A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 736: Torre

The dwarf's words surprised Cook slightly, and then Cook also understood that the dark tower organization is obviously not small, but Cook still shook his head: "It's not worth it."

"So precious?" Hearing Cook's words, the dwarf asked in astonishment. This was the first time that Cook saw the second expression on the dwarf's face. It turned out to be an expression of undue beating.

Cook nodded and did not continue to say anything. Cook continued to read. There were a lot of unidentified things. Of course, most of them were things of little use, but also valuable things.

Cook is not a guy who lacks money. The knowledge of these items is priceless, just like elemental fruit. If it weren’t for Cooke’s words, would these people know, surely they wouldn’t, but this elemental fruit has some It's weird, because the preservation of the elemental fruit is difficult. As long as you leave the growing environment, all the elements themselves will disappear within a few days, and of course the elemental fruit will not remain.

"So specific value?" Seeing that Cook did not speak, the dwarf asked.

"Haha." Cook continued to laugh, and then looked at other things, Cook would not say at all.

"Cook, what do you want?" The dwarf asked when he saw that Cook was like this and had to step back again.

"I don’t have any requirements. I won’t say that the value of this thing itself is high. The knowledge of this thing alone is enough for a mage to study for a lifetime. I can tell you what this thing is, and then I will choose from this shelf. Three unidentified items, and I will not give you knowledge about these three items. Of course, if you want to know, then you have to pay the price again." Cook said with a smile on the other three good things.

When the dwarf heard Cook’s words, his heart was extremely entangled and depressed. When Cook said this, he obviously knew the value of the three things. The reason why Black Tower used these unidentified items to do business, on the one hand, did not know. What are these things, on the other hand, is the collection of talents.

In essence, the Black Tower is actually a research organization, but the research direction of this organization is a bit unacceptable, so it has been rejected by the outside world.

Of course, the reason why the Black Tower has the highest interest is mainly because the magic research wants to achieve results. It is too difficult. If there is no result, we can only continue to invest funds in it. Therefore, the organization of the Black Tower is to get enough funds. , It can be said that the unscrupulous money collection, which also led to the bad reputation of the black tower.

Of course, what the mages do depends on their own mood. As for the law, in the eyes of the masters, it is just a rule set by the strong. I will abide by it if I can't beat it. If I can't beat it, I usually abide by it. Your rules.

If other guys who know the details dared to make such conditions in the Black Tower Chamber of Commerce, the Black Tower Chamber of Commerce would have shown their fists long ago, not to mention it, but about Cook’s information, all they know are the sturdy record, the Night King Knight. The destruction of dozens of people in the regiment is not just for fun. The Knights of the Night King is the private arm of the dark elf empire, and its equipment is certainly not bad. If it is all destroyed, the black tower does not want to cause trouble.

"Well, but Cook, the information you'd better tell is very important." The dwarf hesitated for a while before sighing.

Cook was a little surprised. He didn't expect that this dwarf would actually call the shots. In Cook's eyes, this dwarf was just a gatekeeper, but Cook picked up the Dark Elemental Fruit and was a little shocked.

"There are still life fluctuations, could it be..." Cook felt a trace of life fluctuations in this elemental fruit, and Cook was shocked, but he did not show it on the surface.

Elemental fruit is a kind of strange life. Under some special conditions, wisdom can be born. After wisdom is born, this elemental fruit becomes another life form, and it will not disappear from its unique environment like elemental fruit. Up.

Cook put away three other objects. One was a yellow stone, which looked like a crystal, but it was not a crystal. The gem was not like a gem, and the rock was not like a rock.

There is a piece in this Cooke natural ring, the mother of the earth, the mother of the earth obtained from the freshwater mermaid tribe.

The other is a black stone, but it has nine horns in shape and has no energy fluctuations. This is actually not a stone, but a plant seed, and it is very similar to the seed of the legendary World Tree , As for whether it is not, Cook still needs to look carefully.

The last one is like a piece of animal bone, half a meter in size, with a lot of strange text on it.

Cook didn't know what this thing was, but the bone quality gave Cook a not simple feeling, and Cook faintly felt the breath of the law of death.

After Cook collected the things, he said, "This thing is an elemental fruit, and it is a dark elemental fruit."

"Elemental Fruit, this... how do you prove it?" The dwarf jumped up when he heard Cook's words.

