A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 879: Go deep

When Cook saw Song Tao's expression, he laughed and said, "Don't worry, I, Cook, is still very trustworthy and won't do anything to you."

Cook’s words made the people in more than a hundred worlds around do not know what to say, but it is undeniable that Cook’s credit is not a big problem.

Across mountains and rivers, when Cook and others saw tens of thousands of barbarians fighting on a mountain, it was already ten days later.

It was said that they were fighting, but in fact, it was considered a slaughter. These barbarians were more than three meters high and four meters high, riding various mounts, and holding things like long spears.

The skin of one barbarian is cyan, and the barbarian on the other has normal brown skin. The spears in the hands of these cyan-skinned savages are not only thicker than those with normal skin color, but also larger and darker in color.

"This is corpse training." The faces of Leng Feng and others are very ugly. The corpse training is a cruel thing. It is a method used by the magic door to train thugs and dead men. These corpse trainings only obey the operators' orders. , It is a killing machine.

This is an asymmetrical battle. One side was given a secret technique by the magic door, and the other side was ordinary, but these ordinary barbarians, tens of thousands of warriors, only survived hundreds. The barbarians are very bloody. .

"Let's go, let's find a place to discuss." From a distance, seeing the demonized barbarian warrior slaughtering the injured enemy, Cook frowned.

After the mount was released by Cook and the others, they ran back directly. These mounts were domesticated and naturally knew the way back.

"Are you sure it's the magic door?" Cook asked, looking at Song Tao and others.

"I'm sure, it's the corpse training of the Demon Sect." Taoist Song Tao's complexion is not good, after all, he just saw tens of thousands of people being killed, no one feels good.

Leng Feng asked, "When will we kill it?"

"After killing, you did not see that there are tens of thousands of barbarian warriors behind these warriors controlled by the magic gate. With us, there is no problem with these barbarian warriors, but we killed these barbarian warriors. What's the use? We need to be clear about our purpose, not these ordinary guys." Cook reminded him that he doesn't know what kind of brains Leng Feng these guys are, is it useful to blindly charge?

"Cook's words are reasonable. We are here to eradicate the evil of the magic door. Cook, what do you think?" Qingzhu also agreed with Cook's ideas.

Cook opened his mouth and said, "Do you have any way, or something, once you hit this magic gate guy, you can prevent this magic gate guy from escaping? After all, we don’t know who this magic gate is. It is the Demon Lord of the Blood Sea. If you don’t pay attention and get run away by this guy, you might not be so easy to find a chance again."

Leng Feng said: "There are many ways, but people in your small world can't use the methods of our big world at all."

"Besides, among these tens of thousands of people, who of us knows the guy who is the Demon Sect? We don't know what the Demon Lord of the Blood Sea looks like." Taoist Song Tao also said.

Cook has no good way. After all, this is not the territory of the Council of Gods. Even the details of the barbarian tribes are not very clear to Cook. Moreover, it is even more difficult to find the masters behind these guys.

"Do you have a good way?" Cook heard Taoist Song Tao say this and asked.

Leng Feng frowned and said: "We Xianmen have a secret method that can roughly determine where there is a trace of the magic door, but this consumes a lot of true yuan, and it is only a rough range."

"How old?" Cook was shocked when he heard this.

"About a few square kilometers." Leng Feng said.

Taoist Merui spoke at this time; "In fact, what we should find is the place where the magic door connects to the big world, to prevent the guy from the magic door from running away."

"Yes, why did I ignore this? Fairy Mei Rui is smart." Cook heard this and said, complimenting Mei Rui by the way.

Mei Rui glared at Cook. You must know that Mei Rui is in the martial art, but the proud girl of heaven, except for the elders, who has spoken to herself in this tone?

"That's it, it's very difficult." Song Tao glanced at everyone and said helplessly.

Cook waved his hand and said: "It's not difficult, it's not difficult, we have to start from the origin of this matter, don't you see that the headdresses on the heads of these barbarians are different, these headdresses represent various tribes, just like you Like the sects of China, the barbarian warriors who were trained with corpses belonged to the same tribe, so I'm sure the place where the magic gate first appeared was the place where the magic gate guys haunt."

"Then how do we know where this tribe is?" Leng Feng asked.

"Mouth, ask, do you want to find it yourself?" Cook glanced at Leng Feng, and then looked like a fool.

Leng Feng almost vomited blood. If someone else, Leng Feng would have released his flying sword, but, Cook’s strength is unfathomable, and if he does something to Cook, he probably wants to return to the big world. , It's almost impossible.

