A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1491: 1 legend

"Who are you and why did you break in here without permission, guard." A nobleman cried out immediately when he saw Cookie coming in.

"I am the deacon of the Black Tower. I am here just to bring you a word. Ten days ago, the old dragon was killed by Speaker Cook, and Speaker Cook is still the speaker of the Council of Gods. There are also more detailed information about Speaker Cook. I don’t know if you are interested?” The Dark Tower is indeed a large organization. It took ten days and a huge price to get a certain superpower to inquire about Cook. Regarding the matter, of course the Black Tower could not make a loss-making business, so he focused on the Dark Elf Empire.

Of course, intelligence can’t just sell the Dark Elf Empire, what other Duke Addos, and the Dark Demon Empire, Dwarf Empire, Troll Kingdom, Ogre Kingdom, etc.

"What, the old dragon was killed, how could this be possible!" There were more than one exclamation. The old dragon was at the top of the Dark Elf Empire. It was no secret. He was greedy and powerful. Many people were reluctant to deal with the old dragon. , But it was a joke to say that the old dragon was killed, yes, the nobles present exclaimed together.

"This is true. If you want to know the specific situation of the Council of Gods, you need to pay enough..." Qu Qi smiled and looked at the dark elves present, although the information fee was very expensive. It's huge, but Cookie chose to come in at this time because he wanted the Dark Elf Empire to take the money. It might feel painful for the nobleman to take the money, but the country's money, ha ha.

The dark elf queen was shocked. If the old dragon really dies in Cook’s hands, then the revenge against the great elf empire needs to be carefully considered, and the Duke of Addos also needs to be considered. After all, Roxi is now Cook's maid, who knows what kind of relationship is between Roxi and Cook, you must know that women can be very destructive at certain times.

"This is related to the future of the entire empire, and you are not the only buyer about the news about Cook. Our Black Tower branches in other places are also starting to trade, so those who get the news first can make a wise decision. "Cookie continued with a smile. This is obvious. You have to make a decision quickly about Cook's attitude, otherwise, ha ha.

The Dark Elf Queen looked at the members below and said: "In this case, I think the Imperial Treasury Department should spend this part of the cost."

Why did the Dark Elf Queen say this? Because the money of the empire belongs to the empire, not the royal family, and the money used by the royal family is their own. As for the various expenses of the empire, it is not the queen alone who can decide.

"I agree." The nobles below all agreed. There is no way. This kind of news is really afraid to let go, even if the empire pays a huge cost for it, but in comparison, if you conflict with someone like Cook, it is estimated not But the loss of wealth is related to fate.

Cookies directly set a price, and although the Imperial Council was a little depressed, after all, this number was too big, but although the Black Tower was a bit greedy, the Black Tower's reputation was still sufficient.

"The following is about Cook's general situation. We contacted a certain super power in the God Realm through the Silver Moon Mage. Cook, human, is between two hundred and fifty to four hundred years old.... "Cookie said with a smile. ’

But speaking of Master Silvermoon, everyone present was very moved. Master Silvermoon, in the entire dark world, is considered the most famous person at the top level. The entire Silvermoon Mountain Range is the master’s private domain. Master Silvermoon is a person, but An organization that represents the entire dark world, the Silvermoon Wizards Association, has more than hundreds of thousands of wizards, and has unique moonlight spells, which can be regarded as the holy land of moonlight spells.

"How is it possible that a 400-year-old human can kill the old dragon?" Someone exclaimed, knowing that the dark elves have just entered their teenage years at the age of 400.

"Yes, Cook Hilton, can be said to be the legend of the entire God Realm, in fact, according to the words of that super powerhouse, Cook's exact age should be within two hundred and eighty years old." Qu Qi nodded and said.

The dark elf queen also took a breath, and said, "Go on."

"Cook is the current speaker of the Council of the Gods, and the Council of the Gods has become the largest power in the God Realm in just 20 years." Cookie continued.

"What about the dragon. Where is the angel family?" the Dark Elf Queen asked.

"The dragon family is applying to join the Council of the Gods. The two angels have split internally. It can be said that the split of the angel family is caused by Cook. The reason why Cook said that it is a legendary existence is because Cook had reached the God Realm. One day, I smashed the Sky City of the Angels, just like smashing the palace, and incidentally ransacked the Silver Dragon City that I wanted to rob." After getting relevant information about Cook, the entire Black Tower listed Cook as The number one dangerous person in the entire Dark Tower is not without reason.

