A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 855: Spirit Fire

Those who can enter the small world level are not very high in the big world, and they can choose to enter the small world if their talents are not very good. As for the place where specific spiritual things appear, of course, it is in the hands of the blood sea demon.

The Blood Sea Demon Lord is one of the Seven Great Lords of the Demon Sect, and lives in the blood sea of ​​the **** plain. As for the blood real person, he has disappeared. It is said that on the way to the blood sea, together with the blood sea demon Lord The team members disappeared together.

Although the Blood Sea Demon Lord was angry, the Blood Sea Demon Lord was now a tortoise with his head shrunk and did not dare to come out. The Demon Sect was looking for it, the Immortal Sect, the Dao Sect, the Buddhist Sect, and even the gods.

So why are these forces looking for the Blood Sea Demon Lord?

The true fire of samādhi is the source and the magical powers of Buddhism at the beginning. Samadhi means right receiving and concentration. The greatest use here is concentration.

Definite refers to the state of mind. In the process of cultivation, you will encounter many temptations. For example, if you are strong enough to a certain degree, you will want to do whatever you want, but this is not in line with the Buddhist teachings.

Samadhi True Fire's greatest effect is to stabilize the mood and ward off evil spirits, and it is the nemesis of mixed thoughts for the inner demon.

Cultivation is the same as what we do. What you need is concentration, so that when you practice, you will get twice the result with half the effort. So the true fire of samādhi is very important for cultivators.

The value of the true fire of Samadhi is reflected here. The heart demon is actually the inner heart, and it is invaluable to the cultivator to be able to abandon the inner heart.

Not to mention the spiritual objects of the samādhi real fire, the various magic weapons and artifacts refined by the samādhi real fire’s spiritual fire also have the effect of samādhi real fire to stabilize the mind, so the samādhi real fire is waiting in the eyes of the refiner. The high-level flames, of course, there are Taiyi true fire, red lotus karma fire, etc., which are still high-level, but the fixed attribute of the magic weapon refined by the samaya true fire can help cultivation.

This invisibly adds a huge value, and in the big world, although the magical tools and magic weapons are very important, it is like Taoism, Buddhism, and the cultivation of oneself is more important.

Therefore, many people are willing to get the tools that can help them in their cultivation.

Not to mention the spiritual fire, like the Samadhi real fire, the red lotus karma fire, and the Taiyi real fire are of high value in themselves, let alone the spiritual fire, which is a kind of spiritual thing.

According to the big world. It is to gather the spiritual energy of the heaven and the earth, and the life of all things will give birth to spiritual things. Not to mention such advanced spiritual things, even if it is another spiritual thing, it is extremely rare in the big world.

What is the difference between ordinary real fire and spirit fire? If ordinary real fire is a manual lathe, then the spirit fire is an intelligent CNC lathe. Do you all know the value of this?

The price difference is too big. Of course, the value of the two kinds of refining products is definitely different.

"Damn it, **** it, these miscellaneous pieces, miscellaneous pieces, dare to leak the news." The blood sea demon lord was furious, immortal gates, Taoism, and Buddhism, the gods teach these blood sea demon kings are not afraid, after all, this is a demon. The territory of the door can be said to be beyond the reach, but is it also the true king of the magic door?

The blood sea demon king does not give face, a true king can not give face, but there are seven demon monarchs, and three of them are already interested in the samādhi real fire and spirit fire. Of course, the power of the true monarch level is not just to fight. Just like the United States, China, and the Soviet Union, they are all powerful.

But it's okay for others to unite and suppress you. After your disciple goes out, he is bullied by one, that bully, like a dog, who can bear it over time?

Naturally, the power is getting weaker and weaker. When you reach these powerful levels, there is no one to help, and the result is very miserable. No one takes care of you in business, and no one buys what you sell. You pass by others and are not treated. See, such a life is really sad. (Why is Russia like this? It has something to do with the former Soviet Union's excessive arrogance. Look at that time when the army was pressing on the border of our country, and Europe. Some people said that the Russian leader is good, and our country is diplomacy. Countries, but everyone looks back and sees, is the overall strength of these two countries slowly changing? Sometimes forbearance is also a kind of kung fu. It is said that few people can do it. Some people say what is wrong with real estate. , I will hehe, no matter who you make the money, where, in the bank, is it in your own home? If you want to get you, you can still bring tens of billions of money to fly? As for the corruption of dozens Million runaways, ha ha, the hero. Of course, except for some corrupt officials.)

Who is Blood Sea Demon Lord? I have already seen through these things. Blood Sea Demon Lord knows that this is a fellow in the same way who is testing himself. Once he doesn’t know each other, then when immortal, Dao, and Buddhism come to the door, he might be able to pay back. If you want to fall into the stone, not to mention the magic gate, it is the immortal gate, the Taoist gate, the Buddhist gate, and sometimes the inside is stabbed in the back.

