A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 772: Strong

"Yes, it's Boss Bai and the others." The boss of the small settlement replied.

"But will they be dispatched?" someone asked worriedly.

"Hey, why not, Baisha Town is crowded and strong, but don't forget, Dadong Power Plant has a steady stream of electricity, which is a good thing." Someone said with a smile.

"With electricity, nothing, and how many good things the Tang Fugui brothers bought at the dock last time, dear, the containers are as many as tens of thousands of boxes, we only got so many, and I heard that every ordinary person is inside each I eat meat once a week, and I have enough black steamed buns. It is said that there is seafood soup. Tsk tsk. I have eaten seafood in the first two years of the 30 years. Now I dare not go to the beach." Someone started complaining.

However, someone asked worriedly: "I heard that Tang Fugui is doing business with another powerful force. Those women, children and elderly people have all been bought."

"Business, do you follow?" Someone immediately said with disdain.

More than a dozen small bosses expressed their opinions, and their opinions were not unified. Each had its own worries, each had its own interests, and each had its own ideas.

At the beginning, I mentioned that the boss of Baisha Town saw this, and said with a sneer: "A group of idiots, if you are like you, all of your settlements will be scattered in the future. If this is the case, I will go to Boss Bai. Don't regret it if you don't go."

"That's right, you worry, that worry, but did Tang Fugui give you face? Huh? You don't even see you, do you think everyone in your settlement ran to Tang Fugui, and then you are like a dog Go to recognize the new master?" Hearing this, someone immediately agreed.

"Just go to Boss Bai. Since Tang Fugui won't give us a way to survive, then don't blame us. Let's say yes. We don't ask too much. We just keep our current site and return our people to us." The boss of some settlements heard this and gritted his teeth and said that the bosses of these small settlements really couldn't help it, because Tang Fugui absorbed the population, leaving the small settlements with no way to survive.

Baisha Town is not very well-known. Baisha Town is about 100 kilometers away from Dadong. It is actually on the outskirts of Dadong. It is a north-south transportation hub and is also a major military town. There are several military bases. Base for conventional weapons.

However, the bases of these super-conventional weapons have strict security procedures. When the troubled times come, they are completely locked. In addition, the soldiers in the bases were transferred out of the troubled times and carried various weapons. Equipment, went to Dadong to perform the mission, but did not come back this time.

The boss of Baisha Town, also surnamed Bai, was a native of Baisha Town. He was originally a vegetable farmer and sent vegetables he grew to the barracks every day. When the vegetables were delivered for the last time, troubled times came, and the boss was kicked out. The boss still wanted to get money based on reason, but he was beaten and threw it out. Then, Boss Bai had experienced a nightmare. He suffered from a wound infection, fell asleep for several days, and almost died. The boss actually became the first group of superpowers, and was a metal superpower. The white boss uses super powers, and his skin is like a metal film. At the beginning, the melee weapons did not work at all. Now the white boss has reached ten Level, once you use superpowers, you will have metal-like fine scales all over your body. Electromagnetic guns can't break your skin. Of course, the power and speed will increase with it. Boss Bai can blow up a maglev car with one punch. Of course it is for civilian use. .

After becoming a superpower, Boss White sneaked directly into the barracks and found that there were only soldiers on duty in the barracks. So Boss White killed these soldiers and occupied the barracks. Then he collected a group of locals and started to build. Settlements.

Another thing to say is that Boss Bai was very scared at the beginning of the army. Female civilians in the army were directly imprisoned by Boss Bai. At the beginning, as long as they joined the survivors of the settlement, they would be forced to engage with these women. Relationship, at that time Boss Bai was afraid of revenge.

But this tradition has always been preserved in the settlement of Baisha Town, but until now, this tradition has no effect at all, because as long as the world has enough food, what kind of woman can't get it.

So Boss Bai played a new trick, that is, he was looking for women with superpowers. These women were all women in other settlements when they were destroying other settlements.

Boss Bai has more than a thousand electromagnetic guns in his hands. There is also a backup power supply that can continuously charge the electromagnetic guns. There are also a dozen retired magnetic levitation tanks. Although they are retired, they can still be used. A new type of magnetic levitation tank was broken, and it was put in the barracks for repairs, and the boss asked someone to tinker with it.

No one knew the name of Boss Bai, because those who dared to call Boss Bai directly were killed by Boss with a tank.

"Uncle Bai." The boss of a dozen small settlements came to Baisha Town, and he easily met him, who liked to be called Uncle White by others.

"Boss, come to me in person, is there anything important?" Boss Bai asked with a smile, sitting on the head.

