A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1519: Cocktail party

The relationship between Silver Fox and Cook is private, and it is not on the stage at all. Of course, the silver Fox woman is very smart and very skilled, knowing the mind of a man, and stealing the most.

Cook did not say anything, because Cook did not intervene in these issues that had nothing to do with the overall direction of the Council of Gods, and Cook did not think he was almighty. Can consider everything.

Cook also needs to cultivate the courage of members of the Council of the Gods to speak. If they do it for too long, then it will not be a lucky thing for the Council of the Gods.

As for the congressman dealt with today, it is not open to the eye, and the one who is responsible must be held accountable. This is also to slaughter and give you the right. I believe you. If anyone fails this right, then Cook has shown that it can be taken back at any time. The power of this, and let you pay a painful lesson.

"In fact, I think it should be. The relationship between the new angel family and our council of gods is very good. The monster plane supports a lot of our holy light items and has a lot of holy water. In terms of dealing with demons, they have even more advantages." A human congressman said.

Of course, the support mentioned here is not provided for free, but sold. Even so, the damage of the light element to the monster is very high. When encountering the blood demon, a god-level light scroll is smashed down, and the blood demon is slightly weaker. It will immediately become a pair of dust.

In fact, since the arrogant New Angels had business dealings with the Council of Gods, some of the internal discordant voices immediately disappeared. The seniors of the New Angels saw this situation, and after a little thought, they understood. Benefits, in the angels, what is the holy water? It is too simple for the angels. Isn’t it just condensing light elements and then becoming liquid? The holy water condensed by god-level angels is extremely pure light energy, not the lower realm. That kind of broken stuff with very low concentration.

The price of this holy water is a hundred high-grade crystals, which is already very high in the eyes of the angels, but for the war between the council of the gods and the demons, the daily expenditure here is hundreds of millions of high-grade crystals.

Therefore, one hundred is not a very high price. Of course, there are not so many high-grade Shenjing in circulation, so the Shenjing roll invented by Cook was immediately welcomed.

Of course, with the popularity of holy water, the items of the holy light were also taken out by the new angels, and the sword of judgment, the sword of judgment, the purification spear and so on were all taken out by the angels.

Those who use these items are the coalition forces of the Council of Gods. The Holy Light has the attributes of warding off evil and healing, so it is very popular with the soldiers of the Council of Gods. Then these members will of course know the preferences of the following soldiers.

So the whole new angel family and the council of gods formed a win-win situation.

One by one, the congressmen spoke one after another. The meaning was obvious, that is, agreeing to the angel family auction.

As for the silver fox who was the first to agree, he didn't know what benefit he got, and Cook wouldn't bother about it.

Seeing that Cook didn't say anything, Thain said, "It's still the old rule. A vote by show of hands."

This time, the vote was almost unanimous. Cook saw the result and said: "Then it will be held as soon as possible. After discussing with the angels, I will be notified."

"President Cook, I'm looking for something to do with you." Seeing Cook was leaving, the Bunny Chief said quickly.

"You do things first. I'm going to stay in the God Realm for two days. Just come and find me when I have time." Cook waved his hand and left.

The Council of the Gods is now very efficient, and it has a cooperative relationship with the new angel family. The date is soon set. Three days later, on the square of the Council of the Gods, it is divided into five auction rooms with a total of 110,000. Three thousand items, as for the auction time, it is three days, and then all use the method of hidden labeling, which means that a batch of items are displayed, and then there is a box next to the displayed items, and the price of the item is directly determined. Write the bid list for the bid, and then put it in. After a certain period of time, open the box in person, and then choose the highest bid.

"Smart." Cook said in admiration after seeing the auction method sent by Thain, not only the price of the auction is high, but the auction speed is also very fast.

Someone wants to say that it is not good for us to discuss it. The negotiation is affirmative, but who is sure that everyone will abide by it. As for being cheated, it is hard to say. Of course, if Cook comes forward, it will be different.

Cook is also busy, the Mageweave Association, the Pharmacy Association, and the Sewing Association. Cook now puts the articles of the Sewing Association directly on the product recommendations of the Mageweave Association. Of course, when the person in charge of the Sewing Association is known, the Sewing Association’s business It's all right in one go, the orders are continuous, and it's because a certain temple wants to replace all the knight's shirts with the sewing association's stuff.