In the stunned eyes of everyone, Cook went outside and came back for a while, and then turned into a barbarian in everyone's surprised eyes, looking at Cook's brown skin and four-meter-high body, Leng Feng and Song Tao Waiting people can't believe their eyes at all.

"Okay, I'm going to find out now, you're waiting." Cook carried the Sealed Magic Column on his back. There was no way to put this stuff away. It wasn't that Cook didn't want it, but that Cook's beast soul transformation relied on it.

As for the broken star hammer, it is hung on Cook's wrist as a bracelet. If Cook needs it, it can be taken out to hit people anytime and anywhere.

"This... how is this possible?" Gulian asked in astonishment after a while.

"Change, this change is in our Dao Sect, unless it is some great ability, it is impossible to become another person." Taoist Song Tao was also shocked.

Leng Feng opened his mouth and said: "The greatest monster in the big world is the Great Sage of the Demon Race, which can change seventy-two, but how good is the Great Sage's cultivation technique?"

"This Cook still has a sword fetus, and what he cultivates is not the Feixianmen technique." Jingkong hadn't spoken before, and now he said.

"Sword tire, what kind of sword tire?" Leng Feng turned his head to look at the clear space when he heard this.

Jingkong shook his head: "I don't know, I only saw a metal pellet in his hand rubbing constantly when I saw Cook for the first time and the second time. At the beginning, I didn't pay attention, but then I only I found out that this is probably a sword tire, because someone like Cook is not boring enough to play with a metal projectile, so I suspect it is a sword tire."

"Why are you so sure?" Leng Feng looked at Clearance solemnly.

"Because of spiritual sense, you also know that when I see Cook, I will definitely report every move. But the first time, I saw this metal projectile with my eyes, but I completely ignored it. The second It was the same again, until I returned to the school, I suddenly remembered that if I hadn't seen it twice, I would have completely ignored it." Jingkong explained.

Songtao heard this and asked, "Is there anything Cook asked?"

"Yes, even if the sword fetus is in the fairy gate, it is a very unpopular topic, but why does Cook want to ask this, and also ask the sword fetus with its own exercises, how many such sword fetuses we have here? I know, there are more than one hundred people, I’m afraid there are not ten of them, but why Cook knows. Don’t tell me Cook has collected intelligence like the big world, where Cook’s intelligence comes from, from those Western giants Dragon, the western dragon is a monster, know the secret of the fairy gate?" Jingkong said.

Leng Feng cursed upon hearing this; "Fuck!"

Everyone listened to the analysis of the clearance, but Mei Rui said, "This is just speculation."

"Presumably, did you see the stone stick behind Cook?" Jingkong asked.

"What does it matter?" Qing Zhu asked.

"Stone Monkey..." Jingkong spit out two words, and said nothing.

When Song Tao heard this, his face changed: "Should it?"

"Who is clear about God's will? Since the small world can produce spiritual fire like the real fire of Samadhi~www.wuxiaspot.com~, can it not produce other spiritual things, and according to the time ratio of the large and small worlds, the time when the small world exists? Longer than the big world, is there something wrong with the birth of a few spirit creatures?" Jingkong said.

At this time Leng Feng also remembered what Shihou was called, his expression also changed drastically: "It can't be such a coincidence?"

"Who is the stone monkey you are talking about?" Someone asked at this moment.

"The monkey demon ancestor, the legend is that the innate spirits, immortals, Buddhas, Taos, gods, and several sects that have been bred from the stone have suffered a lot in this hand. In the end, the Buddha sage suppressed the stone. The monkey, but it is just suppression, because the monster clan also has a great sage, at that time the monkey demon ancestor has not been canonized." Song Tao said.

"Fuck." There was a sound of screaming around, yes, not many people know about the stone monkey, but the great sage of monkey demon, that has changed the status of the demon clan. In the past, the demon clan was bullied by the great sect. Now, The Yaozu and this great sect are not against the river.

"Could it be possible that this Cook is also a spiritual creature, samādhi really fire, that stick?" Mei Rui asked suspiciously.

"I don't know, spiritual things themselves are extremely rare, let alone innate spiritual things, unless we can see through some of the great powers of Buddhism." Jing Kong shook his head and said.

Song Tao asked Leng Feng: "Is there any news about the loss of high-quality sword tires in your fairy gate?"

"No, it's just that who is lost, who will say it with great fanfare, isn't it troublesome, and the sword fetus with the exercise method can only be obtained by some powerful inheritor, such a person, in us Fairies, there are no more than ten people. No one outsiders knows who has and who doesn't." Leng Feng felt heavy, not knowing why, and a little irritable. However, the expressions of other people were different. The little abacus started to fight.

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