A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1747: Sale centering charm

This price surprised everyone below. Five thousand high-grade spirit stones, which is equivalent to the production of a small-scale spiritual stone vein, and many small schools do not have so many high-grade spirit stones.

Of course, I'm talking about cash, not total assets, and total assets are definitely more than that.

After the mill paid this price, he looked around with contempt, and the black-robed man sneered and said: "Do you see, these mages are rich, ten thousand high-grade spirit stones."

The man said the first half of the words, and the mill was still triumphant, but when the next sentence came out, the mill was stunned.

When Qing Ding heard the offer of 10,000 high-grade spirit stones, his eyelids twitched, his head shrank, and he was not ready to speak. The price was too ridiculous.

"Ten thousand, why, no one raises the fare?" A tall woman who knew she stood up, looked around, and said disdainfully.

"You have the ability, you bid!" The mill said with a sneer.

"A piece of the best spirit stone." I don't know that this tall woman really made a bid, and it is still the best spirit stone. What is the function of the best spirit stone, it is placed there, it will absorb the surrounding vitality, which is equivalent to a natural spirit gathering method The formation is the same. However, the top-grade spirit stone will not be circulated. According to the exchange rate, one top-grade spirit stone is exchanged for 10,000 top-grade spirit stones, but in fact, unless it is for special reasons, no one can exchange it. The ratio is also negotiated by yourself.

So the price of the top-grade spirit stone is much higher. There is no doubt that no matter who it is, there is no way to bid. It is the auction house. Even if you bid 15,000 top-grade spirit stones, it will not be sold to you, the best spirit stone. Stone, strictly speaking, is considered a treasure.

Of course, it is true that a piece of top-grade spirit stone can form a vein, but it takes a very long time, and it only serves as a spirit gathering array that does not consume spirit stones.

Mehta was already excited. Is this the best spirit stone?

After the auction was over, Mehta came to the auction room to receive guests. As soon as Mehta went in, the person in charge of the auction came.

"Friend Mehta, congratulations, congratulations." The person in charge of the auction is very happy, why? Because at the auction, someone will use the best spirit stones to consume. What is the concept? It is like someone buying things with gold bars in the mall same.

The seller does not want such customers, and the reputation of the mall will soon go out, the auction organizer must be happy.

"Thank you, thank you." Mehta replied politely. If people in the small world see the dragon being so humble and polite, I'm afraid their eyes will fall off, but in fact, when arrogance encounters power, they can also learn to be humble. .

"Friends Mehta, we Feitian City want to reach an agreement with your master. How about coming to our auction in the future to reduce the auction fee?" The person in charge of the auction tried two words, the first is to see Can Mehta be the master of this talisman? Does it really have a master?

The second is whether there is a follow-up Fulu.

Mehta shook his head and said, "I have to go back and ask for advice on this point."

Mehta certainly didn't know the meaning of the other party's sentence, but the person in charge of the auction was a bit speechless, because this sentence was very general and there was no answer at all.

The person in charge said with a smile, "Friend Mehta, then this time I will take the charge and save the fee. Next time, we welcome you to come again."

"Thank you, thank you." Mehta was very happy, knowing that this fee is not a small amount.

Of course, the person in charge of the auction is still very entangled in his heart. Because of a top-quality spiritual stone, the auction will want it or not, of course, but the seller will definitely not do it, so the conversion is calculated at a price of 10,000 to one. The auction will definitely not be done, but if the price is higher than this, the seller will definitely not do it. In any case, if there is a dispute with the seller, the reputation of the auction will be bad, so simply not accept it and make a good relationship.

The auction situation in the Great World made Cook more motivated, so a thousand centering charms were sent to the Great World soon.

The Western giant dragons in the big world are not fools. The price of these talismans will definitely be very low when they are released, so some go to auctions and some are on the black market.

With the reputation of buying top-grade spirit stones in the past, it is easy to get rid of it on the black market. Of course, the price is definitely not that high, reaching an average of 45 top-grade spirit stones.

It seems that these 45 high-grade spirit stones are not many, but you must know that an inner disciple only has ten high-grade spirit stones a year, and the core disciple does not exceed 50 yuan. Of course, the inheritance disciple does not know.

A talisman has 45 high-grade spirit stones. After everyone divides them in half, Cook has 23 and the dragon family has 22. Except for the passages that open the world, basically 500 high-grade spirit stones are opened once, one at a time. Thousands of talismans are forty-five thousand top-grade spirit stones. Except for the cost of opening the channel for the five hundred top-grade spirit stones, besides the cost of 500 materials, there are forty-four thousand. The Western Dragon and Cook have 220,000 each. Lingshi.

