A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 812: Lost the bet

Cook still believed in Loyard's prediction. Although Cook was very curious about a string of beads, he had no choice but to find the Angel Council.

"Haha, haha. It's great." After taking the essence of life, Royard was alive and kicking in two minutes. Of course, Jim did not show up, but a member of the brave knights, who was originally the guard on Royard's side. Of course it is also Jim's subordinate.

After Luo Yad was well, he immediately went to the Council of the Gods to receive the application form. Apply to join the Council of the Gods and state that you are an inspector of the tax inspection department.

Loyad’s application made many congressmen jump their eyes. One of Nima’s prophets came to be an inspector and made people live, but no one dared to speak out against them. Once they object, these congressmen can imagine other people’s ideas, you Ah disagree, is it tax evasion?

And Cook had a close conversation with the Speaker of the Angel Council from the Angel Council.

"Speaker, your price is too harsh, the Sky City is so easy to build, but if you find the beads, I can return the Crown of Light to you." Cook said.

"No, no, Speaker Cook, I don't want to get infected with the light crown thing, everyone is jealous of that thing." The speaker of the Angel Council shook his head with a smile.

"The artifact, I give it to the artifact, the high-grade artifact, it can be regarded as a private transaction between me and your Excellency." When Cook heard this, he immediately understood.

The angel speaker asked with a smile, "Is it a set?"

"Why... a middle-grade artifact, plus a top-grade weapon, this is my final bottom line." Cook took a deep breath and said.

"Yeah, it's a deal." The speaker of the Angel Council saw that Cook didn't look like a joke, and nodded reluctantly. Of course, this guy was already happy and broke. The things of the upper realm were a pile of rubbish, except Besides being hard, there is nothing to do. Could it be used to smash people, and if it weren't for Cook, he would not have discovered it.

"Hey, Speaker Cook, add another piece of armor with a high-grade artifact. I will show you in the warehouse. If there are things from the upper bound, I won’t charge you. If I give it to you, how about ?" The speaker of the Angel Council asked with a smile, thinking that there was still a pile of garbage in the warehouse.

When Cook heard this, his heart was very entangled. This Nima gambled or not. If there is no gain, then he will lose a lot. If there is a gain...

"Okay." Cook finally gritted his teeth. For Cook, the things in the small world are rags after all, and the things in the big world are good things. Now it is garbage, but even though it is garbage, people are still here. Useful.

Shabby and empty, this is the warehouse of the Angel Council. In fact, this warehouse is very crude. This is because the Angel Council rushed to transport most of the inventory of the entire angel family here. It was just one of the temporary storage places. The entire warehouse was built. On a piece of mountain, how big this piece of mountain was, about thirty kilometers in diameter, was flattened by the angels forcibly.

Then there are some buildings. Now there are almost no guards around the warehouse, because the warehouse itself is temporary and still in an uninhabited place. As for it’s safe and unsafe here, hehe, the angel family not only can fly, but also fly very fast. Almost all counts as the air force. How many robbers do you have, maybe thousands of them, even if they can all fly, the flying talent of angels is fast?

Can be as famous as the angel family. There is only the Wing Man clan, but the Wing Man clan does not have such a thing as a reincarnation pool. As for how the Wing Man has fallen, many people can't tell, but a large part of them believes that this is inseparable from the Angels.

Although the storeroom is shabby, it is also a place where the angels put things. The structure is definitely nothing to say. As for the appearance, it is as rough as a dwarf.

The other meaning of roughness is that it cannot be seen. Of course, some people like this kind of thing. The warehouse is tens of meters high. There is no way. The angels can fly, so no matter how high the warehouse is stacked.

As for the detailed structure, it is a huge warehouse with columns in the middle, and it is not small. The point is that the pile of garbage that Cook saw occupies a corner of the warehouse, and there are shelves in other places, but here, They are stacked together randomly.

Tattered animal skins, tattered equipment, and some things that seem to be broken at the first touch.

"Speaker Cook, this is an unidentified item." Speaker Angel said to Cook with a smile. The warehouse is actually abandoned, and of course the contents are thrown away like garbage. As for the string of beads, it is still the speaker of angels. I found it personally. Of course, this string of beads was found in this pile of rubbish. As for trading things, cough cough, other angels definitely don't know, after all, the things here are lost.

Royard followed Cook to the warehouse. Cook nodded to Royard, and Royard began to predict, but Royard shook his head.

Cook must be a little disappointed when he sees Royard shaking his head, but Cook also knows that things in the big world can be found so easily there.

