A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 809: Great World Information

"I said, who sent you such a white... guy here, except for me, the demon race, the demon race, the others are scum, what cause and effect, retribution, karma, those bull noses, bald donkeys, I dare not kill too many people in the small world, because although the small world and the outside world are connected, they have to endure the catastrophe if they want to go up. What kind of shit, it just carries the power of the small world, the big world Rejection, our monster race is different. What we tempered is not afraid of thunder." The little demon said.

"Then this is the demon pill?" Cook continued to ask. For this kind of spit-tackling guy, Cook likes the most.

"Of course not. I want to condense the demon pill. I will come here. This is my soul condensed together. This is also because my soul comes from the big world and is stronger than the guys in this small world, so I can easily The condensation..." the bead said.

"Hehe, I'm not interested in the way you condense. In that case, your demons pretend to be ancient gods and just want to build a territory here?" Cook asked.

"Yes, the king wants us to develop the small world, but we..." This monster clan said nothing.

Cook laughed: "You came to the small world and became the king. It feels pretty good, but I didn't want to mess up what the real king had confessed, and most of the monster races died here?"

"How do you know..." The Yaozu was shocked.

In fact, Cook can also think of using his ass. A group of monsters who can’t control themselves are sent to the small world to complete tasks. This Nima is simply a funny plan, whether it’s not a monster or a human, sent here, if No one supervises it. It also waited for the Tu Emperor to dominate the blessing, but he did not expect to be killed by the natives.

"It seems that your lord has abandoned you too, otherwise he would not not send someone here." Cook said with a smile.

The demon clan has not spoken anymore. Cook’s statement is correct, because there are many small worlds in the big world, and the demon clan has no effective means of communicating with the small world. It is tantamount to a wide variety of crops. As for worms, sickness, let him go. If you can collect it, you can confiscate it and bring it down.

"Is the Taoist ancestor of the Three Qings?" Cook asked.

"The ancestor of the Sanqing Dynasty, that has been dead for many years. Now he is the true monarch of morality, the true monarch of Wende, and the true monarch of Wude ruling Taoism. However, the true monarch of Wende is estimated to be over soon. The bald donkey has split. No female sex, the bald donkeys nowadays are even worse than our demons. They eat, drink, prostitute, gamble and deceive, and they have everything available. Many female demons of our demons love bald donkeys." The demons answered. Tao.

Cook was speechless, so he had to say: "The world is still developing. If the bald donkeys get married, there are little bald donkeys?"

"This is also true. After the bald donkey went bad, there are not many outsiders who become bald donkeys. They are basically their own people and passed on from generation to generation. Regardless of the appearance, they are actually the illegitimate children of the big bald donkey. But no matter what, as long as you see bald donkeys, be sure to peel off the skin, cramp, and eat meat, these bald donkeys have harmed our banshees before, and they are full of mouthfuls of demons and demons. Have you ever seen banshees for hundreds of years? ......Hey." This monster clan seemed to complain a lot against Buddhism.

"Where is the fairy?" Cook asked.

"Those things are melon skins, and they have always been hostile to demons. They don’t fight thirty or fifty times a year without stopping. However, the fighting power of the fairy is very powerful. There are a lot of Da Luo Jinxian on the side of the fairy. If the magic door is not weird, It’s been annihilated countless times by immortals, but immortals don’t usually come to our monster clan. The big monsters in our monster clan have good relations with immortals, demons, Dao, and trade. Only those bald donkeys. We Monster Race sees once and fights once." The Monster Race said.

"So what are the other miscellaneous forces?" Cook asked.

"That's too much. There are no scattered people who are backers, there are some casual cultivators, as well as traitors of our major races, and some who want to do bad things. Anyway, there is a word in that place, chaos, and all forces. In my opinion, the major powers control various places over there, but the biggest are several chambers of commerce, which seem to be ruled by chambers of commerce, but everyone knows the power behind these chambers." The little demon said.

Cook directly closed the crystal bottle, and then sorted out the harvested materials in his mind. It seemed that the upper realm that the angels said was the big world.

"Forgot to ask, what's the matter with this Chinese?" Cook opened the crystal bottle again and asked.

"It's not the stuff of Taoism. If you don’t have anything to do, you can send people to other people’s sites if you don’t have anything to do. You can open a gymnasium or something to treat diseases, save people, teach people to heal patients for free, and provide relief to those who haven’t. The guy who eats and drinks, originally we thought these bull noses were good people, but the Taoist language became the universal language of the big world, villain." The little demon was very angry.

Cook was speechless. This Taoism has such great power. Cook continued to ask: "Then there is no faction in this Taoism?"