What is the concept of two hundred and twenty thousand high-grade spiritual stones? It is the income of a middle-to-lower sect for one year.

Yes, it is so awesome, but Cook and the Western dragon still underestimated the effect of the material of the talisman calcined by the samadhi spirit fire. After the centering talisman is used, the effect is about 30% higher than expected. This is no longer possible. Now, it can be said to be the best talisman in the best.

Cultivating offspring, when they are learning the mental method, they don’t pay attention, come one, and when guiding the exercises, they think about it, come one, and it’s effective.

Of course, the first person who used it would never say how good this thing is. It's the last word to get rich. So not only did the price of Fuluo not drop, it was slowly rising.

To know that there are hundreds of millions of schools in the big world, no one knows how many schools there are. One for each school is enough for Cook to be so busy.

Not to mention some big families, big forces, in order to train the children of the next generation, they use one sheet after another. The Fuluo has no side effects, and the effect is passed, it is passed.

Some people say it’s impossible, right?

Hehe, look at the current parents. The madness when tutoring children is known. (PS: Our teacher in a certain middle school has two vacations every year, winter and summer. Each student looks like 40 yuan for one class every day. There are two in the morning and two in the afternoon. There are forty students in a class. Everyone counts this teacher. How much a day’s income is, this teacher bought a house specifically for tutoring students, because the school does not allow this, some people say, I just won’t go, haha, the children’s tutoring, the learning progress has advanced, you If my children don’t go, can they catch up? Of course, there are fewer teachers like this, and only the class teacher has such convenience. A summer vacation is about 20 days, and winter vacations are less.)

Let alone the practice world where competition is fiercer than examinations. Centering charms are the most popular on the black market. As long as they are in stock, they are basically killed in seconds. Of course, no one is jealous of this, because it can be identified. Refined by one person.

But after looking for it, I found the target of the Western Dragon, most of the people died. The Western Dragon is a branch of the monster race. However, in the chaotic territory, the strength cannot be underestimated. Some As for the martial arts, the Western dragons are of course better at doing things. They take out a part of the talisman and trade them privately. Hello, everyone. Hello, everyone.

This is also mainly because the Western dragon is in the territory of chaos. If it is in the territory of Taoism, you can see what Taoist people will do. In the territory of chaos, you will send a hundred people from Taoism. If you take the western dragon, it will cost tens of thousands. , Hum, look at the Demon Gate, the Immortal Gate, and Buddhism, the Yaozu God Church will not stand by?

No matter who it is, it is impossible to use troops in the chaotic territory on a large scale. As for the use of troops in the chaotic territory, I am really embarrassed. The Western Dragon is not a scum.

Not to mention that the teacher occupied two territories in the past. You can try again, if you can't kill you, then you were strong and tolerated. Now you still want to eat more, believe it or not, everyone will destroy you together.

As for those other than teaching, I'm sorry, you want to take advantage of the chaos to occupy more territory, first ask me whether the boss agrees.

Moreover, some super sects have also gained a lot of benefits from it. The famous Feixianmen and the auction house of Feitian City, basically have centering symbols auctioned every three to five, attracting many high-profile guests. That sect wants to take this I'm sorry, I'm the fist auction item of Feitian City Auction House, what can you trade for?

The forces from all sides are intertwined, not to mention that the Western dragon also cooperates with the Demon Cave auction house, even if Taoism takes the lead. Believe it or not, the Western dragon goes directly to the Demon Gate?

It can be said that the Western giants have been in the big world for so many years, and there is still this point of mind. Of course, the Western giants pay more attention to this benefit. You must know that there are three thousand talismans produced in a month, which is 660,000 high-grade spirit stones. Nima’s net income was something that Nima could not even think of before.

Of course, there are not many people who know this number at all, because the part of the auction on the open market is about 500, the black market is about 500, the various martial arts transactions are about 500, and the big family privately About 500 cards were traded, and the rest was the magic gate, each of which was 500 for the monster race.

Take Dao Sects as an example. What can be counted is the five hundred on the bright side. This is not clear on the black market. I probably know one or two, only one or two hundred chapters. There are several big Dao sects, more than 100 , I probably know about a thousand copies. As for the demons and the demons, and the private transactions of the big family, it is estimated that it is unlikely to know.

Let alone other things, six hundred and sixty thousand high-grade spirit stones a month, it is the martial arts, and it is only slightly moved, of course, it is mainly in the high-grade spiritual stones, as for the income of the martial arts, hehe, that is massive.

Of course, the western dragon is not a miser. If you buy magic weapons, you should buy magic weapons. If you build a mountain protection formation, you should reward the cultivation genius of the same race.

