is different from what we have seen before. A certain part of the child's body is inflamed. What we need to do is to remove the inflamed and corrupted area. If it is not removed, once the corruption spreads, the consequences will be very serious. This part of the child hurts, then we need to cut this part. Everyone can see clearly, here, this is a scalpel, this is a clip, this is a forceps, this is a hemostatic forceps..." Cook began to explain, while Talk about tools.

For Cook, the operation is very simple. In fact, it is also very simple for these pharmacists, because the pharmacists’ mental power can clearly see blood vessels and nerves, but no one says that they can move without knowing. The operation, the operation only took a few minutes, and Cook explained it for half an hour, and the dwarf child’s belly was cut open for half an hour, disinfection, cutting off the inflamed area, sutures and other procedures are indispensable. "

"Dean, it's okay to use purification medicine." After the operation, it's time for everyone to ask questions.

"Haha, yes, but how much does a bottle of purification potion cost? It's not suitable for most people. And what I consume in this way is just some extremely low-value potions, but the most valuable It's just 1% of a unit of paralysis potion. There is also some time for us." Cook said with a smile, purifying potions are not cheap.

After the dwarf child was sent out, the parents of the child heard Cook’s explanation and took out the rotten part that was cut off. They were shocked. Not only the parents of the dwarf child were shocked, but even the elder dwarf was shocked.

"Speaker Cook, is this kid okay in the future?" The dwarf elder asked uneasyly.

"It's okay, don't talk about this, it's the liver, and there is no problem cutting off a part of the lung." Cook said.

"Oh..." Hearing Cook said to cut the lungs and cut the liver, he almost couldn't help touching his belly.

However, on the second day, the dwarf elder used his mental energy to scan the dwarf child's situation in private, and was relieved. After three or four days, the dwarf child was all normal and was about to go back. The dwarf elder scanned it again and found that there were no problems, which was truly relieved.

In half a month, most of the more than 1,000 dwarf children in the fortress were full of energy and looked like normal children, except that they were still a little weak, so Cook prepared to let the dwarf children go home, but Request that you can no longer live in the mountains.

But the dwarf parents just didn't want to live here, saying that Shenjing was not a problem.

In addition, after the dwarf elder told Cook’s diagnosis, everyone didn’t believe it, but half a month passed. The dying child lived outside for half a month, and it was fine. So the dwarf with children, regardless of the problem Those who are okay, have built houses outside one after another, and refer to the construction of Cook Hospital, using wood and no stone, that thing has radiation.

At this time, Cook admitted more than 10,000 dwarf children. Fortunately, in ten days, two hundred and fifty pharmacists and hundreds of pharmacy apprentices have almost mastered the most basic procedures, so the pharmacists Observation and so on are handed over to the assistant, that is, the apprentice of the pharmacist. Even the simple injections and medications are taken by the assistant, and the nursing staff also acts as a supervisor. If there is anything wrong, immediately report it.

And the dwarf children are still being delivered one after another. Not only the dwarf children, but also the dwarf children are also beginning to take action. The dwarf children are also sent, but the dwarf children cannot live in, so don't think about it. For this group of dwarves and a group The dwarf also fought.

In the end, the dwarf grand elder came forward and accepted the dozen or so dwarf children. This is not the dwarf patriarch, the grand elder asked Cook to open such a spot on the dwarf side.

The children of the dwarf clan are almost the same as those of the dwarves, and they are basically a quarter, but what is going on with the dwarf, Cook did not personally check it, and did not know.

"Wait for a while, my hospital is still undergoing trials." As the number of patients increases, the number of cases increases. Cook is using most of the cases during this period to teach pharmacists skills. Of course, Cook does not have any skills, but Cook has a strong mental power and various methods, such as a dwarf child vomiting, can't eat anything, and at first glance, he thinks it is a problem in the intestines.

As a result, Cook took a closer inspection and found that there was a problem with the brain. A sarcoma had grown in the brain. This sarcoma compressed part of the nerves and caused such consequences. Of course, brain surgery also requires learning.

