A Unique Hunter

: Six hundred and eighty-fifth + six hundred and eighty-six strength improvement

It’s very simple. If a mage wants pure energy without attributes, he must first change himself. First, he must be able to withstand the pure energy of the body. Most mages can’t stand it. In addition, the mage has to face both spiritual power and magic power. decline.

Because the energy in the body of a mage has its own spiritual brand, meditating once, only about 30% of the absorbed elements can be turned into their own magic power, which means that only 30% will be printed with their own spiritual brand.

And if the magic in the body does not have its own spiritual imprint, can it still be called your own magic? This is the brilliance of the witchcraft book. The human body itself will have energy constantly overflowing, even if it is its own magic power, if it is not supplemented, it will slowly overflow cleanly, not to mention the energy without any spiritual branding. , Has run out a long time ago, but the wizard book is different. An item in the wizard book can lock energy, and then through the energetic spell model, it can be transformed into various spells. The wizard does not control the energy, but the spell model.

Without the props of the wizard book, it is difficult and difficult to want the energy that cannot be power. It is estimated that a huge part of your life will be spent in meditation. No way, no way, energy without spiritual imprint, it is difficult to control It is difficult, unless these wizards also have similar energetic spell models in their bodies.

But even if there is a spell model, the body of the spell model itself contains various information about the person, so the energy contained in it also has this information, and the influence of the laws of other planes still exists. In general, if you want energy that cannot be ruled out, you need a medium like a wizard book.

This is also the most powerful part of the wizard book. The wizard book itself is the best auxiliary tool for wizards to explore the alien plane. There is no one, even the starship in the peak of star civilization. A starship fleet can destroy a galaxy. , This kind of weapon is not worthy of the wizard book, because in the universe, there are many peculiar planes, the birth of peculiar civilization, which is like the place where the angel family hides the prison, the huge thunderstorm cloud covering the huge galaxy, the starship Any attack has little effect.

This is still the law that Cook’s body does not reject Cook’s possession. Cook’s original body only plays a role of conduction, which is like using a piece of iron to conduct magnetism, but the iron itself is not magnetic. Cook wants to do it this time. It is to slowly assimilate this piece of iron with a magnet, making this piece of iron eventually also magnetic.

But Cook is much more dangerous. Fortunately, Cook succeeded in integrating the law of life and death into every cell of the entire body. It is precisely because the law of life and death is integrated into the cell that Cook dares to integrate the law of destruction into the world. The thumb, it can be said that the most powerful thing in Cook's body is the left thumb.

Cook originally thought about it, but Cook thought about it and found another problem, that is, the reason why the gods condense the godhead is because the godhead is the second life of the gods, the godhead is hardly destroyed, and the soul energy is in the godhead .

"It seems dangerous for me to do this. My power is indeed very powerful, but my power is still not enough for the godhead. The godhead can be stored in the space storm for countless years, but my body..." Without the godhead, it won't. Immortal, after possessing the godhead, if it is corrupted, you can also change your body, but after changing the body, the attributes of this body will conflict with the energy carried by the godhead. As for the final result, it is very predictable, but it will not die.

"Cook, you can actually use your body as a godhead to temper." Barry had a not-so-fresh idea in Cook's mind.

But Cook thought about this bad idea seriously, and Cook nodded: "I will consider this."

If ordinary people don’t think about why, it’s because Shenhuo can’t control it, but Cook is okay. Energy and Shenhuo can be controlled. These factors make Cook think this can work, but on the other hand, Cook thinks that God uses Shenhuo. It is difficult to say whether tempering will be suppressed by greater laws on other planes. If it is really suppressed by the laws of other planes, Cook will lose the realm of the gods.

After Cook came, a lot of things and orders for artifacts began to be popular again, but the biggest problem was that West Asia, Lina, Wumei, and the Great Sage also had to build the realm of gods.

Cook summoned four people, and one person gave two hundred best crystals, and said: "You should not build the realm of the gods too much. One square kilometer is enough."

"Cook, this is probably wrong. The Realm of God is not only the most powerful law realm of itself, but also the place where the most devout believers' souls reincarnated, and it is the prototype of the kingdom of God." Lina shook her head and said to Cook.

"Do you still plan to develop believers?" Cook asked. For believers, Cook has no need for them. It is true that the power of faith is a huge free power for the gods, but the amount of effort is relatively large. The reason why the Great Temple is so contradictory is because of the power of faith.

