A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 648:

"Who is it?" Cook was surprised. Does Connie still have such a talent in his hands?

"Gerry, it's difficult now that Gerry is the largest chamber of commerce in the mainland. In fact, there are many things you can leave to the people below, otherwise you will be exhausted!" Connie said with some complaints.

"Haha!" Cook touched his nose embarrassedly. Cook has no management experience at all, so he has to do many things himself.

"Actually, it is like the affairs of the Mekai Empire. Most of it can be handed over to others, but when the power is divided, you must supervise each other to avoid unnecessary trouble. And you just need to control the big direction. Otherwise, it is enough. There are so many things in the empire that even gods can't manage it." Connie said afterwards.

"En!" Cook nodded. The Mekai Empire is now basically under military control, which is very bad, because what a country needs is development, not war.

Cook wondered how to restructure the Maykai Empire. The monarchy would definitely not work, because this would make the royal family's power too large, while the rest of the tribe's power would continue to shrink.

In the end, Cook decided to start the presidential system, and implement the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the Prime Minister. The advantage is that all tribes have the right to participate in politics.

However, the detailed presidential system Cook remembers not very clearly. Cook frowned carefully thinking about some problems of the presidential system. He did not see the bitter eyes in Connie's eyes. Connie couldn't help but complain about herself. Such a good opportunity was missed by herself. Up.

"Well, I already have an idea, but Connie, you have to give me a reference." Cook gave Connie a strange look and said.

"Oh!" Connie replied feebly.

"The Mekai Empire is different from the human empire. There are many tribes and the power of the tribes is too large. This is not suitable for the monarchy system. I am determined to create a brand new system where all the tribes can participate in and govern, otherwise for several years. The same situation as the Orc Empire will appear later." Cook thought for a while and said.

"New system?" Connie was surprised, knowing that all this world is a monarchy.

"Yes, I decided to implement a presidential system. The leader of a country is the president, but this president only has four years in power, and he will be re-elected after four years. Under the president, there are the prime minister, the Senate, the House of Representatives... "Cook said roughly what he knew about the presidential system.

Connie's mouth grew in surprise. This is basically a brand new system, which is somewhat similar to the tribal elders' council, but once the elders are promoted to the elders, the elders will not change, and the presidential system has no life-long saying. It is eight years, that is, two years of re-election. What is more rare is mutual restraint. The president has executive power, the Supreme Court is responsible for judiciary, and the Senate and the House of Representatives are responsible for legislation. There will be no concentration of power at all.

Connie asked Cook very excitedly: "Cook, why do you have such an idea? Such a system is very suitable for the Maykai Empire? But this election seems to be a bit... for the orcs?"

"Well, the orcs are now a tribal system, which is a certain degree of difficulty for elections, but in turn, we can see that although each tribe has various shortcomings, one thing cannot be denied, that is, the patriarch must be worthy of the tribe’s tribe. These patriarchs are not allowed to do whatever they want, because there is also a Supreme Court. We only need to enact some strict laws and regulations, such as individual tribes cannot be allowed to have private arms, and all people are equal before the law. , No one has the privilege..." Cook is also a little worried about this patriarch system, but Cook has made a good start now, and most of the patriarchs are now in name.

Connie discussed with Cook for one night, and Connie left excitedly the next morning. Because of the birth of a new system, Connie was able to witness the birth of a new system, and she was very excited to think about it.

However, this kind of system can only be promoted in places like the orc empire. The first is that the original system has been shattered, and the aristocracy has been completely overthrown. It can be said that it is a blank sheet of paper, so that Cook promotes the new The system is much less obstructive, and now the orc empire’s worship of Cook is extremely high, so there is not much trouble to implement.

In the human empire, this is almost impossible, because the human empire is not a single empire. The marriage between the imperial families of the major empires forms an unclear circle, not only the royal family, but even the great nobles. .

There is also a natural boundary between the Mekai Empire and humans. Only the Golden Mountain Pass and the Scarlet Plain are connected to the human empire. There is no threat of foreign enemies, let alone the obstruction of nobles, so this system was quickly established and started. After all, after all, there is nothing to do in winter, and it can be executed. Of course, there are even dissatisfaction, and it is easy to clean up those who refuse to execute. After all, in winter, there is nowhere to run.

But what Cook didn’t know was that this system was finally led by the human empire, and finally triggered a continent-wide human empire war. The war lasted for hundreds of years. In the end, almost the entire continent was a presidential system. .

Cook later found Gerry, Murphy’s father. The chamber of commerce managed by Gerry and Cook’s father, Old Hill, is now the largest chamber of commerce in the mainland, but all this is because Cook put the underground world on the first floor, and The deal for Dunmore City was handed over to Gerry.

