A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 867: witness

As an inner disciple of the fairy sect, Leng Feng has spent a lot of time in the big world and has known many people, and the best disciples of each generation of the entire big world, Buddha, Tao, immortal, and **** will join the resource competition. Of course, the rankings are made by several major sects, and they are in a competitive relationship with each other. Each sect will come up with some good things, and then let this new generation compete.

It is normal for Song Tao to know Leng Feng. From Leng Feng's point of view, Song Tao was also arrested. The instant explosive power of Dao Sect is not as strong as that of Xian Sect.

"Tsk tusk, tusk tusk." Song Tao was surprised when he saw Leng Feng, but when he heard Leng Feng's words, he looked like watching a play.

Mei Rui looked at Song Tao and the others and there were no guards behind him, and asked with a sneer: "You Daomen and these indigenous pits and ravines?"

Song Tao smiled and praised: "Fairy Mei Rui is still smart, unlike some people, there are iron bumps in his mind."

"What, are you actually cooperating with these indigenous people?" Leng Feng was surprised.

"What's the matter, this small world is originally owned by others. Our Taoism is the most reasonable. Unlike some people, who think they have a broken sword. They think they are reasonable." Song Tao pointed to Sang Huai's reply.

"You..." Mei Rui was so angry when she heard this, but there was really no way to refute it.

In addition, if you are really strong words, then you can do it when others are not as strong as you, but when you encounter those who are basically equal in strength, you will be ridiculed by others if you use strong words.

"Aren't we right? Look at our current situation. To respect others is to respect ourselves. In addition, we must be reasonable and don't be shameless. In some places, there is no one to show our face." Taoist Song Tao Having said this, I felt extremely cheerful, and Xianmen relied on its high attack power, and in many cases it was quite unreasonable.

Leng Feng asked with a sneer: "Who do you say is unreasonable and shameless?"

"Who else, of course, is the defeated man." Taoist Songtao is not afraid. You must know that Taoist Songtao and Leng Feng are ranked one after the other. For such a place, the two have fought several times.

"Haha, haha, Niubi, let's have another one if we have the ability?" Leng Feng was ridiculed by Taoist Songtao, and he was very angry, and shouted at Taoist Songtao.

Taoist Song Tao said with a sneer: "Yes, but are you sure you want to beat me now?"

"You..." Leng Feng found out that he was a prisoner. Although Feijian was kept in his dantian, other things had already been searched away. Now he fights Taoist Songtao, and the result is that he was beaten for nothing. .

The guards of the surrounding brave knights spoke at this time: "Don't move, or be killed by the defensive tower, we are not responsible."

When the Taoists behind Song Tao heard this, their necks shrank. These people had seen the power of this defensive tower. After being hit, the chance of retreat is very small.

Leng Feng and others saw Taoist Song Tao's reaction and sneered: "What, are you afraid?"

"Hehe, you are not afraid, why don't you resist? Run, aren't your flying swords very fast? Run, you run, why don't you run away?" Taoist Songtao is also not friendly, although he said to teach It is said that Taoism is natural, but cultivating Taoism is originally a struggle with heaven and earth.

Of course, Leng Feng and the others wanted to run, but what happened after running? There was no way to return to the big world. It was not in vain, and after the little vitality of their own reserves was consumed, it was not the food of the Council of the Gods.

The two sides stopped talking, and after a while, Qing Zhu asked, "Thousands of Demon Sect disciples have been killed here?"

"I'm afraid there are tens of thousands." Taoist Song Tao nodded and replied.

"What kind of school do you have?" Mei Rui asked.

"That's too much. The Yin Demon Gate, the Five Ghost Gate, and the Blood Sea Gate, and so on. As long as they come out, they will be killed. Below this is a huge trap. Not to mention the Demon Gate, but we appear below. , Will also be killed." Taoist Song Tao said, pointing to the ice field below.

Leng Feng asked in surprise: "Don't the Demon Gate know what happened here?"

"Does your school know that there is no way to pass the news back, and the school is not one to send people down." Song Tao said angrily.

When Leng Feng heard this, he also nodded helplessly: "That is, the strength of this Council of Gods is too strong. We just came out, and we were captured before we could react."

"Haha." Taoist Songtao chuckled and said nothing.

"Why are you working with that guy?" Mei Rui asked.

Taoist Song Tao shook his head and said, "Our Taoist school is reasonable..."

"Speaking of people." Qing Zhu said coldly.

"Ahem, it's Speaker Cook who owns the Samadhi Spiritual Fire, and we have more than a dozen sects that have established mountain gates in the small world..." Taoist Songtao knows that there are some things that can't be kept, it is better to say it now. .

