A Unique Hunter

: Seven hundred and twenty-seventh + seven hundred and twenty-eight Prophet Loyad

The Dark Elf Empire, a huge empire that controls tens of billions of people, the entire empire occupies one-half of the land of the Dark World, and the rest is the territory of other races. The Dark Elf Empire is extremely powerful.

But in terms of other races, the dark elves do not have much advantage. Although the lands of the dark elven empire are vast, these lands were divided into different princes, dukes, and marques who divided more than 90% of the entire empire. Responsible for paying taxes to the royal family. When the royal family recruits soldiers from various territories, the number of recruits and occupations vary according to different titles.

The real army belonging to the imperial royal family, no more than 500,000 people, together with auxiliary personnel, of course, these armies are very powerful.

Take the rebellion of the Duke of Addos, it is as simple as that. The Duke of Addos faced most of the 100,000 legions sent by the Empire. The Duke of Addos had more than one million troops, but the Duke of Addos did not Dare to put so many armies together, because the Duke of Addos is afraid of the nobles of other imperial territories around him attacking him, and what does the Duke of Addos think? Of course, the longer the battle, the better.

You must know that war is the most material-consuming. The Duke of Ados has been able to hold on for so long and the strategic resources have not been exhausted. This explains the problem. In addition, the empire’s army is stationed in other aristocratic territories and requires money, and these troops The transportation of materials also requires taxation, so the surrounding territories are very ambiguous, even the queen has issued two orders, and the nobles have violated the law.

When the news of the defeat of the Knights of the Night King was passed to the woman with the highest authority in the Dark Elf Empire, the woman became angry. The dark elf queen wrinkled her face and seemed to move very slowly, but it was this woman who did it. The queen of more than two thousand years, this is the queen who was the last queen who has been for more than six thousand years. There is no way, the dark elves have a long lifespan, and the strength is not low. It is normal to live for tens of thousands of years. Some queens even The heir died for many years.

The queen is a mage. In this world, it is best not to provoke such old mages. These mages are knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and their magic power has reached an extremely peak state. As long as these old mages truly It's dead, it's best not to offend, no one knows if these guys have any secret techniques, forbidden techniques, and maybe more than one.

"What's the matter with your intelligence? Five night king knights, one deacon, and more than one hundred and thirty masters, who died in such an unclear way?" The queen's voice sounded a little sharp.

"Your Majesty, this must be caused by the negligence of some people." A dark elf female said.

There are all females in the hall, and there are no males at all. This is the high-level of the Dark Elf Empire, with more than a hundred high-levels, including not only the high-ranking officials of the empire, but also the presence of princes and the like.

These are women without exception, but women who can achieve these positions today are not stupid, but they are very scheming.

"Your Majesty, it's our negligence, but the **** fortress is already in chaos, which has caused huge troubles for our intelligence work. Our intelligence department requested additional funding and requested the Knights of the Night King to be dispatched to remove the criminals in the Bloody Land. , Arrest them all.” The person in charge of the intelligence department is not a fool. Why is the **** fortress so chaotic? It can be said that if the criminals over there are arrested, at least one third of the dark elves standing here will leave. In this hall, even the family behind them had no good fruits.

"What is the origin of this Cook?" the queen asked directly.

"We just know that it is a dark demon, and the strength should be very strong, but according to the information we have collected now, this Cook seems to have suddenly emerged, and we suspect that it is a conspiracy by some people." People would also say, okay, you don’t want me to live well, and I don’t want you to live well. You must know that once a rebellion occurs, the imperial royal family will use a lot of financial resources. Where did these financial resources go, of course, most of them are Go into the pockets of many people present.

"I don't want anything else, I want this dark demon to die." The queen has a gloomy face. Of course, the queen doesn't mind opening up the forces behind this dark demon, but the rebellion here is not over yet, if there is a dark demon now Either the Dark Demon Empire, or one or more of the present, what should be done at that time, if there is no rebellion by Duke Addos, the queen wouldn't mind carrying two out to kill the prestige.

When the people below heard this, no one answered, because in the eyes of the people below, this person certainly does not exist alone. Maybe it is the Dark Demon Empire, or someone present, or some people. It does matter. If it is contaminated, the trouble will be no small, and the strength of the guys who can not be handled by the Imperial Intelligence Department and the Knights of the Night King is probably not low.

The queen gave a heavy meal to the staff in her hand. In fact, this was also a staff, and it was a famous artifact of the Dark Elf Empire. The queen snorted coldly: "What's wrong, no one wants?"

