A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 669: Different monster offensive and defensive battles

Puff puff puff, this kind of electromagnetic shooting sound is everywhere in the entire settlement. Countless electromagnetic cannons and electromagnetic guns keep firing. The electromagnetic thunders embedded on the ground also begin to show their power. Purple thunders flash by, accompanied by a burst of fragments. The flesh flew horizontally, thousands of projectiles were ejected by electromagnetic mines at high speed. The power was great, and some of them were burst projectiles with a diameter of more than ten meters and were immediately enveloped by a burst of metal fragments, directly emptied the monsters inside.

However, there are hundreds of thousands of monsters with a length of 20 kilometers in length and a width of several kilometers in width. They are black and dense. The role that landmines can play is consumption and constant consumption.

It is fake that the soldiers are not nervous. Although there have been several such offensive and defensive battles in 30 years, many people will die every time.

"Hohohoho." The roar of the monsters spread to the surrounding area of ​​tens of kilometers. Xia Ci and others understood that this was the monster summoning companions. The more advanced monsters already knew the division of labor and the fierce firepower of the settlement. Let high-level monsters summon more monsters to come.

Although electromagnetic guns and electromagnetic guns continue to show off their power, the monster's front line is still advancing. The barbed wire fences are flattened by countless monsters, and the trenches are filled in by the monster's body. However, the ditch and barbed wire make the monsters move slowly.

"Drain the oil and set the fire." Xia Xia Ci immediately issued an order when seeing the first trench filled with monster corpses.

Bursts of easily combustible oil and other things were sprayed from the pipelines embedded in the trenches. In just ten minutes, dozens of tons of oil were poured into the first trench, and the electromagnetic igniter below gave a violent spark. .

"Boom." With a sound, the oil in the entire trench exploded. Numerous monster bodies were covered with oil, burning and splashing around, and countless monsters quickly avoided.

The soldiers breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly rested for a while. Soldiers are also human, highly nervous and focused. No one can hold on for long. Besides, most of the soldiers are ordinary people, but this time is better. Almost all of the thousands of soldiers are superpowers. Why is that?

This has to say that certain officers will exchange constitution potions for their subordinates, awakening potions, and awakening potions are also called first-level evolution potions.

You must know that in the previous army, there were only less than 5% of superpowers, and the other superpowers were adventurers. Five%, or 60,000 troops, had less than 3,000 superpowers. Now it has reached 50,000. You can know how many potions the exchange system has exchanged in the past few days. Cook's hands are soft when refining pharmaceutical agents, but for Cook, low-level potions are as simple as ours below. Finally, a large glass bucket was created and stirred directly. Although the quality of the medicine is somewhat affected, each medicine is only a few milliliters. This bucket...

The monster was temporarily blocked by the raging fire. The army used to send drones and other investigations, but now the company commander of each company only needs to shrink in his post and check his watch from time to time to know if any monster has sneaked in. In addition, the staff will also pay attention, so there will be no surprises at all. Of course, some soldiers are still not very relieved of watches and observe from time to time.

"A monster has entered in area B2." A company commander shouted loudly.

"The company commander, was killed by the third company." A sniper replied loudly.

"Asshole, you robbed my defense zone." The company commander immediately stood up and yelled at the location of the third company.

"Lao Si Li, you speak a little more politely. That guy just passed my defense zone. I'm slow to react. I can't do it." Commander Wang shouted angrily.

"Little ones, stare at me in the defense zone where the third company is located. Monsters will attack first." Li company commander heard this and immediately shouted.

The benefits of most superpowers have been reflected. They are more stable in their hands, can see farther with their eyes, and the accuracy of shooting is greatly improved. Now everyone sees the monsters as if they see the points. What is the point? That is the potion. It is said that there will be equipment in the future. Although everyone does not know where these good things came from, everyone knows that this stuff is indispensable. In the past, you relied on talent to eat. Even if you have the ability and work hard, it is nonsense without talent. But now, as long as you work hard, there is nothing you can't think of, only you can't do it.

The fire was blocked for more than two hours, and the monster continued to advance, and then extended to both sides, and finally the entire settlement was surrounded by the monster.

The rested soldiers began to suppress firepower again. Due to the emergence of superpowers, at least thousands of 50,000 people are talented with precision, so some high-level monsters are constantly being killed, but like Cook, guns and guns The hit is not so exaggerated.

Boom, boom.

High-level monsters are not idiots, no, many high-level monsters drag huge concrete, stones, and trees into the trench that just burned, but low-level monsters are not so high in IQ. They just look at the settlement above tens of thousands. The soldier drooled.

Bang, a rock with a big head was not intercepted by the anti-aircraft fire net, and it hit the protective fence on the first floor. The protective fence was suddenly smashed out and dented, and a soldier behind was directly blasted out by huge force. It was installed on the metal wall behind, and fell to the ground softly, but within a minute, a military doctor pulled the back wall away and transported the soldiers from the inside of the building for treatment.

