A Unique Hunter

Chapter 203: The sequelae of madness "first more"

"Intentionally, you did it intentionally!" Cook shouted with wide eyes.

"Uh, uh, how did I know that you are still awake, but isn't it a big deal for you?" Although Phyllis Deman said so, but looking at this guy's grinning expression, he knew it was a lie Up.

"You, you! Phyllis Deman!" Cook slumped on the stretcher. There was no alternative. His body was broken in many places. The key is that Phyllis Deman not only stepped on one foot, but two feet after another, Cook Now being carried by several orcs in turn, there is no way, no too much movement, and the pressure to fly in the dragon is extremely great, and Cook’s potion is gone, but fortunately Cook can release the healing Magician is like this, even if the old can no longer move, but the powerful magic and mental power are not affected, but Cook is fractured, and Cook's mage level is too low and too low, and it is almost ineffective for fractures. .

"It's the first time they said that the brain was unconscious!" Phyllis Deman was not punished by the contract at all this time, because Phyllis Deman indeed thought that Cook was not sober, and of course he did not focus on this. It's easy to say, so the contract didn't happen at all.

And the red hoofs looked at each other and didn’t dare to refute. Just kidding, Phyllis Deman’s reputation is in the orc empire, and a three-year-old child can know it. Not to mention, just a few hundred meters in height, and Felice Lisdeman warned fiercely that all the orcs had to knock off their teeth and swallow them in their stomachs.

"You, okay, okay! How many magic wolves are left!" Cook was speechless, looking at Shiwei's trembling legs, Cook knew that these guys were afraid to say anything.

"There are still two hundred and thirty intact, but I also use ice and snow to freeze the others. The guy in Baglu has a good barbecue technique. There are more than four hundred magic wolves, enough for us to eat." The Phyllis Deman would take the initiative to hump things, but the subsequent words made several orcs roll their eyes.

Cook didn’t know that, in order to achieve some ulterior purpose, Phyllis Deman directly killed some demon wolves that had suffered minor injuries. The remaining two hundred and thirty were really hard to find. Even a slight wound, but a few orcs dare to say, dare not to say, the first few orcs were still confused, but now they know that it is only for barbecue, Shiwei rolled his eyes.

"Yes, yes, we have the opportunity to come a few more times." Although Cook was very skeptical, Cook did not pay attention at the time. Two hundred and thirty, the magic wolf mount was already considered a great wealth.

"Why don't we go to Danasi Heights next time?" Phyllis Deman heard Cook say so and immediately suggested.

"Danasi Heights?" Cook had never heard of the name.

"The head of the empire is the ace army of the empire, where the tigers, lions, and leopards are located, close to the holy mountain!" Shiwei quickly explained.

"Damn!" Cook rolled his eyes and ignored this guy, Holy Mountain, what do you think it is.

"Why don't you go to Danasu Forest, cough cough, forget it, there are bear people, or go to Danagar, go to that place, although those pig heads are smelly, but the meat of the magic pig is really much. Ah, it must be oily!" Phyllis Deman suggested again.

"Your Excellency, Your Excellency, it's in the belly of the Empire!" Shiwei whispered.

"What's wrong with the abdomen and abdomen? My Phyllis Deman's speed is not covered, and I can't go in winter. We are also for their good. Do you want to know how much stuff a mount consumes in a winter..." Lisdeman said plausibly.

Several orcs were silent. It seemed that the pig clan was going to be unlucky. Being stared at by this guy, the Frost Dragon was almost invincible in the winter, and the few people looked at each other with joy.

"Ahem, I said you have endless things, the Forest of Warcraft is right by the side, you still fly so far, idiot!" Cook rolled his eyes.

"Yes, Warcraft Forest, I remember there seems to be a large herd of demon pigs, is it 1,000 or 2,000?" Phyllis Diman scratched his head and fell into self-talk.

Cook ignored the food, and thought about eating all day long. In fact, Cook knew that Phyllis Deman’s diet almost jumped from the Stone Age to modern times. Besides, the dragon didn’t want to eat. Thinking about?

After a day of trekking, fortunately, there is Phyllis Deman. In some places on the road, he used his nails to pull directly. There is a trace on the ice and snow ground. It does not slip at all. Moreover, it is easier to cross the Golden Pass. Block it, what a mere frost.

When Cook returned to the settlement, everyone was alarmed, only Baglu had to keep grilling food under the supervision of Phyllis Deman, while the rest of the ogres were busy with the remaining magic wolves. Clean it up.

Three days later, Cook was all well, but Cook still did not dare to go out. Cook faced the crystal mirror and looked at his long ears and long white hair on his body. Cook was speechless.

"That's right, the aftereffects of the first madness will last for a few days." Da Sa's grandfather, an old bear man with only one arm, said comfortingly.

"But it's been several days!" Cook asked worriedly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Hehe, this is normal, who made you sober and frenzied the first time, this is an advanced frenzy skill, sequelae There is nothing wrong with the long duration. "Sadan is very satisfied with the current life. It's not very cold here. The delicious food can almost be eaten. I didn't see that the half-and-half children in the tribe can hardly walk. The most enviable thing is Those who were selected into the guards, all metal weapons, and metal armor, these things at least need the captain of the ten thousand team in the empire to have, and a few who have never seen the world look around for a full ten meters Large metal cauldron, this thing is the rice pot of the Titans.

"Oh! Old Satan! I hope you are right." Cook sighed.

"Cook, Cook, the Wildhammer tribe is here." At this moment, Manli walked in and said.

"Oh, you can only pretend to be a magician." Cook took up the magician's hat and immediately covered his ears.

"Brother Cook, Brother Cook!" Before Cook went out, he was hugged by a guy, and the magician hat on his head suddenly fell off, and Cook's face immediately changed.

"Uncle Sam?" Cook looked at the guy in front of him angrily, and Satan next to him was dizzy. What is the relationship between the two, one is called the brother and the other is called the uncle? Is the relationship among humans so complicated? Father Satan made up his mind to understand the relationship between humans.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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