Of course, the improvement of strength will not happen for a while.

The other half of the income was sent by another little sect. No one knew the news.

Wudingmen is the name of this little sect. There are about two hundred people in Wudingmen, all of whom are casual cultivators in Chaos Territory, but if someone checks it carefully, they will know that these two hundred people have been in the world since childhood.

Is the talent of these two hundred people good? Is there any bad thing about those who can enter the big world from a small world?

But different civilizations and different cultivation methods allow these two hundred people to live like dogs in the big world. There is no high-level mental method, and high-level mental methods require spirit stones. There is no spirit stone, even if you go to the spirit stone mine, what you earn can be used for other purposes, if you are bullied, you can use it for cultivation, that is very rare.

In the big world, casual cultivators without sects are like wild dogs. Whoever wants to be bullied will be bullied by whoever wants to be bullied. Without high-level mentality, even if you want to cultivate, you will not be able to cultivate. Special cultivation methods such as formations, refining tools, alchemy, and formations are now available, and the price is even more expensive. There is no one to guide, even if you get the exercises, can you practice successfully?

More than two hundred people live the life of beggars. Why does the Western dragon know these people? That's because Western dragons also have ethnic groups in the small world, so they pay more attention to this aspect.

So Wudingmen has just been established, and I contacted these beggars in private for a casual cultivation. More than two hundred came. Anyway, there is a single one. What are you afraid of? As for what you can’t tell, it is that life is a little better, worried about being deceived.

After these two hundred people entered the martial art, the Western dragon was appointed as the elder of the martial art, and then they found people to teach the foundation, identify the talent attributes, and then began to establish the martial art. At the beginning, this small martial art was very poor. A good environment is a barren mountain, even the place to live is reluctant, let alone aura concentration.

However, after two months, the martial art was actually engaged in construction. First, a large gathering of spirits was built, and hundreds of kilometers of aura around the surrounding area were gathered in the residential area, and then houses, mountain gates, and roads were built. Finally, after three months, there was actually The formation division came to survey and prepared to arrange a large mountain protection formation, and then there were cultivation rewards, one hundred low-grade spirit stones every month, and if you cultivate to a certain level, there will be spirit stones, magic tools, and magic weapons rewards.

"High-level exercises, Speaker Cook, what do you want high-level exercises for?" Taoist Song Tao looked at Cook suspiciously.

"I can't refer to it?" Cook asked angrily.

"Haha, I'm sorry, Speaker Cook, the high-level exercises are in our big world, and they can't be met. Even if there are, no one dares to buy them with fanfare unless they want to die." Leng Feng replied with a smile. .

Cook looked at Leng Feng, and Leng Feng explained: “Is there any high-level exercises, but the number is very small, because a high-level exercise can create a middle school. Everyone’s competition is already fierce. Who wants to have one more school? Once the high-level skills are leaked, it does not mean that people know the weaknesses of your sect, so once the high-level skills are leaked, the sect will definitely try its best to recover the skills."

"Well, what about the middle-level exercises?" Cook sighed helplessly. Cook has the exercises of Fei Xianmen, but it's not complete.

"Chairman Cook, let me tell you in detail that in the big world, there are a lot of middle and low-level exercises, but these exercises basically have a bottleneck, that is, to a certain extent, even if you have good talents, It is also impossible to advance. This is the reason why their martial arts are so powerful. Even if it is a strong martial arts, apart from the high-level inside, they don’t know the complete exercises. The people below are the level of cultivation and the level of exercises. , Not to mention low-level exercises. There are hundreds of versions of a Yuhuo Jue. You know who is true. Even with high-level exercises, you can get the top five levels at most, but it’s incredible. What about the level? What should you do? Of course, if Speaker Cook is willing to join us in the Golden Sword Sect, our head will definitely grant all the exercises..." The disciple of the Golden Sword Sect explained to Cook in detail, but said Finally, I revealed my purpose.

"Hey, that's enough, your Golden Sword Sect is really powerful?" Song Tao interrupted angrily.

"Brother Leng Feng, you look at Niubi, and you actually look down on our Jian Xiu." The disciple of Jin Jianmen said angrily.

Leng Feng glared at Song Tao and said, "Song Tao, be careful when you speak."

"Oh rice tofu, Donor Cook, our seven Buddhist monks are willing to teach the Great Day Tathagata Sutra of the donor, and we don’t force the Donor Cook to join the Seven Buddhist Schools, just let the donor be the guest of the Seven Buddhist Schools." The disciple of the Seven Buddhist Schools said another one. The remarks.

Cook said angrily: "I'm not stupid, I am going to the big world now, I'm afraid I will never return."

