A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 638:

In the dark underground world, there is no difference between day and night, but everyone has time. Clocks and the like are generally not carried, because in the dark underground world, clocks and other sounds sometimes bring disasters. , But rely on the biological clock.

It is the feeling of the person himself. In this regard, the sanctuary-level powerhouse can hardly be wrong. Although it is fine to not sleep for a few days and nights at the sanctuary level, it is generally not done unless it is critical. Moment, because in the underground world, to achieve the best state, you must rest well. Once the biological clock is disrupted, perception will decrease. Therefore, in the underground world, it is similar to the ground. Rest when it is time to rest, and sometimes rest time It is longer than the ground, because the nerves are always on high alert, and the consumption is very large.

As for the food, they are basically dried meat and sugar, and in the underground world, unless it is in the camp, other times there is no fire, because the fire will drive away some creatures, but it will also attract some creatures.

Aite allowed Cook to act at will. On the one hand, Cook showed good strength, and on the other hand, Cook just joined in, and the running-in with the team is not enough. If he is forced in, it may sometimes be better. It was counterproductive, so Aite simply let Cook act on his own.

The next day everyone enters the unknown area. The only scout is Lucas, because Lucas alone is more convenient. Why do you say that, assassins are good at avoiding, once Lucas is attacked, Lucas can do whatever he wants. Avoid, but there must be someone with Lucas, Lucas avoids, and the one with Lucas.

One person is added in the middle, that is, Cook, and Aite is also in the middle, front, middle and back, maintaining a distance of 50 meters, once encountering complicated terrain, it will take longer to pass, and the remote place will be occupied first. Favorable terrain, establish a temporary burning point, and then the scouts will continue their march.

The next day for a full day, I traveled less than five kilometers, which is a straight line distance, but to explore an area, you need to take a zigzag route, and the search area is not limited.

What does it mean to be unrestricted? It is to explore according to different terrains. The underground world is not the ground, but there are plains. The underground world is like a large passage, like a cave. The exploration of mineral veins is mainly a cave, not a large cave. There is hardly any trouble in the spacious place.

The cave that the team explored is about two thousand meters wide and the length is still unknown. Of course, this two thousand meters is a rough figure.

Some places are wide, some places are narrow, and there are not many creatures the next day, just a dozen of them, and most of you just see a shadow.

"Alert everyone." Lucas squatted down in front of him, and Aite and others at the back also squatted down. Then Aite hurried forward to check, and then Aite came back and whispered.

"This is a cave. Looking at the traces, it is estimated that it is some kind of social creature. Everyone is alert, and then look for the vicinity to see if there is any back door or something." Everyone came to the front and saw a two-meter-high cave. The path in front is very smooth. Obviously, something often goes by. This is also a skill that must be mastered to explore the path. This is the trace of creatures.

The other people had a tacit understanding. The archer first found a slightly higher place, and then the soldiers began to search. Cook saw that everyone acted naturally, so he had to guard on another high ground to form a double sentry post.

"Enemy attack, boom!" Cook looked around. This place is more than 300 meters wide, but the terrain is not flat, but various stones and cracks. Lucas sprinkled a kind of powder on himself. , And then touched into the cave, but in just ten seconds, Lucas’ scream came from the cave, and then Lucas was blasted out like a rag bag, hitting dozens of On a stone meter away, the stone was sunken in, and then fell softly to the ground.

"His." There was a hissing sound. Then, a golden rabbit-like guy appeared in front of everyone. The rabbit was more than a meter tall and covered with golden fur. But this one looked like a rabbit, but it had a long one. The tail, in addition, the front feet of the rabbit are short, but the rabbit has four feet as long.

"It's a golden pika." Aite exclaimed.

"Shoo." The other two archers raised their hands with two red rays of light. The arrows made a piercing scream. The warrior immediately picked up the shield and rushed towards the golden pika. The three warriors formed a whole. Towards this golden pika attacked.

"Boom!" The shields in the hands of the three directly slapped the Golden Retriever Pika. The Golden Retriever Pika slapped its paw fiercely, making a loud noise, and the three soldiers stepped back.

"Ha..." At this time, two flaming arrows fell on the golden pika, and the hair of the golden pika stood up immediately. The two arrows inserted into the golden pika's hair, and there was no sound. The golden pika opened his mouth, and a golden light sprayed towards the two archers.

