A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 667: Exchange system

"Well, I'll listen to you." After half an hour, Joe Ken reached the seventh level, and said directly to Xia Ci. Of course, the immune potion Cook gave was also used by Joe Ken.

Xia Ci patted Joe Ken on the shoulder, and then said: "The person who asked me to build a points exchange system, now mainly for soldiers, this matter is left to you, and it is foreseeable that this point exchange system will definitely It will be taken away by that person. If you want to see that person, do this. This point redemption system will definitely target everyone in the future."

"Thank you, Lao Xia." After hearing this, Joe Ken solemnly said to Xia Ci. Because of Xia Ci's description, Joe Ken knew how abnormal the points redemption system would be in the future, and everyone was eager to get something from it.

Xia Ci left Joe Ken with the awakening potion and the supporting physique potions, and then left. Joe Ken picked up the potion and called his eldest son in. After a few orders, Joe Ken went to work, but he left. When you go to work, you gather your subordinates together and get busy.

The next thing Xia Ci was looking for was his two most loyal subordinates, two commanders of the army, each with 10,000 people. The army directly under Xia Ci reached 20,000, occupying two-thirds of the entire settlement. Number of troops.

Xia Ci originally wanted to win over another army leader, but Xia Ci changed his attention. If this is the case, it is better to raise his cronies. As for the opposing army leader, he has one rank seven and two rank six. A level six, that's a joke.

After the two subordinates reached level 6, Xia Xia gave some immunity potions to his cronies. Including the two bottles of immunity potions for Joe Ken, Xia Xia gave there are 28 bottles, except for the two legion leaders. Bottles, there were twenty-six bottles, and gave the commander's subordinates some awakening potions for the face as the commander, especially the kind of officers whose children desperately needed.

As for the origin of the medicine, Xia Ci never said that before his subordinate, Xia Ci needed to maintain prestige and majesty.

This day seemed to be calm, but the waves were already rough in the dark, but the preparations were constantly being prepared. Fortunately, the settlements were always prepared, so there was nothing more to prepare. The entire base had already been under military control. The outer defenses are also constantly being strengthened, preparing more ammunition, and outside the settlements, under the guards of the soldiers, a series of barbed wire fences, a series of huge trenches are being built by countless ordinary people, and there are also in the trenches. Longitudinal, but in the vertical direction, there is heavy firepower one by one. Numerous experiences have shown that trenches only play a role in the initial stage. There is no vertical trench. The entire trench will continue to be filled, increasing the vertical After that, countless monsters will crowd towards the vertical trench, and then countless heavy firepower will cover it.

Cook allocated the things that the four women were responsible for in the room, which had already been allocated, but after a long time of consideration, Cook decided to redistribute them.

"Li Ji, you will be responsible for the points system in the future. It is mainly calculated by the watch for a long time. Of course, auxiliary calculation methods are also needed. I will improve the watch." Cook said to Li Ji.

"Yes." Li Ji didn't dare to talk back to Cook's instructions. Seeing that Xia Tian had become a seventh level, Li Ji became more dependent on Cook.

"Wanna, you have a talent for calculation, auxiliary logistics materials, food, equipment and the like." Cook said to Vanna.

"Yes, Master." Wan Najiao replied to Cook.

"Luo Sheng, you are responsible for the exchange of potions." Cook said to Luo Sheng.

"Yes, master." Luo Sheng also changed his mouth to call the master.

"Luo Tian, ​​you are responsible for setting up a supervisory agency. You have the right to supervise everyone, and you have the right to enforce it. The four of you are directly responsible to me, you know." Cook did not have anyone, so he did this, but later If there are people, Cook will look again.

"Master, I don't want to do anything else, I just want to have a child for the Lord." Luo Tian actually said this. After Luo Tian said this, the other three women wanted to choke Luo Tian and Nima to death, why didn't we like this? Say.

"The child's matter, I will talk about it later, now we are short of people, when the settlement is under control, you will quickly pick people." Cook waved his hand and said.

In the evening, Xia Xia gave a point exchange system made by Joe Ken and hundreds of people to show Cook.

"Well, the awakening potion, the constitution potion's points are lowered a bit, ten points are enough, only by turning most people into superpowers, will it bring us more benefits." Cook said.

"Yes." Xia Ci was shocked by Cook's words. Ten points are equivalent to the value of ten silver coins. Not too low, but some people will be eliminated. According to Cook's plan, Xia Ci estimates After a while, there are 110,000 people in my own base, at least 60,000 people have this ability to redeem, thinking of 60,000 first-level superpowers, summer gives a feeling of horror, and these 60,000 first-level superpowers, see The second-level evolution potion, the second-level physical enhancement potion, the benefits brought by it.