Hearing Cook’s words a little unhappy, the Great Sage explained: "Cook, the power of faith is too powerful. On the one hand, the gods will choose the power of faith that best suits their attributes from the power of faith, and then Attention, eventually cultivated as saints or sons, when these gods are about to collapse, they will come down and take the bodies of these people, so although you see that the gods of the gods are promoted from the sanctuary, but Who knows how many of these guys are clones of old monsters that are dying. When these clones grow up to the highest degree of fit with the original body, the old monsters will abandon their own body, and then carry the godhead into the new body, and more There is a spirit that splits a trace of the soul, and the new city is a new one, but the split soul can’t just find a woman, but the kind of family situation is very good, there are enough resources, which requires information from the power of faith, in addition The power of faith has many functions, just like free wealth, and sometimes, the gods exchange information."

"There is also the kingdom of gods. The reason for the construction of the kingdom of gods is because the souls whose bodies have been seized cannot enter the underworld. The underworld hates this kind of seizure, because the soul of the gods is the most important thing to the underworld... ...." The Great Sage said there was nothing to say here.

"Tsk tusk, you have robbed the underworld business, so how big are you going to build the kingdom of God?" Cook continued to ask.

"I plan to build a kingdom of one hundred square kilometers." This is to open up an independent space of one hundred square kilometers, and this space also needs to instill huge laws and power. This is a long process.

"Well, that one person has 15,000 top quality crystals." Cook's heart is dripping blood, the top quality crystals, this is the **** crystal that can be condensed only at the level of the emperor, this kind of crystal is priceless. Of course, it is not difficult for Cook to get these.

However, the domain constructed by 15,000 Supreme Divine Crystals is enough to contend against the combined attacks of ten or eight main gods. Because the Supreme Divine Crystals are arranged in an array, the attacks launched by such a kingdom are also very abnormal, as long as they are enveloped. Live, there is almost no hope of escape, but if you want to build the realm of Gods into a realm full of laws and power, the time span in between, at least more than hundreds of thousands of years, take the current God realm as an example. The gods of the kingdom of God, I am afraid that they are less than three digits.

But those who own the realm of gods account for at least more than half of the powerhouses of the entire God-level, and a small half of them continue to struggle to build the realm of gods.

The realm of the gods is the final hole card of every god-level powerhouse, and it won’t be taken out until it is determined. Because of the collision of the realm of gods, the result is very miserable. There is no second possibility. There is basically no such thing as a tie. Once the realm of gods is broken, then this **** is almost over, and the godhead will be unstable.

But no one will use the realm of God to fight rashly, even if there is no enemy, because once the realm of God is released, it may attract other prying eyes, even if it is a fluke victory, the realm of God is exposed, then Expose their weaknesses.

Cook took out 60,000 Supreme God Crystals in one breath, and felt very uncomfortable, but there was no way. This is the responsibility of a man. Some people say that the realm of God is an independent space opened up. Why do you want to be so abnormal?

Haha, the space opened up has not actually departed from the level of the universe, so it is unknown if it encounters troubles. In history, there are not no examples of the broken kingdom of God because of space storms, and some even directly swept the kingdom of God to an unknown place. , Even the master of the kingdom of God can't sense it.

In addition, there are many speculations that the various planes of the present are actually formed by the kingdoms of certain great gods in the ancient times. There is no direct evidence for this.

To open up the space node of the realm of gods, the higher the level of the **** crystals used, the more stable it is. Even if you encounter certain creatures living in different spaces, there are ways to resist. At least you can let the master of the realm of gods Everything is transferred.

The Great Sage, West Asia, Lina, and Wu Mei looked at the space rings that Cook took out, and then saw the best **** crystals inside, they were all excited. The best **** crystals can be met, of course, a few women also know Cook I have already tried my best to take out these things.

"Wait for me at night." When the Great Sage finally left, he secretly murmured to Cook, and Cook was a little surprised after he was shocked.

The Great Sage is one of the smartest women Cook has ever seen. The Temple of the God of War has been built in Sanggan Lake, and it is getting better and better, and the Great Sage did not claim any of Cook’s institutions. It was carried out in a way of trading. As for the diehard members of the temples of various races who were forcibly driven out by other races, the great sages also adopted differentiation and wooing, allowing these people to compete with each other, forming a good situation. .

