A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 673: demon

After Cook came out, Xia Xia Ci hurried in and said hurriedly: "City Lord, the base on the other side of the mountain has been attacked by mutant creatures, request support."

"The deep mountain base is the base you said more than a thousand kilometers away?" Cook asked.

"Yes." Xia Ci nodded and agreed. The settlement where Xia Ci was originally located was a large strategic reserve warehouse with complete underground defense facilities, and there was also rail transit underground, directly leading to the mountains more than a thousand kilometers away. inside.

Cook pondered for a moment. In fact, as soon as the Cook Wizard model is moved, you can view the approximate situation thousands of kilometers away. As mentioned earlier, the wizard detection relies on passive detection, which is to collect energy fluctuations, and inside the biological body. Different electromagnetic wavebands, such as brainwaves and other comprehensive data, and then get the detection situation, of course, this requires that the wizard model that collects the data is sufficiently sophisticated, because more than a thousand kilometers, these fluctuations are very weak.

"Let's go, I'll go and see with you, and gather the First Army." Cook pondered for a moment, stood up immediately, and said.

"Uh, okay." Xia Ci heard Cook say this, and was a little surprised, because Xia Ci just wanted to report, and then sent the army directly, because the defense of the deep mountain base is very abnormal.

The First Army is the most elite unit in the entire Century City. All members are equipped with detection watches. Of course, the materials used in these watches are materials and energy of this world, so the detection range is not very large, but for individual soldiers That is enough. As for watches used by officers and the like, there is an active detection function in them.

The reason why individual soldiers do not use active detection is to protect individual soldiers. After all, individual soldiers encounter monsters and their survival rate is very low. Officers are different. At least they have the ability to protect themselves or protect themselves for a short time.

An hour later, the first legion of 10,000 people was assembled. In peacetime, these ten thousand people are not enough for a legion, but now this is a troubled time, monsters, mutant creatures run rampant, ten thousand soldiers, it is already incredible.

However, rail transit can only take a thousand people at a time. In the summer, I gave Cook to take the first batch of 1,000 people to the rail transit. It is similar to the subway, but faster than the subway.

"It turned out to be an electromagnetic channel." Through the carriage, Cook discovered that this is actually traffic using electromagnetic principles, and the speed is very fast, about seven or eight hundred kilometers per hour.

After more than an hour, Cook and the others got out of the car. This is what a station looks like. Soldiers are already guarding it. It is also a large base with storage warehouses and other facilities, but it is full of soldiers. Of course This is not under the jurisdiction of Xia Ci, but belongs to the relationship of partners.

However, after the drug exchange system came out, this side was already affiliated with Century City.

"Commander Xia." Cook has been following Xia Ci, looking like a soldier. The officer here immediately saluted the soldiers Xia Ci had brought.

"Take me to see, what's the situation." Cook had long told Xia Ci to do what I had to do. I don't care about myself. Xia Ci wiped out a sweat because Cook was behind him, sweating nervously.

"Yes, Commander Xia, since yesterday, there have been more mutant creatures. By this morning, the number of mutant creatures has increased, and the level has also increased. Our base used to be low-level mutant creatures, but there are now The fourth-level and fifth-level mutant creatures that live in groups appeared..." The person in charge stationed here immediately reported.

When Cook passed a fork in the passage, he left the large group directly and walked into a passage. The person in charge of the base here saw the entourage given by Xia Xia actually leave the group and was obviously taken aback.

"Go on." Seeing Cook leave, Xia Ci breathed a sigh of relief.

Within a few hundred meters, they were all within Cook's perception. Cook was wearing a military uniform. In less than twenty minutes, Cook appeared outside the base.

"This mountain is really big." Cook looked around. Cook came out of a vent. Of course, the vent was very concealed and protected, but for Cook, it was really not difficult.

"Eleventh-level mutant creature." Cook muttered to himself while looking inside the mountain. Then Cook's body disappeared in place like a gust of wind.

"Roar!" In the deep mountains, a huge saber-toothed tiger roared endlessly. As the king of this territory, the saber-toothed tiger was very angry at the sudden appearance of the enemy, but this group of people was farther away than the saber-toothed tiger. Running, trying to escape from the enemy, but the speed of the enemy is not slow, especially a bat-like guy with fleshy wings on his back. Although this guy is not flying fast and the distance is not long, he can find the hiding place of the saber-toothed tiger every time.

