A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 696: Abuse

"Are you a human?" The Duke of Anduras had a bad feeling. He looked at the 800-meter-tall giant. This is obviously not a human being. It is not good for human beings. Does it have such a height? Yes, but it is a fighting state. , Is the manifestation of energy, but this person's intuition to the Duke of Anduras is a real human being, and seeing the leisurely appearance of this human being is like being in his own home.

Cook grinned; "Yes, I am an authentic human."

The Duke of Anduras snorted when he heard this, and his body began to grow. After the Duke of Anduras's body became larger, Cook knew what kind of creature the Duke of Anduras was.

The dark red body carries a scorching heat, and the rock-like skin has golden lines on it. There are two horns on the head. There are fine scales on the body and a long tail with red scales.

Tauren, the Duke of Andras is a Tauren, Tauren, and Goathead on the Plane of Hell, Demon Plane, and Plane of Abyss. They are all high-level creatures.

However, the Duke of Anduras obviously has the blood of the Balrog, so his body will be hot.

"Human, leave my territory." A long spear appeared out of thin air in the hands of the Duke of Anduras, which seemed to be made of dark red crystal, but inside the spear, golden flames flowed.

Cook shook his head and said, "No, Duke Anduras, I came with peace."

"Shameless." When the other **** creatures behind the Duke of Anduras heard Cook say this, they cursed secretly. You still have peace. Look at the corpses of the **** creatures behind you. This is peace.

"Haha." The Duke of Anduras laughed, his body enlarged again, and the red spear in his hand also exuded violent energy fluctuations. The energy fluctuations of the Duke of Anduras became more and more intense, and finally Anduras The Duke's body is as high as a kilometer, which is a lot bigger than Cook.


The spear in the hands of the Duke of Anduras suddenly pierced towards Cook, and the Duke of Anduras' body instantly disappeared, and then beside Cook, a spear burning with golden flames came out of the space and went straight. Cook's head, Cook was also taken aback, but when Cook waved his hand, the Star Smashing Hammer in his hand blocked it, and with a bang, the spear of golden flames was pierced on the Star Smashing hammer and burst out. There was a loud noise, but there was no energy fluctuation.

A huge figure was revealed, red flames burning all over, like a human-shaped torch, it directly hit Cook's body.

Cook's figure flashed and dodged directly. The spear in the hand of the Duke of Anduras was spun in his hand and hit Cook's head.

"Hey." Cook took a meal at his feet, and the whole person slid away in a flash.


The red spear hit the ground directly, and the entire ground vibrated violently. Wherever the red spear hit, the ground was immediately burned into red magma by the high temperature of the spear.

Cook was not to be outdone, and after avoiding Anduras' spear, the broken star hammer in his hand took the whole person and shot it like a cannonball.

"Looking for death." The Duke of Anduras sneered when he saw Cook rushing directly towards him, but at this time the Duke of Anduras had just hit the ground with his spear, and he had no time to change his move.

The Duke of Anduras opened his mouth, and a black flame swept towards Cook. When Cook saw this, his figure flashed and disappeared out of thin air.


When the Duke of Anduras saw Cook disappear out of thin air, his eyelids twitched, his spear slammed and poked back, with a bang. Cook just appeared behind Anduras and saw Anduras. The spear in his hand actually pierced towards him, and the Star Breaker in Cook's hand suddenly blocked him, and a dull loud noise erupted.

"The Duke of Anduras has a high fighting consciousness." Cook didn't expect the Duke of Anduras to react so quickly, but fortunately, Cook responded quickly.

In general, however, Cook’s fighting awareness this time was lower than that of the Duke of Anduras. Cook was unexpected, but the Duke of Anduras had a strong fighting awareness and he drew the red spear in his hand directly. Just pierced in the past, this is a subconscious reaction, if it weren't for this, the result of being smashed by Cook's Star Breaker would definitely not be very beautiful.

"Not bad." The Duke of Anduras saw that Cook had just blocked his attack with the Star Smasher, and he became more vigilant towards Cook. It was a subconscious action of himself, but Cook too.

After speaking, the spear in the hands of the Duke of Anduras stabbed at Cook and fought with spear weapons. He was not afraid of sweeping, smashing, and the like with the spear, because whether it was sweeping or smashing, these were all big shots. Combining moves can be predicted, but the stabbing action, because of the small movement range, makes one attack at the same time, such as sweeping and smashing, but the stabbing is at least several attacks.

Puff puff.