"Boom." After the two archers shot the rockets in their hands, they immediately moved away. As soon as they left the place where they were just now, the golden light hit the place where they stood just now, leaving a few meters high boulder directly behind. The deep crater is like no shell hits it.

"This..." But after the golden pika expelled, it suddenly fell to the ground. The three soldiers who fought the golden pika were waiting for the golden pika to counterattack, and they knew that they had assisted. The knight of slumped to the ground before he even started.

"Cook, great." Aite, who is in charge of overall command, looked at Cook and exclaimed.

"This is what I should." Cook said with a smile.

Seeing the confusion of others, Aite said, "The moment after the golden pika opened its mouth and ejected golden light, Cook shot a magic arrow."

"Awesome." In fact, in the face of the golden pika, everyone hasn't finished one round of attacks. In such a situation, the archer strikes from a distance, the warrior resists hard, and the knight assists in the attack. Of course, after the first round of strikes, the archer just Will wait for the opportunity to move, not easy to shoot, the two archers just disdain Cooke in their hearts, thinking that Cooke's reaction is slower, but now they know that Cooke is waiting for the opportunity.

"Yes, yes, a complete golden pika, this look would be perfect if it weren't for two rockets." Aite said.

The two archers were speechless. The golden pika's defense was very high. The golden fur wrapped the two rockets and exploded the fur directly, but it did not harm the body.

"I'll go in and take a look." Cook said after confirming that the pika was dead.

"Okay, be careful." Lucas was severely injured. He was already in a coma. Now only Cook can perform the role of scout. Archers are not suitable for such narrow caves. The close combat is too weak, and the warriors are not very good. Suitable, because the agility is too low, there is only hard resistance when encountering things.

There is only the hunter profession. What do you say about the hunter profession? In the eyes of others, everything is sloppy. Long-range is not as good as professional archers, and melee combat is not as good as warriors and pets. This depends on luck, not as useful as knight pets, traps There is no thieves profession, so hunters are a panacea profession.

Of course, if the hunter has a perverted pet, the combat effectiveness is also leveraged.

Cook put the purchased squirrel on his shoulders and walked into the cave. The squirrel's mouth was still trapped by a cover. This guy was timid and screamed loudly when encountering things. Sometimes it attracted other creatures. Therefore, most adventurers will put this little guy's mouth on. Once there is any movement, this little thing will drill into the skin, which is where the little things usually live.

The inside of the cave is only about two meters high, and it exudes a burst of fishy smell. In fact, the golden pika is still clean. The most fishy is all kinds of reptiles, snakes, centipedes, scorpions and other reptiles. Of course, the fishy smell also carries. Certain toxicity.

"This seems to be a mineral vein?" The cave was very tortuous. Cook walked about a hundred meters and gradually descended. Cook saw that the color of a stone wall was a little unusual. Cook noted the location. , And made a mark, this time is not the time to check carefully, only when it is confirmed that there is no danger, you can check carefully.

When it was about a thousand meters down, the little squirrel on Cook's shoulder swished into the skin on Cook's waist. Cook also increased his vigilance.

"Hissing." The strong, disgusting stench in the air made Cook more vigilant, and there was a hissing sound.

"Hehe." Finally, Cook saw a snake, but this snake occupies the entire passage. The head is half a meter in size, and a big bag bulges in the middle of the body, making the snake stuck in the cave. Cook's heart He laughed, this big snake was all black, with a triangular head staring at Cook, making a hissing sound, and his one-meter-long tongue continued to stretch.

Cook stepped back more than ten meters. This place was also a corner of the cave. As long as this place moved to the left, it was out of the sight of the snake.

As for what kind of snake it is, Cook is not very clear, because he only saw a head and there are many black snakes.

"Boom." Cook raised his bow. Before he shot it out, he saw the black snake spit out a black light and shot towards him. Cook quickly dodged to the left. The black light hit a few meters away from Cook. In places, the entire stone wall was bombed and collapsed.

"Boom." Cook hadn't stood up yet, and there was another violent explosion.

"Cook..." a shout came from behind the cave.

"I'm here, there is a god-level snake here, and it's stuck in the cave." Cook quickly shouted.