"The angels didn't do anything to Cook?" someone asked incredulously.

"No, there is any secret in it, the specific news needs to continue to wait." Cookie shook his head and said.

"The Council of the Gods has such great strength, you must know that human internal fighting is very powerful." The Dark Elf Queen is very curious about Cook's expansion of the Council of the Gods.

Cookie sighed: "This is about Cook's profession. Cook is a wood element and has a hunter profession, but unfortunately, judging from the examples of Cook's battles, none of them are related to hunters. , Cook also has auxiliary occupations, one is a pharmacist and the other is a mageweave."

"Mageweave master, the legendary mageweave master. The magicweave master who refines the artifact?" a dark elf grand duke asked excitedly.

"Yes, and Cook destroyed the original Mageweave Organization soon after arriving in the God Realm. Do you know how Cook destroyed it?" Cookies sighed inwardly, how could there be such a perverted person, but this May wish to sell cookies.

"Is it a refining artifact?" someone asked.

"Yes, as the face of thousands of people, directly refining a divine tool, and then the original magic pattern organization of the entire God Realm collapsed." Qu Qi nodded.

"This is unscientific. No matter how powerful Cook is, it is impossible to say that everyone's artifact needs are met?" The Dark Elf Queen shook her head.

"Yes, but Cook took out the magic pattern knowledge and formed the magic pattern association. As long as you enter the magic pattern association, you can exchange points for any level of magic pattern knowledge. Therefore, the magic pattern division inside the magic pattern organization, 99 % Went to the Mageweave Association, and in less than twenty years, do you know how many artifacts are made by Cook?" Cookie explained.

The dark elves understood that for the Mageweave Master, the most attractive was higher-level knowledge.

"More than 150,000 pieces, artifacts, and tens of thousands of sets of artifacts, but this set of artifacts was refined by the dragon clan with molting, and half of them were in the hands of Cook. Some time ago, the plane of **** and the gods I don't know how a space crack appeared, and more than 1.5 million **** creatures invaded the entire God Realm. Do you know the result?" Cookie finished in one breath, and the scene was silent.

"The Council of the Gods has formed five legions, each with 10,000 people, equipped with artifact-level weapons. The **** creatures were only discovered within half a month of the invasion, but within 20 days, the **** creatures were cleaned up. The loss of the five legions of the Council of God is zero!" Cookie's words were even more shocking.

Cookie waited for half a minute, and finally someone asked: "What then?"

"Hehe, then Cook personally went to the plane of hell, blocked the space passage, and established a city on the plane of hell, a city stronger than the city in the sky, and then violently beat a **** king and killed a few Millions of **** creatures."

"How is this possible, Cook is of wood, and is it so easy to build cities?" The Dark Elf Queen didn't believe it at all.

"Star Realm, maybe many of you don’t know it, but when Cook was in Sanctuary, he was forced to go to the Star Realm by the Temple of Light. Although he was already a master in Sanctuary, when Cook After returning from the star realm, Cook smashed the sky city. Many people suspect that Cook must have some inheritance from the star realm. In addition, Cook has established five sky cities in the entire God Realm, the smallest of which is With a diameter of 1,500 kilometers, it is said that the platforms of these cities are from the astral world. Imagine being able to cross the plane with something 1,500 kilometers in diameter..." Cookie didn't know what to say.

All the great nobles were silent, and wanted to fight Cook. If Cook was not satisfied, he would directly pull a platform over and build the Sky City, the consequences would be hard to imagine.

"Then why did Cook come to us?" The Dark Elf Queen's business was a bit hoarse.

"The Council of the Gods now has not only the Dragon Clan, but also the Tiger City and the Bear City of the God Beast Clan. Speaker Cook accidentally discovered that demons are invading a plane, so the Council of Gods has gathered five million troops directly Killing to the monster plane, it is said that Cook is responsible for cleaning up the high-levels in the monster. You also know where the **** fortress is." After knowing these news, Cookie was completely numb. A human being can actually be free in the monster world. Communication, what does this represent is strength.

"So where exactly is Cook's strength?" someone finally asked.

"The hammer that Cook smashed in your palace, Cook said personally, is called Star Breaker. We guess it should be part of Cook's inheritance. According to Cook, one hammer can destroy a star." Qu Qi's face was narrowed with a smile, but when the other nobles heard this, their eyelids jumped.