Everyone has to ask what a shirt is. The shirt knight is the clothes inside the knight’s equipment. After all, plate armor, mail armor, and leather armor are not very soft, so between the equipment and the skin, there is a layer of other soft cloth lining, which is called For the shirt.

In addition, Cook thought about it and decided to redistribute each woman in charge, because there are too many things, and after some women are promoted to the **** level, they need to understand the law and power, and there is no promotion to the **** level. It also requires constant training, so now Cook decided to let his woman slowly retreat behind the scenes.

After all, retiring behind the scenes is more abundant, isn’t it? In fact, in Cook’s view, all rights are fake. Only life is the most important. Although a Cook woman can bear an extremely beautiful life, but if If you can't follow in Cook's footsteps, then when a certain time comes, Cook will still be alive, and the woman will reach the end of her life.

Cook dare not say that he has a deep-rooted love with every woman who has a relationship with him. That is false, but Cook feels that as a man, he must have the responsibilities that a man should have, no matter what the man pays. Affordable, can't afford this responsibility, but the first attitude must be responsible.

Since he was responsible, Cook didn't want to watch his women get old slowly. Cook felt that he might really not be able to stand it then, but Cook did not want to put too much pressure on these women, so Cook was very entangled.

Cook even has some crazy ideas, that is to kill more of the source powerhouses, and then obtain the source crystal core, which can greatly improve the lives of these women, but they are not their own, even if they are integrated, comprehend It is also a problem.

"It seems that I have to give myself these women's wizard books." Cook thought about many ways, and felt that high-level cultivation methods are more suitable for his women, especially the cultivation talents such as Mickey are very good, but they are too young. , The pressure around Cook is also great.

"But I am afraid that they can't even start the wizard book. What should we do? Do we have to store enough energy in these wizard books?" Cook is still unable to refine the wizard book. As for how the wizard book came, don't Look at Cook's many good things in the star realm, but there is really no detailed information in this regard.

But Cook is sure that the maker of the wizard book is definitely the strong one among the strong.

After the auction date was set, the Council of the Gods posted an announcement. Among the announcements, Xiongcheng joined the Council of the Gods most surprisingly, and the absence of the Dragons clan made many people shocked.

"How is this possible, isn't the dragon clan fighting with our Allied Forces of the Council of Gods on the plane of monsters?" Someone asked loudly after seeing the announcement.

Now the most lively place in the entire God Realm is the Plaza of the Gods Council. There are tens of thousands of people every day. Everyone has to ask why there are so many people.

It’s because Cook drew a painting that is said to be able to comprehend the power of the law. It is a painting that Cook competes with elf artists. Of course, the number of people watching is limited. If you enter the watch for more than a certain period of time, you will be expelled, but you wait every day There are still a lot of people, and there is a rumor that some elves actually understand the law of life, so a relatively high position, the price is said to have reached tens of thousands of high-grade **** crystals.

Why is there such a high price? It is because one of them has to be driven out, and then one is put in. No one knows when the next one will be driven out. What surprised many people is that they came here to watch this painting. , There are more elves, and orcs.

In addition, Cook's reputation in the God Realm is not much to say. Cook personally said that he was in the God Realm these days, so Cook received thousands of invitations.

Of course, many of them were directly stopped by the people below, but no one would dare to block the invitations from the heads of these medium and large powers, such as the great elders of the dwarf tribe, the great dwarf elders, and the goddess of nature in the temple of nature, and the goddess of harvest in the temple of harvest. .

When Cook saw these invitations, he was speechless. Then he looked at Thain. That's right. Cook is now working in the Council of the Gods. As long as he has a chance, he will go to Cook's side. I really don’t know what to do. .

"In this way, gather everyone together and say that Bear City joins the Council of the Gods. I, Cook, will hold a celebration party privately." Cook thought, I won't go to your side, too much, but I can invite you not.

"What about the number of people?" Thain thought, Cook's method is good, and he was treated to a treat by Cook. If you say this, it's not a good idea.

"The number is up to you, the scale is unlimited, and a booth is prepared at the reception, I have good things to show out." Cook thought for a while and said.

"Sir, what is it?" When Sion heard Cook say something good, his ears were pricked up, but Cook didn't say it later, Sion asked with a smile, and a thick-skinned one had this benefit.

