A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 743: transaction

"Is that the dark elf queen?" Cook asked.

"No, it's one of the empress's husbands, known as the saint of the entire dark world." Rosha shook his head and said.

Cook is a bit speechless. The relationship between himself and the dark elf empire is not very good. It can be said that there are many contradictions. Now with the black tower, I don't know what the situation is. Of course, it is estimated that the black tower dare not find Cook. It’s troublesome, but it’s probably difficult to do business anymore. After all, Lao Long is considered one of the founders of the Black Tower. He lived for many years.

In fact, the most shocking thing is Rosha, because Rosha knows that God-level powerhouses are not easy to be killed. Every god-level powerhouse has a way to save their lives. In fact, when they reach the god-level level, these people are more afraid of death and more Let alone those who have lived and don't know how many years of origin are strong, they don't even know how many hole cards they have, but they are easily solved by others.

Yes. Looking at Cook's appearance, he didn't suffer any harm. Not only did he didn't suffer any harm, but he seemed to be okay. The reputation of the old dragon, no one knew about the high level of the dark world, was actually killed like this.

As for Cook's lying, Rosha felt that it was unnecessary, and seeing Cook's appearance of being okay, it didn't look like a lying. If the old dragon was really fine, Cook could be so relaxed.

"What do you need to change the contents of these boxes? I have artifacts and equipment, as well as various potions." Cook directly took out a list of items.

"Sacred tool, do you really have a magical tool?" Rosha originally wanted to get Cook's support. After all, the only shortcoming on his side was that there was no superpower to sit in. Rosha didn't expect Cook to trade something.

"Of course, the artifact has weapons and armor." Cook nodded, and Cook knew that if he took these things for nothing, Rosha wouldn't say anything.

But Cook insists that doing business must behave like doing business, and doing business must be fair and honest, otherwise it will be difficult to grow big. (PS; I recently watched a video filmed by someone in Hong Kong. It said that businessmen in mainland China rely on relationships when doing business. Hong Kong people are not suitable. I'll hehe. When doing business in Hong Kong, relationships do not matter? So what are the big families in Hong Kong? Developed? There are also Western countries that pay attention to the spirit of contract. Everyone looks at the family behind the big American consortium, and then looks at the family name on a certain declaration. Does it matter?)

And Cook does not lack good things, so it is normal for Cook to trade items out.

This is why every time Cook establishes an alliance, it can gradually grow, because all the forces in this alliance have experienced fairness. Of course, it is not absolutely fair, but at least Cook has not used himself to squeeze other forces. Let me just say that a certain red country was originally an alliance, but other small forces in this alliance concentrated all their wealth in their own hands. As a result, it collapsed and did not persist for a hundred years. This is the best example. .

Whether it is the free chamber of commerce in the sanctuary or the council of the gods, they are constantly growing. Some people have to say that this is when Cook is still there. What if Cook is not there?

Hehe, how many years can Cook live? After so many years, a system has been formed. Once this system is formed, it is difficult to change it, because everyone accepts this system, unless you have the ability to overthrow it, otherwise, you Just bear it obediently. It's like our country, where everything has to talk about relationships. This is actually not the fault of the present, because it has been the case in history. Even great people use their own cronies. There is a saying that is very good. Once the emperor and the courtier, If you want to become a minister, you must have a relationship. As for ability, what matters to the superior is not ability, but loyalty. Loyalty is the first, and the second is ability, the most obvious The representative is He Shen.

"The artifacts are only low-grade artifacts for the time being, with one-handed swords and bows," Cook said.

"One-handed sword, half of the bow." Rosa said directly without asking the specific number.

"What kind of artifact do you want, is it the dark, fire, or earth?" Cook nodded. Rosa did not ask for the specific number. On the one hand, Rosa didn't know the strange spatial energy. How many items can be exchanged, on the other hand, demonstrates trust.

Of course, there is no way to distrust, after all, Rosha wants to do big things, only to get the support of Cook.

"Your Excellency Cook." Roman shouted to Cook from a distance. When Rosha was talking to Cook, he was surrounded by dark elf warriors.

"Your Excellency Cook, old dragon..." In a short period of time, Black Tower sent people to the place where the old dragon fought with Cook. After all, the energy fluctuations in that place were too great, but Cook fought with the old dragon. People can't go if they don't want to die, but when Cook appears in the Bloody Fortress, the Black Tower realizes that the battle is over.

But everyone was shocked when they saw hundreds of kilometers of lava spewing in the battle area, and then the black tower was confirmed, and the old dragon was mostly dead.