Boss Bai is about two meters and five meters tall, he is very burly, and he looks arrogant, there is no way, in this chaotic world, strength is everything.

"Uncle Bai, we are here to ask you for help, we can't live anymore," said a boss in a small settlement.

"Hehe, if you have anything to say, just say it straight. What I value is profit. If you want me to take action, you have to come up with enough profit." Uncle Bai laughed and talked directly about the benefit.

"Uncle Bai, we don't want anything, we..." said one of the bosses in the small settlement.

"Go away, want me to do my best, do you still want something?" Boss Bai interrupted in a direct rebuke.

With such an attitude, the bosses of these dozens of small settlements don’t know how to continue speaking. Boss Bai said with a sneer: “Isn’t it just the Tang Fugui gang from the Dadong Power Plant? One hundred superpowers, come down with me, and then I will return the population of your settlements to you."

"Uncle Bai, we..." The bosses of the small settlement were very dissatisfied. This boss was an order.

"This is an order, not a discussion. If any of you are disobedient, my boss is not a good talker. It just happens that in winter I have nothing to do and go out and wander around." When it's something, he scolded directly.

The faces of the bosses from more than a dozen settlements were wonderful, and they came here with a very good wish, but only when they came here did they find that this place is paradise, and they are simply regarded as subordinates.

"Why, don't you agree?" Boss Bai asked overtly.

"We agree." What can the bosses of a dozen small settlements do? Of course, they agreed. Listening to the tone of Boss Bai, you know that if you agree, hehe, now it's on someone else's land.

"Haha, that's right." Boss Bai said with a big laugh when he saw the dozens of people agree.

"Come on, serve wine, and serve food. A few days ago, I personally went to the sea and got some big squids." As a tenth-level expert, Bai Boss can go to the beach for a walk, mainly because it is winter and the whole coast Part of the area is frozen and the ice layer is very thick.

Some people say why it freezes in some places in such a cold winter, mainly because the mutant creatures that make fires in the ocean are very huge, and the ice is also broken by impact. Only the places where the shallow sea creatures on the coast can't reach, can it freeze. ice.

Large chunks of squid meat are roasted directly, and then sprinkled with some peppers, and then there is a high degree of white wine. These things are very precious on the outside.

"Master Bai, let's get it with you in the future. You only have a life this day, surrounded by beautiful women, seafood, and wine. I haven't eaten seafood for nearly 20 years." A boss in a small settlement , The two exposed beauties next to them, these beauties are different from what the boss of this small settlement usually sees. These women are clean and clean, and there is a fragrance on their bodies, so that these bosses in the settlement can bear Can't help but up and down.

"Haha, let’s say, everyone wants to eat well and drink well in the future, even if you come to me, I have enough seafood here. As for women, the women around you will give it to you." Boss Bai was contemptuous of these women. They are all played by themselves and don’t want to play. Boss Bai plays with women, he likes young people, and he likes to be with him. Boss Bai likes to hear women's calls. For trivial things that have been played, Boss Bai will be rewarded to his subordinates. Or be raised to make money~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Thank you, Boss Bai. "The boss of the small settlement below is a bit disgusting. You must know how the boss of any small gathering place on the scene, how can a woman want to play other people's games, are basically single-handed. What is the situation in the settlement of the white boss? Have heard of some.

When Boss Bai was making loud noises with these people, the guards of the doorman quietly changed shifts, but after one of the team leaders returned home, he looked at his woman and felt angry.

Yes, Boss Bai rewards women to his cronies. These cronies are tired of playing, and then give them to the people below. So at the level of team leader, they are basically played by the high-level, and the high-levels are still playing with each other. .

That’s all, but when the team leader meets a high-level guy who doesn’t like him, these high-level guys will tsk and say: "Oh, XX, your woman is really good, how was it when I was playing, how was you? The kid is lucky."

The man could not bear this kind of irony, but the high-level people still roared with laughter. What is even more unbearable is that it is very unsafe for these women to walk outside. When the high-level sees these women, they sometimes rob Go back and play around. Some of them don't just play by themselves, but also let the relatives around them have fun.

This squad leader's woman looks very good, and she was robbed twice like this. The team leader's face was pale on both occasions, and the woman was seriously injured and almost died.

In the high-level view, these women are just playthings, but in the eyes of the team leaders, they are their own women and family members.

"Don't you want to go out and see your home, let's go, I'm free today." After the team leader got home, the woman gently fetched water and washed her hands and face, and then brought the prepared food, and let the man eat first. The captain finished the food in two bites, then watched the woman finish, and then spoke.

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