A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1675: The power of concussion bombs

Rosha was very surprised that the Council of the Gods had disrupted the formation of the blood demons so quickly. Among the demons, it is true that the rebirth ability of the demons is very annoying, but the best of them is the blood demons, even if there is a drop of the blood demons. The blood remains, as long as there is enough time and blood, then a new blood demon will be born.

How should I put it, the blood demons reproduce more like single-celled organisms, reproducing by dividing themselves.

The golems are the vanguard of the blood demons, disperse the enemies, and then the other demons go into battle. Although the other demons also have the ability to regenerate, they are not as abnormal as the blood demons, and the blood demons are almost immune to physical attacks, which is like a single attack. Just like a pond, unless it is some special tool, you can try it with ordinary tools and it will not work at all.

What I said here is almost immune to physical attacks, because the blood of the blood demon's body structure is much thicker than water, and it takes time to reconsolidate the body.

In addition, after all, physical attacks in this world have some attributes. Although other attributes do not have fire attributes, light attributes and dark attributes have high damage, there are some.

"No hurry." Cook shook his head without speaking.

Shock bombs are another kind of weapon. In fact, the drawings of various weapons designed by dwarf do not have much effect on single target attacks. Just like that kind of rockets, they seem to be very powerful, but as long as they have a brain Will never stand there and let you fight.

Some people say that intensive firepower coverage, hehe, god-level warriors of the God Realm, it’s easy for the speed head to break through the speed of sound. Some are dozens of times faster than the speed of sound, just like Cook. Now thousands of meters per second are not a problem. Not to mention rockets, they are precision-guided nuclear bombs. Even if a nuclear bomb explodes beside Cook, Cook can easily avoid it, because the shock wave of a nuclear bomb explosion is not as fast as Cook.

So the rockets are meaningless at all, but they are different for the monsters. What the monsters rely on is that there is a lot of cannon fodder, and these cannon fodder can be reborn, so Cook will fund some dwarf weapon designs that seem useful. .

The effect is of course the leverage. Each fortress is a dense firepower point. The countless magic arts sprayed on these firepower points harvest countless blood demons, and many powerful fighters jump directly out of the fortress, then fight for a while, encounter When the strength is insufficient, it will return. After the blood demon is evaporated by the powerful magical technique, the water vapor in the blood is evaporated, leaving behind a bright red lumps of endless size, the huge part is round, these are good things, blood essence.

The purchase price of these blood essences from the Association of Pharmacists is very high.

The offensive and defensive between the Gorefiend and the fortress continued, and the shield of the fortress was still not broken. Why, because most of the demons did not approach the fortress and were wiped out by countless magical arts.

Although it is said that some blood demons can be reborn, it takes time to rebirth. When the number of rebirths cannot keep up with the number of being broken up, the number of blood demons sparses out at once, and there are high-level blood demons fighting in battle, as do the priests Constantly shooting, the chaotic halo turned the blood demon's offense into an internal fight, although it was only part of it, but this part involved another part, which was not a small proportion.

For a full day, the gorefiends are constantly launching attacks, but the entire fortress has no problems. The huge monsters often hit more accurately than the dark elves before they get close to the fortress. When these monsters fell to the ground, they were countless. The blood demons rushed forward. In the demons, as long as the demons died, any demons could share.

This is also the reason why demons can sweep many planes. The loss is very low. Just like other races, one death will be reduced by one, but for demons, one death increases the strength of other demons. This is simply lossless. It is said that the combat effectiveness does not decrease but rises.

Although the intelligence of monsters is low, but low intelligence also has the advantage of low intelligence, that is, very strong obedience, I am afraid that no matter what social monarch, they want their subordinates to obey themselves.

But when the demon encounters the Council of Gods that surpasses too much of its own strength, and the dark elves who are born to suppress the dark system, there is nothing for the demon.

The only thing that is to say that the reborn blood demon can be broken up again. Each rebirth consumes a part of energy. When the number of rebirths reaches an upper limit within a certain time limit, the blood demon will only become a pool of decaying black water.

And even if other blood demons swallowed the broken blood demons, they were in front of absolute strength. Just break it up again, it's no big deal.

As for the research on demons, the Council of the Gods has also studied more thoroughly. Therefore, everyone is familiar with demons. The only difference is that the number of demons encountered this time is quite large, yes, just a few. .