Bang, bang, bang.

Numerous stones were constantly being smashed. The soldiers only had to hide behind the defensive armor and continuously fired. However, those who threw the stones were all high-level monsters and did not show up at all. Hidden in the monster group, snipers had no good way.

The monsters are constantly torn into countless fragments by countless bullets, but the monsters behind are still advancing continuously, using the corpses of low-level monsters to build a road.

"The fourth trench is on fire." Xia Ci felt tremendous pressure. There were too many monsters this time. According to statistics, level 5 monsters exceeded 5,000, and level 6 monsters exceeded 1,000. There are hundreds of monsters at level seven, and there are even two at level eight, hidden in the monster group, level eight, level eight, this is an unprecedented experience.

Xia Ci came to Cook’s laboratory again and saw Cook watching the offensive and defensive battles on a screen, and then there was a woman with him, and the room was full of wine. Obviously Cook was still drinking Playing woman.

"My Lord, there are two level 8 monsters, don't you know?" Xia Ci directly opened his mouth and explained his intentions.

"Empty the top floor for me, and then I will go to solve the eighth level monster." Cook pointed to the highest level of the entire settlement, where the new detection system was installed.

"Okay, I'll go to handle it right away." Xia Ci immediately said.

It took less than half an hour for Xia Xia to give orders directly, without saying why. This is the prestige Xia Xia has in the army.

Cook carried an electromagnetic gun, but it was a little slenderer than normal electromagnetic guns. Xia Qi personally took Cook to the top floor. Even if he met some people on the road, no one doubted Cook.

"Level eight, level eight." Cook fiddled with the electromagnetic gun, and a sniper electromagnetic gun with a scope appeared in Cook's hands.

Xia Ci looked at the electromagnetic gun in Cook’s hand, and was very confused. With this thing, he could solve the eighth level monster. What Xia Ci didn’t know was that Cook wanted to solve the eighth level monster, so he didn’t have to come up. The force impact can cause these two level 8 monsters to explode directly, but Cook still doesn't want to shock the world too much.

Cook's mental power can easily spot an eighth-level monster. Cook said, "I saw it, I saw it, yes."

Puff puff.

After two sounds, Cook stood up and threw the sniper electromagnetic gun to Xia Ci: "I modified it. I gave it to you. It is in the way."

Cook Shiran went back, apparently back to accompany the woman again, Xia Xia gave a stunned, and quickly returned to the command hall with the modified electromagnetic sniper rifle.

"The eighth-level monster is gone."

"Is it invisible."

"Or the detection system is broken."

"Could it be that it entered the ground?"

"No, the height does not show a negative number."

There was a frying pan in the command hall, and an eighth-level monster suddenly disappeared. What is the situation? Xia Ci's eyes were staring down, and then she was dripping with cold sweat.

"At what distance did the eighth-level monster disappear?" Xia Ci asked.

"It's eight kilometers away." A staff officer replied.

"Damn." Xia Ci gave a rare curse ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Eight kilometers, 16,000 meters, the eighth-level monster was wiped out, thinking of himself at level seven, he was next to Cook, and Xia Ci almost slumped. On the ground.

"Stop it, someone took action to wipe out the level 8 monster, don't ask if you shouldn't ask, and work quickly." Xia Ci looked at the noisy headquarters and shouted.

Later, Xia Shi carried the special sniper rifle given by Cook, came to the top floor, and then began to take aim.

"Why doesn't it have much power?" Xia Ci thought it was the ability of a sniper rifle. This power is indeed greater, but it has not reached the level of breaking the defense of the seventh-level monster, let alone the eighth-level monster.

"The first assault team, the second assault team, go ten thousand kilometers..." Xia Ci thought of this, and immediately issued the order. The commando is the magnetic levitation armored unit. Xia Ci must figure out what these two eighth-level monsters are. No matter how dead, Xia Xia Ci found that there were not many monsters at a distance of eight kilometers.

"All release phosphorescent bombs." Xia Ci continued to give orders, phosphorescent bombs, a way to interfere with the monster's thermal imaging vision.

At a distance of eight kilometers, the assault team arrived in less than two minutes, ten five-to-six-meter long suspended armored vehicles, six of which were alert and two directly rushed toward the monster's corpse.

The high-level monster found the commando and started rushing towards the commando. Xia Ci again issued an order: "Commando, full fire, electromagnetic cannon, cover the commando, use high-explosive submunitions."

The area where hundreds of electromagnetic artillery reported to the commando is covering that area at a rate of 1,500 rounds per minute. The staff can make corrections based on the area displayed on the map at any time. For hundreds of high-level monsters, it takes less than half a minute. Most of the dead and injured, the other animals ran away.

"Yeah." The whole command screamed excitedly, and a new tactic was brewing, covering high-level monsters with precision and heavy firepower.

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