"Your Majesty, we can ask the Star Watching Tower or the people from the Black Tower to take action." A dark elf hesitated for a while and stood up.

"Do you pay the fee?" The queen said coldly when she heard this.

No one speaks anymore. The star-gazing building is the name of the mage tower of the divination mage. It is said that anything can be learned from the astrological world. Of course, some people believe that there is no, and there must be, so there will be a star-gazing building.

As for the black tower, in fact, in the Dark Elf Empire, this is basically a taboo topic. It is said that the men who have been seen by Her Majesty, except those who are alive, have entered the black tower. Some people at the top know that the black tower and the The curse matters.

"Your Majesty, can we ask for help from the temple?" someone asked.

"The temple has no time recently, and there is a high priest left in the temple, and the others have left." The queen shook her head. In fact, the queen and the temple do not trust each other so much, and there are occasional conflicts and conflicts. Not too small.

The queen looked at the people below and snorted coldly: "Since you are unwilling, then I will call the shots. Please ask the Prophet Loyard."

"..." Prophet Loyard, the most powerful prophet in the entire dark elven empire, can be called a prophet, not a prophet. A prophecy can be said to be accurate or inaccurate, but a prophet must It was accurate. The queen looked at the people below and found that there was no objection. You must know that once the prophet intervenes in certain things, certain people will be exposed.

The people below looked at each other, and they were all wondering who was behind the scenes. No one spoke. The queen even suspected that someone was involved in this matter. In fact, if it weren't for the defeat of the Knights of the Night King, the queen might not have been fighting. But the Knights of the Night King acted on behalf of the Queen. If it fails, it is a face-slap. If the Queen's face is hit, the Queen will want Cook to die.

The Prophet Lloyd was very excited when he heard that the queen was summoned. The Prophet Lloyd was not so beautiful. Before he became a prophet, the Prophet Lloyd was very beautiful. Regardless of financial and material resources, he did it after he became a prophet. After a few things, no one was looking for it. One was that a certain nobleman asked Loyard to cast a spell to see why his man would betray him. As a result, after Loyard cast a spell, he actually involved several nobles, that is to say, men who betrayed this nobleman. The dark elves have affair with several other nobles. This makes the nobles crazy. You must know that in the world of dark elves, women are supreme and men are vassals.

In addition, a certain nobleman was preparing to select his heir and let Royard take the initiative. As a result, Royard counted that there was no heir at all. As a result, the heir had been abandoned long ago, and war broke out among several nobles.

After a few things coming and going, Royard found that he was famous, but no one invited himself. Of course, no one dared to provoke the Prophet Royard. You don’t want to be dug out by anyone, just don’t. Provoked Lo Yad.

"Your Majesty." Luo Yard looked very inconspicuous in a gray mage robe, but it was made from the skin of the Abyss Evil Eye, a powerful creature of the spirit system.

"Prophet Lloyd, I need to know this person." Similarly, Lloyd also needs a casting medium. Lloyd has a plate in his hand. This plate seems to be broken. This is the plate that Cook used alone.

"As you wish, Your Majesty." Loyard is not a reckless person who can become a prophet. The dinner plate is placed on a skin full of various lines. This skin is red and has fine scales.

"It's the skin of the Dark Whisper Fairy." Some nobles recognized the owner of this skin, the Dark Whisper Fairy, the skin of an intelligent creature in the largest dark woodland next to the Dark Night Empire. It is very ugly, but it is a phantom humanoid. , The fantasy system is also a branch of the spiritual system.

Seeing that Loyard took out a few more gray crystals the size of a little finger, the corners of the queen's mouth twitched a little. This is a soul crystal, a soul crystal. You can imagine how expensive this shot was in the end, but it is related to the face. The Queen will endure the matter.

"Aura." The soul crystal was placed on the skin of the Dark Whisper Fairy, and it was unbelievably fixed. Luo Yad danced with confidence, matched the circumflex spell, and then released a strange energy wave on the broken dinner plate.

"Zerzzizi." A dazzling light appeared on the dinner plate, just like a powerful searchlight of 20,000 watts burst out in a dark environment.


"my eyes!"

"damn it."

The whole hall was a mess. After waiting for more than half an hour, the eyes of the very dark elves present were swollen high, with only a slight gap, and a large part of the surrounding guards went blind.

