A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 848: The master of the magic gate appears

"The gatekeeper, the gatekeeper, it's not good. The natives surrounded us. We sent two law enforcement teams. As a result, one captain returned and the rest of the people died." Outside this platform is the abyss, in the abyss Outside is a circle of platforms, the platform has several floors, each floor has caves, and the people living here are the magic gate.

"Indigenous people, are they from the Council of the Gods?" The person who was called the sect master was a very handsome and coquettish person. He couldn't tell whether it was a male or a female, but his voice seemed to be male.

"Yes, the sect master, and the outside is full of magma. Someone broke the formation, and the ground fire under the veins burst out..." The visitor continued to report.

The doormaster stood up immediately and shouted: "Why didn't you report me early?"

"Sect Master, it is your rule not to...Puff." The Demon Sect disciple defended, but the explanation was not finished yet. The Sect Master squeezed the Demon Sect disciple into the void. With a sound, it turned into a cloud of dust.

After finishing this, the sect master said as if there was nothing wrong with him: "Trash."

"Come here." The master shouted afterwards.

"The master." The people outside dared to come in. As for where the people who just came in went, everyone knew in their hearts.

"Elder Law Enforcement, I order you to kill the natives outside." The doormaster faintly ordered.

The law enforcement elder immediately squatted on the ground: "The gatekeeper, the gatekeeper, the monsters we cultivated were all killed by the natives, and only one blood demon returned. Now there are hundreds of thousands of dragons and millions of natives. army……."

"Assholes, a bunch of assholes, why don't you..." The doorkeeper interrupted the elder law enforcement, and was out of anger, but then remembered that they were in seclusion, and these people did not dare to interrupt.

"Elder Law Enforcement, can't you deal with it?" The doormaster's voice was a little cold.

"The sect master, the people outside have already penetrated the ground veins, and even the formation has been broken. Let's run quickly. It won't be long before the ground fire will kill us all." The law enforcement elder also complained about the sky. Because of the high authority of the sect master, the people under the sect don’t dare to make the slightest move. Therefore, after the sect master’s retreat, no one is the master at all. Therefore, the demon is destroyed and knocked on the door. Those who call the shots in private end up miserably.

"In the past ten years, the indigenous people have been so powerful?" the master asked incredulously.

"Sect Master, we don't know, but the natives are very powerful. We ordered 120 billion monsters to prepare for a decisive battle with the natives, but soon we were defeated and there was only one Blood Demon..." responsible for the intelligence department. The elder of the outer door immediately reported it cautiously.

"A bunch of stupid pigs, stupid pigs, I have said, don't provoke those god-level natives, don't provoke, why don't you have any brains." Hearing this, the sect master said sadly.

"Report to the sect master that the monsters we cultivated did not provoke the indigenous people, but those indigenous people took the initiative to attack us. Now we can't contact the monsters outside, the sect master, the sect master, let's hide." The elders of the Outer Sect were all in cold sweat, and there was no way. The monster belongs to the outer door.

The doorkeeper sneered and said: "Run, you know that you are running. If you come, I'm going to see. That native is our opponent. Let all the ghosts go out. I want none of them."

"The master of the door is mighty." The people below heard the master of the door start their hands and immediately shouted.

The sect master is depressed. In this **** small world, cultivation is slow and recovery is slow. Fortunately, people in the big world live a long life in the small world, which means that regardless of the rules of the big world or the small world, there is no pure life. Any impact, like human beings can live for seven to eighty years, which is measured in units of the earth’s revolution, and if it’s farther away Mars, Pluto, etc., people live on it, so much time. , Does not increase the life span due to the long revolution time of the planet.

Fifty years of cultivation, the progress can be said to be very weak. Even though the monsters have sent countless lives, but these monsters do not dare to absorb too much cultivation. Everyone knows that if you return to the big world in the future, you will now absorb small ones. The more things in the world, the greater the thunder tribulation. Generally, it absorbs wronged souls, and the blood is only on a safe line. Therefore, the guys of the magic door have not improved much in so many years.

But this does not mean that the guys at the magic gate are weak. Of course the guys at the core of the magic gate don’t practice much, but they can gather other people. With so many races, so many lives, there are always some guys suitable for the magic gate. So these people are trained to become thugs, the so-called outer door.

There are tens of thousands of magic door guys in the entire underground world, of which only a few hundred are from the inner door, that is, people in the big world, and the others are people in the small world. The distinction is very simple, the inner door of the magic door. All of them were wearing black robes, and there was a blood-red heart on the robes. Under the heart, there were three drops of golden blood. This is the inner door.