Regarding the thoughts of the Great Sage, Cook shook his head and went to the Aurora Plane, because the Great Sage had the mind to trade in it, just like Cook gave 15,000 Supreme God Crystals, and Cook was about to sleep with her The same, this point Cook is a bit unhappy. According to Cook’s understanding, I want to sleep with you. That is because we are in place, not wealth. There are 15,000 super **** crystals. How many god-level women can sleep, take the upper **** In other words, at least you can sleep dozens of people, let alone other low-level ones.

On the Aurora Plane, Cook did not show up for several months and accumulated a lot of things. First of all, the population has grown too fast. The total population has reached 1.2 million, and around Century City, one The circle building has taken shape.

"My Lord City Lord, I..." Joe Ken looked at Cook anxiously, because Cook had delayed his practice for several months, so Joe Ken started to build the building without Cook's consent.

"Well, your plan is not bad, continue to implement it." Cook looked at the building planned by Joe Ken, which is an architectural style similar to a fortress. It is also a residential place and a fortress fortress, centered on Century Garden. The distance between a circle of buildings is one thousand meters. The building itself adopts the method of building fortresses. The thickness of the walls is increased, and there are several layers of metal mesh. In addition, it is on the outer layer of the building. There are also protective armor structures. If necessary, the entire building will instantly become a fortress. There is also a large storage space under the building. In order to prevent certain underground mutant creatures, there are also several layers of defensive armor below.

The height of the entire building is not very high, it is only 18 stories high. Each circle of buildings is one floor lower than the inner circle of buildings. It is planned to build a ten-story building, plus the building itself, the diameter of the entire city exceeds 50 kilometers. Because Century Garden did not move at all, the forest is still forest, and the lake is still lake.

After such a city is established, if all the buildings are equipped with electromagnetic cannons, at least one-third of the electromagnetic cannons can hit the enemy regardless of the direction of the enemy. This is why the outermost layer should be short behind The height of the two-story room is mainly due to the view.

"In this way, the first circle of buildings is 30 stories high, so don't worry about me." When Cook saw the 18 stories on the first floor, he knew that Joe Ken was afraid that he would have opinions. After all, Century Garden is only over 20. Only the height of the layer.

"Yes." Joe Ken heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Cook's words. A dozen-storey building was indeed a waste of resources. The foundation itself was well laid, and it was dug to a depth of tens of meters and then laid. Defensive armor, pouring concrete, etc., and the entire building is in the shape of a circle, the structure is a whole, the foundation within a certain range is unstable, and there is no obstacle.

Then came the summer to report the situation of the army. The recruitment of the army is progressing very smoothly. The total number of the army exceeds 200,000, and there are 20 legions in total.

And the factory for armored suspension vehicles has already started, and electromagnetic guns are processed. The only thing that is not perfect is that the power demand is too large.

"Antimatter reactor." Cook saw the power supplement plan submitted by Xia Ci, and that was the thing on it.

"Yes, Lord City Lord. There is a base in Shanquan City, 350 kilometers south of Nanhu City, which is mainly used for satellite launching. There is a laser defense fortress. According to the truth, there should be Such reactors are used for military purposes, and civilian ones are basically located around large coastal cities. According to the data collected in the past, the biological variation in the sea is not large, but the rich coastal food will attract more mutant creatures." Summer gave Cook an introduction.

Cook nodded and continued to look at the anti-matter reactor data. This thing provides tens of thousands of times as much electricity as nuclear power facilities of the same level, but the level of danger is also high. Once an accident occurs, hundreds of kilometers around it will be directly destroyed.

"In this way, you make a plan to open up the road to Mountain Spring City and see if the antimatter reactor can still be used. I will not close the laboratory for testing in the past month. If you have any difficulties, you will directly report it to me." Cook nodded. Head, agreed to the plan given by the summer.

Xia Zi walked away quickly, and operations such as combat plans and reconnaissance were about to start. Winter is less than two months away. In fact, the current temperature is not very high, probably only a dozen degrees. Winter is the hardest day in this world. Not only do we have to face certain monsters who are not afraid of the cold, but we also have to face mutant animal groups that have no food to risk raiding settlements.

Li Ji, Wan Na and others also reported on their work. Cook found that he was absent for the past six months, and all kinds of things were going on very steadily. The heads of various departments would sit down and discuss anything.

