A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1767: Fu Mo

Cook, who was far away in the barbarian tribe, jumped up all at once: "Damn, you deserve to be a demon guy, so insidious."

"Song Tao, Song Tao, come out." Cook yelled out of the entrance of the camp.

Facing the high priest's wow, wow, because Cook used the language of the big world, Song Tao soon appeared, looking at Song Tao wearing a barbarian skin, like a half-old barbarian kid.

"Hahahahahaha." The cold front also appeared. The cold front was obviously hiding on the surrounding trees because there were still two leaves on the body.

"Don't laugh, hurry up, Blood Sea Demon Lord has arrived at the Council of the Gods." Cook also used his spiritual thoughts to convey the message.

"What!" Leng Feng and Song Tao were shocked. You must know that there are not only people with small worlds around Zhu Shenshan, but also Taoist and Xianmen sects, and perhaps for safety, the Taos are almost together, and the Xianmen are almost there. Together, and for the sake of experience, the disciples of these sects and immortal sects are all wandering around.

"What to do?" Cook asked after he finished talking about the situation.

"Go back quickly." Leng Feng replied in an angry tone.

Song Tao shook his head and said, "Not necessarily. According to the treacherous character of the Demon Sect, this may be a cover, and this altar can't be relaxed."

Cook nodded and said, "That's right, maybe this is a sham shot of the magic door?"

"Then who will guard this place? I'm not sure to face the clone of Blood Sea Demon Lord." Leng Feng shook his head and said.

Not only Leng Feng, but also Song Tao couldn't face it. If nothing else, the reputation of the Demon Sovereign of the Blood Sea gave them no courage to face.

When Cook heard this, he was a bit embarrassed. For the Blood Sea Demon, Cook was not afraid, but Cook did not have a clone, so he couldn't defend the mountain of gods and the barbarian tribe at the same time.

"Should we fight the grass and startle the snake? Let the blood sea demon come back?" Song Tao looked at Cook's embarrassment and suggested.

"No, this method is not appropriate. Who knows what the blood sea demon thinks in his mind, and if he wants the blood sea demon to run wildly, then the blood sea demon must feel threatened? Who of you has this ability?" Cook asked.

Facing Cook’s words, neither Leng Feng nor Song Tao could answer. Blood Sea Demon Lord was an unknown number in itself. Who knew what secret methods he possessed, and in this small world, there was no way to give full play to his strength.

Cook thought about a lot of ways in his mind, and after a while, Cook said: "In this way, you go back to some people, and then you make trouble."

"Make trouble?" Taoist Song Tao asked suspiciously.

"Hehe, you are making trouble, our Council of Gods will definitely conflict with you, so..." Cook said.

"Cook, this method is not good, what if Blood Sea Demon Lord hits our heads?" Taoist Songtao shook his head and interrupted Cook before he was finished.

Cook was very annoyed by this, and asked angrily: "This is not good, that is not good, I don't have the courage at all, how can I practice?"

"It's not that we don't have the courage, but Blood Sea Demon Lord is the Demon Lord, not the miscellaneous fish of other Demon Sects." Leng Feng also helped Song Tao speak at this time, there is no way. .

Cook asked angrily: "What should I do?"

Cook’s irritation is not without reason. After all, the guys of the magic door are extremely cruel in nature. If they are forced to be anxious, who knows what they will do, and some of the magic door methods are restricted in the small world. It's not very big, such as needing human life, three souls and seven souls are absolutely enough in a small world.

"Cook, do you have a way to directly catch the Demon Lord of the Blood Sea?" Song Tao looked at Cook annoyed and asked directly.

When Song Tao asked like this, Cook suddenly realized: "Damn, I originally wanted to be complicated. No matter who it is, I will grab one first and talk about it."

Of course Song Tao and others would not mention what to do if it is not the Demon of the Blood Sea. Cook thought in his heart to remove the unstable factors on the mountain of Gods first. If it is the clone of the Demon of the Blood Sea, everything is easy to say. If not, hum, come back again after a big deal, in a word, fast enough.