It’s so easy for these pharmacists to learn surgery, because these pharmacists have relatively strong mental power. Under the strong mental power, nerves, capillaries, and so on are very clearly distinguished. There is no need for magnification equipment at all, just according to Cook's instructions are to successfully peel off the sarcoma, and then treat the blood vessels to prevent the blood in the blood vessels from accumulating in the brain.

The effect of strong mental power is very obvious. Of course, according to Cook’s vision, external treatment is used after this type of surgery. How about external treatment, which is to use various rays to directly kill the cell tissue in the sarcoma, of course. , This is used when the sarcoma is still small, and it will definitely not work when it is large. Of course, this is only a follow-up method.

The dwarf fortress went on fire all of a sudden. As long as there is something wrong with the children of the dwarf family, they must bring it to the fortress if they have any problems. If there is no problem, come and see. In fact, dwarves live in the underground world and are the space after the mining of the veins. These mineral veins are basically the places where magic metal has been irradiated for a long time. Adult dwarves have that immunity, but dwarf children have more or less sequelae after being irradiated.

And Cook’s medicine for treating energy radiation consumes more than 500 tons of materials in one month. Of course, this is a simple way to use traditional Chinese medicine. After all, dwarf kids use magic potions. It is estimated that there are not many dwarf families. Can bear it, this herb is also an ordinary herb.

The sign of Stoveburg Hospital was hung up. As for when it was hung up, Cook didn't know, but the dwarf elder asked Cook what his name was, and Cook said it was Stove Fort Hospital.

There are now more than 20,000 people in the Fortress Hospital, of which there are five hundred dwarf guards, and there are 100 flying knights, and it is close to the fortress, so there is no need to worry about safety.

The number of ordinary nursing staff exceeds 3,000, pharmacists are still 250, pharmacy apprentices are more than 700, halfling cooks are still two, halfling cook apprentices have increased to 30, and some are humans. Dwarf chefs, the entire kitchen has more than six hundred people. Halfling chefs are mainly in charge, thirty halfling apprentices are the middle leaders, and the rest will be managed by these thirty people.

There are more than 15,000 children with dwarf disease~www.wuxiaspot.com~ plus dwarf parents, there are more than 40,000 people, but the dwarf parents’ food hospital does not care, and these dwarf parents are not allowed to accompany them at night, especially in critically ill patients. Patients and severely ill patients are fully responsible by nursing staff. Of course, nursing staff are paid quite high.

The fortress councilor expanded again. This time the dwarf elder just said that tens of thousands of dwarves joined immediately, because many dwarf parents participated, and the next day, up to 50,000 dwarves participated. For these dwarves, it was a delay. One day less mining, but a child consumes most of his energy from pregnancy to birth, and then dies at a few years old. Dwarves don’t want to see this situation again. As for the wood is not dry , The dwarves directly built a large drying oven, and all the wood was built with the best iron wood. As for the construction procedure, there are already examples, it is very simple.

"Chairman Cook, our dwarf clan strongly urges the dwarf to conduct a trial on our side. Our dwarf has built a house, and the specifications are the same." The dwarf elder and the dwarf patriarch were sent away by Cook, less than two days. It came again, this time firmly not to leave.

"I said what's the matter with you dwarfs. We haven't finished the experiment here. We have established hospitals in Ironforge, Forge Hammer, Kaishan Fort and other cities. We can wait for Speaker Cook to increase manpower. It's working." The dwarf elder is not happy. Every city of the dwarf runs such a hospital, so the dwarf can at least increase the population of tens of thousands of people every year, hundreds of thousands in ten years, and millions in a hundred years. Elders can live for at least a thousand years. What is the population?

Someone wants to ask, is the dwarf elder wrong? In this short time, the fortress has more than 15,000 dwarf children. There are more than a dozen cities in the dwarf clan, so it should be hundreds of thousands?

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