A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 642:

After getting La Milan, things are much simpler, but the process is a bit cumbersome.

The first is to scan the identities of Xiaomei, Xinna, and Xiaolei. After the scan has no errors, the three will say something according to the next instructions, to the effect that it means what to open the control center.

After the three had finished speaking, they could obtain the highest authority of the prison and then enter the control center. This time, because the three of them existed at the same time, Cook and others were not blocked when they entered.

In fact, the location of the control center is not very far from the ground, and it is also achieved by elevators. Cook can't help but sigh that it is too advanced here, but it is more shocking, because Cook has already simulated in his mind The substantial size of the entire prison.

This is a huge cylindrical building with a depth of more than 3,000 meters and a width of more than 3,000 meters. The entire building is made of extremely hard alloy, and it has a huge magic pattern system, because the **** pattern here is not Exist alone, but connected together through some magical circuits.

It can be said that this is the largest magic item that Cook has ever seen. Yes, this is a magic item. Imagine where a huge elevator will stay according to different choices. This requires an extremely complicated control magic array, maybe thousands. , Maybe tens of thousands, did not participate in the construction, it is not known at all.

There are also a huge number of attack **** patterns. These attack **** patterns are not a single existence, but are connected with the induction and scanning arrays, and then determine whether to attack or not based on the scanning results.

There are thousands of prisons, this is the most powerful one. Imagine how powerful the prisons that even the Lord of the Flames can trap.

But when Cook and his team came to the control center, Cook was still shocked, because in a room of hundreds of square meters, a transparent crystal ball with a diameter of seven or eight meters was embedded in it. In the center of the room, there are countless shining **** patterns on the crystal ball constantly flashing.

"God!" Cook took a closer look and found that the base of the crystal ball was also lined with gods, and there were also complicated magical circuits that looked like circuit boards.

Not only Cook was shocked, Lina, La Milan and others were shocked, but Lina then said, "No, this is not a magic crystal!"

"Yeah!" Cook also noticed this, because Cook touched something that looked exactly like a magic crystal ball, it was a kind of elastic feeling, not something as hard as a crystal ball.

Everyone present didn't know what this huge transparent thing was. Then Cook got the authorization from Xiaomei, Xiaolei, and Xinna, and Cook had the highest authority here.

Then Cook checked the information about the prison, and explained that they kept flashing in Cook's mind. Cook knew the specific figures of the prison, and the prison was built on a volcanic crater, and the prison's maximum operation The energy comes from the volcano below the ground to maintain the operation of the entire prison. However, a long time ago, the volcano below began to condense, so the buildings on the ground could not withstand the attack of thunderstorms and did not have enough defensive energy.

And thunderstorm attacks are not random, but the thunder and lightning system is extremely harmful to the undead, so the platform above the prison was originally connected with a huge **** pattern array and high tower that absorbs thunder and lightning. There used to be energy provided by volcanoes, so high towers are not afraid of thunderstorms, but the defense of high towers and the thunderstorm conversion energy in the prison are two systems, because one is the main external defense and the other is the main internal defense. The consideration is that even if the external is breached, there is still no problem internally.

The defense of the tall tower is provided by the volcano, but after the volcano was extinguished, the defense of the tall tower was attacked by countless thunderstorms, gradually consuming the energy remaining in the **** pattern, and eventually all the defensive buildings on the ground were damaged. Of course, this has a lot to do with no one to maintain.

But the final internal description of the prison made Cook excited and excited, because the prison was not refined here, but was refined from another place and assembled here.

"Tsk tusk!" Although Xiao Lei, Xin Na, and Xiao Mei all know this information, but Xiao Mei and Xiao Lei are too young to be interested in it, and they don't understand that such a huge building is actually assembled.

Cook was completely stunned, and Lina was also shocked when he heard Cook's explanation, as did La Milan.

Ramlan then asked excitedly: "Doesn't that mean that we can all take these things?"

"It's that simple there." Cook shook his head, not to mention anything else, but when he came in, the weight of the huge alloy pillars might be prohibitive.

And the instructions here only talk about the assembly, not how it was assembled. Cook rummaged around but couldn't find a way to assemble it, but then Cook found a place with his eyes turned.

"Tsk tusk!" Cook looked at the huge maintenance station. Yes, this is the prison maintenance station. Cook thought of it because he knew that there must be something in the maintenance station.

But when Cook opened the maintenance station, he was still stunned, because it was a huge laboratory, and it was the top alchemy laboratory, where many of Cook’s unknown materials were stored. There are tens of thousands of fine gold, mithril, star sand, blood and bones of various monsters, and strange mines.

"Hey, I'm afraid this piece of fine gold weighs several tons!" Lina looked at the fine gold full of football size in front of her.

"Cook..." Ramlan was going crazy directly, knowing that there are so many good things in it, I'm afraid that Ramlan would not give up.

"I don't care about your business here, but I won't miss the share of Xiao Lei!" Cook replied directly. For Cook, Xiao Lei's share is definitely not less, after all, Xiao Lei also entered here. One of the key figures.