Thinking of doing Cook, just do it right away. It won’t be so troublesome to go back. Cook himself also has the talent of the space department, but Taoist Songtao and others will definitely not stay here, in case there is a clone of Blood Sea Demon Lord. , If you don't go back, isn't this Nima a big loss.

There were more than 30 people who stayed here in the end, no way. Cook can no longer bring too many people to teleport. Just kidding, this is the energy of Cook himself. Of course, Cook has the matter of fixed astrolabes and the matter of golden scrolls.

"Cook." Connie shouted immediately when he saw Cook's appearance.

"How is it?" Cook asked eagerly, and Cook appeared directly at the headquarters of the Brave Knights.

"It's still under close monitoring. In addition to eating, this black-robed man is still shopping around." Connie immediately handed over a piece of information.

Cook took a cursory look, and then said: "The defense run of Sky City is switched to plasma mode. Once the target wants to escape, then bombard me."

"Other people around?" Connie hesitated.

"Connie, take out your courage to be a commander, the courage you used to be in the small world, what happened, I will resist." Cook looked at Connie and said.

In fact, being a commander is sometimes like this, with conscience on one side and interests on the other. No one is born so cruel.

"Cook, don't worry, we will sweep the formation for you on the periphery." Taoist Song Tao said.

"That's good." Cook dropped the information and started moving towards the target area.

As Cook walked, he communicated with Barry in his heart: "Barry, it's up to you later."

"Leave it to me." Barry is confident, because Barry's high temperature is indeed unimaginable.

Above the Sky City, Connie looked at the image of Cook. Because I didn't know the details of the magic door, the attack system of Sky City did not directly target the target.

The black-robed people have always felt a little uneasy recently. As for the Shenjing bag that was given the secret method, many people have been tossed around. Nothing unexpected happened. Looking at the group of Buddhist disciples in the distance on the road, The black-robed man always wanted to kill these guys directly.

"Unexpectedly, these people actually colluded with Buddhism, Taoism, and Xianmen. As long as things succeed this time, then you don't want to go back, let you become our blood seamen's corpse training." There was a gleam in the black robe man's eyes. Red light, made up my mind.

Most of the people around are acquaintances. I have seen these people since the first day the black-robed people came here. The dwarf boss across the street likes to pull people on the street when nothing is wrong, and yells at his buddies. , Let his buddies come out to pull people.

On the other side, there are some massage parlors opened by cat women. Adventurers come and go. Of course, the black-robed people can see at a glance what this is.

The warriors on patrol energized the streets once every two hours, and once an hour at night, but at night they were all knights.

The proprietress of the hotel is a human female, who boldly laughed at the young guest, and also pulled down the clothes that had exposed the small half of her breasts, which made many young adventurers want to be wrong. The boss of the hotel is a middle-aged man, don’t Looking dull and not speaking, but the black-robed man knew that this middle-aged man had murderous intent, and he was obviously someone who had experienced battle.

"Boss, stay in the store." A young voice rang downstairs.

People in black robes are used to it. This hotel is made of wood. The sound insulation is not very good. Sometimes the adventurous next door will get drunk and roar in the middle of the night. Sometimes there will be some women in the next door, and young handsome men. Man.

The old cleaning man could not wait to see the details of others at a glance, and was almost beaten several times.

"Sir, how long will you stay in the store? We have a few standard rooms here..." the proprietress introduced in a whisper. "

"Of course it's a mediocre one." The young voice said after the lady boss finished speaking.

"Sir, why don't you change the room?" When the lady boss said this, she was sure to make some misunderstanding actions to the customer. The black-robed man had seen it more than once.

"That would be better." Sure enough, the young voice had compromised, and the black robe man laughed at it.

Then there was the sound of the lady boss leading people upstairs, just as the lady boss led people upstairs and walked to the door of the black robe man's room.