Moreover, these warriors are all people who have experienced many battles in the plane of the demon. They know the weaknesses of the demon well. I didn’t see a god-level mage release the ice-sealed divine art, and then there was a Thunder-type powerhouse and a Thunder-type god. The frozen blood demon was directly scorched by the thunder and lightning, and the last earth-type god-level powerhouse released an earth-type divine technique, directly attacking the condensed blood demon into pieces, otherwise it would be eye-catching.

There is also the combination of the strong fire system and the strong wood system and the strong wind system. The strong wood system releases a handful of seeds of magic plants. These magic plants fall on the body of the blood demon, and they take root and sprout in a few seconds. Large tracts of plants constantly absorb the nutrients of these blood demons. You must know that there are more plants that eat beasts, but there are more magical plants.

However, such a rapid growth of magic plants has a cycle. When the magic plants are about to wither, the fire magic arts will fall on these magic plants from the sky, and the wind magic arts will be engulfed in countless flames. Shot into the blood demon group.

Dark elves are envious of the combination of magic arts. Dark elves are not without magic arts, but in order to match their archery skills, most of the magic arts they use are auxiliary in nature. After all, in terms of range , Or the long range of bows and arrows, of course do not compare ordinary bows with magic bows.

The monster army finally retreated. It was more than two hundred kilometers away. The monster army was still wrapped in blood mist, but at this time the blood mist was not so thick and a bit thin.

More than two hundred kilometers, even in modern warfare, it is not a long distance. Although there are not many weapons that can strike, there are not many.

"Elder, the shock bomb is ready to use, and we make the chaos of the Gorefiend even more severe." Cook said to the dwarf elder who was impatient for a long time.

"Yes, Speaker." The dwarf elder immediately issued an order.

So on the platform of each fortress, the dwarf engineers jumped up all at once, and then yelled and started to assemble new weapons and the same launcher. These dwarf engineers were very excited about shooting rockets. After all, this But the glory of the dwarf clan.

Round metal **** were taken out. These metal **** were about half a meter in diameter and had complicated magic pattern loops on them. After the metal **** were taken out, they were stuffed into a metal barrel.

"Launch." This time there was no dazzling flame or loud noise, only the sound of dull air jets. The metal ball aimed at high altitude, not the monster army hundreds of kilometers away.

When the metal ball was shot tens of kilometers high, the entire metal ball suddenly deformed, with two wings extending from both sides, and then it continued to slide forward.

The silent metal flying machine quickly arrived at the place where the monster army was, and then plunged into the dense blood fog. In this way, on the fortress of the Council of Gods, one by one metal **** were shot out, and then all Fall into the thick blood mist of the monster army.

There was no sound. Everyone looked at each other. What kind of weapon was this? The rocket hit the huge monster but it was visible.

"I'm really looking forward to it." The dwarf elder whispered while looking at the location of the monster army.

Let’s talk about the monster army. The gliding aircraft fell in the middle of the monster army, because these metal aircraft did not have a huge sound, and the blood mist was the most sensitive to life energy. As for the dead, there was no So keen, and the demon is very keen on energy fluctuations. Even if the metal ball has energy, it has not been activated yet, because these aircraft fly by the force of sliding.

"Boom." Until a flying vehicle hits a snake monster, the snake monster is more than 20 meters high. The snake monster has good eyesight. Of course, this is for dynamic and thermal targets, but for The cold metal, the snake demon touched the part where he was hit with his claws, and looked around, but he didn't see any suspicious targets.

There were other demons around this snake demon, but these demons hardly moved. This was because the demons were forced to stay where they were by high-level demons, and these demons did not dare to resist.

With a sound of "Boom!", the taxiing aircraft burst open, and an invisible mental shock wave blasted in all directions.

This concussion sheet uses a kind of spiritual magic pattern and a bomb composed of a small piece of soul crystal. Even if it is against a god-level magician, it will make the god-level magician trance, and for those with low intelligence As for demons, there is a 60% chance of becoming an idiot, 30% of death, and 10% of becoming a vegetable.

This is all tested. The shock caused by the energy provided by the soul crystal is enough to make the monsters within 500 meters around suffer a mental shock. Some intermediate and low-level monsters are directly shattered by the shock, while the high-level monsters Suddenly became an idiot.

Although these idiots are idiots, they still retain the biological instinct to eat.

Thousands of concussion bombs were projected into the army of monsters, each of them turned into idiots, and most of those who became idiots were high-level monsters, monsters, monster lords, of course, there are not many monster lords, but there are many monsters. what.