"Damn big tree, I hate the jungle." This group of people is about five meters tall. One of them is covered with scales and a long tail, which looks like an upright lizardman.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up, the tiger is going to run away. Such good food is rare." In addition, the voice is female, but the body is like a wine barrel, and the whole body is white and long hair. The branches that had been rubbed by the long hair immediately withered, and then the whole tree became pitch black, which was obviously highly poisonous.

"Blood, blood with energy." A guy with a black fleshy wing on its back and a head just over two meters tall like a human, but whose body is like a mouse, swiped across from low altitude and made a harsh sound.

Behind these people, there is a guy who walks upright, who is more than three meters tall, shrouded in black robe. Beside this black robe, there is a monster covered in bones, two meters high and four meters long. Look It looks like a dog is covered with bone spurs.

"Don't make too much noise. We just got our feet on this plane. Who knows there are no other planes." Behind the black robe, a very beautiful woman said, this woman is beautiful, but When I spoke, the black mouth was full of dense fangs, which was very frightening.

"What are you afraid of? Although this face is very energy-inert, the taste of flesh and blood is really good. After the master comes over, it is time for us to occupy the entire plane." The leader like the lizardman said angrily. .

"Damn it, it takes a lot of energy. I hate forests." With a flick of his tail, the leading lizardman smashed the trees next to him to pieces.

At a distance of several hundred meters, Cook looked at the group of people and muttered to himself: "Lizardman, white-haired monster, bat-wing flying monster, demon mage, evil banshee, these are the guys of the monster plane, they are all saints. At the pinnacle of the domain, I knew that this place could not have been discovered by myself. Listening to these guys, it is obvious that they are collecting energy. Is it to open the space channel?"

By Cook's side, the saber-toothed tiger's head was more than two laps larger than just now. Looking at the ordinary human in front of him, the saber-toothed tiger didn't dare to move. The saber-toothed tiger didn't react at all just now. Clenching the ears and then **** is a fat punch, hitting the face directly, and hitting the nose for the first time, making the nose of the saber-toothed tiger who wants to growl blood flow immediately, and then the eyes, and this human being is still threatening You are not allowed to say anything, or you will continue to fight.

The saber-toothed tiger was slapped with Venus, and he dared to move there. Then the human sprinkled some liquid on himself. It was really strange. At such a close distance, the guy chasing him didn't notice it.

Cook looked at the guy on the Demon Plane in front of him. He had some headaches. The Demon Plane, strictly speaking, was actually a plane controlled by a group of mutated guys. In terms of strength, it is not as strong as a demon, nor as strong as a demon, and there is no God. People are strong, not to mention the planes of the undead, the underworld, and the astral.

However, the monsters of the monster plane have a characteristic, that is, they are highly adaptable. These guys on any plane are very adaptable. The main reason is that the monsters use power. The resistance against these guys is the lowest in the different places. It’s like a **** from the realm who came to use magic on this plane~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is not the opponent of the tiger next to Cook, because magic uses energy, but monsters are different. The use of energy by monsters is a bit similar to Orcs are all strengthening their bodies, so they won't be rejected at all.

Cook cut a few straight branches directly with his hands, then pointed one end, and a few short javelins appeared.

The saber-toothed tiger has reached level eleven, and his wisdom is already very high. Watching Cook's movements, I really want to curl his mouth, but when he curls his mouth, his head hurts. The saber-toothed tiger is wondering, does this human want to kill those few with this branch? Monsters, you must know that the bodies of those guys have not been scratched by their own claws.

"Yes...puff." The flying bat wing demon suddenly yelled, and then the next moment, a black shadow directly penetrated the flying bat wing demon through the body and directly stuck it at the heart.

"Enemy attack." When the lizardman saw the bat wing flying demon was killed in an instant, and it was an ordinary branch that penetrated the bat wing flying demon, the lizardman screamed.

puff. The white hair of the white-haired demon stood up all over, but as soon as the black shadow plunged directly into the white-haired monster's forehead eye socket.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu rushed into the jungle by the bone-spurred guy next to the black-robe manuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu of the black halo on the black robe man's body.

"Puff." The evil banshee looked at a wooden stick with brown bark that appeared on her neck and fell to the ground very unwillingly. All the skills of the evil banshee are in the voice, and the neck is also the weakness of the evil banshee. , There is the node of the nerve center, as long as it is destroyed, the evil banshee will die directly, because the whole body organs directly strike.

"Damn it." As soon as the lizardman finished shouting, he saw this scene. The lizardman roared and then curled up like a big leather ball, rolling into the forest, fast.

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