The outer door is a pure black, gray, and silver robe. The main door personally destroyed the natives outside. The disciples of the magic door are all excited, knowing that the door owner has never shown any spells or the like.

There are many women in the magic door, and they are all very beautiful human women. However, most of the female disciples of the outer door are only playthings of the inner door. The reason why they become disciples is to facilitate long-term play. As for the last The end, in fact, is almost the same as the human beings locked up.

In addition, in order to maintain their own status, the demon sect guys dare not practice vigorously, so once the disciples of the outer sect reach a certain level, they will definitely go into trouble and disappear, or commit suicide by themselves.

As for the demons to be cultivated, they are only a method of the magic gate, and the magic monsters are the tools cultivated by the magic gate to collect other races.

"Blood Demon, let it explode." The doormaster ordered as he walked outside.

"Yes, this guy attracted the natives." The law enforcement elder replied in a low voice.

"Hmph, let's go, see where the kid is, who dare to run wild in the demon gate." Of course, the gatekeeper and others didn't know how dangerous it was outside, so they rushed out and rushed out. Of course, the gatekeeper went out. The pomp, the beautiful maids, and the guards are all indispensable. In fact, these are all cannon fodder.

Someone asked, what kind of life the guys of the magic door live on here, haha, the inner door of the magic door basically doesn't eat much, and the magic method of the magic door is very cruel, so the creatures caught are the food for these people.

It includes the other races that are locked up, what they eat, and they eat their own kind. Some old, weak, sick and disabled people are caught by the magic door, and they are cooked directly and distributed to other people to eat. Being raised, constantly performing blood sacrifices.

It’s just that the magic door may not be clear yet, that’s why the blood sacrifice doesn’t work for the Aion. It’s like opening a door, hitting it hard and smashing it with various tools, but it didn’t break open. Maybe the door is horizontal. The moving door may be a door that is pulled outwards. Blindly smashing the door has no effect. Unless you smash the walls of the fixed door, it may be effective.

However, the blood sacrifice is the most commonly used method to deal with all kinds of master magical instruments in the big world. Of course, this has a lot to do with the fact that the people of the magic door don't understand the Aion.

The doorkeeper and his group are fast, and they are constantly walking up the dark passage, there are thousands of people in the mighty and mighty.

Cook closed his eyes and sensed the information in the surrounding elements of the wind system. Cook opened his eyes, then quickly retreated and landed on a hill tens of kilometers away. There is a deep ravine below the hill. , There is magma surge in the ravine.

"The sect master, right there, that's the big man." The demon's people appeared this time, and the defensive tower did not attack, so the outside of the demon sect came out and saw Cook from a distance, so he hurried back to report.

The master saw that there was nothing outside of the outer door, and Cook was ten kilometers away, and the master of the magic door came out.

There are a large number of dark guys ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ To Cook's surprise, some of the guys here are not as strong as the high-level of the sanctuary, and they can actually float in the air, full of black energy. It's not a good thing to watch.

"What kind of aboriginal is this?" The doorkeeper looked at Cook who was hundreds of meters high, and his metallic body gave a sense of danger.

"The sect master, it's probably the giants." Someone replied in a low voice.

"Everyone disperse, watch out." The doormaster looked around, then whispered.

"Yes." Thousands of people in the magic door dispersed and began to alert.

Cook sneered when he saw that these magic door guys were still on alert, but Cook hadn't immediately planned to do it. Since he wanted to kill, why not get more information before killing.

Cook didn't speak, but the master of the magic door shouted: "Whoever of you will kill the servant for me, I will have many rewards."

Is the demon sect master a fool? No, and there is no sect master who will go up on his own from the beginning. Even if he wants to go up, he must wait for the people below to figure out the details of the enemy before he goes up.

"Sect Master, I will meet this guy." The captain of the guard did not speak.

"Well, if you kill that guy, I will let you go directly into the inner door." The doorkeeper promised. Of course, the guy at the outer door wants to enter the inner door. That's a dead end. People in the big world, others are people in the small world.

"Thank you sect master." The captain of the guard is a human, and he has done a lot of evil in the original world. After he was not invaded by the monster, he was caught here due to his vigor. The rules of the magic door are for this person. , That is heaven, so the cultivation is also very hard, and the other is loyalty, so you can be the captain of the guard.

PS: The first chapter will be updated at 12 o'clock tomorrow. I don’t know how to lose sleep these days, so I’m sorry.

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