"God, moved, moved." There was an exclamation, followed by a wave of noise outside the window.

The black-robed man was startled, he stood up, his head also looked out the window.

"Boom." With a sound, the solid wood door was knocked open. The black-robed man knew it was not good. He jumped up, penetrated the floor, and went directly to the third floor, the big bed on the third floor. The woman was shaking on a man's body.

"Ah!!!" But the black-robed man can no longer take care of so much, because the pain of the heart made the black-robed man almost slumped to the ground.

"Warsong halo." Cook's body flashed and hit the third floor directly. He saw the black-robed man almost limp to the ground, and a black light from the Feng Mozhu in his hand released towards the black-robed man.

"Damn it, go!" The black-robed man saw the black light that Cook released towards him, and this black light gave the black-robed man a thrilling feeling.

Boom, Cook kicked the person out of the bed, and the two men and women rolled out of the window. At the same time, the other people in the hotel, above the **** level, heard this sound and fled immediately, dare to be here. The troublemakers were definitely not good stubborns. As for ordinary people, they were taken away by knights in full gear.

The body of the black-robed man suddenly turned into a hood of red smoke, like a bursting smoke bomb.

"Wind!" Under the mobilization of Cook, the source of the wind was full of energy. Seeing the scattered smoke and dust, they were actually compressed together. The black light suddenly shrouded in the smoke and dust, and the black robe man revealed his body again.

Zi Zi Zi Zi!

The body of the black-robed man made a sizzling sound, and the black robe was completely unrecognizable. On the body of the black-robed man, a red **** of fire was directly wrapped around the chest of the black-robed man.

"Linghuo, you are Cook, why are you going against our magic door?" The black-robed man looked at Cook and asked in a deep voice.

"Dead." Cook did not speak. At this time, Cook was not trying to say anything, but to catch this person. This person must have his own purpose when he speaks.

Cook rounded the Sealing Demon Pillar in his hand and smashed it towards the black-robed man.

"Boom!" The black-robed man saw that Cook didn't speak, he stamped his foot and resisted the appearance of fainting.

"Thunderstorm." But in the room below, a woman in a purple battle suit waved tens of thousands of purple thunders.

The black-robed man did not expect that there would be people below who would dare to take action. The purple power grid was like a dense spider web, constantly moving back and forth on the black-robed man. Every time he moved, the black-robed man would shiver.


Cook followed closely, and Feng Mozhu smashed the black-robed man's head fiercely. The black-robed man's body shook, and then his figure flew up into the sky.

"Fuck." Cook cursed inwardly, and immediately afterwards, La Milan saw someone resisting his thunderstorm and his eyes widened.

"Explosion!" The black-robed man just penetrated the roof and flew into the sky when a female voice rang again.


A huge fireball with a diameter of one meter hit the black-robed man who had just flew up and had not avoided it. The violent explosion formed a huge shock wave in the air, and many surrounding roofs were collapsed by the sudden shock.

"Plasma cannon, lock the target, shoot." Connie was on the sky city, watching the black-robed man being attacked by Lina, and quickly gave orders.

Each white ball of light shot out from the defensive tower, and in a flash, it reached the black-robed man. The black-robed man's hair stood upright, and a burst of blood was spouted from his mouth.

"Niezha, die!" A dozen rays of light were inserted into the body of the black-robed man at once, and a dozen flying swords of various shapes were dazzlingly inserted into the body of the black-robed man.

The blood spewed out by the black robe man just now turned into blood arrows and shot towards the light ball shot by the plasma gun.

"Shameless...Bang." The black-robed man stretched out his dark arms and hugged him. A dozen flying swords were hugged in his hands. However, without waiting for the next step, Cook's Sealing Demon Pillar smashed again. Hit the black robe man's chest.


The black-robed man spouted blood again. There was no way. The black-robed man had just arrived in the air and had not waited for a reaction. He was hit by the explosive fireball, then locked by the plasma cannon, and then sucked by a dozen flying swords. Insert it, and then be hit by Cook's sealing pillar.