Then Cook began to look at the many materials here. Cook did not rush to collect these materials, but recorded them with Lina, saved them, and then put them aside for preservation, while some of La Milan’s In the small gesture, Cook also opened one eye and closed one eye, after all, the dragon's temptation to wealth is irresistible.

However, La Milan is not embarrassed to take too expensive things, but even those inconspicuous little things, leaving them outside is enough to cause a **** storm, the magic core of Sanctuary Warcraft, is it precious? Is fist-sized glass gold valuable? A volcano needs ten thousand years of precipitation to have a thumb-sized piece of glazed gold, but this is not the main thing, mainly because it is difficult to get, unless it is in an extinct volcano after condensation, but the extinct volcano is at least ten thousand meters deep. Below the rock formations, so Liulijin is something that can never be met.

Of course, what makes Cook more assured is that the space storage equipment in this place is almost ineffective, even if it is Cook’s natural space, it is also disturbed here, but in a flash, Cook understood that during the war between gods and demons, it was In the age when gods are flying in the sky, there must be a lot of high-quality space equipment.

But as Cook sorted out, he wondered, what happened at the time that prevented those guys from coming here?

Lina looked at Cook's busyness and couldn't help but said: "Cook, you still think of a way, how do we take it out like this?"

"Well, you continue to count, let me see if there is any way?" Cook also knows that Lina is telling the truth, so Lina starts to count the materials, of course, most of the materials are classified. But it needs to be recorded separately.

Cook bypassed the material area and then came to the repair area. Here, Cook didn't find the tools for repair at all, and Cook couldn't help but wonder if this place didn't have what he wanted.

The repair area is not small, but it seems that there is no space expansion magic here. Cook carefully searched inch by inch. Finally, Cook found a large wooden box in the corner. Cook was excited when he opened the box.

Inside the box, there are rows of fist-sized memory crystals, and they are the highest quality memory crystals. In today's society, a thumb-sized memory crystal is invaluable, and there are countless fist-sized memory crystals here. There are as many as ten, because the box is not just one layer, it has three layers.

It is the value of this memory crystal that Cook can't estimate, and the things in the memory crystal make Cook look forward to it even more.

Cook picked up a memory crystal, and then the mental power went deep into it, and a line of text appeared in front of Cook's eyes. This was because the magic and mental power in the memory crystal formed a ghost in his mind, and he had no ability.

"How to maintain the prison house three!" Cook said word by word. In fact, Cook didn't know the words, but the words of the memory crystal are consciousness, so Cook naturally understood the meaning when he saw it.

Cook picked up another one, his expression a little weird: "Five maintenance methods for the energy conversion tower!"

Cook looked at the memory crystals one by one, and finally one of Cook and interested: "Automatic repair system maintenance Daquan!"

After reading this text, Cook began to read it carefully, and then Cook was immediately shocked, because this memory crystal was actually demonstrated by someone personally, and the demonstration was actually an angel family, which made Cook more excited. Yes, the angel’s demonstration on one side and the explanation on the other side. In this, Cook is almost listening to the bible, because Cook doesn’t understand these things at all, but he is not without learning, because Cook is learning the materials inside. Knowledge.

"Forget it, go back and watch it slowly!" Cook gave up after watching for a while, because he couldn't understand at all, and then Cook picked up other memory crystals, without exception, the angels were performing demonstrations. , Commentary.

"Could it be that the angels were able to grow because the angels were responsible for logistics?" Cook understood a little bit. Cook couldn't figure it out. During the battle between gods and demons, dragons, titans, dwarves, gnomes, and elves all suffered heavy losses. , Then why did the angel family grow up alone? Now Cook has a hint of speculation.

In fact, Cook should have known the answer a long time ago, but Cook did not expect that angels can be resurrected. After the angels die, they will leave behind the core, called bright jade. Of course, this is something that only high-level angels can leave. The angel family can be resurrected in the secret method, and there is a high chance that the memory of the predecessor will be preserved~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is the biggest reason why the angel family can dominate the family. Strictly speaking, the angel family is actually an undead family. .

"Hey, the method of assembly is still not found, and Nima is actually repaired automatically. Just add the materials according to the proportion." After reading so much, Cook finally realized that the design of this prison is too advanced, and it uses automatic repair. System, Cook couldn't help but vomit blood.

"Cook. There is a door here!" Just when Cook was speechless, Xin Na yelled on the side. Xin Na still called Cook to call Cook, and did not learn from other tribes called Lord Cook.

"Door?" Cook didn't react for a while, and then Cook understood immediately.

When Cook took a look in the past, there was actually a magic crystal plate, and Sinna had already opened it. After all, Sinna was a member of the Titans and was born with permission to enter.

"This door is too big!" Cook looked at the gate that was 20 meters high, but when Cook walked in the gate, Cook immediately understood the function of this gate.

"This, this, this is too big, right?" Lina stammered in shock while watching the scene below.

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