"Where's Master Loyard?" Everyone looked at Loyard's position. Luo Yad didn't see anyone at all, but the skin of the secret whisper fairy that Loyard just took out was burnt, and even the soul crystal was gone, and only the broken piece was left. Dinner plate.

The queen had a sullen face and waved her hand, and someone immediately went out to inquire, but the news was not very good. It has been twenty minutes since Loyard left.

"Damn it, liar." When the people in the hall heard this, they roared, and the queen felt even more slapped in the face.

Lo Yad had already crossed the portal at this time. Lo Yad was wearing a cloak. Lo Yad touched his swollen face, and he secretly rejoiced: "Fortunately, I have the protective glasses of the instructor. Otherwise, I guess the glasses are blind this time and burst out such a powerful soul breath. Is this person the Lord of the Ten Thousand Realms that the teacher said?"

Lo Yad walked out of the portal, and all he saw were the Dark Demon Empire. Yes, this is the Dark Demon Empire. Lo Yad found a hotel and took off his cloak. You can see the front part of Lo Yad. Except for the eyes, the other positions on the face are basically It was scorched, and the gray robe on his body became rotten skin.

"Hehe, there is such a powerful soul breath, it is worthy of my Luo Yad to follow." Luo Yad applied ointment to the scorched face of his face, and smiled excitedly.

Lloyd’s mentor once told Lloyd that as long as you feel you want to do, you can do it.

Lloyd became a prophet. It can be said that the popularity is already very high. However, the profession of prophet is to explore the souls of others through the soul aura left by others. The price is very high. However, each time Lloyd uses soul crystals, although the price Expensive, but the damage to oneself can be reduced to a minimum. Soul crystals are very, very expensive things on any plane. After secretly crafting the skin of the Dark Whisper Fairy, the price is even more expensive.

Lo Yad has disappeared into the crowd. For a prophet like Lo Yad, the laws of the soul are very keen. It’s a bit like the sixth sense we’re talking about.

Less than three days after the incident, Loyad came to the Blood Fortress through the dedicated portal of the Black Dwarf Chamber of Commerce. You must know that the Black Dwarves have an absolute monopoly on the weapons and equipment of the Blood Fortress. Loyad can come from this channel. , It can be seen that the road is still very wide.

Lo Yad was very curious. Yes, Lo Yad was not talking about the top-level existence in the entire Dark Elf Empire in terms of soul. So after the incident, Lo Yad hurriedly came here. Who it is, on the one hand, also avoided the anger of the Dark Elf Queen. Although Loyard is a prophet, what many people may not know is that the prophet does not actually have much combat effectiveness.

Someone has said that the prophecy does not have strong combat effectiveness. When fighting, I know your moves in advance. This is not a victory.

This is about another kind, the casting speed, the prophecy of the prophecy system is very powerful, the more influential the higher the success rate, if someone slashes you, you have to cast a spell to predict it, or you will be hacked to death. Up.

Of course, if you know who your enemy is, then you can strangle him early when you were a child, but the prophet has one of the biggest shortcomings. The prophet is relying on his own powerful soul to perceive the soul of others. This leads to a result. If you look at yourself, you have never succeeded, because the fate of a prophet is changeable. The more the fate changes, the more difficult it is to predict.

In fact, the prophet has been involved in both destiny and soul, so there is a talent for prophecy in the tens of billions of people in the Dark Elf Empire, and there are only less than double digits. In many cases, only one is produced in thousands of years. The mentor of, has a powerful existence as a soul-speaker. After living for about a hundred thousand years, he has inexplicably disappeared after teaching Loyard for less than five thousand years, and Loyard has yet to find someone who can inherit his knowledge. The five thousand years of Loyard's apprenticeship are not counted, and he has lived for more than fifteen thousand years.

The most talented prophet needs a powerful soul, but it is not enough. At least a powerful soul insight is needed. This involves destiny matters, so Luo Yad hurriedly walked.

When Lo Yad wore a hood and walked out of the Black Dwarf Chamber of Commerce, Lo Yad shook his head. These hoods may interfere with the perception of others, but for a powerful prophet, Lo Yad can easily break in with his eyes closed. As for what Magic spells, what kind of protection is there, in front of powerful souls, they are all scum, of course, Loyard would not do this, because in this black dwarf merchant guild, there are also god-level powerhouses.