One after another, the black-robed man felt extremely dangerous. Seeing the string of white plasma in the sky, the black-robed man grabbed Cook's black hand.


But the imagination was different. The black-robed man felt that his hand was grasping a piece of metal, an iron plate, and sparks were splashing.

"Humph." Cook snorted. Just after he hit the black robe man, he grabbed the black robe man's head with one hand, and Feng Mozhu took advantage of the situation and inserted into the black robe man's body, although Feng Mozhu is not very sharp, but Cook is nine times mad. Not to mention the body, even a piece of metal will be inserted into a big hole by Cook.

"The Great Array of Ten Thousand Souls." The black-robed man hit Cook and found that something was wrong, his head flashed, but the Feng Mozhu directly penetrated into the black-robed man's shoulder and directly reached the inside of the body. The black-robed man felt death. The breath, the seal of the magic pillar is like an extremely cold temperature, making the body of the black-robed person stiff. The black-robed person took this opportunity to spout blood, and with a wave, tens of thousands of ghosts turned towards the blood. Pounced.

what! ! ! !

However, the plasma fired by the plasma cannon detonated directly next to the black-robed man. Countless ghosts were hit by the plasma cannon and made a miserable sound. It was the blood spewed out by the black-robed man. There were dozens of Taoists in Songtao. A thunder talisman was thrown out, and the exploded ghost and the blood of the black-robed man turned into blue smoke.

"Ding." Taoist Song Tao crushed a piece of jade charm in his hand from a distance.

The black-robed man's body was stiff, he almost fell directly, and was quickly caught by Cook's eyes.

Taoist Song Tao saw this scene, his body flashed to Cook's side, and then a hairpin was inserted into the black robe man's heart.

"Taishang Laojun, as anxious as the law, set." Then Taoist Songtao was a burst of spells.

A few minutes later, Cook watched as he was **** by a few yellow ropes, a dozen flying swords were inserted into various joints of his body, and the body of the black-robed man was painted with a solution of various talisman.

Seeing Taoist Songtao finished, Cook asked, "Is this the Demon Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood?"

"It's the clone of the Blood Sea Demon Lord. The Ten Thousand Soul Array is the secret of the Blood Sea Gate. In fact, the full name of the Thousand Soul Array is called the Ten Thousand Bone Blood Sea Nether Blood Soul Array." Taoist Song Tao looked at the black robe man deeply After taking a breath, his hands are still trembling with excitement.

Leng Feng opened his mouth and said: "It must be, other people are definitely not so hard. Since you started to attack with spirit fire from Cook, this black-robed man will bear it, knowing that the cultivation method is not ordinary. You must know that in the small world, there is Limited by the strength, ordinary people are burned by the spirit fire and will be seriously injured if they die. How many times this guy has been beaten by us, even the Thunder can't stop the fight."

Cook breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Well, let me watch this prisoner first. You can contact the martial arts quickly. If you should get away, I will go to the Wild Continent again."

"Good." Leng Feng and others were excited when they heard this.

Cook directly asked the Brave Knights to bring the altar back to the wild continent. Cook personally went to the location of the corpse training tribe and moved back all the things in the so-called temple, because Cook was not sure there were other things there. Some things related to the magic door.

Then these things were placed on the ice sheet again, waiting for others to come out of it, and then they were wiped out.

As for the corpse training of the corpse training tribe, they were directly killed by Cook with a broken star hammer, and then thrown into the volcano. Fire, thunder and lightning, these most stubborn things are the most restrained to the magic door.

After looking back, Cook came to see the guy who was caught.

"Huh? Why are you dying?" In a secret room in the city of the sky, this was originally the place where the city of the sky held prisoners. The surrounding wizard attack models not only isolated the space, but also suppressed and sealed the effect. In addition, it was surrounded by tens of thousands. The attack model can change the attributes at will, and now Cook has replaced the surroundings with the attack model with thunder attributes.

