A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 827: Catch the **** (3)


After a dull sound, the upper body of the red-haired zombie was directly smashed. Cook's hammer was actually already in place. Cook bombarded the bone snake for the first time because of the huge thrown by Cook at high altitude. The strength, coupled with the huge inertial force of the Star Smasher, created such a big formation. Moreover, Cook is now only five times the superposition of madness, and has not reached nine times, because Cook does not need such a high degree of madness.

The red-haired zombie was given a special mission by the demon cub. After devouring countless creatures, he was knocked out by Cook as soon as he showed up. I have to say it is a joke.

There are many people who find it unridable, including the little demon. The little demon has seen Cook’s strength. With the weird Star Breaker in Cook’s hands, if the zombie fights with Cook, he may hold on for a while. But be hard-wired, tut.

Just after Cook’s Star Smasher hit the red-haired zombie, and the entire upper body of the red-haired zombie was blown into countless pieces, the guys in the magic door were stunned. The red-haired zombies were iron corpses and were refined by this secret method. It can be said that even in the big world, it is a very good zombie. Look at the red hair on the zombie... But why did it die at once.

Zizi Zizi, Zizi Zizi

A series of things that dragged their tails strongly fell from the sky. The magic door guy had a bad feeling. Sure enough, when these things were tens of meters above the ground, you could see that white metal fell. These white metals It exploded, and then a series of purple thunder and lightning came out from it, covering the entire range of a thousand meters.

Why does this magnetic storm bomb explode at an altitude of tens of meters? It is because the coordinates are at the height of the target at the beginning. If the magnetic storm bomb falls on the ground, it will have no power. At most, it will explode soil and rock. Meters above the sky, otherwise, this piece was almost smashed into a desert by Cook's first blow, so there is nothing to stand up at all. Although this magician has a robe to integrate with the surrounding environment, it cannot be Disappeared, this is a catharsis, of course not all the magnetic storms have been absorbed by this magic door guy.

As soon as the demon guy was touched by thunder and lightning, his whole body trembled. The little demon was right. Most of the demon cultivators practiced with the most yin technique, and thunder and lightning is the most yang thing, and it hurts the demon guy. The success is very high.

Less than twenty seconds after the first round, the second round comes again, and then every twenty seconds. Of course, as long as you see the target, there is no need to radiate such a wide, small-scale magnetic storm. The surrounding ground where the magic gate was almost melted by the huge electric current, of course the magic gate was not good.

The magic door guy has thought about whether to run or not, but thunder and lightning also has a paralyzing attribute, and the magnetic storm warhead and the shock caused by the magnetic storm are not easy for the magic door guy.

"This guy, this suit, Golden Snake Langjun, this old guy actually came to the small world?" The little demon was shocked when he saw the golden robe on the guy at the magic door.

Of course Cook didn't know. The little demon had to tell Cook before Cook would know. If he didn't tell Cook, Cook would never know.

The little demon had a bad feeling in his heart when he saw the trembling Golden Snake Langjun being shaken by thunder and lightning.

"Be careful, this is the Golden Snake Langjun, one of the new generation leaders of the Demon Sect. This fellow has come to practice in the small world. It seems that he has completed his cultivation and is about to return to the big world." The little demon thought that if he was so caught by the Golden Snake Lang. If you get it, you don't need to talk about the end.

"Golden Snake Langjun." Cook muttered in his heart and became alert.

At the beginning, King Snake Lang was caught off guard by the attack. In fact, at this time Cook shot, King Snake Lang only had a hard time resisting it, but it was. Cook is really far away, and the little demon said that the body of a zombie is actually a good material. If left alone, the corpse poison will spread and the damage caused is great, so Cook collects the spoils.

After being attacked by the magnetic storm projectile for three rounds, King Snake Lang resisted the attack of thunder and lightning with his robe. You must know that this robe is an important magic weapon for King Snake Lang to resist thunder. Therefore, it is still possible to resist this artificial lightning. The lightning was directly absorbed by the robe, and then transmitted to the ground.

Cook arrived hundreds of meters away from the Golden Snake Lord. The reason why Cook stood so close and not far away was because Cook couldn’t attack from a long distance. Yes, Cook’s Sealing Pillar, Star Breaker, and even Sword fetus, the distance is not very far, of course, Cook has magical means, but the magical means of the gods, the range of precise attacks is also very limited. It is incomparable with the hundreds of kilometers of precise attacks that Cook saw in the big world. , So Cook is still closer to avoid being beaten.

Looking at Cook, King Snake Lang raised his head, his eyes shining with the light of Cai Fan: "Haha, yes, yes, I didn't expect that there are such powerful natives in this place. It is no problem that this blood is refined into a golden corpse."

Cook looked wary and looked at the Golden Snake Lang. Of course, he didn't understand the words of the Golden Snake Lang. In fact, Cook understood.