Of course, the entire Century City can be said to have the most abundant supplies, and the market has also developed a scale. Because Cook has been delayed for half a year, the supply of medicines has long been cut off. There is no way. Now Century City is most short of supplies. There are more than ten thousand consumption, various expenses, and urban reconstruction. Although there is no compensation, the machinery needs maintenance, electricity, various tools, and technicians. These all need compensation. The compensation for Century City is divided into several Ranks, first of all, are the foreigners. These people, Century City only provide the lowest living security, the starving people can't eat enough, and there are simple residential areas.

The other is criminals, all kinds of criminals, although criminals have to do a lot of work. But you can eat enough, you can wear warm clothes, and the place to live is fine.

Then there are ordinary skilled workers from outside who have enough food, warm clothes, and a small amount of remuneration. They can live in a place, but there is one more than criminals. If their contribution and contribution reaches a certain threshold, they can apply to become Century City. Citizens, no matter what level of superpower you are, you must have this contribution.

Contribution is not to say that it is brushed out, nor is the material deductible, but the actual working time for Century City.

The next level is Century City citizens. Other benefits are similar, but Century City citizens can use the points exchange system.

In addition, points cannot be traded and cannot be transferred. Points can only be obtained by completing tasks issued by Century City or paying materials.

Of course, the last level is the various armies of Century City, as well as the management under Li Ji. The military merits of the army can be exchanged for points. The management under Li Ji and others also have point rewards. For example, if the work is done well, then Li Ji will Part of the points can be allocated. Of course, Luo Sheng, Luo Tian, ​​and Wanna's departments also have such awards. This is considered a privileged class, but in the law, everyone is the same.

"Cook. I have something to tell you." Li Ji lay in Cook's arms and said.

"Don't talk about official business." Cook put his arm around Li Ji, and the other hand played with Wanna's mountain, which was constantly deformed in Cook's hand. It is said that Wanna's skin is getting better and better. Also getting more and more beautiful.

"It's Li Erji's business." Li Ji hesitated.

"That scum?" Cook frowned.

"Hey, they are my relatives at last." Li Ji actually didn't want to care, but Li Ji didn't dare to call the shots without authorization, because Li Ji didn't know Cook's thoughts, and now he is in a high position, no matter how he handles it, it will attract In some discussions, Li Ji is not an idiot, so I asked Cook for instructions. Once someone makes a fuss about this matter, then it will be Cook instead of Li Ji.

From a member of the adventure team to Li Ji, who now manages a lot of people, his mentality has changed very quickly. It is not good to say that the female members of the adventure team are too likely to be caught by the unspoken rules, and they are also superpowers. , The captain can choose male or female, and most female adventure players will be under the captain's secret rules at the beginning, of course Li Ji did not escape.

After all, they have super powers, no actual combat experience, and no adventure team leader's care~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The result is very miserable. Some adventure teams often recruit female players. Many people understand that these women are mostly As a bait for hunting monsters or mutant creatures, of course, you don’t know what you will encounter before making bait. Of course, it’s not just women, but men are the same. There are no laws in the chaotic world, and there are no rules in the wild. Coming down is really not easy.

"How much power is in place." Cook hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Li Erji's kind of scum, Cook never wants to see, but in this troubled world, if you want to survive, anything is possible. occur.

"I know." Li Ji understood when he heard Cook say that. In a word, he would fend for himself, and Cook would not suppress or control. Of course, this is what Li Ji did. In fact, Li Ji I don't want to see my loved ones either.

Refining medicines, refining medicines, Cook's crazy refining medicines, in just a few days, Cook has hundreds of thousands of low-level medicines in his hands, and there is a long queue at the place to exchange medicines.

The rest is for Cook to learn the knowledge of this civilization. Although electromagnetic guns, anti-matter bombs and the like, the offensive power may not be as great as the spells Cooked by Cook, but each civilization has its own uniqueness.

And to study the variation of a plane is a rare thing. The variation of matter is also regular, but it has not been discovered. Cook has collected a lot of data on various animals and plants, including element content, and environmental changes. Of course, this observation process takes a very long time, hundreds of thousands of years, but once Cook completes this experiment, the harvest is also amazing.

"The next step is to cultivate food crops, but it's winter, then cultivate some fungi." Seeing that winter is coming, Cook will also start preparing for winter reserves.

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