There is no god-level powerhouse, relying on Loyard's powerful soul, a soul impact, directly let these people see their ancestors, but Luo Yad really has no talent for fighting, so far, Luo Yad can only release the power of the soul at once. Control a general range. If you attack a certain one alone, the time to prepare is not short, and the success rate is not high. This is because the soul control is relatively low. However, Luo Yad’s mentor once said that Luo Yad’s soul insight is very high. It is a very good thing for the prophet.

"God, this..." Royard was standing on the tallest restaurant in the street behind the **** fortress, tears flowing, and his whole body trembled, because just now, Royard looked at Cook's residence here. In Lo Yad's eyes full of energy and strangeness, Cook's residence was as dazzling as the sun. This was the breath of the soul, and Lo Yad screamed.

"What's the matter?" the waiter outside shouted roughly.

"It's okay, it's okay." In the dark world, men have no status. You just go to the restaurant. If the waiters are women, they won't give you a good face. If they are men, they may call you a gentleman and Loyard sits. Inside the restaurant's private room, he answered loudly.

"Problem." The waitress heard Luo Yad's impolite cursing, and then the sound of leaving.

After a while, Luo Yard finally opened his eyes, and Luo Yard was upset. With such a powerful soul power, he has not seen it before, or his mentor. When he first saw it, Luo Yard's eyes were invisible for half a year. thing.

"Old immortal? No, no, this soul is full of energy. Although it is only a rough glance, but when it is full of vitality, is there any soul artifact?" Luo Yade continued to suspect.

"Boom, are the people inside dead? It's been a few hours." Just as Luo Yard was thinking quietly, there was a huge knock on the door.

Royard stood up, then opened the door, saw a dark elf maid, and left directly, Royard looked at Cook's residence, and then walked straight over.

Pulling a rope at the door, a bronze bell rang on the door inside the yard. The sound was very pleasing. Roxi ran out and saw a man in black robe across the fence-like door. Roxi asked : "Who are you looking for?"

"Miss Roxi, I want to talk to your master." The person in the black robe directly called Roxi by name, and it sounded like they knew each other.

"You wait a minute." Roxi trot back to report.

Seeing Roxie's appearance, Royard murmured: "The soul has a great influence. Such a proud Miss Roxie is like a little maid."

"Please come in." Rosy came to the door again, then opened the fence and let Loyard in.

After Royard waited for Roxie to close the door, and then under Roxie's leadership, he entered the door directly. After entering the door, Royard's expression was tense, because Royard felt the smell of death, which means that the soul of the person opposite made him powerful. His soul was almost suffocated.

"Are you looking for me?" Cook looked at the guy who was covered in black robes and asked with dislike.

"Honorable sir, I'm here to take refuge in you this time." Luo Yad heard the dissatisfaction in Cook's voice, lifted the cloak all of a sudden, and said.

"Ah." The maids behind Cook were taken aback by Lo Yad~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because Lo Yad had a scorched face with some ointment on it, only one circle of eyes was white, and the front of her hair was also It was scorched, and there was no image, but the race could still be seen, the dark elf.

"You have a brain disease?" Cook asked when he saw Luo Yad like this and rolled his eyes. Indeed, Cook didn't think that he could have the same arrogance as others, and he would worship when he met someone. , Cook every time someone does this after finishing things.

Take Li Ji from the plane of Aurora. It was not after Cook healed the monster’s damage that he got into Cook’s bed. As for Wanna, that was tempted by Li Ji with candy. This is the first time I saw it. Those who know you actually want to take refuge.

"Introduce myself, I'm Royard St. Krishna Aite God Dema Conners..." Royard bent over and introduced himself to Cook.

Although Cook does not like the name of the elves, but when he hears the name of Loyard, he also knows that this is a guy with a very strong family and can be arranged with the holy and gods, which proves that the owners of these names are at least god-level strong By.

If you understand the names of the elves, you can tell from these names who they belong to and what family they belong to. Just like the dozens of names mentioned by Loyard, there are sages and gods among them, which means that there have been counts in the history of this family. Ten god-level powerhouses, of course, if the family has never been a god-level powerhouse, then add the name of the most representative ancestor. Anyway, whether it is in the dark elves, the names of the elves are a very profound knowledge.

Before Cook could speak, Rosy exclaimed, "Under the crown of Prophet Loyard!"

PS: Every night, as long as the two chapters are written together on the next day, they will be posted together. If they are not finished, one chapter will be posted first, and then the time will be finished. So as long as it is a two-in-one chapter, there will be no more on that day. Thank you for your understanding.

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