As soon as Cook’s shouting finished, he heard a fierce footsteps. Aite, Alan, two human knights and four came to Cook.

"What does this guy want to do?" Another black light came, and the cave wall was blown up again and collapsed.

"I guess I want to blow up the cave and stop us." Cook said.

Allen said, "Use engineering explosives to blow up this guy."

"No, the engineering explosive is too powerful, I'm afraid it will blow up the cave." Aite also refused.

"Why don't we use shields to resist." The two human knights said.

"Can't hold it, this guy still has a venomous attack. It's about a hundred meters away from the place where the snake was stuck. Captain Aite, how long will it take to dig a 150-meter passage?" Cook Asked.

Aite's eyes lit up: "Cook, you mean..."

"If it can be completed within half an hour, I don't think the problem is big. If it takes more than half an hour, we all have to escape." Cook said.

"Half an hour...Fuck, Allen, bring engineering explosives and my tools." Aite said.

"Your tools..." Allen looked at Aite.

"Got a gamble, if there is a **** core, we will earn it, if not..." Aite said.

"Okay." Allen ran back quickly, carrying two large backpacks in a short while.

Aite said, "Cook, is there a way to stop this guy from moving?"

"I'll give it a try." Cook nodded. In fact, if Cook wants to carry it hard, there is no problem at all, but this is against Cook's original intention, so Cook does not intend to use too abnormal things, so as not to startle, of course there is no Snake, Cook doesn't know, but Cook still has to be careful.

"Shoo." There was no need to aim at all, and two ice arrows went towards the black snake. Snakes are basically cold-blooded animals. Too hot or too cold can make the snake move slowly.

"Wait, there is a way." After Cook shot two arrows, he immediately thought of an idea.

"Is there any way?" Aite and the two were assembling a machine, and they quickly asked when they heard Cook say so.

"Let's close this side, and put engineering explosives in it..." Cook's meaning is very simple. The snake monster on the opposite side stuck the cave so hard that it couldn't move at all, so block this side yourself. Then burn the engineered explosives to instantly burn the oxygen in the air in this passage. Of course, there may be gaps in the stone wall, but as long as the lack of oxygen reaches a certain level, it is not impossible for the snake to faint.

Someone may ask, God-level creatures still need oxygen? Hehe, all creatures need oxygen. The more powerful creatures, the more oxygen they need. Just like the oxygen that Cook breathes alone, it’s the same as dozens of ordinary people. As for star beasts, this thing is similar to humans. Different.

"Is this useful?" Aite was also very puzzled.

"You can ask Lucas five questions. Let's put the poison in the engineered explosive and ignite it all at once, and you can continue to dig." Cook continued.

"Well, give you engineering explosives. We will carry out the excavation work, but we need a person to transport the slag." Ai Fei nodded, agreed with Cook's suggestion, and ordered.

So Cook began to seal the cave at the corner. The cave itself was not big. Two people worked here. Some distance behind, the machine assembled by Ait and Allen was already running. Cook took a look. You know, this is the latest prospecting equipment of the dwarf clan.

In fact, it is something like a huge drill bit, driven by the energy of the magic crystal. As for speed, it has a relationship with the knife embedded in the drill bit.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu) The rock that had been drilled down was taken by Cook to pack it in a cloth bag and then closed the cave.

"It's very fast." Cook looked at the drill bit as straight as half a meter and said.

"Hey, this is our two brothers who exchanged the paws of a few god-level gophers on the side of the sacred beast to serve as the tool for this drill." Alan was in control of the drill, and Aite said with a smile, very contented.

"Good idea." Cook also exclaimed. With the effort to speak, it's at least one meter more than one meter in, but the diameter of the drill bit can only allow the person in control to crawl forward, so someone needs to clean the stone.

"Cook, it's done." In less than ten minutes, the closed cave was done.

"Okay, let's light it." Engineering explosives were scattered in the closed cave, fifty catties of engineering explosives and the poison carried by Lucas, of course, Cook also got some sleeping potions in, the sleeping potions in Cook's hands, That's not ordinary.

"Boom." The fuse was ignited, leading to the enclosed cave.

"Boom boom boom." Cook and another human heard the sound of boom and boom in the enclosed cave, and there was a violent vibration. It was obvious that the god-level snake had begun to attack again.