There was a dull sound in the air, Cook's figure constantly dodges, and the sealing magic pillar in the other hand is constantly blocking. The spear can not only stab, but can also change from stab to sweep. The spear head is also very sharp. of.

In one second, Cook evaded more than 30 times. The Duke of Anduras had more than 50 stabbings, and nearly half of them were fake actions. Several times Cook blocked the spear with the magic pillar block. , Otherwise the Duke of Anduras’ spear would become a sweep, and Cook did not dare to let the red spear hit. This red spear gave people a dazzling feeling, but Cook could perceive the surging energy contained in the spear. Once these energies erupt, even Cook will feel uncomfortable. It's like a person may not be afraid of being pierced by a needle, but he will avoid it when he sees the needle pierced.

boom. Seeing Cook evading, the Duke of Anduras opened his mouth and sprayed out a black flame. The black flame immediately enveloped Cook. The Duke of Anduras succeeded in a sneak attack, and his spear turned out hundreds of guns. Flower, came over to Cooke.

"Boom." In the black flame, the spear directly pierced the Star Breaker.

"Blast." The Duke of Anduras sneered in his heart, but his spear had been bred in the lava for thousands of years, absorbing the huge energy of the earth veins.


With a sound, the spear head suddenly burst out with a dazzling white light, accompanied by a golden flame, which is extremely concentrated fire energy.

The air was blown directly by the high temperature, and the black flames were all burned out by the white flames, but in the white flames, the hammer in the hands of that **** human was actually dozens of times bigger, and the entire white flames were enlarged by this. The hammer was blocked.

"The main artifact!" Seeing that the white flame was actually absorbed by the black hammer, the Duke of Anduras' scalp was numb. The power of this white flame is very powerful. In the veins deep in the lava, the temperature there is even average. All of the artifacts can be melted. This long spear is made of a top-level fire crystal marrow. It can contain such pure fire elements. It can be said that this long spear has experienced tens of thousands of years of high temperature under the veins, and it has energy. Refining itself is equivalent to the level of a high-level artifact, plus the extremely pure fire energy contained in it, it can be said to be comparable to the main artifact.

The one that can block the attack of the main artifact is also the main artifact, and when the Duke of Anduras appeared in Cook, he had this consciousness. After all, he can invade a plane, and it is the most powerful part of each plane. .

Cook did not attack with all his strength. On the one hand, Cook wanted to see the high-end combat power of this plane of hell, because the race of the plane of **** was completely different from the gods. The fighting power of creatures on the plane of **** came mostly from Bloodline, Cook doesn't know much about bloodline battles.

Another point is that Cook also needs to adapt to the new combat mode. The realm of life and death is melted into his body by Cook. There have been no high-intensity battles. In addition, there are rules of destruction on the thumb, which all need to be adapted by Cook. , So Cook just counterattacked Anduras appropriately.

Of course, the best way to exercise is to attack each other~www.wuxiaspot.com~, but defense is more difficult than attack, and the strong in the plane of **** must be stronger than the gods in terms of combat awareness, after all, the civilization of the two planes It is not the same. Creatures on the plane of **** start to fight from birth. To put it bluntly, the number of battles of creatures on the plane of **** in a year is equivalent to the number of battles of certain powers in the gods in a lifetime.

Only defending but not attacking is not Cook’s style. Cook also launched an attack when the Duke of Anduras attacked weakly. The Sealing Demon Pillar in his hand smashed towards Anduras. Cook's tall sealing magic pillar became several times longer in an instant.


Anduras was also very wary of the magic pillar in Cook’s hands, but Anduras did not expect that the magic pillar was also a great weapon. The instant change made Anduras embarrassed on the spot. Go away, the Demon Sealing Column hit the ground. Before Anduras could breathe a sigh of relief, a dark black light burst out of the Demon Sealing Column.

"Warsong halo." Anduras exclaimed at the moment when he was also enveloped in black light.


With a bang, Anduras' entire body was like a light bulb, suddenly lit up, surrounded by white flames for more than ten kilometers.

"Domain!" Just when Cook released the war song halo, he felt the surrounding scenery on one side, and then ignited white flames. These white flames filled the entire space. Cook was also surprised, knowing that the consumption of the domain is huge. .

"Death." Cook thought, and his body instantly swelled with ninefold superimposition. Over two kilometers, Cook gently spit out a word of death, and Cook's skin instantly turned gray.

"Burning!" Just after Cook superimposed his madness, Anduras' voice also rang. After the white flame spit out these two words in Anduras, it suddenly seemed to have life.

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