"The bald donkeys of Buddhism have the most bad water." Leng Feng said directly and scolded the disciples of Buddhism.

"Leng Feng, what are you?" The Buddhist disciple immediately quit.

"The bald donkey had a broken heart and eyes, otherwise, why would he want to worship Buddha, and he would feel ashamed." Song Tao stood by the fairy gate at this time.

Why? Because the sword repair of the fairy gate was actually split from the Taoist gate. It was originally a family. Although there are some contradictions with each other, once they encounter other enemies, the two sects immediately unite.

When Cook saw this, he hurriedly left. These guys will be noisy and noisy after a long time together.

"Cook, Cook, I know there are advanced techniques there." The little demon's voice rang.

"Don't you say it's your monster race?" Cook asked angrily.

The little demon smiled: "Of course, you think, our demon race has fought many times with other sects, and there are thousands of sects destroyed. There will definitely be cultivation techniques, and our demon race cannot If someone else buys the cultivation technique of the human race, we will not sell it, but if you people in the small world buy it, we will definitely sell it, because you are different from other sects, and there are some contradictions on the contrary."

"Well, you won't lie to me?" Cook heard the little demon say so, it made sense.

In fact, when Cook did this, he was forced to be helpless. There is only one level of practice in the sword womb. It is estimated that he will have to wait until Cook completes this level of cultivation before he can see the next level. As for the practice of Feixianmen, There are only a few low-level layers, which is not enough for the big world.

"Okay, I'll let you go back, but you also know what kind of means the people of the big world will do to you like you, do you have any relatives in the Yaozu?" Cook asked.

I don’t know that the little demon actually doesn’t want to go back: "Cook, it’s not that I don’t want to go back, but that the danger is too great. Even within our family, there are enemies. Otherwise, I’m trapped here. Why didn’t anyone come to meet us? From the time of God to the present, I guess that someone deliberately concealed the news, or came to the small world at the beginning, it was a conspiracy."

"Oh, then do you know who has these techniques?" Cook said. The big family is so troublesome and intriguing. Cook is more vigilant in his heart to avoid this happening in his own family.

The little demon gave Cook some news, and Cook passed the news to the dragon clan. After knowing the news, the dragon clan looked at Cook with admiration, because many of these news were secret.

This also gave Cook another way of thinking, that is, the magic door, the Tao door, the immortal door, and the Buddhist method. Is there a magic door? There must be.

Therefore, there is information on the high-level acquisition of high-level Taoist schools, immortal gates, gods, and Buddhist techniques on the black market of the magic cave. The magic gates are all selfish, as long as they are beneficial to themselves, as for one more Taoist school or It's the fairy sect, what matters to you, Dao sect, the sect of the fairy sect is enough, it doesn't matter if one more or one less.

Of course, this information makes Daomen and Xianmen people very uncomfortable, but no one doubts the giant dragon clan, because the western giant dragons are also demon clan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the monster clan takes this thing, it is useless.

This is also an unexpected convenience for Cook to let the dragons come forward. There was no one. Cook used the dragons, and the dragons were still a little uneasy with the spirit stone, but after this series of things, The dragon was also at ease.

The territory occupied by the monster race is not just the territory of the monster race. In the chaotic land, there are traces of the monster race even in the Taoist gate, the fairy gate, the gods, and the Buddhist gate. Some places are suitable for demons, but humans are not suitable at all.

There are a group of wind warblers living there, there are tens of thousands of them. It is said that there are also big monsters. It is said that a certain fairy gate prince was beaten to vomit blood, so the area around the storm cliff is very big. The scope is the territory of these monsters.

Of course, there are many people who go to catch Fengying. As long as Fengying is willing, the demon clan will not stop it. Some immortal gates still have a bad relationship with these demon beasts, so they changed their name, spirit beast.

In fact, spirit beasts and monster beasts are the same species, but monster beasts are wild, and spirit beasts can be domesticated. The difference is that simple.

The territorial divisions within the monster clan are also very messy. This is yours today and his tomorrow. Whoever occupies it, but some places will never be changed.

Huaguo Mountain, the holy land of monkey demon, there is a great sage of demon clan, so the surrounding area is the territory of monkey demon.

Take Dapeng, for example, the domain of Flying Dapeng is also a great saint, and the domain is also very broad.

Huaguo Mountain is a treasure land, which is the blessed land mentioned by Taomen. On this small mountain, there are many precious spiritual fruits. A spiritual spring emerges from the top of the mountain and nourishes the entire Huaguo Mountain. The effect of this spiritual spring is similar to The spirit stones are the same, which means that this spirit spring is a place where spirit stones are constantly gushing out, which shows how precious this spirit spring is.

PS: Two chapters together.

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