A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 734: Secret Tower (Part 1)

The Dark Elf Queen walked to the front of the secret tower amidst heavy guards. The entire secret tower looked like it was buried in the ground diagonally. The ground was hundreds of meters high, but it looked only two stories tall.

The outside of the secret tower is covered by something, and only the appearance can be seen from a distance. The dark elf queen came to the plane of the secret tower, and then chanted a few mouthful spells in a low voice, a light enveloped the dark elf queen Disappeared.

Fixed-point teleportation. This is a method used only by very advanced mage towers. In other words, these mage towers have no doors and only open door spells. Once the spell is right, it will directly teleport in the surrounding targets within a certain range, of course the spell is wrong It will also be teleported, but wherever it is, it depends on the mood of the master of the tower.

It may be teleported to the lair of a powerful creature, it may also be teleported to the prison prepared by the master of the mage tower, it may be a different plane, or it may be thrown directly into a different space.

The dark elf queen felt that after entering, she closed her eyes first, and then slowly opened her eyes. The inside of the mage tower is actually bright and sunny, and it is obvious that the internal space is much larger than the external one, obviously using advanced space expansion technology. .

Green meadows, tall green forests, some cute animals, and a lake. Next to the lake, there is a castle built of stone. The architectural style of the castle is not at all like the construction style of the elves. Some building styles resemble humans.

"I hate this place." Feeling the dazzling sunlight, the Dark Elf Queen was very upset, and quickly walked towards the castle.

It seems that no one exists in this space, but after entering the castle, the inside of the castle is very gloomy, and there have been people waiting here for the dark elf queen.

"What's the matter?" Seeing the dark elf queen, a dark elf female sitting in the hall directly asked, with a condescending appearance.

"Mother, I've been in trouble recently." The Dark Elf Queen replied with a bow. If people outside heard the Queen's statement, she would definitely be frightened. The last Queen had been dead for many, many years. How could it be here.

"It's impossible for me to go out. If it weren't for the unique environment here, I would have died long ago." The dark elf female waved her hand and said.

The dark elf queen bowed again and said: "Mother, I am not asking you to take action, I want the guy in the dark tower to take action."

"Hei Tower, you have to think about it, the guys in the Dark Tower have only benefits in their eyes." The dark elf queen's mother frowned.

"Now the empire is facing provocations. On the one hand, the Duke of Addos rebelled, and there is also a guy who does not know who is behind the envoy, who frequently troubles the royal family. The Knights of the Night King has lost more than 20 people. "The Dark Elf Queen explained.

When the dark elf queen's mother heard this, she asked in surprise: "So amazing?"

"Among them, Night Shadow was killed directly, and Blood Charm was also killed. Examining the corpse just felt the powerful destructive power..." The Dark Elf Queen told the story of the matter and the conclusion it came to. come out.

The dark elf queen's mother shook her head and said: "You are too careless, you let Roxi out, it is nothing more than to damage the face of Duke Addos, but now, it is your own face that is being compromised. If you’re wrong, you need to be cruel, if I, as long as I am a member of the Addos family, I’ll just kill it."

"Mother, I was wrong." The dark elf queen admitted that she was wrong. Yes, the reason why Rosh became a slave was to slap her face, but now with the loss of the Knights of the Night King, it is the empire who gets slapped in the face. The royal family is now, and the dark elf empire is not just a family. Once the royal family is a little weak, then the surrounding families will definitely not mind rushing to shred the royal family.

In the history of the dark elves, it was not that the royal family was exterminated, but there was no chance, so the dark elf queen knew that Cook was a difficult guy to deal with, and she had to deal with it. This was related to the face and prestige of the dark elf royal family.

"The black tower is temporarily unnecessary. Since it is a dark demon, then start with the identity of the dark demon." The dark elf queen's mother shook her head and said.

"Mother, this guy can't find out the origin at all." The dark elf queen is also depressed enough, the dark elf royal family, there are many ways to deal with others, bright, dark, violent, threatening, seducing, You can start from the individual, you can start from the family, you can also start from the brothers, but to deal with Cook, these are useless, because Cook's identity cannot be found, there is only this one alone. Other temptations, threats, etc. are useless.

When the dark elf queen's mother heard this, she sighed and said, "It seems that this event was prepared by someone with a heart."

"Yes, mother, I doubt it too, but this is a dark demon. Our royal family cannot deal with our enemies. On the one hand, the dark elf empire will not go to war with the dark demon empire because of a dark demon. , Not to mention the identity of the dark demon." The dark elf queen nodded and agreed with her mother's words.