The demons will instinctively attack the demons around them. The low-level ones have been killed, and the intermediate ones are also idiots. So the idiots fight against the idiots, or the idiots devour other demons around and evolve into high-level demons.

The first one to become an idiot was the Snake Demon. After the Snake Demon became an idiot, the surroundings were basically low- and middle-level monsters. These monsters burst, and the strong aura that they emitted made the Snake Demon continue to devour these middle-level monsters.

Soon the snake demon was promoted, the scales all over his body became thicker, the color became a bit metallic, and his height increased to more than 30 meters. If in normal times, the snake demon was not promoted so fast, but he couldn't stand it and die. There are so many mid-level monsters, and some of these concussion bombs are almost dropped one by one, and an idiot monster lord is born.

Of course, this is not the only one. Chaos has begun. The demons are in groups. There are many low- and middle-level demons under a high-level bee. Just like a queen bee managing a group of bees, after the leader becomes an idiot, he will pass it to his subordinates. What signal, of course, is instinct, swallowing.

Cook and the others waited for more than an hour before they could see countless blood demons in the monster army attacking other demons frantically.

Gorefiends are very difficult to deal with humans and intelligent creatures like dwarves, but when confronted with other demons, the blood demons are vegetables, in the system of demons. Blood demons can be food for any kind of demons, so blood demons are used as cannon fodder, and the **** smell emitted by blood demons is a nauseating feeling for humans, but for other demons, it is delicious food.

As a result, the hard-working cannon fodder in the periphery suffered, and countless idiots and demons rushed towards the blood demons. These blood demons had no power to fight back in front of the demons higher than themselves, only obediently waiting to be eaten by other demons. Even if there are occasional high-level blood demons commanding low-level blood demons, the remaining instinctive high-level demons are more terrifying than those with intelligence.

The high-level blood demon ran away, and there was no way not to run. The idiot also knew that swallowing the high-level blood demon was more helpful to their evolution. The leader ran away, and the soldiers below, of course, also ran.

Thousands of shock bombs directly caused the tens of billions of monsters to collapse. Yes, they collapsed. Standing on Cook's side, you can clearly see that countless monsters are scattered and fled.

"Lord Rosha, it's up to you." Connie turned to Rosha and said.

"Haha, with the supply of the Council of Gods, it depends on our Great Elf Empire, passing orders, attacking, and strangling the disintegrated monsters." Rosha's warrior of the Great Elf Empire received the supply of the Council of the Gods and the Council of the Gods. Each squadron has a space ring. There are various supplies in the space ring, not only potions, but also equipment. Of course, the magic pattern arrows are for the dark elves.

Of course Rosha wasn't a fool. He didn't hear the order. He was strangling the disintegrated demons. As for the guys who were still clinging together, of course he ignored them.

Of course Cook and others heard it, but it was nothing.

The dwarf elder excitedly said, "Speaker Cook, do you use an airship?"

"No hurry, the airship has opportunities." Cook shook his head and said, with these new weapons, Cook has the right to make decisions. Because other people don't know it at all, of course many dwarves must know it, but they didn't see the dwarf elder. If you want to shoot out all the weapons at once and hand them over to the dwarf, you will be blind.

The dwarf elder only waited, and Connie looked at the information sent by the Brave Knights and carefully studied and judged.

"Cook, I think this demon king must run?" Connie said after a while.

Cook didn’t say anything, obviously waiting for Connie’s explanation: “First of all, the demon king did not come out to stop the defeated demons. The demons gathered so many troops, it’s impossible to disperse after a while. There is a high probability that these demons will not Knowing what tactics we used, the demon king felt scared. Now that these demon kings have not come out to stop these demon kings, will it be the demon king who wants to run away, and now it is also a good opportunity. First of all, these tens of billions of monsters, we must It is estimated that it will be very difficult to find the demon king in it. In addition, there are so many demon kings in front of us. When we open a passage, these demon kings will have no shadows. In fact, we are not afraid of the demon running, but we are afraid of the demon. If the king acts alone, there will be endless troubles."

"This may not be impossible, but it is impossible to run. These days, the dragon army has been staring at these monsters. Once the monster king shows up, hehe, without us, these dragons will ask for these. The life of the demon king, as for the other demon, there are more than five million allied forces of the Council of Gods over there, and two hundred thousand orc priests have been added.' Cook nodded and agreed with Connie.