Seeing Cook left without taking anything, the angel speaker laughed: "Comfortable."

Cook heard the voice of the angel speaker from a distance, and his heart was extremely depressed. When Cook returned to the laboratory, he saw that Barry had finished.

The original black metal projectile is now silver. The silver projectile has a character on it, but it is not a Chinese character, but like a hieroglyph. Although a few simple strokes, it gives Cook a majestic aura.

"The person who writes this word is not easy." Cook defined it after looking carefully for a while.

"Burn this one too." Cook took out a string of beads, which should be exactly like a bracelet, but there are only five beads on this bracelet, which are also black, but depending on the material, it is either wood or bone. As for the specifics, Cook is not clear.

"Why don't you let the monster take a look at it first, in case it breaks?" Barry didn't want to burn it, but because it took a lot of effort for Barry to burn this silver projectile just now, so Barry has to rest.

So the bottle was opened again, and Cook took a string of beads and asked, "What is this?"

"Why do you have this thing? This is the gadget of our monster race. These five beads are five jewels, which are used to store things. The five jewels are used to store weapons, food, equipment, and pets. , And treasure." The little demon replied.

"Why is it divided into five, isn't it good to be together?" Cook asked.

"Hey, our demon clan’s divine mind is not very powerful, so when we take things, we open our brains, so we have to store them separately. In addition, the kind of huge space containing beads is already considered a treasure. It's a magic weapon. In addition, the rope that wears the pearls can converge our own breath, allowing us monsters to walk on other forces without being watched by those humans." The little monster sighed, of course, I think I will scold Cook for idiots, fools and the like. if.

When Cook heard this, he nodded, then took out the silver bead and asked: "I have dripped blood from this bead, now like this..."

"Sword fetus, this is an immortal thing, and it seems that this sword fetus is not of low grade. Tsk tsk, your luck is good, you have this sword fetus as a magic weapon..." The little demon hasn't waited for Cook to finish. , Screamed immediately, but then seemed to realize that he had said something that he shouldn't say.

"Say." After Cook heard the magic weapon of his life, he immediately understood that this servant really had something to say.

The little demon saw that Cook did not directly summon the real fire of the Samadhi, but when he heard Cook’s tone of voice, he immediately replied: "The use of blood is a magic weapon to unlock other people, but after the blood is cultivated, this magic weapon It becomes a natal magic weapon. The natal magic weapon is really easy to use and does not require any training, but the natal magic weapon depends on the grade. A natal magic weapon with a high enough grade will grow very powerful in the future. However, once the quality of the magic weapon is not good, the natal magic weapon will again It can’t be changed, and there will be no magic weapon to take advantage of it in the future, and once the magic weapon is wounded, the body will also be damaged. If you want to change the magic weapon, your strength will be reduced by at least half, and it is the kind that is difficult to recover, unless There are top treasures, Lingbao..."

"Insidious, despicable, Master, let me show this guy a little nice~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Barry heard this. He immediately spoke.

Cook took a look at Barry, then closed the lid of the bottle, and then left. Once Barry, this little thing actively flattered, and actively wanted to do something, that would be regarded as abnormal behavior. Cook didn’t care about it at all. It won’t take long to come up and explain why.

When Barry saw Cook sitting directly on the side, and then thought, Barry was very disdainful.

Cook looked at the sword fetus and the sword fetus. Cook had heard of it. Isn’t it a fairy sword? Cook didn’t ask how the little demon uses it, but it is predictable that the little demon said the blood is On the one hand, divine mind is the other. On the other hand, it's like a person wants to control an object, and he must control it with his hands. Even if it is controlled by his head, he must also put the controller on his head.

"No one will be born, so I'll think about it." Cook began to experiment with confidence. Of course, Cook didn't dare to easily let this sword fetus become a magic weapon of his life. This thing is too risky.

The first is mental power. Cook puts on the mental power protection necklace, and then the spiritual power penetrates.

"Puff!" As soon as Cook's mental power penetrated, he saw a huge sword slashing down at him. How big is the sword, at least several thousand meters high, the entire field of vision was occupied, and then Cook's mental power He was directly ejected from the sword fetus, and a mouthful of blood was spurted out suddenly. As for the soul crystals on the spiritual protection necklace, they turned into ashes in an instant.

"Awesome." Cook spit out a mouthful of blood, but people were relieved. The mental protection necklace protected most of the damage, and there was only a little bit left. Cook just spit out blood, the soul was not hurt at all, at most After a shock, Cook not only was not depressed, but was very happy. What does this prove? It proves that this sword fetus is not a common product.

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