"Elemental Fruit, you know, the potions refined by the Elemental Fruit can increase elemental affinity. I think the next generation of our Council of Gods should have higher talents and higher achievements. As for the number, I will say five hundred for the time being. As long as the spiritual talent and elemental affinity are not enough, you can apply for the internal supply of the God Council. There is no limit to the number of people. This stuff is almost unlimited on my side." Cook said.

"Sir, I heard you right. You mean unlimited supply. Are there tens of thousands of medicines like this?" Thain knows how popular such medicines are. Such medicines can be said to be superb.

"Hehe, don't talk about tens of thousands of materials I have now. It's no problem to add a ten thousand in front of the 4d." There are many elemental fruits in Cook's natural ring, which is almost a small plane.

The one that occupies the most space is not the elemental fruit, the tree of life, etc., but the wizard books and other materials scoured in the star realm, occupying one-third of the space. The space here does not refer to the ground. In terms of area, the height of the natural ring space has exceeded thousands of kilometers, and it has not continued to grow now. Cook even sometimes wonders whether this natural ring is something higher than the astral plane.

If Cook exposes the space of the natural ring, no one will believe it. It is necessary to know that a space artifact of the main **** level, in history, is no more than two thousand kilometers in diameter.

What is left is a large piece of the tree of life, and then various magical fruits. Under these woods, there are densely packed elemental fruits. At the beginning, Cook thought that other elemental fruits of other families could not grow in this natural ring. But Cook was obviously wrong. Elemental fruit is also a kind of plant, just like a plant absorbs the same water and nutrients, it can grow a spicy taste like pepper, sweet taste like watermelon, and bitter melon.

So as long as the elemental fruit has enough vitality, it can multiply very quickly, and a huge elemental fruit will explode when it reaches a certain age, and then countless spores. Yes, the elemental fruit cannot reproduce, but There is no elemental fruit that can grow to more than ten meters high, and there are hundreds of elemental fruit that have born wisdom. These prodigal gadgets like to wander in the woods when they have nothing to do. Then, when they see a free place, a spore will fly out. , It makes the wise elemental fruit still conflict, but these guys conflict and it is very funny. You hit me and I hit you, but I will never destroy the small ones that grow.

Therefore, the entire space ring, as long as there is a tree of life, there are these elemental fruits, densely packed. Fortunately, there are flower elves picking for Cook. Once they reach a certain size of elemental fruits, they will be collected and then preserved. In fact, in the natural ring, it is very simple to store magic herbs and so on. Just pick them and put them there. They will not rot or grow.

If it weren’t for the fact that the things in the star realm were too big and too much, Cook would simply store space equipment. It is estimated that Cook would have taken out all the good things in it for a new place. Unclear.

"This..." Although Thain was in awe of Cook, he was very skeptical when he heard Cook say this.

"Go ahead, make it thicker," Cook said with a wave.

"As for what I just said, there is no need to spread the word. I will have good wine here, and you can just prepare the other ingredients." Cook continued.

Thain's feet fluttered and left. Cook was quiet now, but the Council of the Gods was fried. Although it was said that the meeting was just finished yesterday, many leaders and others have left. Now Cook says he wants to prepare. Celebrating the cocktail party, and the good wine prepared by Cook himself, and the secret potion sold inside.

Although these are not so important to many people, many people still come to the Council of Gods from the portal, as for those who are not qualified. There is only envy, jealousy, and hatred, but there are such people who are a little bit qualified if they are qualified. If they are not enough, then there is no face.

So this type of people began to run for what it was, that is to save face, and being able to enter a cocktail party of this standard means that they can blend in or get close to this circle.

The busiest are the members of the Council of Gods. Fortunately, Cook said that the scale is not limited, that is, it is not so strict. Of course, it is not known what transactions these members have privately with these people.

So finally a statistic came out. There were as many as 3,000 people participating in the reception. There were more than 100 seats in the Council of Gods. Each seat must be a power. The big power has a dozen elders, and The two or three of the high-level members are still family members, so many big forces have thirty or fifty, and there are five or six smaller families.

But why are there few women at the banquet? So Thain and other councilors immediately invited them according to a list. These are the top two hundred people in the entire God Realm. As for how this list came, it must start with Cook.