Gerry agreed to Cook’s problem in one fell swoop, because Gerry’s chamber of commerce is the largest grain merchant, and Gerry still has a huge network of relationships, so in Cook’s view it’s a troublesome thing, but Gerry’s view is It's not that troublesome. After all, they are all businessmen, and there is only an exchange of interests between businessmen.

After everything was dealt with, Cook stayed with his parents at home for a few days, and Lily also started school. Old Hill really hoped that Cook would get married, but Cook couldn’t do that, because once they got married and had children, for Mickey Have a great impact.

"The next step is to work hard to improve his own strength." Cook decided the next direction, and Cook did not dare to use the dragon potion, because La Milan told Cook that after using the dragon power potion, his own strength is The improvement is very fast, but once it is hostile to the dragon, there is no power to fight back, because taking the potion of the dragon's power will increase the blood of the dragon in the body, and the dragon family itself has the blood to suppress.

Furthermore, as the dragon’s bloodline increases, it will eventually become a creature like a dragon, so Cook now dare not use the dragon’s power potion, but according to La Milan, the dragon’s bloodline itself used by Cook The blood of the Yalong is very thin, so the impact is minimal.

"But you have to prepare first." Cook stood on the map and looked at it for a long time, and finally got an idea.

Cook dived into the basement and started preparations. Cook thought for a while and decided to suppress his own strength first, but there is a direction for suppressing strength. Cook is now powerful and tough, and what Cook has to do is Improve grudge and magic.

Cook took out a piece of parchment and continued to sketch it out, thinking while sketching.

"Too tough, I need some weight. My current arm strength is more than 10,000 kilograms, so I need to carry a weight of at least 2,000 kilograms, but this load is important for balance, wrist guards, arm guards, breastplates, leg armors, boots... "Cook sketched while thinking.

Cook’s current vindictiveness is level three, and magic is level three, so Cook formulated a practical training plan, and Cook completely abandoned his powerful equipment, the bow made by Devil Teng is no longer suitable, this thing is too abnormal. There is also Thunder Fang, which can't be taken out without a last resort, and the magic pattern equipment can't be used.

After reading his own training requirements, Cook couldn't help but muttered: "Do you want to buy equipment?"

After Cook made the training plan, he began to go out to buy equipment. To be honest, it was not the first time that Cook, the Magic City, came here, but Cook, the Magic City, really hadn't visited it carefully.

Cook went out of the laboratory and saw that there was no one, but Lily left Cook with a note, went shopping, Cook touched his nose, then changed into a set of ordinary clothes, and started to go out.

Cook lives in the wealthy area of ​​the Magic City. Not only is there a lot of guards patrolling, but there are also many guards. Most of the residents are guarded by sturdy men at the door. The environment here is also excellent, with tall trees. One by one.

The Orc Hotel is now one of the most lively places in the entire Magic City, but no one dares to make trouble here, because most of the people who come here are powerful professionals, magicians, warriors, knights, and the richness of the tree of life. The breath of life makes the people living here feel extremely comfortable, and some old diseases have also been well relieved.

"Huh?" Cook can already feel the breath of the tree of life, but then Cook smiled dumbly. The tree of life has given birth to consciousness, and the trees in the entire Magic City are the trees of the tree of life. It is only natural to have one's own existence.

Cook did not go to see the tree of life, but greeted a carriage, and then came to the commercial area of ​​the magic city, this commercial area occupies about a quarter of the magic city, as long as the world has it, here are all You can find the precious snow fox skins in the orc wasteland, the seafood produced in the southernmost sea, and so on.

Cook did not stay in other places, but came to a place specializing in selling equipment. Cook saw a huge sign. This commercial area is also divided. This is the equipment area, warrior equipment, swordsman equipment, knight equipment, and thieves. Equipment, as well as archer equipment, there are huge signs hung at the door of each store.

"Sir, take a look at the latest warrior suits. Our Gelug warrior equipment store is the best warrior suit!"

"Sir, what is your occupation? Our Hailar store can tailor it for you, and we also recycle the equipment here, and you can also trade in the old..."

One by one, the waiters who solicited customers kept introducing everyone passing by, and from time to time, some people were attracted by their hearts.

"Strange, why isn't there a hunter's specialty store here?" Cook muttered with some confusion.

"Sir, what can I do for you?" A teenage child stood in front of Cook and asked politely. Although the child's clothes are already full of patches, the child's clothes are indeed. Very clean.

"I want to find a hunter's equipment store." Cook knows that this is a kid who earns tips by leading the way. There are many such children in the Magic City, and the charges for these children are entirely dependent on the guests. Some guests simply pay a penny. No, Cook directly stated his request.

