A Unique Hunter

Chapter 201: The head of the group arrives "2nd more"

Finally show up to recommend, everyone is trying to collect it!

"Head, it's really the head!" Shiwei jumped up, and stubbornly pulled Dasha next to him.

"Poor fellow, maybe he's crazy!" Da Sa muttered to herself, but she looked up into the sky curiously, and she was dumbfounded.

"Head!" Da Sa yelled suddenly, and the surrounding orcs were startled by the roar.

Hearing Da Sa's roar, Nonata yelled in a gloomy voice: "It's just that your mother hasn't come here, just die!"

"Head! Boom!" Dasha saw that Cook suddenly fell directly from a height of more than ten meters, and couldn't help but yelled, but it was a pity that Cook plunged directly into the snow.

"Damn Phyllis Deman, I'll take your food when I go back!" Cook jumped up and shouted loudly.

"Sorry, our dragons and the orcs also have an agreement. I will go back to have some supper first, and I will pick you up later." Phyllis Deman laughed loudly, and then fluttered his wings to leave.

Tashiyo had seen Phyllis Deman's figure long ago, and his narrow pupils shrank: "The dragon is a juvenile dragon. Looking at the size of two meters, it is estimated that it has just been born, developed and developed. Now, the giant dragon pet! No one in the entire sacrificial temple has a giant dragon pet yet. With this giant dragon pet, what are you star-tailed turtles, mammoths, ligers, giant lizards, and earth dragons? The first person to worship the temple."

"Where is Rosie, Dump! Sustain Sana, haha!...!" But Taxi looked around and saw that there was nothing around that could subdue this young dragon. Taxi remembered that he was a sacrifice. The first battle song I learned was the soul war song that communicated with Warcraft, so Tahiyo immediately jumped off the back of the magic wolf, began to dance and sang loudly, the invisible mysterious power was sung by Tahiyo The dance was also triggered, and gradually a ray of red light appeared on Tasie's body.

"Song of the Soul, Gold Coins!" Finally finished singing, Tasiyo roared one last time, pointing his finger at Felis Deman, who was flying upwards, and at the same time took out a lot of gold coins in his hand. Communication with Beasts needs a cause The things that Monsters pay attention to, food, or other things, and the dragon's favorite is the gold coins, so Tasi yelled loudly.

"That **** **** dare to release a spiritual war hymn to Lao Tzu, and pay back gold coins, shit!" Phyllis Diman suddenly found that there was a trace of spiritual connection in his mind, and he kept shouting to himself. Gold coins, gold coins, gold coins, Phyllis Deman yelled angrily. In this case, Phyllis Deman was very familiar with the soul war songs of the orcs, generally used to surrender the beasts and become familiars.

"Get in touch, gold coins, a lot of gold coins, come here... uh!" Tassiyo exclaimed excitedly. Not only did he successfully release the soul war song, he was promoted to the real sacrifice, and he also subdued a young dragon. Follow this The size of the giant dragon is definitely not high, and he hasn't seen it in the world. It's better to be fooled, but the next moment Tacitus opened his mouth, and then his entire body was covered by a thick layer of ice and snow.

"Damn stinking werewolf, you dare to release the soul war hymn to the great Phyllis Deman, go to hell!" Phyllis Deman just waved his paw, centered on Tahiyo, at least three hundred square meters A blue light flashed within, and Tahiyo and dozens of wolf cavalry behind Nonata's wolf cavalry were suddenly covered by frost.

"Woo!" Nonata saw the scene before her and almost fell to the ground in horror, but at this time the messenger next to him had already sounded the horn of the charge. Nonata looked at the forest behind Dasha, where was it. For his own ray of life, facing things like giant dragons, there is only a glimmer of hope of survival in the gloomy forest.

"Woo!" But the mount devil wolf was suddenly shaken to the ground by the roar of the dragon, and croaked on the ground.

"Damn it! Go, guys, it's safe to rush into the forest ahead." Nonata slammed her mount's **** a few times, and shouted while inserting it.

"Woo!" The rest of the wolf cavalry did the same. The demon wolf screamed without pain and blood irritation, and rushed to the place where Dasa and his party were with their tails clamped.

"Damn Phyllis Deman, I want to ban your food for a month!" Cook saw hundreds of wolf cavalry frantically, and shouted shiveringly. The Ghost Slayer was taken out. This time Cook There was nothing in the space ring at all, and it was all emptied and placed in the camp, because there was only a ghost sword and ghost bow to transport Frost Titan's supplies.

"Take care of yourself!" Cook successively released several recovery techniques to several subordinates. No way, Cook didn't carry his potion, and then Cook rushed out with a huge Ghost Slashing Sword.

"Puff puff puff!" At this time, the wolf cavalry and Cook were only more than 20 meters apart, and in an instant, Cook's huge ghost sword swept across the past, a series of puffs weighing seven kilograms. The ghost sword and the 20,000 catties of Cook’s hands directly divided the dozens of wolf cavalry within a radius of seven meters that were in contact with Cook into two directly. The sound of puff puff is the mount belt of the wolf cavalry. The werewolf rushed through the light of the Ghost Slashing Sword, and then the sound of blood spurted.

"Roar! Come on! Come on!" Cook felt a blood red around him, and the huge smell of blood made Cook irritable. The Ghost Slayer Sword in Cook's hand once again struck an arc of light.

"Kill him! Kill him!" Nonata was stunned when he saw Cook, but when he saw the dragon hundreds of meters above him, he rushed over with his all-metal spear, because the Orc Empire did not I don't know this huge frost dragon, because this guy has not robbed twice in the orc empire.

"Kacha, poof!" But Nonata, as the first warrior of the tribe~www.wuxiaspot.com~, has a huge power of two thousand catties, plus the all-metal spear, it did not block the blow of the ghost sword at all, only heard With a click, Nonata's metal spear was directly shattered by a huge force, and Nonata's body was smashed tens of meters away by this huge force.

"Crack, click! Ah!!!" At the moment of landing, there was a clicking sound from Nonata's arms, and then a pair of arms hung in front of Nonata in a very strange posture, obviously the arm was broken. And it looked like it was broken, and Nonata screamed.

"Dead!" Cook yelled. The Ghost Slashing Sword in his hand swept over and then swept over again. The wolf cavalry had no time to stop and watched as he was sent into this human-shaped ground meat by his mount. Inside the machine.

"Stop, **** it, stop, puff!" The werewolves roared loudly in fear, but they were just anxious to escape, so the mount demon wolf was stimulated, just rush forward, I don't know who used himself first The weapon of the wolf was inserted into the neck of the mount fiercely, the demon wolf was hit and limp to the ground, and the rest of the werewolves followed suit one after another, so the mounts of the wolf cavalry were stabbed and limp to the ground.

And Cook shouted angrily: "You all deserve to die, go to hell!" Cook is very optimistic about these magic wolves. The magic wolves who have lost their masters and have been carefully trained by the orc empire are excellent mounts. , Not to mention selling money, even arming one's own guards is also excellent, but these magic wolves lost dozens of them in the blink of an eye. It is strange that Cook is not angry.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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