"Then give this dark demon a thunderous blow, and let those who tempted us understand that our royal family is not offensive and use a thorn sword." The dark elf queen's mother also has a very uneasy face, if it is a pure dark demon. , It doesn’t matter, but I’m afraid that there will be a temptation behind this dark demon. This can be said to be very dangerous to the royal family, because how the current dark elf royal family is in power, the previous royal family is gone now, what is the end of it, as The royal family couldn't understand it anymore.

The dark elf queen was a little shocked: "Mother, the stabbing sword is our family's top combat power."

"You mean we will be more troublesome after the sword stabbing fails?" The dark elf queen's mother asked when she looked at the dark elf queen.

"Mother, I think the enemy is not that simple." The Dark Elf Queen did not admit it, but did not deny it, but the meaning was obvious. If the stabbing fails, then the entire royal family may face a greater crisis.

The dark elf queen's mother shook her head and said, "The most correct thing to do is to use the stabbing sword. The thunder strike will allow those who dare to provoke to think about it when they extend their paws. In addition, you can post a reward and let the stabbing sword be hidden. action."

"Mother, I will think about it." The dark elf queen always feels something is wrong. A king wants not only face, but of course more considerations are gains and losses. Success is good, but failure, then the royal family Will get into more trouble.

The dark elf queen's mother nodded: "My only advice, and the guys in the black tower only recognize benefits, not people."

"Understood." The Dark Elf Queen replied, bowing.

Then the dark elf queen chatted with her mother for a while, and then she left the secret tower. After the dark elf queen left, the mother of the dark elf queen in the castle thought for a while, and then went to the basement of the castle.

When you open the basement door, what appears is not a dark basement, but another space. In this space, almost all of them are made of metal, and a puppet tens of meters high stops in various places, and the entire space is hundreds of meters. It's tall, it's all metal shelves, and things like conveyor belts. Here, there are dozens of black dwarfs busy with something.

There are also some dark demon, and some dark elves, dark elves have weapons and equipment in their hands, black dwarves, dark demon are in handcuffs, fetters, obviously prisoners.

"Elder." A dark elf overseer holding a magic crossbow bowed and greeted after seeing the dark elf queen's mother.

"How is it going?" the dark elf queen's mother asked.

"Elder, failed three hundred and sixty-three times. This is the 364th time. The last time the biological puppet only survived for two days." Supervisor reported.

"Speed ​​up the progress, my time is running out." The dark elf queen's mother looked at the huge metal jars. These jars were covered with exquisite lines. Inside these jars, there were biological puppets.

When the black dwarves with handcuffs and fetters and the dark demon communicated with each other, they all made gestures and wow, they turned out their tongues were cut off. If anyone knew these people, they would find that these people were all in various places. The small group of people at the top of the industry, these people are studying the puppet technology found in this space~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After the dark elf royal family owns the secret tower, they have done countless experiments on advanced biological puppets. Things are not difficult to make.

But the dark elf royal family wants to use these biological puppets to replace their bodies, transplant their souls into the biological puppets, and then have a longer life span.

"Yes." The overseer replied with a bow, and the Dark Elf Queen chanted a spell, then she was wrapped in a light mask and then disappeared.

In another space, this space looks like a huge bookshelf. There are countless light **** on the bookshelf. Here, there are three dark elves. These dark elves are sitting in front of some light balls.

The mother of the dark elf queen waited quietly, half-hit, and sighed: "It's too difficult."

"Father." The dark elf queen's mother looked at the one-armed dark elf male and bowed in greeting.

"It's too difficult. This potion has 36 kinds of materials, and it will have more than 36,000 changes, and it will be refined within three minutes. It's difficult." The one-armed dark elf male sighed. On the broken arm of the dark elf male, green liquid was dripping slowly, and he was obviously hurt by some kind of strong.

"Don't be discouraged, as long as you have the opportunity, don't give up." Another dark elf female said comfortingly.

"Cut, I told you not to be aggressive at the time, are you okay now?" Another dark elf male said grimly.

"Mother, father." The dark elf queen's mother called another dark elf male and father, and called that woman the mother. A woman has multiple men. In the world of dark elf, it is normal.

Of course, the number of men in dark elves is actually not as large as that of women, so many dark elves women will grab other men to have relationships with them, and then give birth to offspring, and then they will follow their mother's surname.

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