A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 820: Cook's merits

"Some low-level beasts cultivated by the magic gate, it is estimated that the cub of the magic gate came to the small world and left things behind. These things are impossible, because they are cultivated, just like the animals of the magic gate, and There are restrictions. Once this kind of artificially cultivated creature grows to a certain peak, no one will destroy it. Thunder Tribulation will also be destroyed." The little demon shook his head and said.

"What about the Aion?" Cook asked again.

"Haha. That thing, that is a broken magic weapon of our monster race, it was taken by you natives and thought it was a good thing." The little demon said with a laugh.

Cook has a general idea of ​​many things in his heart. This small world was originally ruled by the elves, but the monsters sent people to fight the front stands, preparing to establish power and let more monsters come in for training. The clan must have no strength. After all, the demon clan has no way to freely travel between large and small worlds. It can only rely on luck. So the demon of the demon clan came here and began to enjoy, massacre, and overthrew the establishment of the elves. empire.

However, after all, the monsters cannot absorb energy here, and no other monsters continue to come over time, so these monsters are domineering, after all, the monsters look at other lives, they are like livestock, so they don’t. Regarding the indigenous races as humans, I did not expect to be overthrown by several major races, and killed a lot of monsters. The monsters are stronger, but the suppression of the small world makes these monsters unable to absorb enough. Energy, that is to say, the energy of the heyday monster race was almost used when it overthrew the elven empire, and the consumption for many years was nothing. But even so, the monster race's body is still very powerful, so the battle situation is very difficult. Cruel, this is why there are not too many ancient gods left behind. If you change someone, you suddenly become a monkey hundreds of meters high, or a tortoise. No one will believe that these tortoises and monkeys are powerful. It is tyrannical, very abnormal, and it takes away the strength of the main **** level powerhouse with a wave of hands. Such abnormal creatures will not exist at all, because it can only bring panic.

However, even if the strength is strong, the god-level powerhouses succeeded, the ants killed the elephants, and there were conflicts within the monster race. The ancient gods were divided into one side, so they were divided by other races, and then they were killed one by one. .

"So the Phoenix clan?" Cook had another question in his heart.

"Don't mention the bird, that's a pervert. I don't know how many indigenous women have been harmed. Even so, it was not killed by his own offspring." The little demon said angrily.

When Cook heard this, he was even more surprised: "Is it really a Phoenix?"

"It only has the blood of the phoenix, the phoenix with pure blood, it is comparable to the existence of the demon emperor, who dares to provoke?" the little demon disagreed with Cook's statement.

When Cook is okay, he likes to ask the little demon. Not to mention, the big world is becoming more and more complete in Cook’s impression. Of course, Cook also knows that in the big world, the style of school is very rampant, you are not us As long as we offend our sect, then one word, fight or kill, as for right or wrong, it doesn’t matter at all.

On the other hand, Buddhas, immortals, gods, demons, and demons. Except for the opening of the magic door and almost all the forces, the relationship between the other major forces is not so harmonious. Private murders often happen, and this is it. It's the same inside several big sects, you kill it, I kill it, and it's in the big world. It’s not that you have a strong fist, but that it’s reasonable to rely on your support. Even if you are a scum, but you have a strong master, strong parents, and no matter how strong other people are, you are just slapping his mouth. , He didn't dare to kill, because the big world has many secrets, who killed the trash apprentice, trash son, others have a high chance of knowing.

In other words, in the big world, what is important is the relationship, and then the second is the strength. As for the other things, it is not important at all. Of course, the equipment is definitely also important.

In this regard, Cook feels that it is better to mix in the small world. After going out, the local turtles in this small world may be viewed inappropriately by the local people in the big world.

However, there is no final conclusion about whether to go to the big world or not. In fact, Cook thinks that now is the life he wants. His wife and children are hot on the bed, not to mention how refreshing, and when going out, everyone he meets is flattering. Cook also likes it very much.

What is enjoyment is eating, drinking and having fun, doing whatever you want, so Cook began to study food in his spare time. For this, halfling chefs are very welcome, because Cook has a very important status among halflings. High, not to mention Cook's various ways of eating, it is Cook's position, the ingredients that can be obtained are all top of the top, as Cook's queen halfling chef, how cool and refreshing.

As a result, there have been many more food collection tasks in several major associations, and the rewards for these tasks are also very generous. Of course, those who know must know that this is because the President of the President of Cook wants to eat good food. What is not know is still strange. The tongue of the armored beast was actually bought at a high price, and it was still fresh.

Cook's self-control is still very strong. He did not kill like other dictators. The killing of dictators is the same from the Qin Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty. Don’t tell me that it’s not a certain revolution. It is impossible to estimate how many people died.

On the contrary, Cook continued to invest money in infrastructure construction, road construction, dams, ports, and cities. The major forces of the Council of Gods used to think that Cook was a stupid, and they actually wanted to invest money to do this.

