A Unique Hunter

Chapter 212: Indecent goddess "2" first more

There are so many thoughts in Cook's mind. Cook's power is very powerful, but the body controlled by the goddess of night is also powerful. Cook feels like he is hitting steel, but Cook does not dare to stop , Because Cook didn't know how many hole cards this guy had, and Cook also knew that now is to delay time, whether it is magic or divine art, there is a certain time limit.

The goddess of the dark night is depressed and about to vomit blood. Although the humans in front of them are fists and feet, the angles and movements of the attack are unpredictable. I have never seen this move, finger, fist, elbow, shoulder, waist, The hips, feet, knees, and head are all powerful weapons for hitting yourself, but this **** heresy is very powerful, and the defense of the body is also abnormal, and with every hit by Cook, the goddess of the night feels herself Part of his supernatural power disappeared.

"Damn! Boom! Boom! Bang!" Under the rain of Cook’s attack, the goddess of the dark night could only passively accept the blow, and occasionally counterattacked once. The goddess of the dark night was depressed to vomit blood, several times to get out of melee, but all He was forced back by Cook.

"Roar!" And Cook also gradually sensed that the power of the goddess of the night was slowly weakening, Cook's desire to fight immediately became stronger, the attack was even more fierce, the speed was three points faster, and the body was even more bizarre. Has changed.

"Boom!" The Goddess of Dark Night also felt wrong, Cook now pained him every time he hit, but after seeing Cook's body change, he was speechless.

"The **** heresy is actually crazy, **** it!" The goddess of the dark night is too depressed. There are orc bloodlines among humans, and there are almost few pitiful people who can be mad, but I let myself meet and feel Ku Against the ever-increasing strength, the goddess of the dark night gritted her teeth, transported the last trace of divine power, and a faint golden light appeared all over her body.

"Nima!" When Cook saw this situation, his heart became tense, and he was even more anxious. What Cook didn't know was that his body had changed again, and his eyes were also green and green.

"Boom!" The goddess of the dark night was directly smashed back by the powerful force, and the goddess of the dark night stared out when she saw the way Cook is now.

"Second madness, are you the **** of war! The old lady is endless with you, ah!!!" But the goddess of the dark night hadn't finished roaring, she was directly smashed by Cook's powerful force and could not speak.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" In Cook's eyes, the light flowing on the goddess of the night is not the same, some places are bright and some places, and every punch of Cooke's soul hits the light and darker places, in fact, These places are the weak spots of the divine power protection body, the goddess of the night is struck in the weak areas of the divine power operation, and the divine power in the body is even more unable to function.

"Yeah!" There is only light in Cook's eyes now, and he has no scruples about where he hits.

"Brother Cook is too tough!" Nomsey looked at Cook from a distance, his eyes widened, because Cook started with the chest, lower abdomen, thighs, buttocks, etc., in fact, these places are supernatural powers. The weak areas of operation are the same as fighting spirits, but these weak areas of divine power operation will not appear together in these places at all, and will appear in these places uninterrupted, so in Nomsey, Cook is simply a representative of shameless humans.

"Despicable, shameless, nasty, you rascal!" The goddess of the dark night felt a painful sensation from the sensitive parts of the body, the goddess of the dark night was aggrieved and was about to cry, there is no way, the mental power control is like this, you can feel it clearly To every touch.

"Rogue!" The chest was caught again, and the goddess of the dark night couldn't stand it anymore. She mustered the last trace of power to make the last fight.

"Huh! I want to do my best!" Cook's magic eyes saw the light on the body of the goddess of the night flow to a place, and immediately pounced on it in surprise, and then hit the place where the light gathered.

"Here, I will come back." The last trace of divine power was finally dissipated by Cook. The goddess of dark night did not have divine power to protect the body, and that trace of spiritual power was directly repelled from this plane by the law of heaven and earth, and the goddess of dark night hated her teeth. .

"Finally..." Cook saw that the light on the opposite side disappeared, his mind relaxed, and he fainted immediately.

"Ah!!!" and the woman in the golden robe just woke up, no way, when the goddess of the night controlled her, her soul was sealed in her body, but she just woke up and saw a man naked Falling down towards him, and he was naked, the woman in the golden robe was left with exclamation.

"Stop screaming!" Manly hugged Cook directly. Manly looked at Cook now and was speechless. The huge bunny ears and teeth were also exposed. The whole bunny was even more bunny than bunny. .

"Manli, it's you!" The woman in the golden robe was slumped to the ground. There was no way. After being hit hard by Cook, she had no divine body protection. The woman's physical strength and energy were exhausted, and she couldn't even lift her fingers. .

"Haha, Your Royal Highness, it's me!" Manli looked at the woman in front of her with a sinister smile on her lips.

"You blasphemer, you will go to hell, and the goddess of the night will punish you." The saint screamed, and didn't care about being naked.

"His Royal Highness, I remember that it seems that a saint can’t make intimacy with a man, but just now you, I think if this matter is known by your pope’s father, will he also give you a blasphemy? What about the crime of the god?" Manli wrapped Cook in a robe, and then looked at the saint with a smile, revealing an unknown light in her eyes.

"Don't be delusional, I won't agree if I die." The saint said decisively.

"Haha~www.wuxiaspot.com~ die? That's impossible!" Manli took out a magic scroll and tore it open.

"Seal Scroll, Manli, you mean... bang!" The saint exclaimed, but before she finished her words, she was stunned by Manli.

"Commander Nomsey, I'm sorry to trouble you. Kaluri chooses the remaining people and it will be yours. I think there is a big road from Blackstone Town to the Dwarf Kingdom, so that it will be convenient for the transportation of liquor in the future!" Gru took the saint with him, and he held Cooke, and talked to the head of Nomsey.

"Ms. Manli, you are very right, but our Rock Lizard Knights are stationed here, you see, we have nothing to do anyway, can we help you with some work?" Nomsey asked, rubbing his hands.

"Hehe, Lord Baron has already explained that, in order to thank the warriors of the Rock Lizard Knights, I decided to subsidize you three catties of liquor every day to defend against the colder and colder weather." Manli replied with a smile.

"Well, Cook is worthy of being our dwarf's friend." Nomsey was excited when he heard that there was wine to drink. Wine is more important to the dwarves. In the dwarf kingdom, the Presbyterian takes care of everything. The dwarves cannot drink, because the dwarves believe that drinking is a right granted by the **** of blacksmithing.

"What's the matter?" Just when Manli wanted to take Cook away, Lina and Ernie appeared out of nowhere, and the two looked solemnly.

"Divine power, what happened?" Lina asked with a change of face.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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