Don't forget, in the dark plane, the information about Cook given by the Moonlight Wizards Association is that this person is very lustful, there are more than ten women, and it has something to do with it.

So in the God Realm, for Cook's lustful statement. It is also established. After all, there are many Mrs. Cook's. As for the beautiful women who are not related to Cook, they are also relevant in the eyes of other people. So this list is released under the default of many people. Up.

Of course, Cook also needs to bring family members, but unfortunately, only Ivis has free time, and the others have no time. Sia is in the Pharmacists Association, Lina is feeling the original strength, and Murphy is on the plane of hell. Sitting down, everything else has its own business.

Cook had prepared a variety of good wines made by the flower spirit in the natural ring using magic fruits. These wines are superb. Of course, the flower spirit also learned some secret recipes from the halfling.

When a portion of wine with different colors and sparkling energy was brought up by hundreds of waiters and walked in the crowd, the people in the crowd were very surprised.

"Hello everyone, many people here know me, and some are old acquaintances. The reception inside the Council of the Gods seems to have never happened. In the future, there will be more receptions like this. We must contact each other internally. Haha, talk a lot. Now, come, let's raise the wine glass first, have a drink first, and welcome Bear City to join our big family of the Council of Gods!" Cook stood in the crowd and said directly.

"Cheers!" The people around immediately raised their glasses and drank the wine in the glass.

"This is my wife, Ivys, the mermaid family." Cook went on to introduce Ivys.

"Hello everyone." Ivis held Cook's hand nervously and raised a glass to greet everyone.

In fact, Cook was drinking in the wrong way. There was no rule to drink a dry sip, which seemed impolite, but when the people below finished their first drink, their eyes lit up and the waiter started to get busy.

"These fruit wines are all my treasures. I think everyone has already felt the benefits of this wine, but what I want to say is that there are enough fruit wines tonight, but it is not allowed to take out." Cook finished with a smile, cup.

"Cheers." The others raised their glasses and drank in one breath.

"Well, let's ask today's host to sing the goddess Bossern." Thain appeared at this time. Speak.

"Hello everyone, I am very happy to be invited by Speaker Cook to host this reception. Let's first ask Mr. White Bear to talk about the feeling of joining the Council of the Gods." Posein, a female of the fairy family, needless to say. Fairies are a very rare race in the God Realm, but the fairies are also very rare, the sonic ones, of course, there is nothing to say about singing.

Bai Xiong took more than a dozen high-level people in Xiongcheng, looking at the wine barrels next to him, his saliva was going to flow down, but he had joined the Council of the Gods. These bear-like beasts wore authentic dresses and walked carefully. Bai Xiong heard the host. People want to talk about it by themselves~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so they straightened up, and then said: "We Bear City are very happy to join the Council of the Gods. From now on, we welcome everyone to our Bear City as guests. Come, for today The reception, cheers."

Bai Xiong easily picked up the wine glass in the waiter's tray, took a sip, then quickly changed a glass, and continued: "Thank you, Speaker Cook, for your hospitality, cheers!"

"Cheers." So the people around continued to toast the second cup, which was a bitter for the waiter. If you know the waiter is only hundreds.

"Thank you Mr. White Bear." Thain saw this scene. Hurry up and said, this is a bit of suspicion of robbing the scene, but this white bear obviously wants to drink, if he shouts a toast, few people on the scene have wine in the glass.

When Cook saw the white bear like this, he didn't say anything. Cook looked at the embarrassed Thain and said, "Today at the reception, I will also introduce you a kind of medicine. This medicine may have no effect on everyone at the scene. , But it has a good effect on everyone's offspring. This is the various medicines that are refined with elemental fruits to increase elemental affinity."

"Elemental Fruit! Really or falsely." Just after Cook finished speaking, someone exclaimed.

"Haha. Of course it is true. This is an elemental fruit that is more than ten thousand years old." Cook directly reached out, and a red mushroom more than one meter high appeared in his hand. The red mushroom looked very cute and fleshy.

The people around immediately came up, Elemental Fruit, many people don't know it, but the legendary Elemental Fruit is a very abnormal thing.

"Speaker, is this really elemental fruit?" someone asked.

"Which one of you is a strong fire element, can you come and try?" Cook asked directly.

"I, Speaker Cook." A dwarf suddenly came to Cook and said excitedly, who is not the dwarf elder?

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