"Then why didn't Cook continue to trouble us? If you know that the secret tower is not far away?" For half an hour, cookies waited patiently. If the dark tower wants to sell news, he must do so. Customer satisfaction. Cookie shook his head: "Because Speaker Cook looks down on it. Our Black Tower has five secret towers. Speaker Cook doesn't look down on it. Our Black Tower now lists Cook as the most dangerous person."

"..." The great nobles present are speechless, yes, in the eyes of everyone, the secret tower is a treasure, but in the eyes of Cook, they look down on it.

"What about Cook's character?" Finally, a nobleman asked the key point.

"Speaker Cook’s character, the other party’s original words are that he is wise and promises, not to bully the small, the transaction is fair, and the speaker does not like to eat alone, and is lustful. According to incomplete news, Cook’s There are many women, and of course the other party said, don’t provoke Cook, otherwise Cook’s retaliatory methods are very shocking.” In fact, the last sentence of Cookie does not need to be said, everyone understands.

Now those great nobles understand, it’s no wonder that Cook said that he would return the favor. You offered a reward for ruining my residence. Then I will ruin your residence. As for the value is not equal, sorry, in the face of absolute strength, there is nothing wrong. of.

"Cookie, what else?" a nobleman asked eagerly.

"President Cook has a lot of things. I am now talking about the rise of the Council of the Gods. First of all, the artifact is one aspect, and the other is cohesion. Where did Speaker Cook start from manipulating the Chamber of Commerce, because the Magic Weave Association requires a lot of materials. , The price of materials has risen, and other materials have also risen. Of course, Speaker Cook did not touch the material aspect, but the Magic Weave Association of Speaker Cook has the authority of the Jedi. Once a businessman does not listen to greetings, or offend Cook Speaker, then they are directly included in the blacklist of the Mageweave Association. As long as they have a trading relationship with the people on this blacklist, the Mageweave Association will not do business with them. Of course, the artifacts produced by these people are not eligible to buy, and they are not. Qualified to place orders, do you know that the entire Mageweave Association now has 50,000 sets of artifact orders, do you know the refining price of a set of artifacts?" Of course, cookies got a lot of information. In fact, Heita did a good thing this time. That was the super power who traded with Silvermoon Master. He saw a business opportunity, so he continued to organize the relevant information of Cook, and then sold it to many super powers at high prices.

So that after obtaining the information, the super powers of various planes had to force the powers of the same plane to remember the appearance of Cook. This person does not say to please, do not offend, and do not invite disaster to yourself.

"One artifact requires ten materials, and then 30,000 to 50,000 high-grade crystals can be paid in the Mageweave Association. Generally, you can get weapons in three to five years. This is a low-grade artifact. An artifact that is one level higher than our standard artifact." Cookie said with a smile when everyone was very curious.

"It's so cheap!" The nobles were shocked. Yes, the materials for refining the artifacts are nothing in the eyes of everyone. They belong to the big family. There are not a lot of top-level materials. As for the rewards, God These great nobles all understand what Jing is, but when converted, it is simply cheap.

"It is precisely because of the ultra-low pricing of Speaker Cook that the number of artifacts currently owned by the Council of Gods exceeds 300,000. The number of artifacts I mentioned earlier was announced by the Mageweave Association. In addition, the Council of Gods has a brave The Knight Order, all god-level flying mounts, a full set of artifact equipment, and each knight has two sets of equipment, one for air combat. One for ground combat, and up to five weapons. It used to be 1,000 people. Expanded to 5,000 people, these equipment are not in the ranks of selling equipment, and the weapons of the several legions that contact the **** creatures, Cook also provided a huge part." The cookie's voice is a little speechless, there is no way. If the Dark World encounters the Brave Knights, it will only serve to be abused.

Someone wants to say the overall strength, please, a thousand equipped with two sets of artifacts, a knight with flying mounts, do not need to fight you head-on, destroy your city today, and sweep your two cities tomorrow, in less than a year, your big empire The winds of all fall apart, unless the source is strong, but once the source is strong, what about Cook? The other god-level powerhouse dare to say that he waved his paw in front of this thousand brave knights unless he wanted to die.