Therefore, Roman was the first to confirm with Cook, because the interest entanglement within the black tower is also very large. The old dragon's interest in the black tower is very large. After all, the identity and strength of the old dragon are here. Dragon really has a problem. With such a large distribution of benefits, the Dark Tower will certainly not be able to care about others in a short time. Of course, Roman originally belonged to the old dragon. If Roman wants to find a new backer, he must have accurate information.

"Hehe, aren't you dark towers paying attention to interests? Then I answer this question, what should you offer in exchange?" Cook laughed, then looked at Roman playfully and asked.

When Roman heard Cook’s words, he looked embarrassed. When Cook saw Roman like this, he laughed: "Don’t put interests first, strength is the first. Go back and tell your master that there is no old dragon. Up."

"Ah..." Although the dark tower is not optimistic about the old dragon, after all, the old dragon is a strong source of origin, and is a type of dragon, so after hearing Cook's affirmation, Roman also exclaimed.

Cook waved his hand and said, "Let's go quickly, but if the old dragon has any relatives, please let me know."

"No, Lao Long doesn't have any relatives. As for the specifics, I don't know much, but there should be more news. Please wait for my good news." Roman shook his head and said.

Roman left quickly, and Rosha was very envious of Cook's attitude towards Roman. Roman's reputation is also very loud in the dark world. He is a very famous enchanter, but he has a bad temper and a weird personality, but in front of Cook, he is like a grandson, and he dare not take a mouthful.

Cook and Roscha finalized the transaction, and Roscha also arranged a new residence for Cook, of course it was much better than Cook’s original, but Cook only stayed temporarily, because Cook’s original basement was occupied by the library. Ke spent great efforts to transform, Cook does not want to toss.

The next day, Cook met with a certain high-level person in the black tower. There was no conflict between the black tower and Cook, and the old dragon had no relatives. It is said that the old dragon was expelled and not recognized by the tribe. Tens of thousands of years ago, the old dragon went back fiercely, but hundreds of years later, the old dragon returned to the black tower with all his injuries and cultivated for tens of thousands of years. Since then, I will not mention going back. As for the old dragon No one knows where the tribe is.

In the next few days, Cook took out twenty artifacts, half of which were single-handed swords and half were bows. They were all low-grade artifacts, and they were all secret artifacts.

The stabbing sword is a unique weapon used by the dark elves. It can only be used by the dark elves. Rosha wanted to let Cook go to the Bloody Fortress to meet other people, but Cook refused. Cook did not want to participate. It was not Cook. What are you afraid of, but Cook finds trouble, anyway, Cook just wants to storm the plains.

A week later, Rosha declared the independence of the Bloody Fortress and cut off the transmission channel with the Dark Elf Empire.

The Dark Demon Empire, the Dwarf Empire, the Troll Kingdom, and the Ogre Kingdom immediately issued a statement indicating their neutrality.

The Dark Elf Empire only issued a statement the next day, classifying Rosha and others as traitors, and began to gather troops to encircle and suppress the Great Elf Empire. The Great Elf Empire was established by Rosha. The Great Elf Empire ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is The most powerful empire in ancient times.

After the great elven empire was established, slavery was abolished within the empire and the hierarchy was abolished. As long as the great elven empire, everyone had the same status.

After the establishment of the Great Elf Empire, Duke Addos also came to join in the fun, announcing the establishment of the Dark Moon Empire, leaving the Dark Elf Empire, and openly supporting Baron Rosha.

The war machine was immediately activated within the Dark Elf Empire, countless conscription orders were issued to the hands of nobles and nobles, and countless equipment and materials began to gather.

The Black Tower only announced its support for the Great Elf Empire and the establishment of the Dark Moon Empire a month later, and strongly condemned the Dark Elf royal family for raising private forces.

The actions of the Black Tower surprised many people, the most surprising of which was the Dark Demon Empire, the Dwarf Empire, and the Troll Kingdom and the Ogre Kingdom.

After the Black Tower announced it, there was no action, and some people keenly discovered that the Black Tower's recent external activities were almost gone.

Cook stood on the city wall and looked at a huge castle dozens of kilometers away. This castle was tens of kilometers in diameter. This was the dark elf imperial palace in the dark elf imperial capital, Evernight City.

"Cook, when are you going to do it?" Next to Cook, there is a dark demon, two dwarves, and two dark elves. This is the five-person council of the Black Tower, and the dark demon is the replacement of the old dragon. , These five people are strong in origin.

Cook said: "You leave me and do it, don't worry, I just smashed the palace and won't hurt the innocent."

"That's good." When the five heard Cook's words, they immediately left, joking, the Dark Elf imperial family has at least three strong roots, and the number of strong roots in the Dark Elf Empire may be more. Although the Black Tower is strong, But what the black tower pays attention to is always interest, so how can the black tower join in the fun with such a dangerous move.

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