As for the effect of the combustion, I can't see it at all. According to the formulated plan, it takes 20 minutes to open the sealed channel.

"How is it?" Cook asked when he looked at Aite who was transporting the stone out.

"Don't mention it, Alan almost fell when I encountered a gap, but I don't need to transport the stone out later, just throw it in the gap. How is this on your side?" Aite asked.

"It's not opened yet." Cook replied.

"You can see, we still need twenty minutes." Aite said.

"Okay." Cook nodded, and then opened the sealed passage with another human.

"Cough cough, cough cough, get out of the way first." Just after opening a cloth bag, a large amount of pungent smoke rushed out, and Cook said quickly.

"Cough cough, cough cough." Smoke began to spread from the tunnel, and Cook and another human had to wear gas masks, which was too pungent.

Cook put on the gas mask made by the dwarf clan and climbed into the cave, but the snake was silent.

"I'll take a look." Cook made a go and see gesture to another human being.

The other party patted Cook on the shoulder to signal Cook to be more careful. Cook nodded. Cook looked over and found that the snake was not dead. Cook himself was strong and courageous. He touched the snake and found the snake. It was dying, the smell of the engineering explosive burning in this cave was so pungent, even Cook felt it was difficult to breathe.

"Puff." Cook drew out the dagger he was carrying and inserted it directly into Orochi's eyes. Orochi wanted to attack Cook, but he was dying when he was smoked. In addition, Cook himself was also quite perverted. The movement was very fast, the body shook, the snake itself was dying, and did not react at all, it was inserted into the eyeballs by the dagger. In fact, Cook used several times to add madness, and it was just a stone, enough to beat the snake in the head. The explosion.

Cook waited for a while, and then he touched it out. The sealed place had been opened. The human being was watching the corner of the curve nervously, and when he saw Cook coming out, he hurried over.

"Cook, you are." Seeing Cook's sweating look, the human asked.

"The snake was killed by me." Cook looked lingering.

"What?" the person exclaimed directly.

"I just walked over and saw that the big snake was in a coma over there, so I decided to take a closer look and found that the guy was dying, I found the right opportunity, and plunged the dagger into the guy's eyeballs, and then went smoothly. Stirred," Cook said.

"God." The human exclaimed, and quickly went over to check and found that the snake was dead.

Aite, Allen and others were also called out. Seeing the death of the snake, everyone was speechless. This beast was elsewhere, and the entire team had to run away.

"Tsk tsk, this guy is so awkward to die, it's actually too supportive, I said how Lucas was attacked by the golden pika, it turned out that there is this guy in it." Alan saw the look of the big snake~www. wuxiaspot.com~ I ate a golden pika and got stuck.

The group of people began to pack up the spoils. This beast has a **** core. Everyone is very excited to see the black **** core, because there are not many dark cores. Of course, the price is not cheap, but the dark core is used. There are not many places where the core is related to God, but now that the core is sold directly to the Magic Weave Association, it is very good.

"Captain, I suspect that this should lead to the sixth floor." Cook began to say while packing up the spoils.

"It's possible." Ai Feature nodded and said.

"Get rich, get rich." Several other people peeled snakeskin skins, cramps, cramps, venom sacs and teeth. As for snake meat, generally no one eats it, especially the dark snake meat. Some toxins are in it.

There was a dead golden pika inside the snake's belly. After finishing the cleaning, Aite asked, "Cook, we have to go back once. First of all, the spoils and Lucas was seriously injured. He had to go back to the ground for treatment. ."

Aite meant that Cook knew that he was asking himself whether he would go back, after all, his goal was not achieved.

"I still want to find out. Cootonia is very important to me, you should go back first..." Cook said.

"Should I be here with Cook?" Allen said.

Cook shook his head and said, "It's okay. I can't run if I can't fight. It really doesn't work. I'll go back to the camp and find a team."

Aite thought about it, and then said: "Cook, then you just wait a few days below. After we return to the fourth floor, we will come down immediately. It only takes three days. I also want to keep Allen below, but we The harvest this time is not small. You have to be careful on the road, so you should be careful below. As for the distribution of the trophy, Cook you fight 30%.

ps: roar, get up.

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