"In addition to the rise of the Council of Gods, the Mageweave Association certainly played an extremely important role, but Cook also did a very good job in consolidating the cohesion of the entire Council of Gods. First of all, Speaker Cook started with the orcs and was extremely weak. Perhaps many people know about the orcs. I will introduce that the status of the orcs in the Council of the Gods is very low. On the one hand, because the orcs’ war hymn halo has no effect on the gods, everyone knows that no matter what the gods release Energy has laws, so the warsong aura released by the warsong priest also has the power of laws, but the power of these laws conflicts with the laws of energy on other orc warriors, which leads to the failure of the warsong aura, but Cook solved this problem. As for Specifically, we definitely don’t know. In addition, the place where the orcs live is barren mountains. On the one hand, they have no talent for planting and need to hunt. On the other hand, the orcs are relatively weak. Speaker Cook bought magic plants from the orcs’ territory. Yes, this is related to Speaker Cook’s second profession, pharmacist. In what way can I explain the profession of Cook’s pharmacist? Speaker Cook used a pill to paralyze more than 600,000 crocodiles. There is no way to move for three or four days." Cookie said a lot in one breath, and then paused to let these people digest for a while.

"Magic plants are not valuable in the orc territories, but Speaker Cook did not lower the price because of this. This action increased the Bunnymen’s first year income by more than 10 million high-grade crystals, and then Speaker Cook used the earnings. The crystals of the gods have built roads throughout the territory of the Council of Gods, all of which are constructed of metal, which reduces the price of food purchased in the orc territory to one-fifth of the original level, and a large number of roads have been built to allow the dwarves and dwarves. Huge orders have also been obtained. After the dwarves have money, they will definitely consume them. Therefore, the price of human food continues to rise and incomes continue to increase. The price of food for the orcs decreases, and the orcs can buy more food and feed more. In addition, the appearance of the Pharmacy Association has given the orcs an extra income. In the God Realm, the most grateful among the orcs is Cook. It is said that anyone who speaks a bad thing about Cook in the leadership of the orcs will be beaten alive. Dead." Cookie said with a smile.

After listening to the Dark Elf Empire's finance minister, he kept sighing and sighing: "Awesome, amazing, Cook is a great wise man, although it seems that Cook is a loss for taking out the money to build the road. But building roads requires a lot of dwarf engineers and a lot of machinery and equipment. In addition, the metal poured on the road certainly does not need to be high-end. This is good news for the dwarf miners. In addition, the metal pouring requires more machinery and equipment. After the road is built, the caravan can go deep into the orc territory and deliver the special products of the orc territory. The price of the products produced by humans will also be reduced, but all of this will eventually return to Cook's hands, because No matter who the money is in the last person’s pocket, it will be taken out to refine the artifact. It is equivalent to saying that the money has been turned around and then returned to Cook, but this involves dwarves, dwarves, orcs, and humans. , Tusk, just don’t know how big Cook’s investment is?"

"It is said that the total investment is more than 20 billion high-grade Shenjing. In addition, Cook has also established several cities for the orcs for free. A city with a diameter of 50 kilometers, Speaker Cook will be established in three months, and its defense is stronger than our imperial capital. Both are still powerful, because they use magic patterns, and as long as they don't encounter a war of attrition, they won't consume energy at all." Cookie said.

Everyone looked at the Dark Elf Queen~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Dark Elf Queen was very annoyed: "I want to invest, but if I invest in it, it will be difficult to take it back."

"For three months, could it be that a lot of Mageweave Masters went into battle together?" asked the nobleman with a senior engineer career.

"It can also be said that Speaker Cook uses modular construction, that is, the Mageweave Apprentice of the Mageweave Association refining some metal modules. There are energy circuits in the metal modules. The refining modules will be rewarded with points. These points can be Buy anything in the Mageweave Association, including artifacts, as long as you refine them according to the drawings, then Cook is only responsible for placing these modules according to the location, and then activating the energy. The entire city is one, yes, an all-metal city. "Cookie looked at the Dark Elf Queen looking straight at herself, nodding seriously.

A city of all metal construction, this is something that no one can imagine, so everyone can't believe it, but here, you have to believe it. After all, the old dragon is belching. What is impossible, and there is also a music master. The name, otherwise.......

"Legend, really is a legend." Someone sighed for a while.

"Everyone, I have more news about Cook in the future. I don't know if I am interested. If you are interested, we can discuss it and provide it to you at any time." Cookie saw everyone's appearance and continued to sell.

"No, we will go directly to the Silver Moon Mage Association to buy." Someone immediately shook his head and said.

Cookie is speechless. Silvermoon Mage Association, the Black Tower dare not offend. Of course, the Silvermoon Mage Association has no ambitions, but the strength is top-notch. Don’t say anything else, when Nima fights, the light system attacks released. In the eyes of other people, that is something that flashes blind, how to fight, so the guy who provokes the Silver Moon Mage Association, without exception, is tortured like a cabbage and cuts casually.

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