Cook flipped his hand and a thumb-sized Fire Elemental Fruit appeared in Cook's hands. Cook smiled and said, "This is Fire Element."

"I..." The dwarf felt the pure elemental fluctuations of the fire elemental fruit in Cook's hand, and was shocked in his heart, but then after Cooke's hand turned it over again, the elemental fruit was gone. This thing is in Cook's natural ring Inside, there are too many, the number of this kind is almost innumerable, there are tens of thousands of those over half a meter high, and thousands of those several meters high. These things are in the woods of the natural ring of life. It grows everywhere inside.

"The role of elemental fruit is to increase the mage's elemental affinity." Cook continued.

"Take it directly?" The dwarf took out a piece of animal skin and began to record carefully.

"The utilization rate of direct use is only 3% to 5%, and the refining pharmaceutical agent can reach more than 80%. Of course, it depends on the quality of the medicine." Cook nodded and said.

"Then the potion formula..." Before the dwarf finished speaking, he saw that Cook looked at himself like a fool.

The dwarf gritted his teeth and asked, "Do you know the formula?"

"Nonsense, I don't see it, this is the potion made by the Fire Elemental Fruit to increase the affinity of the Fire Element. It is also called a talent potion." Cook directly took out a bottle of Fire Elemental potion.

"This..." The dwarf looked suspiciously at the fiery red potion.

"Well, I've said everything that should be said." Cook said.

The dwarf immediately stood in front of Cook and asked, "How do you sell talent potions?"

"Haha, how much is a senior mage worth?" Cook asked with a smile.

"Cook, please go to the second floor." The dwarf directly invited.

Before Cook could speak, the dwarf spoke by himself: "My name is Torre, and I am a puppet master."

"Cook." Cook saw the dwarf do the ancient mage courtesy to himself, Cook also replied.

"Cook, are you a pharmacist?" Torrey led Cook up the stairs on the second floor and asked.

Torres actually blamed Cook for this problem, because Torre said his profession when he introduced himself, but Cook did not. This is a very rude behavior in the manners of the mage.

"Yes, my research on medicine is not bad." Cook said.

"Haha, Cook, do you want to join our dark tower? As long as you join our dark tower, the dark elf queen will not dare to move you, but to join our dark tower, you must be assessed." Torre heard from Ku When K said so, he immediately laughed happily.

Cook shook his head: "No need."

"Don't rush to refuse, our dark tower has the most resources in the entire dark world, whether it is potion formula or potion materials, and we also have five secret towers, one of which is the secret tower inherited by the pharmacist. What you get depends on your own ability." Torre said with a smile.

When I spoke, I went up to the second floor. The second floor and the first floor are basically the difference between heaven and earth. As soon as the second floor goes up, there is a fresh wind, there is a fragrance in the wind, and the ground is some kind of animal skin. What was even more surprising to Cook was that on the second floor, there was light, and there were a few green vines, making Cook seem not in the dark world.

"Did you see it? This is the strength of our dark tower~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Pointing to the green plants, Torrey proudly said.

Cook curled his mouth, and sat on a piece of some kind of soft fur at Torre's sign, and then several beautiful maids began to serve fruits and some fruit wine.

"Cook, this is the fruit of the main plane. Taste it. It's not edible on the outside." Torre pointed to the two apples on the plate. The apples looked like malnourished. Round, and the skin is slightly whitish.

"No need." Cook did not show any shock. Of course, Cook also knew that in the dark world, it is difficult to cultivate apples, especially the dark world natural system is very rare, and it is even more difficult to cultivate plants.

"You're welcome, we don't charge for these things." Torre said, looking at Cook with a smile. ’

Cook was speechless and shook his head. For Cook, these fruits are garbage, the magic fruits in Cook's natural ring. But many.

"Cook, can you give us the talent potion just now for testing? After testing, you can trade inside the Dark Tower." Torrey saw Cook still shook his head and said another thing.

Cook shook his head: "Sorry, my potion does not require any testing, and you have nothing worthy of my talent potion."

"Haha, Cook, you underestimate our dark tower, not to mention anything else, our dark tower has an artifact that can be traded." Torrey smiled, and then said to Cook very confidently, you know, the artifact In any world, that is the top existence.

"Moreover, there are artifacts in our dark tower. As long as we join our dark tower, owning artifacts is no longer a dream." Torre saw that Cook did not respond, thinking that Cook was shocked and continued triumphantly. Said.

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