"What, open the mountain gate?" Leng Feng and the others were shocked. There is something wrong with the upper level of this Quanzhen Sect, what's wrong with this small world.

Mei Rui asked another thing: "You mean the Samadhi Spirit Fire is in the hands of that Cook?"

"To be precise, it is not in Cook's hands, but in symbiosis with Cook, and the spiritual intelligence of this spirit fire is not low, at least equivalent to the intelligence of a ten-year-old child." Song Tao used his spiritual thoughts to convey the message.

"One symbiosis, how is this possible? That Cook is alone." Leng Feng's eyes widened, and the other people in the fairy gate widened. The surrounding knights of the brave knights became vigilant. .

"I don't know the specific situation, and you don't know, the indigenous people in this small world will also practice. Our mountain gate has already accepted several disciples with good talents, and the use of divine consciousness is better than me." Song Tao Taoist said.

Leng Feng and the others almost jumped up, what divine mind is, that is the foundation of Taoism, as for the absorption of vitality, it is a cultivator.

"Furthermore, what our mountain gate collects is an old guy who has lived in the God Realm for thousands of years. The cultivation base is stronger than me. If you go to the big world, this cultivation base will rise slowly. This is not our true school. I am ready to continue to accept people.” Taoist Songtao did this deliberately. On the one hand, he was disgusting at the immortal gate. Not to mention other things. The mountain gates opened by more than a dozen sects have already allowed the various knowledge of Taoism to spread in the Council of Gods. What's more, Dao Sect pays attention to the **** channel method, which requires people with a strong mood, while the Xianmen clings to Feijian, leaving Feijian, most of the people of Xianmen are scum.

Hearing this, the five members of the immortal door were envious and jealous. You must know that the reason why people in the small world are not taken seriously is because people in the big world have experimented, and people in the small world can't cultivate at all.

And after cultivating in the small world, go to the big world and almost completely discard the cultivation base. People from the big world will not practice in the small world at all. In other words, the small world is actually a place where people from the big world retreat, that is, the enlightened mind. Places such as Fa, enlightenment scriptures, etc., are places for study, not places for cultivation.

"Impossible, you are a lie. The mentality of the small world who cultivates our big world will be baptized by thunder robbery when we go to the big world." Qingzhu shook his head and said, saying that he is not afraid of people around him. hear.

Song Tao shook his head and said, "What we are talking about is the cultivation of spirituality, not the absorption of vitality."

"What, how is it possible, how does the divine mind work without vitality?" Mei Rui exclaimed.

Taoist Song Tao smiled: "This is the secret. As long as you cooperate with the Council of Gods, the Council of the Lord Gods will tell you this secret."

"It was discovered by the Council of Gods. How could this be possible. Who in the Council of Gods knows the techniques of our great world?" Leng Feng exclaimed.

Taoist Song Tao shook his head and said, "I don't know this, but if you don't open the mountain gate quickly, then the geniuses will be snatched away by our Taoist gate... It seems that someone will die again."

Leng Feng saw Taoist Song Tao looking behind him, and turned around, and the magic weapon positioned by the magic door below began to emit a green light.

"Toot toot~www.wuxiaspot.com~ With a rush of whistle, the knights of the Five Hundred Brave Knights rode their flying mounts and warned on the magical weapon that emits green light.

In less than a minute, a two-meter-high oval space door appeared in front of this bead-like artifact, and then another green light passed through the space, and a full thirty people in green robes appeared.

"The disciple of the ancestor of the green robe." Leng Feng said while seeing the dressing of these people.

The space gate disappeared instantly after these people appeared, and the disciple of the green-robed ancestor below just exclaimed.

Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi.

Thousands of 100-meter-high purple lightning pillars shot out from the ground. The densely-measured lightning pillars made 99% of the disciples of the green-robed ancestor be hit into fly ash in an instant, with only a recognizable body. There was something like a green blanket bulging around.

Puff puff.

But in less than half a second, the defensive tower not far from the cold front flashed, and thousands of beams of light hit the last remaining person, leaving behind a sky full of gray dust.

Nothing was left, it took less than three seconds from the appearance of the disciples of these green-robed ancestors to their complete destruction.

There seemed to be nothing left on the entire ice surface, only some gray dust, but the wind on the ice sheet took away the gray dust.

Seeing this scene, the five Leng Fengs couldn't help but shiver. This was simply a massacre, a massacre without resistance at all. These people thought that if they and others had just been sent to the small world and encountered such an attack, it would be a success. It's gray.

"If you see it, this is the strength of the Council of Gods. There is no end to a round of attacks. With the upper limit of the strength of the small world, you say, who is the opponent of the Council of Gods, and you don't want to be locked up for a lifetime." Song Tao and other Taoists saw this situation more than once, but every time they saw it, they were frightened.

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