A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 877: Ask

"The Wild Continent?" When Cook heard these words, he was also very puzzled. The Wild Continent is on the west side of the God Realm Continent where the Council of the Gods is located, separated by a huge and deep strait, and basically there is no communication.

"Yes, our Chamber of Commerce also has a branch on the Wild Continent. It was only initially established. We have contacts with several barbarian tribes around. We also just learned the news." Murphy is in charge of the Chamber of Commerce. It has become a huge entity with more than hundreds of thousands of guards, which shows how powerful it is.

This is a satisfying reason for not being a merchant. Although there are many trade markets opened up, the plane of hell, the plane of darkness, and the plane of shadow, most of the business is controlled by the Mageweave Association.

The Mageweave Association is a large-scale weapon and equipment business, but the price of food, ale and other daily necessities is not low, but the quantity is large. In addition, Cook has the support of high-quality space equipment, and Murphy manages the chamber of commerce. It's not a little bit of expansion.

This is not focusing on the wild continent again, but Murphy is just trying the water. After all, no portal has been established, and magic-weave spaceships are used to come and go. To be honest, it means to drop a nail over there. That's it.

"How long has it been?" Cook asked.

"In half a month, according to those barbarians who fled, there is a kind of person in these barbarians tribe with bronze skin, strong defense, and very cruel. As long as they are on the battlefield, they don't leave a living." Mo Fei said.

When Cook heard this, his eyes lit up: "Haha, I probably know who it is, Blood Sea Demon Lord, tusk, this guy is really sinister and cunning."

Why did Cook suddenly guess that it was the Demon Lord of the Blood Sea? Because of Murphy's cruelty, Cook thought of the Demon Sect, and of the Demon Sect, he thought of the Demon Sovereign of the Blood Sea.

When Leng Feng and others were found by Cook, Cook told about the barbarian tribe. Leng Feng immediately said: "This is corpse training. These people have no feelings anymore. All they have in their minds are killing. It seems that they are still green. At the corpse stage, if you reach the iron corpse stage, your skin should be black."

"Yes, it should be the case. Corpse training is actually a very cruel thing. As long as the corpse poison is poisoned, the person with the corpse poison will not be aware of it. Strength, defense, speed will be improved, and the character will be tyrannical. In the end, just follow the refiner's command." Taoist Song Tao also nodded and said.

Cook waved his hand and said, "No matter who it is, are you interested in coming with me to see if that guy is making trouble. If it is the clone of Blood Sea Demon Lord, we must be more cautious."

"Careful?" Mei Rui asked while looking at Cook.

"Of course, Blood Sea Demon Lord can freely travel to and from the Wild Continent, what if one is not good and scares him away?" Cook asked while looking at Mei Rui.

Leng Feng and the others almost stared out. Is the Demon Lord of the Demon Sect so easily scared away?

Seeing the expressions of these people, Cook said angrily: "If you are not afraid, why is this blood sea demon conspiring on the side?"

Taoist Songtao was speechless, and said: "Speaker Cook, as far as the trap you set, no one from the magic door has returned. No one will rush into the small world from your side. That is to die."

"Are you going?" Cook thought he hadn't heard this, and then asked.

"Go, why not." Leng Feng and others looked at each other, gritted their teeth and decided to go.

"Speaker Cook, don't play any conspiracies, know that we have an agreement." Taoist Song Tao said to Cook uneasy.

Cook grinned: "Hey, what I'm talking about is in the territory of the Council of the Gods, this is outside the Council of the Gods, but it is. If you listen to me, I will guarantee your safety."

People in the big world heard this and almost spit on Cooke's face. There are these people, that one is not talking about genius, but also listens to you, but no one dares to say clearly that this person Cook is given to the people of the big world. What is the impression?


Yes, they are lunatics. People who dare to imprison tens of thousands of immortal gates, batch by batch, the Taoist schools are even more threatened, and it is said that Buddhism is also imprisoned, and the magical gates are killed directly, regardless of right or wrong.

The big forces in the big world have all been offended by this guy. Even in the big world, there is no such bold person. Don't say offending a family, just offending one of these people will be finished.

However, because Cook is in an absolutely geographically advantageous environment, no matter if it is immortal, Buddhist, spiritual, or Taoism, he can only recognize it by pinching his nose, but whoever really wants to cooperate, once given the opportunity, these schools of the big world will still Not to vent their anger.

So in the minds of these people, Cook has no good end. If you don't go to the big world, you will be fine. There is a saying in the big world that it is not that the time has not come.

"No one has an opinion, then we'll leave." Cook said with a smile when no one agreed.

Leng Feng and others were silently protesting, but there is no good way to meet a shameless person like Cook.