"Sir, if you are a hunter, I suggest you go to various equipment stores to choose, because there is only one hunter equipment store in the entire Magic City, and it is still far away from here." The child thought for a while and replied.

Cook asked: "How far is it?"

"On the hunter's union, there is no specialty store that directly sells hunter equipment in the commercial area, because the hunter profession is really too few." The child explained and replied.

Cook knows the embarrassing situation of the hunter. Long-range attacks are not as good as professional archers. Melee is not the opponent of warriors. The speed is not as fast as thieves. The defense is not as strong as that of knights. Moreover, it is embarrassing for the hunter to grab pets.

The pet level is high, the hunter does not have the strength to surrender, the pet level is low, and it can't play any role in the battle, so few learn the hunter as a profession.

"So where is the biggest equipment store here?" Cook thought for a while and decided to configure his own equipment.

Don’t underestimate the equipment configuration, because the equipment configuration of each profession is different, even the swordsman and the hunter use one-handed swords, the one-handed swords used by the two professions are different, the swordsmen themselves use one-handed swords full-time Yes, so the length requirements for one-handed swords are relatively high, and they also have their own requirements in terms of toughness and sharpness, and hunters use relatively less, so they are not so strict.

There is also leather armor. Both thieves and hunters use sunder armor, but the leather armor used by hunters can be looser, while thieves use tight leather armor, and there are fixed weapons on the thieves’ leather armor where they hang weapons. The hunter doesn't have a button. This is because the hunter needs to be disguised. If Nima doesn't have a fixed button, he clangs and pretends to be a fart.

There are also daggers. The daggers used by hunters are mainly used for dissecting their prey. They are very different from ordinary combat daggers. It is precisely because of the different occupations that professional equipment stores were born.

"Sir, this shop suits your requirements. This is also the largest equipment store in the Magic City." The child took Cook to a relatively remote place and pointed to a huge gate. Cook at the gate. Seeing people buying equipment with a carriage, a carriage and a carriage, obviously the business here is excellent.

"Thank you!" Cook threw a silver coin directly to the kid, and then walked straight into this unnamed shop.

After entering the shop, Cook was surprised to discover how huge it was, the size of a football field, and the huge signs appeared in front of Cook's eyes.

"Two-handed swords! One-handed swords, daggers, leather armor, mail armor, plate armor, spears, spears, boots, helmets, and custom weapons!" Cook looked at a huge room at the door in astonishment. It is a pile of two-handed swords, at least thousands of them.

"Sir, what do you need?" A waiter hurried over and bowed when he saw Cook.

"I need a set of equipment suitable for intermediate hunters." Cook felt dizzy looking at him, there are too many things in this place.

"Sir, please come here. This is a comprehensive area for small-scale transactions. There are everything in it." The waiter took Cook to another large room and said.

Cook saw that the room was as big as a basketball court, and the three-story shelves inside were full of various weapons and equipment.

"This is an oak bow. Oak is very hard, but it is insufficient in toughness. This is a beech bow. It is very light. It is made of black iron wood. Black iron wood is one of the hardest woods. The iron bow can also be configured freely. This is just an assembly of two pieces of black iron wood. We also provide the black iron wood battens that have been made here, and the guests can configure them freely." The waiter enthusiastically introduced.

"What's this?" Cook picked up a big loudspeaker like a pipe.

"Sir, this is a good thing. This is a firecracker made by a dwarf dwarf. It is powerful and can make a loud noise. Some animals are directly scared away by this noise." The waiter explained excitedly.

"Khan!" Cook sweated profusely, scaring the animal away.

"It's made by dwarves and gnomes, why haven't I heard of it?" Cook asked suspiciously.

"Haha, this guest, this is a sample created by dwarves and dwarves hundreds of years ago. It was originally created by dwarves based on a broken blueprint, but after it was created, it was discovered that there were many shortcomings. One is the slow shooting speed. There is also the impact of the weather. Of course, the attack power is low in the end, but the noise is quite loud." A middle-aged man explained with a smile, and Cook knew that he was in charge when he looked at the middle-aged man's dress.

"Could you take a look?" Cook asked, pointing to the fire gun.

"Yes, this firecracker has been very famous since ancient times, but the forging method has been lost. The dwarves tried to find out how to make the firecracker, but obviously this is a failed product, but this thing still has Certain collection value." The manager introduced it aside.

Cook took a look, and then was disappointed. The firecracker was just a rudiment, without rifling, and it looked like a single shot, but it was made by the dwarf to be real.

"This thing doesn't have much use!" Cook gave the final conclusion in one sentence.

"Hehe, if the husband has the intention to buy, we can discount it." The steward smiled, after all, this thing has been left here for hundreds of years, and how much money can be bought.