"Come here, go and invite a few demon Lords, and say that I am willing to share the news with you, but I must show what I can see." The blood sea demon thought for a while and decided to share the news. , As for the resistance of the people in the small world, don’t be funny. Just the indigenous people in the small world, don’t solve it too easily. As for the distraction of the real person in the blood sea, the real person in the blood sea is miscellaneous. The distraction and strength of fish, miscellaneous fish... Ha ha.

When the seven demon monarchs of the magic gate gather together, the nine masters of the Taoist masters, the twelve fairy monarchs of the immortal gate, the seven Buddhist monarchs of Buddhism, and the five gods of the gods all gather together.

Because of what, because of the largest refining sect in the entire great world, the spirit weapon door opened a reward for the spirit weapon, offering a reward for the true fire of the Samadhi.

What is the level of a spirit tool? It is equivalent to a **** tool. Of course, a spirit tool has many qualities, but it is not a spirit tool anyway.

As for other magical weapons, magic weapons are equivalent to magicweave equipment, so everyone will know what they are superior to.

And some sects connected in the small world immediately gave orders to the people in the small world, such as the flying fairy gate, the magic door, and other sects, so for a time, countless hidden guys in the entire small world appeared. The water surface, even the Council of Gods is no exception.

In the human domain of the Council of the Gods, in an ancient manor, a man in a silver robe looked at the dazzling sunlight outside, then looked at the respectful people next to him, and asked, "What date is it now?"

"Old ancestors, now it is three years in the new Shenli calendar, and the old one is six-seven-seven-seven-five-37-years." The middle-aged man said respectfully.

"Liang Wannian, I slept for a long time, New God Calendar, has something big happened?" the person in the silver robe asked.

"The Council of the Gods is now the largest power in the God Realm. The angels are split and the dragons obey..." The middle-aged man gave a brief introduction.

"Interesting, interesting, this is Cook's appearance, looks like a barbarian?" the man in the silver robe asked.

"Yes, they are natives from the lower planes, but this Cook is super strong. He once smashed the Sky City of Angels and ransacked Silver Dragon City. He is now known as the number one man in the God Realm." Asked.

"Huh, the first person in the gods, you go to wake up the old guys from other families. This sect mission is very important, and the scriptures I have enlightened are almost done. It’s time to go back to the big world. Then you will be with me. Go back together." The person in the silver robe snorted coldly.

"Yes, ancestors." The middle-aged man was excited.

"After so many years, I don't know what level of understanding of the scriptures of my seniors have reached, don't let me down." The silver-robed man said to himself.

In the Council of the Gods, many hidden families have begun to show up one after another. The hidden families generally do not deal with outsiders. As for buying goods, there is no need for hands on the lord level, and the people below can execute it.

Most of the so-called hidden families have their own inheritances. Where do these inheritances come from? They can be hidden from the world. It does not mean that you want to be hidden from the world. After all, some people don’t see others as good and beat others. idea.

What is needed is more lasting strength, just like the legendary Rhodes family, if they really have no strength~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the scum that has been eaten by people is gone, these families often dare not easily provoke them. , Because the interests of these families can involve many people.

The rise of Cook certainly attracted the attention of these hidden families, but these families are often the attitude of the person just now, thinking that it is not just a native, how strong it can be.

Someone asked, why don’t these families dominate the Council of Gods?

Hehe, the purpose of these people is the big world, not the small world. In the eyes of these people, the small world is just a temporary place to live. Will you decorate your rented house?

Surely not, the hard work is still in vain, and the landlord does not rent, you have to get out.

There are many sects represented by these hermit families, and only those sects that they believe in will know the roots of each other. Generally, these hermit families will not interact with other families, or even say that they do not know the existence of each other.

"Nangong donor, I didn't expect you to be here too." The Yinpao man said to a woman who was wearing a veil and a pink veil. A purple belt was particularly conspicuous. There were two on the belt. A strange word is the word Nangong.

"Haha, Brother Jikong, haven't you left?" Nangong asked the Yinpao man.

"Junior Brother Jikong must have some insights into the Great Sun Tathagata Sutra, otherwise he would have left." Another man wearing a tall hat, like a mage hat, said with a smile.

"Don't laugh for the senior brother, the Great Day Tathagata, where there is the mystery of the Nine Suns." Jikong said with his hands folded.

"Well, you hypocrites, let's talk about sect quests. Compared with the sect quests you have also received, 30 brothers from our Iron Sword Sect will come. How about you?" The old man of the sword said angrily.

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