But these people later discovered that Nima, the Cook’s chicken thief, the money was theoretically earned by the civilians. [The civilians have money to buy this or that. Although they can’t afford bulk commodities, these ordinary people There are so many things, so small businessmen have money, small businessmen have money, big businessmen have money, big businessmen can buy large items, and big businessmen and major forces are inextricably linked, and then The money was smoothly taken back by Cook.

But Cook has not increased the consumption index of God Realm and promoted the economy. More importantly, Cook has gained a good reputation.

Don’t say anything else, you’re going to talk bad about Cook in the orc’s territory, and it’s estimated that it will disappear soon. As for where to go, you may have to ask the landlord.

The most obvious changes are all changing. The population base of the orcs has increased. Almost every orc civilian family has an iron pot. This is incredible. In the past, the iron pot was used to transport remote orcs from the dwarf territory. The price is estimated to be only Only tribal chiefs can bear it, so if the orcs at that time had an iron pot, basically the beauties of other tribes could choose.

But now, the metal of the dwarves is taken directly by the dwarves, stamped with steam, and then directly packed in boxes, and transported directly to the territories of the major orcs from the port in the Blackwater Marsh, and along the rivers that could not be sailed. Now There is a first-class dam in the house, and a ship with 100,000 iron pots can easily drive anywhere to the tortoiseshell territory that human merchants could not reach before.

In this way, an iron pot can be exchanged for up to ten times the weight of dried meat, or three times the weight of fruit wine.

In the past, the orcs did not have enough food, mainly because the meat is not available at any time. How can the meat be left for as long as possible on a hot day, so if you hit the prey, you will eat hard. If you don’t have it, you will be hungry. Now it is different. Meat can be exchanged for ten catties of food, not to mention animal skins. In the past, there was no top animal skin in the orcs. That's it. Those merchants didn't have a wok worth of money, because at that time the small merchants wanted to get from the dwarves to the orcs. , The time is at least a year, the goods transported are all checked by livestock, and there are many guards. Those jealous orcs never mind that there are dozens of human corpses in a certain place, and they can be used to lure their prey. Well, of course, as for whether there are orcs cannibals, this is not known.

Now, from the dwarf and dwarf territory through the Blackwater Marsh to the tortoiseshell territory, it only takes a month and a half, and the minimum is tens of thousands of pots, it is faster to come back, and no guards are needed, even if guards are needed. The price is not so high, after all, it is much safer to be on board.

Therefore, the orcs respect Cook very much. It can be said that if Cook shouts and kills your patriarch, I will be the patriarch. It is estimated that the orc will take a knife to kill the patriarch, because the patriarch cannot give Orcs work, it is impossible to give orcs cheap food, cheap iron pot, is also the union proposed by Cook, so that the orcs will not be coaxed by employers of other races, so that the orcs' compensation will increase a lot.

Some people say that Cook did this to the orcs, what about other races?

Haha, other races, not to mention the tens of millions of tons of cheap metal ores excavated by dwarves, the ordinary metal that used to be dwarves is not needed by many people, and the consumption is not large, but now as long as the dwarves are metal ores, they are all excavated. Increasing the income of dwarf miners, and it’s not just a little bit. The most important thing is that the dwarves now live on the ground. Why? Because the medical association research shows that metal ore carries energy radiation, which can cause fetal malformations. Although this probability It was a few parts per million~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but the dwarf mother wanted to be like her offspring, so the dwarf aunts clamored to live on the ground, so the dwarf lived on the ground.

Even the dwarfs have established settlements in other places with particularly good environments, and it is no longer to say that they live directly in the forged and polluted cities.

Not to mention mankind. The price of human food is now ten times what it was before Cook came. In the past, human food could not be sold. Prices and inputs basically can only be said to be at no loss. Now human food, as long as there is, immediately Some merchants come to buy it. In the past, the lords lowered the price. Now you try to lower the price, and you don’t allow the lords to buy food, let the merchants buy them. The merchants are in a competitive relationship, and the lords have a ceiling on taxes. Unlike before, alas, the lord lost the gambling this time and increased taxes. The lord’s pet became ill. He needed a veterinarian and increased taxes. Someone asked, the lord’s tax has been reduced.

Although the lords have reduced taxes on the civilians, there are many merchants. The civilians actually don’t know that when they buy things and pay, part of the tax is included in the lords. It is more secretive. The lords are happy, and the civilians are happy. (PS: How many people have heard of consumption tax before?)

PS: Oolong, there is no such option at the end of the chapter. It seems that the top of the author’s backstage can’t be viewed. It is probably used for decorating the author’s backstage, so don’t be bothered. The book is officially about to end. It’s not that I won’t give it to you. The main reason is that the top of the website’s author’s backstage is decoration... Well, it’s the same as that, decorations. At the end of the book, it is estimated that the author will take a rest for half a month and retrieve the lost QQ group. , Because my phone number has also changed, and both QQs are gone. One of the eight digits was applied for in 2001. As for the phone, I changed the place and the network, the mobile phone bound to the telecommunications network, and the previous one had no real-name system. Unfortunately...

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