The aura of the black-robed man became weaker, but Cook did not activate the attack method. It was in the middle of the cell, a small area. As long as the prisoner did not exceed this area, he would not be attacked.

"Is it the Sealing Demon Column?" Cook took a closer look and found that the Sealing Demon Column has changed a bit. The original appearance like a rock now looks a bit metallic.

"Fuck the magic stick?" Cook tried to perceive the magic pillar with his spirit, and a message poured into Cook's mind.

This is a magic wand, to be precise, it is a magic weapon of the spirit treasure level, but because of suppressing a certain evildoer, the magic wand was damaged and finally fell into the small world.

The biggest characteristic of the Demon Stick is to subdue the demons and subduing the demons. The four words are interesting. The meaning of the subduing demons in Buddhism means that the demons can be saved, so it is called the demons and subduing demons. The guy at the door has no room for salvation, he will kill one if he sees one.

"Fucking the magic pestle method, and the Vajra Fu magical scripture, fuck." Then, Cook was stunned by the information behind.

The method of Fu Mo pestle is a very difficult way of using magic weapons. Of course, what Cook sees is only the fur. As for the Vajra Fu Mo Sutra, what Cook reads is a brain of doubt, a single word, Cook knows, But when connected, Cook can't read it smoothly.

There is no specific exercise at all. It depends on your own comprehension. Of course, you can become sutras, haha, only true sutras.

"Nan Wu He Na Da Na Duo Na Ye Nan Wu A Li Ye Po Lu Ji Di Shuo Bo Na Ye Bodhi Sa Tuo Po Ye Maha Sa Tuo Po Ye

Mahakya Lunigaye, who knows how to punish the number of penalties, writes Nanwuxijilito, Yimeng Aliyepo, Luji, and Buddha.

, Leng Tuo Po Nan Wu Na Na Jin Chi Tan Li Mo He Ping Duo Sha Ba Sa Po Ata Dou Su Peng A Shi pregnant... a bit interesting! "Cook tried several times, and only reluctantly read it smoothly. Cook found that he had to read it hard~www.wuxiaspot.com~Cook now knows why Buddhism chants every day. It’s still the same sentence. Reading a book a hundred times is right. Of course, the truth may need to add ten thousand, one hundred thousand, ten million after the hundred. This depends on comprehension, so the big world is particularly important for comprehension. .

"Tsk tusk, tusk tusk, this blood sea demon is really my lucky star, but I don't know if the Buddha's Vajra Volunteer Sutra has been lost. If it is lost, hehe." Cook looked at the blood sea demon and wondered to himself. Cook was not stupid enough to say it, because this servant was going to be turned over. If it was revealed at the time, hehe, it is estimated that Cook's life will be difficult.

Daomen of the big world, immortal doors, Buddhism, more than one hundred big and small sects, as well as some super sect heads, have gathered together quietly, which makes other Daoist, immortal, and Buddhist sects. The leader wondered what happened to Nima,

"Good thing, good thing, the clone of Blood Sea Demon Lord, I asked someone to see what Leng Feng brought back. It is indeed the thing of Blood Sea Demon Lord. I did not expect this Blood Sea Demon Lord to be planted like this." The head of Mingxianmen's mouth opened with a smile.

"Hehe, Song Tao of our Dao Sect personally fixed the hairpin in the heart of this Blood Sea Demon Clone." The other Dao Sect Master's mouth smiled even more.

"Oh rice tofu, we Buddhism didn't shrink back from the demon and demons. Clearance did a good job this time." An old Buddhism monk couldn't help but said.

PS: The two chapters are published together. I originally wanted to write the avatar of the blood sea demon a bit better, but Cook's strength is too abnormal. With the immortal Buddha, the Tao falls into the stone, so there is no resistance at all, plus Cook made a despicable and shameless sneak attack and used the spirit fire. I just wanted to make the fight more exciting, with 200,000 words on the water, there was no way, so let's do it.

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