A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 799: Space items in hand

The eyes of Rosha and others made Cook a little unacceptable. Cook himself didn’t want to strike so hard, but I don’t know what happened. Cook’s full release of power this time draws the halo, weak halo, and stagnation halo. A negative aura. After all, there are so many demons here. If these demons get space items, it’s not good. So Cook interrupted and intercepted the demons, but they knew that the entire fortress would be released from the aura.

Warsong auras are not based on quantity, but by area, just as the area released by a group aura is as large, and a single aura is released individually.

The aura that Cook released this time is indeed only in a certain area, but Cook overlooked one point. The fortress of the monster plane can be said to belong to the form of life. Those who have released the aura of the war song will know that to release the war song aura and Give an elephant man, Bimon releases the war hymn halo. Although the bunny man is only one-third of the elephant man’s volume and even one-seventh of Bimon’s volume, after the war hymn is released, the bunny man may only have a diameter of one meter, but Released on Beamon, it is a few meters in diameter.

So Cook himself was released to these monsters, and the result was released to this huge fortress. So how long the fortress is, then how long the dozen halo envelopes are. The monsters in the fortress and the monsters near the fortress are also Unfortunately, it was shrouded at the same time.

And what makes Cook feel incredible is that this fortress was taken down by these dozen warsong auras in an instant, yes. It collapsed into countless pieces in an instant.

This collapse made the surrounding monsters unlucky. You must know that the power draws the aura. The weak aura itself targets so many monsters. The time that Cook can block is limited, maybe ten seconds, but the fortress collapses, and the entire fortress contains power. After being absorbed by Cooke, this power then turned into the power of the negative aura, so these demons were drawn out of power instantly. Of course, Cooke's body was almost burst, so that Cooke's head was dizzy. However, Feng Mozhu immediately attracted a huge suction force, and absorbed the excess force.

Cook pondered for a while, and quickly understood that if a complete living body had a fortress as long as it was, Cook would certainly not be able to absorb it, but this fortress is nothing more than a mutated thing made by monsters, and its structure is not perfect. , Under the destruction of external forces, it collapsed directly. Because it broke this fortress's originally unbalanced body.

In fact, if the demon fortress hadn't been supplying other creatures and blood in large quantities, the warsong aura would have collapsed long ago. Warsong aura is more about destroying the internal structure of creatures, not as direct as energy attacks.

The feelings of Rosha and others can be imagined. The fortress on this side of the monster has hindered the dark plane for many years. After every storm erupts, the monster will madly attack the fortress controlled by the dark plane, and wait until the storm plain recovers. After being normal, the demon's offensive will stop, and countless years of hindrance will be wiped out because of the heavy hand of this human being?

Shocked, shocked, and the mood is beyond words anyway. Rosha has been stationed here for many years. The strength of the natural way of the demon looks like a piece of dead demon, and the heart is extremely complicated.

"Call the whole army, assault!" Rosha straightened the uniform on her body, drew out her command knife, and then gave the order loudly.

"Shoo." Rosha's subordinates released magical fireworks. The rays of magical fireworks formed beautiful fireworks thousands of meters away.

It only took an hour to come the fastest. When these soldiers who were on the dark plane of the Storm Plains watched the scene in front of them, they were shocked.

"Report to the general..." The leading soldier quickly reported to Rosha.

"Assault, assault." Rosha had only two words now, and repeated it to these soldiers.

"Yes, general." The leader was a legion commander, and he was very excited, with excitement on his face.

"Listen to my orders, assault, assault!" The legion commander took the lead, roared loudly, and rushed to the ruins, and then over the ruins, there were some monsters far away, but these monsters did not have the slightest fighting power. The shocking dark elf soldiers dispersed in a rush.

"Shoo." A series of arrows are like ghosts in the dark, directly hitting the most deadly parts of the monsters. Compared with humans, the dark elves have been against the monsters for countless years, and they know the weaknesses of the monsters. Yes, every blow is fatal.

Even groups of blood demons fled in terror after seeing the dark elves. You must know that these blood demons dared to rush up when they saw the dragon.

When the dark elf warrior waved his hand, it was a pitch-black mist that enveloped the gorefiend directly. As long as the gorefiend encounters these pitch-black mist, he will fester and die like poison, leaving only a pool of black water. Of course, in this gloomy environment, to see the black mist, you need not weak insight.