Hearing Cook’s words, Connie was still a little uncomfortable. After all, Connie basically didn’t know about such important information. In fact, Cook chose Connie to defend here. It is already the members of the Council of Gods who see Cook’s face. Up. After all, defense is the key. Connie’s identity is known, that is, Cook’s wife. Cook is still sitting here. If not, Connie would not even get this position.

"This is the general information, Connie, take a look. The next one is up to you. How to wipe out all these demons." Cook smiled and passed the general information to Connie, which was also a gamble.

"Including you?" Connie asked without receiving the information, looking at Cook.

"Well, including me." If someone else, Cook spit on his face, but it's Connie, his own woman, how can Cook want to give face.

After reading the information, Connie said: "Cook, I order you now to find out the six monster kings."

"This... okay." Cook looked at everyone and readily agreed.

The other people laughed, after all, there is no need to say how abnormal Cook's strength is.

"Next I'll give an order, First Legion of the Council of Gods..." Connie's mind flashed one message after another, and then issued a series of orders.

Half an hour later, Connie’s order was over. Connie’s meaning was very obvious. Divide the troops. The 5 million troops of the Council of Gods are divided into ten legions, each of which is 500,000. The dragon legion is not counted, the dragon will not Listening to Connie's command, but seeing the council of the gods take action, the dragon probably couldn't sit still because of the association of these monsters and magic patterns. The Pharmacy Association bought them at a high price. These tens of billions of monsters are high-grade **** crystals with more than tens of billions. For some financial fans, what is more attractive than **** crystals, of course there are more **** crystals.

Behind the Demon Legion, the Council of Gods’ armies of more than five million are gathering together. The millions of legions are divided into countless army groups. There are countless regiments under each group army. One regiment here is generally 10,000 people, that is, there are Five hundred regiments.

Because of the wide use of the magic pattern of the gods, the space magic pattern communicator is a must-have for every team leader. Connie’s orders can be accepted by these team leaders. When necessary, Connie can also command each team leader. Brigade.

Of course, the space magic pattern communicator communicates across space, and the communication quality is not good, but the effect is very good on the same plane.

After receiving Connie’s order, the various armies began to move. On the originally desolate land, hundreds of meters in the air revealed countless huge shadows. This is a kind of transportation tool similar to a floating boat. The surrounding environment blends together, of course, the biggest role is to hide the figure, just like the pattern on the armored personnel carrier.

The floating boats started to move, countless floating boats dispersed, and then moved towards the demon legion. The Legion of the Gods had such a big movement, of course the Dragon Legion knew about it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ as opposed to the Council of the Gods The order of the legion means that the dragon is not so tightly structured. The dragons of each line of the dragon form a collective and then take action. After being dispatched by the Legion of the Gods, the dragon is anxious. At the beginning The dragon just wanted to search for trophies from the monsters, but when the dragon looked at it, the trophies were not enough for everyone, and it was not as good as the allied forces of the Council of Gods who cleaned the battlefield, and the dragon elders would forget it. The value is probably more than ten high-grade **** crystals. If calculated by one billion monsters, that would be 10 billion high-grade **** crystals. This is a big deal. Not to mention getting half of it, there are also more than 3 billion high-grade **** crystals. Is not it?

So this time the giant dragon dispatched a full half a million giant dragons, basically as long as the grown-ups came out, if it weren't for the various giant dragon territories, people still need to stay behind, I'm afraid the dragons will be sent out.

And gathered more than two million Yalong servants, the mission of these servants is very clear, grab the spoils.

"Great Elder, Great Elder, what does the Council of Gods say?" As soon as Golden Dragon Great Elder appeared, he was immediately surrounded by other dragon elders and asked anxiously.

"The Council of the Gods is only carrying out the necessary vigilance, according to what they said. I am afraid that the monsters will run away, so I entered the position in advance." Golden Dragon Grand Elder said.

"Bah, this guy from the Council of Gods is lying, and ran away. I think the monsters must collapse, so these guys from the Council of Gods will go to make money." The silver dragon clan chief said in an angry voice, the silver dragon clan. It is normal for the patriarch to have grievances. After being robbed by Cook once, the silver dragon has become the laughingstock of the dragon clan.

"So I didn't pay any attention to that woman at all, young ones, listen to my orders." Elder Golden Dragon heard this and immediately shouted.

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