"The points system is a combination of material exchange and military merit exchange. Li Ji will be responsible for the future. I will leave Li Ji's safety to you." Cook pointed to Li Ji and said to Xia Ci.

"Yes." Xia Xia Ci knew that there was such a day, but he didn't expect it to come so soon.

Cook said to Li Ji: "Li Ji, bring fifty bottles of immune potions, and let Xia Ci take you to see Joe Ken. Joe Ken is your first subordinate."

"Okay." When Li Ji heard this, he immediately picked up a small box, and then left with Xia Ci.

Xia Ci also understood that it was Cook who let him do it. Xia Ci successfully took over Joe Ken's logistics department with Li Ji, but did not let Wan Na intervene for the time being.

After Joe Ken saw Li Ji, his attitude was very low. In fact, Joe Ken soon knew the identity of the person Xia Ci said, but Cook did not see Joe Ken. Joe Ken was a little disappointed, but about Li Ji After knowing the news, Joe Ken had no thoughts at all. Li Ji should die and be infected by the monster, but now, well, Joe Ken was still a little confused, but after seeing Li Ji himself, Joe Ken knew two Li Ji is alone.

Li Ji-neng has been in the adventure team for several years. Why didn't he have any thoughts. After Li Ji took over, he didn't blindly seize power. Li Ji knew that what was needed now was stability, not the chaos of the entire settlement.

"Joken, publish the points redemption system and distribute the watches. We are only for military merit redemption for the time being." Li Ji directly told Joeken.

"Yes, my lord." Joe Ken put his posture low in front of the many subordinates.

"Venus, you lead your team to maintain the complex points system and update points."

"David, you are responsible for the distribution of watches, and now it is mainly for the army..."

After Li Ji was assigned the position by Cook, he was thinking about how to open the situation. Li Ji didn't need to say anything, just ordered directly.

"Yes." After Li Ji finished his instructions, the others immediately agreed in unison. There was no way. I didn't see that the always strong boss was pleasing to the eye. In addition, Joe Ken reached level seven. The tricky part of it can be a meeting today. Yes, they are not stupid.

"This is an immune potion. The 16 of you present here, each person has one bottle. Everyone knows the effect of the potion. What I want to say is, follow me well. I am not afraid that you will make a big contribution. Before, I was still a Level 2 superpower. Now I am Level 5. Do you know what to do?" Li Ji knew the effect of Cook's immune medicine.

Although in the morning when Joe Ken asked the team to do the points system, everyone saw the names of the items were a little suspicious, but after seeing the potion, everyone was excited. Obviously this potion was brought out by Li Ji and the people behind Li Ji. Yes, as for who it is, everyone doesn't know in their hearts, nor dare to ask, because everyone knows how abnormal things are on the points system, and everyone knows how the seventh level of Joe Ken's boss came.

And while Li Ji was sitting in the new office, Xia Zi’s two subordinates also completed a raid on another boss of the military. Originally, the other boss of the military wanted to count on his subordinates to help him, but Xia God-given level seven, two confidant army commanders level six, the other leaders of the military department themselves are only level six, and their subordinates are level five, so there is no resistance at all. There is not a word gap between the middle-level strong and the high-level strong.

The high-level personnel of the settlement soon experienced personnel changes. Apart from surprise, the people below only secretly guessed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then obeyed orders. In such troubled times, strength represents everything. After the 7th level stood up, no one dared to object.

The military hall of the colony is under intense construction. A huge electronic screen is being erected. On both sides of the electronic screen, there are dozens of heavily armed soldiers. You can see that the battery is being energized. With the movement of a soldier's finger, countless bullets will be ejected from the electromagnetic gun.

This feeling makes people who come to the military hall to work very uncomfortable, but they are very curious. Next to the electronic screen, there are several newly opened windows. The windows are actually made of three-layer explosion-proof glass and are higher than the ground. Two meters, there is defensive armor next to the glass, and it looks like a thick defensive armor.

This thing can be carried by electromagnetic guns. After the people who handle the affairs spread the news, more and more soldiers on duty are watching the excitement.

"Luo Tian, ​​do you remember?" Cook ordered something to Luo Tian, ​​and then asked.

"Master, I remember." Luo Tian is about to enter the potion exchange hall. It's actually a very simple matter. Of course, the recruits were also solved by Xia Tian. They are all low-level superpowers and quick thinking, but There are only two people in Luo Tian's department, because they just opened two windows to exchange potions.

When the display screen was powered on, after debugging, all the soldiers in the military hall were stunned by what was displayed on it. Many people exclaimed, and beside the display screen, there were notices in thick fonts. It's almost like a certain level of officers can exchange for something like potions, or they can be converted into points. Cook also doesn't want to cut across the board. Officers who can live to the present have two brushes. After the watch, these guys have no good life.

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