A batch of warriors, dark demons, black dwarves, trolls, and ogres are all fortress garrisons, and ogres are even more powerful. After seeing the corpses of all the demons on the ground, these ogres and trolls actually Cheers and then picked up the weapon and began to cut the head of the demon. The tradition of ogres and trolls eating their heads is found in the Nether. Cook originally thought that ogres liked to eat the heads of creatures. In the end, Bagru and Ku Ke only later learned that this is basically the ogres and trolls thinking that they can eat their brains. Every ogre, troll warrior is covered with a monster's head, and then screamed and rushed out.

The army of the fortress has lasted four days, and there are more than 20 million dark elves, dark demons, black dwarves, trolls, ogres, and dwarf warriors. These warriors looked at the collapsed monster fortress, Rosha After standing here for four days, Rosha loudly ordered an assault, assault every time.

Countless years of depression, countless years of anticipation, are in the fortress. They are all criminals of various empires and countries. The fortresses are the descendants of these criminals. When these people come, they will say that they can go back after defeating the demons. But for generations, defeating the demons seems to be an extremely high hope, but Today, I suddenly saw an opportunity.

Tens of millions of warriors swarmed towards the demon, and even Rosha personally took the troops away. Of course, the fortress was so dynamic that it was impossible not to disturb the merchants behind the fortress.

When these businessmen saw countless corpses of demons, they cheered. The dark side has a long research on the face of demons. The flesh of some demons is particularly delicious. From the eyes of people on the dark plane, the demons are just a kind of irrational beasts. Moreover, both the demons and the races of the dark planes Unlike, the skin of the monster, the scales of the monster, and the blood of the monster are all materials.

"Speaker Cook, this..." The person in charge of the logistics department of the fortress looked at Cook when he saw the merchant's request to buy the bodies of these monsters. After all, these were killed by Cook.

"Sanqi, the great elven empire has just begun to be established, so I will give it to you. I don't lack this thing anyway, but I have to give it to me the space item." Cook took these things and said it was useless.

"Thank you Speaker Cook." The person in charge of the logistics department was very excited to know that the Great Elf Empire actually used money everywhere. After all, the Great Elf Empire had always relied on supplies from the Dark Plane before. Although it was said that there was no adequate supply, Finally, people are not starving. Now it is very difficult to rely on the Great Elf Empire itself. Originally, I still counted on space items, but the City of the Sky suddenly destroyed the 20,000-year collection of Chengdu. The person in charge of the logistics department was worried and worried. , But I didn’t expect that it didn’t take long before I saw this shocking scene. I roughly estimated that the number of demons who died was over hundreds of millions when Cook shot, and these demons had no wounds on their bodies. There was no sign of wounded corpses. What it means is that the value is not compromised, perfection, blood is taken if you want blood, skin is skinned if you want, there is where you want it, unlike a monster that is killed, either less here or less there, being eaten by people What the demon and troll kill is even more valuable.

The surrounding businessmen secretly recorded this information, of course, more businessmen are jealous ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ such a large fortune, if you don't want it, you are worthy of a legend.

"Chairman Cook, we have collected the space items, but we are still searching for it a second time." The person in charge of logistics also brought what Cooke needed.

"There are a total of 1,293 pieces." Several large boxes were lifted up, and inside were the kind of items that contained strange spatial energy.

These items looked like various fragments, some of them looked like stones. This news was also written down by deliberate merchants. Some clever people immediately thought of what the Great Elf Empire had exchanged for the Sky City with Cook.

Back to the fortress, the Mageweavers are gradually constructing the city of the sky. Now the impact of the space storm has gradually diminished, and the space door has continued to be opened for use. Cook is in the laboratory in the residence, carefully looking through the space items Take a look, there are no valuable clues, and then these space objects are stored in this basement by Cook.

Then Cook returned to the God Realm, and a director of the Mageweave Association came to the dark plane to be responsible for the construction of the Sky City here, of course, only playing a coordinating role.

After a delay of nearly 20 days, Cook returned to the Council of the Gods and was immediately surrounded by the members.

"Speaker Cook, how to arrange the examination for this staff?" Members came to ask for instructions one by one. You must know that these members have been quarreled by people who inquired about the news for a while. Even if they are members, some people still have to give face and smile. Greet.

ps; Yesterday the old driver drove, did you catch the car, but I watched it in the afternoon and it didn’t exist, but it was only a short while. When I watched it, 47,000, there were too many old UC drivers and the car overturned. Yes, but I suddenly found that it looked a bit like a man, and it was swollen like two eggs. What do the old drivers who have seen it think?

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