"Don't say it, this door will have everything. It will cure diseases and save people, poison people, build weapons, plant herbs, teach people to read and read, dig mines, build houses, and even raise demons. ......" The little demon sighed.

"Don't, don't close it, it seems that you are also from the big world, let's come together. You won't..." Seeing that Cook was about to close the bottle, the little demon screamed.

"I don't care about you, you read God to me." Cook said.

"Dreaming, you are a terrapin, I will read God to you, who knows if your terrapin is holding something bad, what are some things..." Cook closed the bottle, and then Cook remembered that he had not asked this. What race is Yaozu.

Then Cook sorted it out and found that the so-called big world and small world are different worlds. As for the cave and sky, Cook estimated that it is something like space nodes.

Cook also believes in demons and immortals. Of course, if you change the indigenous people, you may not believe it, but Cook is not.

So the question is, now if you are promoted to the upper realm, will it really appear in the Yaozu, there is no other way, this point Cook is very entangled.

So the little demon was released by Cook again. As for the truth of what the little demon said, Cook was not busy to make sure.

"Then have you heard of wizards?" Cook continued to ask.

"Witch, are those guys still there?" the little demon asked in astonishment.

"You know the wizard?" Cook asked.

"Why don't you know, the big world used to be the strongest witch, and finally it was united by gods, immortals, demons, and demons. It is not necessary to do it. Now it can only linger in the remote places of the poor mountains." The little demon said angry. .

Cook immediately asked: "It's not that gods and immortals pay attention to cause and effect, retribution and the like, dare to slaughter?"

"The retribution, cause and effect I said is in the small world, in the big world, these gods and immortals are **** things, they are dog-faced, and they turn their faces when they say they turn their faces. They are so shameless. I am an incarnation of justice... …" This little demon may have been locked up for a long time, so he talks a lot.

Cook, who talks a lot, doesn't mind, Cook listened with a smile, and then the little demon finally reacted and asked, "Where did you see the witch?"

"It's not a witch, it's a wizard, thousands of meters tall..." Cook recounted in detail.

"Oh, you are talking about the descendants of witches. The real witches should be about the size of humans, but they have the ability to destroy the world. When the witches cast the spell, their height reaches the sky. The descendants of the witches you are talking about cannot control their height. , The bloodline is scarce." The little demon knew a lot.

"It seems that you know a lot. You should have a higher status in the Yaozu, right?" Cook asked.

"I have studied in the gym for ten years," the little demon replied triumphantly.

Cook thought for a while and asked: "Is it necessarily the place under the jurisdiction of the Yaozu to go out here?"

"Haha, haha, just like you, you want to go to the land of gods, immortals, and bald donkeys. You can tell you are a barbarian by looking at you. I tell you, the barbarians are on the side of gods, immortals, and bald donkeys. He’s a low-level person, and he was raised as an animal on the side of the demon, but if you take me to the big world with me, how about I guarantee your freedom in the demon clan?” Although the little demon denies his identity, it’s this kind of IQ was exposed in the following words ~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

"My look, isn't it like me in other places?" Cook asked.

"Of course not, gods, immortals, the most are the guys with black hair, dark eyes, and yellow skin. These guys have a high status. As for your white skin, green hair, and silver eyeballs, the bald donkey will say you at first sight. It's an evildoer, and then cast down the demons and destroy them, and burn them to death. In fact, the bald donkey doesn't look at his origin. The bald donkey is said to have a barbarian blood." The little demon said.

Cook didn't expect such a thing to happen. Cook shook his head and said, "What's wrong with barbarians?"

"What's wrong with barbarians, we Monster Race don't know, but based on your appearance, you will definitely encounter trouble in the land of gods and immortals. Even if you have an excellent talent, you are a second-class person. Existence, you'd better go to the sloppy site. There is justification for a big fist. Many guys who are wanted by various forces live very well there." The little demon continued.

"Hey, didn't you say that these chambers of commerce are backed by big forces?" Cook quickly asked.

The little demon sighed: "Hey, your mind, that is after all a separate place, why did I say that the forces behind the Chamber of Commerce, how could the major forces blatantly go to that place to look for things, even if they went there and were slaughtered? What's wrong, you can only admit that you are unlucky. If anyone in that place dares to do things blatantly, the other forces will definitely not give up, and may cause a huge conflict."

Cook was speechless, this Nima was despised by a monster, and the little monster was even more proud to see Cook not speaking; "It seems that those bull noses are right. This barbarian has a bad mind..."

PS: It’s safest to update at noon. I have insomnia at night and sleepy during the day. I don’t know what’s going on.

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