Some people don't want to go, no, if you catch the clone of Blood Sea Demon Lord, think about it, everyone is excited.

The magic pattern spaceship is already considered an extremely high-end magic pattern prop in the God Realm, but in the eyes of the people of the big world, just go back.

This time there are more than 500 people, 130 sects, and an average of about four people in each sect. There is no way. If there is credit, no one is willing to give up. Of course, there are also those who are afraid of danger. After all, it was the Demon Lord of the Blood Sea.

There is a saying in the big world that strength is not ability. If the strength is the same, those with strong crushing ability is not a problem.

Moreover, the demon of the blood sea has a lot of knowledge, and it may not be able to please everyone. If the demon of the blood sea runs away, tsk tsk, the fun will be great.

More than 500 people, plus Cook, and the spacecraft's operators, just such a few people, Leng Feng and others looked at Cook: "Just me, are these people?"

"It's not good if there are too many people. We have to figure out whether it is the Demon King of the Sea of ​​Blood before we can do it." Cook shook his head. Cook also knew that in high-end battles, many people might not be useful.

Song Tao shook his head and said, "You should still bring more people. After all, there may be more than one Blood Sea Demon Lord."

Cook shook his head and said, "If you want me to say, there is only one Blood Sea Demon Lord."

"Why?" Qing Zhu asked, and the others were also suspicious.

"Haha, how many conspiracies and tricks have been seen to be able to reach the level of the Demon Lord, and they are in the Demon Sect. Coming to the small world is limited in strength. This Blood Sea Demon Lord is not afraid of what other Demon Sect disciples think about him? "Cook said with a smile.

Taoist Songtao heard Cook's words and nodded and said: "What you said makes sense, anyway, whether it is for secrecy or safety, the possibility of being alone is very high."

"If Blood Sea Demon Lord really has a bunch of helpers, and there are barbarians who want these wild continents?" Cook shook his head and asked.

When other people heard this, they looked at Cook with admiration. Yes, there are not many people who can think of this level, but this person did.

Of course, people like Cook are not called clever, but treacherous. Yes, they are treacherous. Those who are caring about attacks must be smart, and those who are hostile to themselves will be treacherous, despicable, and shameless.

"This speed is a bit slow." Leng Feng looked at the white clouds outside and said.

"Can you Sword Immortal really be able to take the top level from thousands of miles away?" Cook heard Leng Feng say this and asked.

Before Leng Feng could answer, Taoist Song Tao said angrily: "What's so strange about it. When the strength reaches a certain level, the branch in his hand can take the first level of people thousands of miles away. When it comes to the level of the great sage, the Taoist, the words will follow. The law comes out, just say a word, you have to die."

Cook and Leng Feng both rolled their eyes, and Leng Feng said, "For our sword repair, the most important thing is divine consciousness, and true essence. The true essence is strong, and the divine consciousness channel. Use the take-off sword to come with fast speed and strong attack power~www .wuxiaspot.com~None is indispensable, of course, the most important thing is the indomitable momentum, even if a mountain is in front of you, you have to rush up."

"Then what's the difference between your sword training and the flying sword?" Cook asked again.

"How to say this, each has its own advantages. The ready-made flying swords can be used when they are used. However, the higher the level of flying swords, the longer it will take to practice, and if they are not strong enough, they are simply It can’t be used. Sword tyre does not have this problem. It can be used at any level. However, sword tyre also depends on potential. Some sword tyres have excellent potential, and some are not very good, but they also have different potentials. Okay, the more you invest in later, the less the potential is, the less the investment, the distance becomes the finished product, and the flying sword made by the sword fetus is very suitable for yourself. The slightest difference is totally different." Leng Feng explained.

"Oh, then is there anything special about sacrificing sword fetus?" Cook asked again.

Jingkong looked at Cook, did not say anything, Leng Feng looked at Cook suspiciously: "You want to sacrifice the sword fetus?"

"I have this idea. Feijian can't be used in the small world. It's like looking at the sword tire." Cook nodded and said.

"This sacrifice of sword fetus cannot be done by ordinary people. It is necessary to understand the knowledge of refining tools. Not all materials can be used to sacrifice sword fetus. The result is a waste flying sword." Leng Feng heard Cook's words. His eyes widened, and he said for a while.

"Cook, don't worry about it. The sacrifice of sword fetus requires true essence, as well as the exercises that match the attributes. Generally, sword fetuses are created by various sects for their descendants. No one says that there are separate swords outside. The tires are sold." Songtao saw that Cook still wanted to ask, so he said.

Cook heard this. His eyes lit up and asked, "Is there any sword fetus with its own exercises?"

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