"I forgot, the natives of this small world don't understand the language of our big world at all. How do you say the language of this world, yes, kid..." Jin Snake Langjun saw Cook's appearance and immediately woke up. , As for the sky's attack, it has stopped, so King Snake Lang greeted Cook with the language of the Aurora Plane.

"Kill!" It was this moment that Cook waited. As soon as King Snake Lang greeted Cook with a wave of hello, Cook roared. This sound Cook used a mental impact, and Cook's roar was a round Chinese character. Jin Snake Langjun was stunned again.

But just for a moment, then the golden snake Langjun burst into golden light on his body, and then the golden light of his robe skyrocketed, as if he had suffered an invisible attack.

"Despicable and insidious guy." Jin Snake Lang yelled, but Jin Snake Lang was even more frightened in his heart. Who knows that this servant is from that power, immortal, Taoist, Buddhist, or spiritual?

Cook sealed the magic pillar with one hand, and hit the Golden Snake Lang with the Star Breaking Hammer. The black light emerging from the magic pillar made the Golden Snake Lang feel a little jealous, and the broken star hammer looked inconspicuous, but don’t forget, The red-haired zombies were shattered by this stuff.

"Ghost impact." Jin Snake Lang Jun waved his hand, and a black energy swept over to Cook. After this black energy was separated from Jin Snake Lang Jun, it became a group of evil spirits, there were dozens of them, Chao Ku Ke bites over.

"Chaos, sluggishness, power extraction..." The Feng Mozhu in Cook's hand smashed towards Jin Snake Lang Jun, Jin Snake Lang Jun slipped away, but the next moment, Cook shouted.

The next moment Jin Snake Langjun’s face turned green, and the magic pillar was directly inserted on the ground against the storm, and then beams of light continued to be released. First of all, the chaos caused the ghosts rushing to Cook to stop, and then each other The bite, the subsequent delay, the extraction of power and other rays of light, made Jin Snake Lang Jun think of a sect method.

"Bald donkeys, **** it, you bald donkeys, Lao Tzu will kill you all." Jin Snake Langjun roared again and again, his body turned into a black light and he was about to run away.

"Want to run?" Cook sneered, his body rising against the storm.

"Luxury, the **** of Nima's door, isn't it?" Seeing Cook's original body more than two meters high, it instantly soared to hundreds of meters high, Jin Snake Langjun's face turned white and white.

"Please God?" The black light turned into the Golden Snake Lang ran away quickly, but the Golden Snake Lang realized that his speed was only one-tenth of the original speed. The Golden Snake Lang saw Cook raise the Star Breaker again .

Jin Snake Langjun roared again and again: "Little bastard, I fight with you."

"The Great Array of Ten Thousand Souls." The golden robe outside of Jin Snake Lang Jun's body suddenly turned into a huge sky curtain under the blessing of Jin Snake Lang's mana, and it enveloped Cook.

"Fight." Cook saw this scene with an anxious look, and the broken star hammer in his hand slammed at Jin Snake Langjun, but the accuracy was a little worse~www.wuxiaspot.com~Haha, kid, Your grandpa is waiting at the Great World Exit... "Jin Snake Lang laughed loudly and did not dodge at all, but in the next second, Jin Snake Lang's smile solidified, and there was a hole in his forehead, and a silver projectile just came out of his head.

The golden robe lost Jin Snake Langjun's servant, and fell to the ground all at once. The little demon onlookers saw Jin Snake Langjun die just like that.

"This person is very thoughtful. From the beginning, he used the sword tire as a killer's key. The other things are just foreshadowing, but this man can actually use the sword tire. Yes, this man can only use the short distance, and the sword tire has no mana fluctuations. , I guess it’s the kind of poor quality, otherwise you don’t have to work so hard.” The little demon’s judgment is wrong, because the little demon has no way to perceive now, and can only look outside. The little demon is now the remaining spirit. In fact, the little demon felt that the inside of the bottle was quite good, and he could see the outside, and there was no need to worry about consumption.

Cook looked at the ghosts biting each other, took out the holy light scroll, and prepared to purify these ghosts.

"Don't. Don't, this Golden Snake Langjun must have a mind. These ghosts have lost their nature and have been refined by the Golden Snake Lang. The price is not cheap. If you want to go to the big world, how can you live without something that you can get. "The little demon quickly stopped.

"How to charge it?" Cook thought for a while and asked.

"Bottle, you close a bottle like me, Jin Snake Lang Jun has magical artifacts, I guess you can't use it." The little demon replied angrily.

"Why do you say that?" Cook asked.

"This is just a stand-in for King Snake Lang, it's just a clone... Well, you don't understand after I said it, hurry up and take a look." The little demon explained impatiently, but did not continue to explain later, instead, Urge Cook.

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