"Okay, I want it!" Cook did not ask the price, but said directly, because Cook had a vision and he was more proficient in magic patterns, so why not change it?

"Hehe, we will give Mr. one thousand pellets." The steward said with a smile.

"Sir, this is the Leif knife, the best skinning tool in the hunter's equipment!" After knowing that Cook needs the hunter's equipment, he went directly to the dagger area, then picked up a knife and introduced.

Cook scanned it with mental power and chose another Leif knife, because Cook's strong mental power could check whether the knife was flawed when it was made.

"Haha!" The steward is embarrassed, because the steward has been here for more than ten years, and still has a certain degree of research on the things sold, and the knife chosen by Cook is the best in this batch.

"This is a three-layer leather armor, sir, please look at it. This leather armor is made of bison leather. It is very tough and has a certain waterproof effect."

"Sir, these are cowhide boots. Look at the workmanship. Not only are they waterproof, but they are also not afraid of all kinds of reptiles in the jungle!"

"Sir, this is a one-handed sword made by a dwarf. The toughness and sharpness are not comparable to those made by humans."

"Sir, this is a helmet, not only two layers of leather armor, but also inlaid with iron plates, which is extremely protective."

With the constant introduction of the steward, Cook finally bought a complete set of weapons and equipment. Finally, when Cook paid the bill, the smiling eyes of the steward were narrowed, because Cook bought two of the most valuable things, firecrackers, Although it was a failed product, it was built by a dwarf after all, so the price reached 900 gold coins, and the one-handed sword built by a dwarf reached a high price of 1,500 gold coins, but Cook knew that this one-handed sword was a dwarf If you build a defective product or a qualified product, you can't get it without three thousand gold coins. So Cook's purchase totaled more than two thousand six hundred gold coins. That's right, the rest together were worth more than two hundred gold coins.

One-handed swords made by human blacksmiths are no more than dozens of gold coins, but one-handed swords made by humans are far inferior to those made by dwarves in terms of toughness, strength, sharpness, and wear.

"It seems that we have to buy some materials to transform the firecrackers!" Cook looked at the space and found that there were no ordinary materials. Cook muttered to himself. It was also because Cook did not have ordinary equipment in his hands, so Cook did For the purchase, most of Cook's hands are magic-weave equipment, and the last one is also high-level magic items, and here Cook buys ordinary equipment, not a magic item, just any one in Cook's space I am afraid that everything is more valuable than any of the shops here.

"But it's great not to change it. After all, I am going to improve my own strength." Cook made a decision. It was not that Cook had never thought about making guns before, but Cook felt that if he made guns Come, I'm afraid it will cause unnecessary trouble, but now with the firecrackers built by this dwarf, Cook doesn't have that much worry, after all, there is an excuse not to.

Three days later, at the gate of the mercenary trade union, a young man wearing a second-level hunter badge stepped into the mission hall of the mercenary trade union. It was so inconspicuous among the many people, no one expected it. It was this man who created the legend that belongs to the hunter. No one can surpass the mercenary union points for more than a thousand years. The first mercenary to reach the SSS level, the first mercenary to complete the task 100%, the first to create The hunter who developed the hunter kite flow tactics, the first hunter who created the trap flow tactics, countless firsts made this young man not only a legend of mercenaries, but also a legend of hunters.

"Nima, I have been looking for half an hour, there is no need for hunters?" Cook looked up at his head, watching the missions on the magic fluorite, but there was no mission suitable for hunters.

"Excuse me, do you need a hunter mission?" As a last resort, Cook only spent a gold coin to come to the consultation window, where consultation is costly.

"Second-level hunter?" The waiter of the mercenary union looked at Cook's badge and asked.

"Well, there are probably three levels, but there is no time for certification for the time being!" Cook replied embarrassedly.

"Well, there are three tasks. You only need to pay a gold coin introduction fee to choose any one of them~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the waiter took a look, and then replied.

"Didn't you just give a gold coin?" Cook asked in confusion.

"Haha, this is the rule!" The waiter chuckled.

"I said, buddy, one gold coin is one gold coin, I'm still anxious to find a task!" The man behind said impatiently to Cook.

"Okay!" Cook paid another gold coin.

Cook looked at the task list given by the waiter. One was to catch a pink snow rabbit for a nobleman, the other was to hunt down a first-degree wind wolf, and the last was to clear the bandits.

"I choose to eliminate the gangsters!" Cook did not hesitate at all.

"Hehe, this is a detailed task description. There is a gathering place on it, and you also need to pay a task deposit of twenty gold coins." The waiter said with a smile.

"You..." Cook was speechless. The reward for the entire task was only one hundred gold coins, and for five people, Nima still needs a deposit of twenty gold coins?

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